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Penerapan langkah Polya dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Keliling dan Luas Persegipanjang Marlina, Leni
Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako

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ABSTRACT :The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of Polya phase that can improve student learning outcomes in solving word problems about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu. This type of research is a classroom action research. Plan of this research is based of  Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. Based on the result of the research learning to use Polya phase can increase the student’s learning outcomes to solving the word problem about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu, those are: 1) understanding the proble; 2) devising plan, 3) carrying out the plan;and 4) looking back at a complete solution. Key words : Polya Phase; Learning Outcomes; Word Problem; Rectangular. ABSTRAK :Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan langkah Polya yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi keliling dan luas persegipanjang di kelas VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Rancangan penelitian mengacu pada model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa pembelajaran yang menggunakan langkah Polya dalam penyelesaian soal cerita di kelas VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu, yaitu: 1) memahami masalah; 2) membuat perencanaan; 3) melaksanakan rencana; dan 4) melihat kembali pada solusi yang lengkap.   Kata Kunci : Langkah Polya; Hasil Belajar; Soal Cerita; Persegipanjang
Pendidikan Biologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi Genap 2013-2014
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACT The background of this research is the low yields of learning outcomes at Biology of SMA  N 2 Koto  XI Tarusan,  shown  by the average daily test  of students on the material ecosystem Biology and environmental pollution which are still under Complete Minimal Criteria   established the school. To overcome these problems, the teachers need to be creative using appropriate teaching strategies so that the learning can increase students motivation and interest. One of the strategies that requires involvement of the student is to implement an active learning strategy named The Power Of Two  and Student Worksheet. This study aimed to examine the effects The Power Of Two strategy to learning outcomes at Biology of Class X SMA N 2 Koto XI Tarusan Academic Year 2012/2013. When the study was conducted in May 2013, this type of research is experimental with a population  of  class  X  SMA  N  2  Koto  XI Tarusan  listed  in  the  school  year2012/2013 as many as 248 students and grouped into 8 classes, while the sample is X1 class as a class experiments  and class control X3 as the experimental class were taken by using purposive random sampling technique. The study design was a randomized Only Control Group Design. Based on the analysis results, obtained average achievement test on the experimental class was 70.25 and standard deviation  6.38,  while  the  average  achievement  test  class  control  standard deviation of 61.61 and 12.48 after testing with the t-test obtained t = 3.34 and t- table = 1.6705 means that t > t table, then the hypothesis in this study with 95 % confidence interval is received. It can be concluded that the use of The Power Of Two strategy with Student Worksheet has good effects on learning outcomes at Biology of class X SMAN 2 Koto XI Tarusan Academic Year 2012/2013.  
Penerapanlangkah Polya dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Keliling dan Luas Persegipanjang Marlina, Leni
Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako

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The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of Polya phase that can improve student learning outcomes in solving word problems about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu. This type of research is a classroom action research. Plan of this research is based of  Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. Based on the result of the research learning to use Polya phase can increase the student’s learning outcomes to solving the word problem about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu, those are: 1) understanding the proble; 2) devising plan, 3) carrying out the plan;and 4) looking back at a complete solution.
Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia

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This research is motivated by the lack of student interest in identifying the intrinsic elements of a play. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability to identify intrinsic element plays eighth graders MTs TI Batang Kabung Padang of City. This research is a quantitative research using descriptive methods. The population in this study is the eighth grade students of MTs TI Batang Kabung Padang numbering 110 people. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling which amount to 32 people. The results showed that the ability of eighth graders MTs TI Batang Kabung Padang of City identify intrinsic elements of the drama script by using the technique of inquiry are the qualifications Good (B) with an average value of 76 is in the range 76-85. Picture of students ability to identify the elements intrinsic drama script as follows: (1) the ability of students to identify elements of the theme are the qualifications More than Enough (LC). (2) the ability of students to identify elements of the mandate is at qualifying Both (B). (3) the ability of students to identify the elements that are in the qualification Good (B). (4) The ability of students to identify the elements that are in the qualifying groove More Than Enough (LC). (5) The ability of students to identify the elements that are in the background plays qualifier More Than Enough (LC). 
PERKAWINAN DI BAWAH UMUR PERSPEKTIF HAM (Studi Kasus di Desa Bulungihit, Labuhan Batu, Sumatra Utara) ., Nurhidayatuloh; Marlina, Leni
Al-Mawarid Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 11, No 2 (2010): Hukum Keluarga Muslim dan Tuntutan HAM
Publisher : Islamic University of Indonesia

