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Model Pengajaran Bahasa dengan Pendidikan yang Memanusiakan Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Modern, digitalized, high tech, global era characterized by the development of sciences has transformed human beings into  heartless machines with no sense of humanity and no concerns  of  their environment. Therefore, education should be packed with the perspective of humanism. Education should not be interpreted as a mere class teaching-learning activity; however, it should refer to the various processes and activities that  should be productive; creative; include skills development, personality, integration, and excellence; as well as moral and spiritual reinforcement. Education should be managed and directed with clear objectives in order to develop positive values in learners. Education should be able to create figures with solid and proven character and personality both in the field of science and humanity. Humanizing education is the capablity of producing humans with sense of "humanity", characterized by helpfullness; empathy; honesty; sharing with others; loyalty;  the willingness to take valuable lessons; being persistent and tenacious,; having high-respect of pluralism; tolerance; respect to others; patience; replied good for evil; always putting the good rather than evil, having continuous efforts to improve the quality of charity and kindness; humility; and sincerity. Therefore, the teaching materials must also be interpreted, filled, and imbued with the messages of humanity. These  entire  facts  mean  that  teaching materials are not mere “soulless and empty” materials since if it is, then the materials will be like an empty casket with no benefits to humanity. An approach of  humanism in modern era education is considered the most  appropriate solution since it does not work like a machines. This means the students, teachers, and teaching materials should also be “humanized” in order to achieve educational goals  optimally and in accordance with the vision and mission of education. This research discusses model of language teaching with humanistic perspective. Through language teaching with humanism approach, it is expected that, students and teachers may rediscover the "human side" that might have been lost and undetected.  Keywords: models of language teaching, humanism, teachers, students, the modern era.
Pembangunan Intelektualitas dan Kualitas Diri Perempuan sebagai Kekuatan untuk Menjadi Pemimpin dalam Era Globalisasi Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Zenit

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Can Indonesian women become a leader? To be a leader, one needs to be responsible, decisive,  ready to take risks,  consistent,  physically  fit, and able to manage his/her subordinates. Generally speaking, such qualities are rarely found in women. In fact, women are more dominated by their emotion, anxieties, unwillingness to take risks, and less knowledgable than men.  To became a leader, a woman must equip herself with optimal intellect and self improvement. If a woman can show brilliant intelligence and pleasing personality, she can become a leader. The author is interested  in  researching on the improvement  of  Indonesian women’s intellectual and personal qualities in the hope that these research tips, steps, or effort to enhance a wo,an’s dignity can be beneficial to women in Indonesia.   Keywords: intellectual improvement, self improvement , the power of women as leaders
Transformasi Pelabelan Positif ke Pelabelan Negatif sebagai Ekspresi Kekerasan terhadap Guru dalam Karya Sastra Era Modern Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Zenit

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Nowadays, teachers are seen or regarded as figures who are underestimated, ridiculed, or even have no power. Transformation from positive to negative labeling is an expression of violence, in the sense that there is a phenomenon of negative image towards teachers as a result of improper behavior of students. School has become an arena where students express their attitude and behavior violently in order to marginalize teachers. In this research, teacher labeling from past literature is compared with the present one. The data are collected from 1960s to 2000s literature, whereas linguistic expressions  are  analyzed by means of Critical Discourse Analysis. The  research  method is descriptive and contrastive analysis, while the technique of data collection is library research and interview. It is hoped that through this research the labeling of teachers to be fading, robbed, deteriorating, and banished can be alleviated. As a result, teachers will regain their positive labeling. Teachers with positive image are absolutely necessary. Transformation of positive  labeling  will  result in a condusive, effective, interactive and optimal teaching-learning process. The transformation of positive labeling towards teachers has to be started soon. In fact, it is the task of writers and literary people to appreciate  teachers  and  respect their status.Keywords: transformasi pelabelan guru, ekspresi kekerasan, karya sastra era 1960-an, karya sastra era modern, analisis kontrastif, analisis wacana kritis
Kearifan Lokal Bahasa dan Sastra dalam Masyarakat Lintas Budaya Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Zenit

