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Journal : Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research

Mathematics Communication Skill Seen from Self Efficacy on Project Based Learning Model with Realistic Approach Assisted by Web - Video Handayani, Kristina; Mariani, Scolastika; Asikin, Mohammad
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to describe mathematics communication skill seen from self-efficacy on Project Based Learning model with realistic approach assisted by web-video. This mixed method research used sequential explanatory. The population of this research consisted of VII graders of SMP N 1 Bae Kudus, in academic year 2018/2019. The subjects were VII B students, selected based on three self-efficacy categories: high, moderate, and poor. The techniques of collecting data were mathematics communication skill test, self-efficacy questionnaire, and interview. The findings showed that learning by using PjBL model with realistic approach assisted by web video was effective. The descriptions of the skill seen from self-efficacy of the students within high, moderate, and poor categories on PjBL with realistic approach assisted by web – video were varied on each category. Based on 5 high self – efficacy students, there were 4 of them having high communication skill and 1 moderate communication skill. From 21 students with moderate self – efficacy showed 7 of them having high communication skill, 10 moderate communication skill, and 4 poor skill. From 6 students with poor self-efficacy, there were 2 students with moderate communication skill, and 4 with poor communication skill.
Treffinger Learning with Collaborative Assessment in Achievement of Creative Thinking Skill and Student Mathematical Disposition Roby Sugiarto, Dede Retno; Kartono, Kartono; Mariani, Scolastika
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The aim of this study is to determine the quality of Treffinger learning model with collaborative assessment on the achievement of students' creative thinking abilities and mathematical disposition. This study uses a mixed method with concurrent embedded design. Subject of this research is grade VIII students of SMP N 36 Semarang. Data collection on mathematical creative thinking ability was using tests, data collection mathematical disposition was using questionnaires and data collection on self-assessment and peer-assessment was using assessment sheets. The quality of learning was qualitatively valued from planning stage, performing stage and assessment stage. The result of mathematical creative thinking ability test was analyzed qualitatively using mean test, comprehensive test, mean deviation test and deviation proportion test, then an improvement test is performed on the selected student. Result of this research shows Treffinger learning model with collaborative assessment on the achievement of students' creative thinking abilities and mathematical dispositions is considered well both qualitatively and quantitatively. Improvement of creative thinking abilities and mathematical dispositions on selected student have increased. The result of this research showed there was a relationship between mathematical creative thinking ability and mathematical disposition.
Analysis of Van Hiele's Geometry Thinking Ability in the 5E Learning Cycle Model with Ethnomatematics Nuances in terms of Student Self-efficacy Wijaya, Teguh Ananta; Zaenuri, Zaenuri; Mariani, Scolastika
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to describe the ability to think geometry in terms of self-efficacy of class VIII SMPIT Assaidiyyah students in 5E Learning Cycle with ethnomatematics nuances. The method in this study uses mixed methods with a concurrent embedded strategy that supports the data obtained from the primary method. In this research, quantitative research is the primary method while qualitative research is the secondary method. The population in this study are all students of class VIII SMPIT Assaidiyyah. Based on the analysis of the description of Van Hiele's geometric thinking skills in terms of student self-efficacy, it is obtained (a) In the category of high Self-efficacy levels, students' geometric thinking skills are at the visualization level, analysis level, and informal deduction level (b) In the category of moderate level of self-efficacy, the level of students' geometric thinking ability is at the visualization level and the analysis level (c) In the low Self-efficacy level category, the geometric thinking ability of students is at the visualization level.
Geometry Thinking Ability and Self Efficacy in Problem Based Learning Geogebra Assisted with Self Assessment Widiastuti, Ririn; Kartono, Kartono; Mariani, Scolastika
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The application of learning models and the selection of learning assessments affect learning outcomes. Besides that, the use of interactive software can also make it easier for students to understand the concept of geometry. This study aims to explain the quality of mathematics learning and the ability of thinking geometry in terms of students' self-efficacy of learning of problem-based learning models assisted by GeoGebra with self-assessment. The study was conducted with a mixed-method approach. The study population was students of class XI Al-Asror Semarang Vocational School with sample class XI TPTU 1 as an experimental class and XI TPTU 2 as a control class. The results showed that the quality of learning of problem-based learning models assisted by GeoGebra with self-assessment of the ability to think geometry and self-efficacy in class XI Al-Asror Vocational High School Semarang was very good and the ability to think the geometry of students in the high self-efficacy group showed very good categories, self-efficacy was included in the good category, and low self-efficacy included in the good enough category. So of learning model of problem based learning assisted by GeoGebra with self-assessment can improve students' geometry skills and self-efficacy.
Critical Thinking Ability of Senior High School Students in terms of Mathematical Self Efficacy in Project Based Learning with Project Assessment Sa'adah, Daroinis; Masrukan, Masrukan; Mariani, Scolastika
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study has objectives to determine the effectiveness of project-based learning on critical thinking skills in terms of students 'mathematical self-efficacy and to find out critical thinking skills in terms of students' mathematical self-efficacy in project-based learning. This research was conducted at MAN 1 Semarang in academic year of 2019/2020. The researcher used mix methods with sequential explanatory. The research data were taken by means of questionnaires, observations, and tests then those were processed by completeness test, comparative test, influence test, and improvement test. The results showed that project-based learning was effective against critical thinking skills in terms of students' mathematical self-efficacy. Students with high mathematical self-efficacy have excellent critical thinking skills. Students with moderate ability in mathematical self-efficacy are having good critical thinking skills. Students with low mathematical self-efficacy have quite good critical thinking skills even though some of them did not achieved the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The project-based learning model is suitable for improving students 'critical thinking skills in terms of students' mathematical self-efficacy with high, medium, and low dimensions with a different time allotment for each dimension.