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Paper below highlights the phenomenon of early marriage or underage marriage is happening in the Village Bulungihit, Labuhan Batu, North Sumatra that is with so many marriages occur with age that is still relatively young, especially from the candidates wife. Marriage is the case because of the influence of culture, arranged marriages, lack of education, economy, society is too free, and the willingness of the children themselves. Parents assume if a woman can read and write was considered sufficient, no need to continue their education to the next level. Because girls will eventually go back to the kitchen as well. With regard to the regulation of marriage rights under this age can be considered to violate the human rights provisions. Moreover, by manipulating the age of marriage will solve the problem, instead, will actually create new problems with regard to psychological kekurangsiapan child who married a minor. For that countries should take firm action against violations of human rights Keywords: pernikahan, bawah umur, Sumatra Utara, dan HAM
Pekerjaan Sosial Vol 14, No 1 (2015): Peksos
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial (STKS) Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.08 KB) | DOI: 10.31595/peksos.v14i1.47


AbstractThe main problem that had been studied was not confident enough of visual disability student in the Outstanding School (SLBN A), Bandung. The problem of the RA’s subject was influenced by irrational thinking. Model of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) with the theory of A-B-C-D to exercise the way of thinking for subject to be more rational as well as homework assignment through against anxiety of subject was the intervention that had been used to strengthen the self-confidence.The objectives of this research is to assess the REBT model through the theory of A-B-C-D and homework assignment to strengthen the self-confidence of the subject. The research methodology was based on qualitative approach with action research design, which aims to solve the RA’s problem. In natural condition, researcher must comprehend, deep explore and empathize on each process, activity, procedure, attitude, sense as well as behavior of the subject in related to confidence aspect.The result of investigation revealed that REBT model through the theory of A-B-C-D and homework assignment can strengthen the self-confidence of subject. The subject was prone to alter its cognition and as a result the emotion and behavior is changed. RA’s subject tends to intensive in socializing with his friends, courageously to give an opinion, better and consecutively in daily activities such as washing his clothes, made the bed as well as cleared everything up. Based on this research, it is recommended that the family of subject could continue the exercise that has been programmed in order to nurturing the subject in his daily life. For the next research need the improvement to obtain the best approach.Keywords: Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), self-confidence AbstrakPermasalahan yang dikaji adalah disabilitas netra yang mengalami ketidakpercayaan diri di SLBN A Kota Bandung. Ketidakpercayaan diri yang dialami oleh subjek RA disebabkan oleh adanya pemikiran irasional. Intervensi yang dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan model Rational Emotive Behavior Theraphy (REBT) dengan teori A-B-C-D dan penugasan pekerjaan rumah.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengakaji model REBT dengan teori A-B-C-D dan penugasan pekerjaan rumah dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan diri disabilitas netra. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian tindakan (action research). penelitian kualitatif dilakukan untuk menggali dan mengekplorasi makna dari suatu fenomena sosial yang terjadi. Eksplorasi makna yang didapatkan berada dalam seting alamiah yang tidak direkayasa. Action research merupakan suatu upaya mengujicobakan ide-ide ke dalam praktek untuk memperbaiki atau mengubah sesuatu agar memperoleh dampak nyata dari suatu situasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Rational Emotive Behavior Theraphy (REBT) yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri “RA”. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan semakin seringnya “RA” berkumpul bersama teman-temannya, berani menyapa dan memulai percakapan. Subjek sudah memiliki inisiatif dan rasa tanggung jawab terhadap diri, Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya keteraturan dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan rumah seperti mencuci pakaian, membereskan tempat tidur, merapikan pakaian dan barang-barang. Pekerjaan ini dilakukan “RA” tanpa adanya perintah atau suruhan dari pembimbing asrama.Kata kunci: Rational Emotive Behavior Theraphy (REBT), kepercayaan diri                        
JURNAL MEDIA KESEHATAN Vol 5 No 2 (2012): Jurnal Media Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Volume 5 Nomor 2 Desember Tahu
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (45.546 KB) | DOI: 10.33088/jmk.v5i2.188