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National character empowering is essential to overcome threats, barriers, or challenges coming from outside that can threaten the sustainability and existence of local culture products. One of the efforts to maintain and strengthen national self identity is through language. Indonesian language is rich in the local values. The local color  that  presents the locality found in inter cultural communication reflects the Indonesian uniqueness.  Intercultural communication significantly reflects the atmosphere and location, philosophy, etnicity, uniqueness, beauty as well as national diversity. Intercultural communication conveys the richness of various ethnicities and exposes the local heritage that refers to local color, including the Indonesian national identity. Local values can be used as an effective tool to guide learners to become individuals with good behaviour and high morality as well as having a firm national character. This research discusses the learning process which can be used as an impetus to emplement local values with intercultural perspective, namely local values  with vision and mission which appreciate  diversity and plurality, democracy, humanism, and national character development  Keywords: local values, language learning, intercultural community, national character
Papan Permainan sebagai Media Pembelajaran Kreatif Sastra Tradisional dengan Aksara Jawa Kuno Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Zenit

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Pada masa kini, sastra tradisional dengan aksara kuno di Indonesia dinyatakan hampir punah. Demikian juga, sastra sastra tradisional lainnya saat ini juga terancam punah. Untuk mengatasi ini, diperlukan pembelajaran sastra tradional yang sarat dengan nilai luhur dan nilai kepribadian bangsa. Akan tetapi, banyak dijumpai kelemahan dalam pembelajaran sastra tradisional ini, salah satunya adalah masih monotonnya sistem pembelajaran sastra di kelas. Penerapan metode mengajar yang beragam yang disertai dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran yang kreatif perlu didesain dan diaplikasikan, salah satunya ialah papan permainan.Kata kunci: papan permainan, sastra tradisional, kreativitas
Analisis Tekstual Wacana Korupsi: Penggunaan Diksi untuk Kata Kunci dan Ciri Korupsi Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Zenit

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This study is entitled " Analysis of Textual Corruption in Mass Media Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study ". This study uses qualitative with descriptive data presentation. The main theory used in this study is Critical Discourse Analysis of Three Dimensional Norman Fairclough focused only on the analysis of micro-level (textual). Meanwhile, supporters of the theory are the labeling theory, and the theory of the value of the expression. The data of this study consist of fourteennews discourses derived from the seven themes of corruption discourse published in the mass media throughout the 2011-2014 The discourse data are Bribery Case of Athletes Building Palembang, Social Aid Fund Fraud Case in Bandung, Bribery Case of Athletes Building in Hambalang, SKK Gas Bribery Case, SIM Simulator Inflation Fund Case, Bribery Case of Beef Export Quotas, and Chief Justice Bribery Case. This study aims to analyze and describe the diction.Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, analysis of micro-level (textual), corruption discourse.
Jargon Iklan untuk Produk Lokal sebagai Industri Kreatif Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Zenit

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In the era of globalization, traditional or local foods are regarded as ”second hand products” by our society. The existence of regional foods is not appreciated. Even in culinary business, they are not considered significant at all. In this case, the advertisement (ad) jargons promoting regional foods are not creative, boring, and outdated; consequently, their existence is ignored. Progressive ad jargons play an important role as a creative industry to support local products. In the omnipresent of foreign products, jargons as on of the tools can be used to improve the popularity and image of localproducts. This research will discuss creative, unique, and marketable jargons; for instance, chocolates products in Garut have the following brands: Cokelat Antigalau (Anti-stress Chocolate), Cokelat Enteng Jodoh (Easy-to-get-soulmate Chocolate), Cokelat Cegah Alay (Foolish-avoidance Chocolate),Cokelat High Quality Jomblo (Unmarried High Quality Chocolate), Cokelat Antikorupsi (Anticorruption Chocolate), and so on, and all of which have positive images. It is high time that Indonesian regional foods made use of ad jargons for local cuisines. Regional foods represented by ad jargons as creative industry are supposed to show their existence in the market. Local consumers must also have the confidence that our regional foods also have high quality, competetiveness, and poistive images compared to foreign food products. Therefore, both local producers and ad designers must work hand in hand to enhance the product positive images while creating consumers’ interests to buy.Keywords: ad jargons, language strength, creative industry, local products, positive images
Analysis of Interest Levels in Korean Studies Among Pupils and Students in Indonesia Manurung, Rosida Tiurma; Hee, Park Eun
Zenit Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Zenit