The Ability of Mathematical Reasoning and Self Efficacy Students in Learning Project Based Learning Assisted Moodle Al Ashari, Shoib Rizal; Mulyono, Mulyono; Mariani, Scolastika
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to find out students' mathematical reasoning abilities in Moodle-assisted Project Based Learning in terms of self-efficacy of class XI students at SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. This research is a mixed method type of concurrent embedded design. The subjects of this study were determined based on self-efficacy scores using a self-efficacy questionnaire for class XI students at SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. The results showed that students with high self-efficacy were able to master all indicators of mathematical reasoning: (a) able to analyze problems, (b) able to apply strategies, (c) able to find and use relationships from different mathematical domains, different contexts, and representations. different, (d) interpreting solutions and ways to answer problems, well. Students with moderate self-efficacy category can master three indicators of mathematical reasoning well. Meanwhile, students who have low self-efficacy are only able to master one indicator of mathematical reasoning well
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abduh, M. Faisal Agus Yulianto Ahmad Faridh Ricky Fahmy Al Ashari, Shoib Rizal Amin Suyitno Amin, Ihdi Ardhi Prabowo Arief Agoestanto Asna, Alivia Nur Astuti, Raras Setya Astuti, Sri Ady Azzahra, Tsania Rahma Bambang Eko Susilo Bambang Eko Susilo Bayujaga, Dian Bebyd Noverianto Budi Waluya Damaryanti, Desi Dwi Daroinis Sa’adah Dedeh Kurniasih Dr. Masrukan, Dr. Dwi Erna Novianti Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto Dwijanto, Dwijanto Dwijayanto Dwijayanto E. Sulastri Edy Soedjoko Eko Supriyadi Ellya Masturina Hamid Endang Retno Winarti Endang Setyowati Endramawati, Tyas Ayun Enika Wulandari Erik Santoso Fani Laffanillah Fani Fathonah, Ika Ariwanti Fauziah, Isyatul Fitrianti, Dwi Agung Habaib, Taufik Nur Handayani, Kristina Haqiqi, Muhamad Irwan Hasriani Ishak Hening Windria Hikmasari, Prihatina Ihdi Amin Imanuel, Imanuel Indriani, Mikke Novia Iqbal Kharisudin Isnarto Isnarto Isnarto Isnarto Isnarto, Isnarto Isti Hidayah Istiqomah Ambarwati Iwan Junaedi Iwan Junaedi Jannah, Anita Nur Kartono - Kartono Kartono Khasmarawati, Vinda Kristina Wijayanti Kurniati, Chrisvonela Neri Lathifatun Ni'mah Lutfiani, Nurul M. Taufik Qurohman Ma'unah, Siti Malik, Ibnu Malik, Ibnu Marthinus Yohanes Ruamba Mashuri Mashuri Masrukan Masrukan Megita Dwi Pamungkas Megita Dwi Pamungkas Meilon, Beny Misa’adah, Fedriana Moh. Asikin Mohammad Asikin Muhammad Kharis Muhammad Marzuqi Mujiasih Mujiasih Mukhamad Riziq Maulana Mulyono Mulyono Mulyono Mulyono Muwahiddah, Ulil Nila Ubaidah Nofiyah, Noni Nugroho, Samuel Defri Nur Hidayati Nurariva Siregar Nuriana Rachmani Dewi Nurmutia, Halida Eka Nursasongko, Aditya Nuzul Putri Rahmawati Onwardono Rit Riyanto Pradina, Putri Dwi Pranawestu, Aditya Pratiwi, Yuninda Diah Putri, Dwi Liana Wella Putriaji Hendikawati Rahayu, Yenrika Kurniati Rahayuningsih, Rista Tri Ramadhani, Istika Ratri Ratnasari, Dwi Indah Rezky Bagus Pambudiarso, Rezky Bagus Riza Arifudin Roby Sugiarto, Dede Retno Rochmad Rochmad Rochmad Rochmad Rosyidatul 'Ulya S. B. Waluya, S. B. Sa'adah, Daroinis Saiful Marom Saputri, Mike Sari, Fenny Tunjung Sari, Ratna Novita Sebastianus Fedi Setyaningsih, Lusianna Sri Solihah St. Budi Waluya Sudarsono Sudarsono Sugiman Sugiman Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sunarmi Sunarmi Sunarti Susanti Susanti Vera Dewi Susanti Wahyu Ning Dewi Kumalaretna Walid Walid, Walid Wardono Wardono Wardono Wardono Widiastuti, Ririn Wijaya, Teguh Ananta Winayus, Riyan Fikri YL Sukestiyarno YL. Sukestiyarno Yoni Sunaryo Yuningsih Yuningsih Zaenuri Mastur