helminthiasis is a disease caused by a worm or helminth. Worm disease is a neglected infectious diseases / Neglected Infectious Disease (NIDS), which can lead to declining health, nutrition, intelligence and productivity. Factors that could cause the high incidence of worm disease is sanitation, hygiene, education level, socio-economic, knowledge, attitudes, behavior and geographical conditions. This study aimed to determine the relationship Soil transmitted helminth infections with Hb levels in elementary school children in the fishing village town of Bengkulu. This study was a cross sectional analytic. Subjects were four primary school pupils in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. Large sample of 185 samples. Sampling with simple random sampling technique. Examination of faeces by direct methods. Analysis of the samples by using the t test. The result showed no significant association with Hb STH infection (p = 0.09), no significant relationship with personal hygiene STH infection (p = 0.89), no significant association with the school environment sanitation STH infections (p = 0.34) and no significant relationship with the environmental sanitation STH infection (p = 0.70) in the elementary school children in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. The school have to provide counseling so that maintain the health of the prevention efforts that can reduce STH infections in elementary school children.
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair dari Limbah Kulit Buah Pisang Lilin (Musa paradisiaca L.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bayam Merah (Amaranthus tricolor L. var Blitum rubrum) Diatri, Eka Aulia; Marlina, Leni; Zuhri, Rozana
Publisher : STKIP YPM Bangko

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The lack of utilization of waxy banana peel waste in Merangin District is a sourceof environmental pollution. Wax banana peel waste has the potential as a liquidorganic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the effect of giving liquid organicfertilizer from wax banana peel waste on the growth of red spinach plants and todetermine the dose of liquid organic fertilizer from waxy banana peel waste whichgives the best results for the growth of red spinach plants. The study used aCompletely Randomized Design (CRD) of one factor, consisting of 6 treatmentsnamely P0 (0 ml / control), P1 (10 ml), P2 (20 ml), P3 (30 ml), P4 (40 ml) and P5(50 ml) with 4 repetitions. The parameters of this study were plant height, numberof leaves, leaf surface area and root length. Data were analyzed using varianceanalysis and continued with Duncan test 5%. The results showed that liquid organicfertilizer of wax banana peel waste had a significant effect on the number of leaves,but did not give effect to plant height, leaf surface area and root length of redspinach. Liquid organic fertilizer of wax banana peel waste 20 ml dose gives thebest results on the number of red spinach plant leaves.
Identifikasi Jenis Lichen di Kawasan Objek Wisata Teluk Wang Sakti Andrea, Eastu Septine; Zuhri, Rozana; Marlina, Leni
Publisher : STKIP YPM Bangko

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This research was motivated by the lack of data on the types of lichen in the TelukWang Sakti Area and the research on the types of lichen in Merangin is verylacking. Lichen can be found in the Teluk Wang Sakti Area because it has naturalconditions that support lichen growth and development. The purpose of thisresearch was to find out and describe the types of lichen in Teluk Wang Sakti. Thistype of research used a qualitative descriptive research. The research method usedwas the method of reconassance (roaming). The location of the research wasconducted in Teluk Wang Sakti and on the edge of Jl. Lintas Bangko-Kerinci.Lichen found in Teluk Wang Sakti is 60 species including 11 genera and 10families : Parmotrema and Parmelia (Family Parmeliaceae),Graphis (FamilyGraphidaceae), Dichosporidium (Family Rosellaceae), Arthonia (FamilyArthoniaceae), Dirinaria (Family Dirinariaceae), Cryptothecia (FamilyCryptotheciaceae), Lecanora (Family Lecanoraceae), Megalospora (FamilyMegalosporaceae), Lepraria (Family Leprariaceae) and Caloplaca (FamilyCaloplacaceae). Teluk Wang Sakti Area has an average temperature of 27.9oC and82.3% humidity. While on the edge of Jl. Bangko-Kerinci crossing around thefactory has an average temperature of 42.2oC and humidity of 36%. The TelukWang Sakti Area is indicated to have better air quality compared to the edge of Jl.Bangko-Kerinci crossing around the factory, due to the lack of types of lichen foundand the presence of Parmotrema sp. type of lichen used as a bioindicator of airpollution.
Penerapanlangkah Polya dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Keliling dan Luas Persegipanjang Marlina, Leni
Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Elektronik Pendidikan Matematika Tadulako

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The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of Polya phase that can improve student learning outcomes in solving word problems about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu. This type of research is a classroom action research. Plan of this research is based of  Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. Based on the result of the research learning to use Polya phase can increase the student’s learning outcomes to solving the word problem about rectangular in VII A SMP Negeri 19 Palu, those are: 1) understanding the proble; 2) devising plan, 3) carrying out the plan;and 4) looking back at a complete solution.