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Merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dimungkiri bahwa Budaya Korea sudah menyebar luas di Asia, bahkan di dunia. Masyarakat Indonesia sangat tertarik dan berminat kepada studi tentang Korea. Hal ini menandakan bahwa kebudayaan Korea telah memberikan pengaruh penting dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia dan khususnya memberikan pengaruh pada perilaku, gaya hidup, dan pendidikan masyarakat Indonesia. Dari studi Korea, dapat diketahui keunikan, kekhasan,keberagaman, etos kerja, perilaku, dan kekayaan budaya Korea yang dapat dipelajari dan boleh jadi dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas kehidupan dan untuk menjadi SDM siap pakai di perusahaan atau industri Korea di Indonesia. Berkaitan dengan haltersebut, dalam makalah ini akan dibahas tentang tingkat keberminatan terhadap studi Korea pada pelajar dan mahasiswa di Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data mempergunakan teknik kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi. Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk membuka program studi ilmu pengetahuan dan budaya Korea di satuan pendidikan tinggi sebagai jawaban terhadap peluang untuk menyediakan SDM yang mengenal budaya Korea.Kata kunci: budaya Korea, studi Korea, keberminatan pelajar dan mahasiswa
Pentingnya Studi Multilingual untuk Menyongsong AFTA 2015 Manurung, Rosida Tiurma
Zenit Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Zenit

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The significance of knowing ASEAN cultures, including multilingual languages, is an effort to accommodate the ever-growing needs to welcome AFTA 2015. From the multilingual study, it is known that the uniqueness, varieties, work ethics, and cultural richness of ASEAN countries can bestudied and used as refereces by local HRD to enhance the quality of life and become professional HRD to be employed in foreign companies or industries in Indonesia. Multilingual study can be an alternative to supply competent HRD in introducing ASEAN cultures. Multilingual study refers to the study of variuos languages. Multilingualism is a phenomenon that prevails in a community with several languages. The development of monolingualism to bilingualism and eventually to multilingualis caused by several factors. The developmnt of communication technology, globalization, and education has caused a shift in people’s need in languages and indirectly mixed up languages.Keywords: multilingual study, language interaction, AFTA 2015, professional HRD
Negative Labeling towards Teachers as Expression of Violence in Modern Literature Manurung, Rosida Tiurma; Suganda, Dadang; Cristiana, Davidescu
EDUCARE Vol 6, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: Previous to 1960, the literatures recognized teachers as highly respected figures. Upon seeing a teacher from far away, a student would hurriedly run to reach him/her and would lead his/her bike. It was considered an honor to help teachers in one way or another. Time and time in the past literature, teachers are labeled in such ways that the students would kiss their teachers’ hands to show them respect. The students would not hesitate to give their selves away to help cut their teachers’ grass. However, it is no longer the case in today’ literatures. The literatures repeatedly make fun of teachers, as well harassing and paralyzing them. It is ironical. Teachers have lost their positive label and are labeled negatively as the product of indecent behavior from the part of the students. Schools are becoming the fields for channeling violent attitude and behaviors to ruin the good image of a teacher. In this work, teachers labeling in the past and today’ literature are compared. Literatures from 1960s and 2000s become the sources of data. Language expression is analyzed with the help of Critical Discourse Analysis using the method of contrasted descriptive and analysis, while data are collected by the technique of library study and interviews. It is expected that the result of the research help put the teachers’ label (already fading away, corrupted, and falling onto pieces) on its early respected place again. Teachers with positive image are always needed and cannot be compromised. With the positive label of teachers, the process of studying and teaching can be performed more conducive, effective, interactive, and optimum. Positive labeling of teachers need to be started in today literature. Poets and authors have the central role to give appreciation for the teachers.KEY WORDS: Teachers labeling, violent expression, 1960s’ literature, today’ literature, contrasted analysis, and critical discourse analysis.    About the Authors: Rosida Tiurma Manurung is a Ph.D. Student at the Postgraduate Program of Literature Science, Majoring in Linguistic UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia; and Prof. Dr. Dadang Suganda and Prof. Dr. Davidescu Cristiana are the Lecturers at the Faculty of Humanities UNPAD Bandung. Corresponding author is: rosidatm@gmail.comHow to cite this article? Manurung, Rosida Tiurma, Dadang Suganda & Davidescu Cristiana. (2014). “Negative Labeling towards Teachers as Expression of Violence in Modern Literature” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.6(2) February, pp.161-168. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 26, 2013); Revised (January 29, 2014); and Published (February 17, 2014).  Â