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Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 02 (2020): Periode Wisuda April 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.996 KB)


Kebumen District has been given a number of primary rank in the category ofchildren's Worthy Regency (KLA), in 2019 Kabupaten Kebumen increased to the rankof Madya. Due to the increase in the ranking category in the year 2019 in Kebumendistrict as the child Worthy district, the research conducted by this researcher relates tothe strategy used by the District government of Kebumen in Developing KebumenDistrict as a child-worthy district. This research became interesting to be researcheddue to the increase in the ranking category obtained by Kebumen District.The research uses qualitative, descriptive research methods, with datacollection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Thesubject in this research is: the Office of Community Empowerment and village andempowerment of women and child Protection, District DPRD Kebumen, children'sForum district, village head of the temple, head of Adikarso village, SMP N 2Kebumen, Puskesmas Karanganyar, and society.The result of this research is describing the findings in the field that is inaccordance with the strategic plan of community empowerment and village andempowerment of women and child protection of Kebumen district which is an increasein capacity Institutional and capacity building of child-friendly services that increasethe establishment of the Village Child Forum, the establishment of child-friendlyschools and the establishment of child friendly puskesmas.From the results of this research, increased establishment of a village childforum, the establishment of child-friendly schools and the establishment of childfriendly puskesmas should continue to be maximally enhanced not only formalitiesmere. In addition, there needs to be an effort to increase the amount of budget that isdoing cooperation with private parties. Then conduct training for the parties related toKLA.Keywords: strategy, development, District worthy children
Pengawasan Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah terkait maladministrasi pelayanan publik. Studi Kasus Pungutan Liar Program Nasional Agraria Tahun 2017 Achmad Nur Fuad; Dewi Erowati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 03 (2019): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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A land certificate is an important document that shows proof of someone's ownership and rights to land. The complete systematic land registration program offers to people to make land certificates at a low cost. However, in its implementation there were many problems and irregularities encountered, especially the high collection of costs to the community. In 2017, Kudus Regency became one of the cities with the largest Prona certificate quota and there were often many problems in the implementation of Prona. Ombudsman Republik Indonesia is present as an institution that functions to oversee and resolve public service problems that occur in the community. Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah as the representative of the central Ombudsman supervised and tries to resolve the problems that occurred during the implementation of Prona in Kudus Regency. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The purpose  of using this method is to dig up data and information accurately and specifically, so that the data and information produced is complete and in-depth. Data collection techniques used were interviews with eight informants, literature review and review of documents relating to the supervision of the Ombudsman Republik Indonesia.The results of this study indicate that the supervision carried out by Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah in supervising Prona in Kudus Regency was in accordance with its functions, duties, and authority. Supervision carried out by the Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah is to conduct an investigation of its own initiative, conduct preventive supervision and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies. Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah tries to resolve the Prona problem reported by the public and Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah also sent suggestions for improvements to stakeholders to prevent problems from recurring. The thing that was lacking in the supervision was Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah did not involve the community in supervising Prona in Kudus Regency. Keywords: Supervision, Prona, Ombudsman Republik Indonesia Perwakilan Jawa Tengah
ANOMALI PARTAI POLITIK (Studi Komparatif Munculnya Calon Tunggal dalam Pilkada Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Lebak Tahun 2018) Ahmad Muzaki Alwi; Dewi Erowati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 01 (2020): Periode Wisuda Januari 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.309 KB)


Pilkada langsung memberi ruang kepada setiap warga daerah untuk dipilih maupun memilih kepala daerahnya secara langsung. Disamping itu, partai politik memiliki peran sentral dalam mengusung atau memberikan alternatif pilihan calon yang kapabel dan berintegritas kepada masyarakat namun fakta memperlihatkan bahwa sepanjang pelaksanaan Pilkada serentak dari tahun 2015 sampai 2018 partai politik tidak berhasil menciptakan suasana kompetisi di 23 daerah sehingga muncul calon tunggal. Dua daerah diantaranya yakni Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Lebak yang dalam sejarahnya belum pernah muncul calon tunggal meskipun petahana maju kembali dalam Pilkada. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti sebab negara dengan multi partai ternyata tidak berhasil memberikan warna dalam demokrasi di aras lokal padahal idealnya partai akan mempertahankan kekuasaan dan menempatkan kadernya di pos-pos jabatan publik.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan Studi komparatif. Metode ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan memahami suatu gejala sentral serta membandingkan suatu fenomena untuk mendapatkan jawaban secara mendasar tentang sebab-akibat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah Wawancara, telaah dokumen dan pustaka. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Calon Bupati Tangerang 2018, Calon Wakil Bupati Lebak 2018, tokoh-tokoh partai, bakal calon perseorangan dan Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum di Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Lebak.Hasil penelitian menunjukan munculnya calon tunggal di Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kabupaten Lebak tahun 2018 karena partai-partai tidak menjalankan peran dan fungsinya, partai politik tidak memberikan rekomendasi kepada bakal calon, bakal calon dari jalur perseorangan (Independent) tidak lolos tahap verifikasi berkas syarat minimal dukungan dan Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tidak mengatur batas maksimal jumlah partai dalam satu koalisi dan menghendaki pelaksanaan pilkada tetap dilanjutkan meski hanya ada satu pasang calon. Adapun penyebab Partai politik tidak mengusung calon dari kadernya karena yang pertama pesyaratan bagi partai/gabungan partai untuk dapat mengusung calon semakin berat dari 15 persen menjadi 20 persen kursi dan 25 persen perolehan suara sah pemilihan legislatif terakhir. Kedua, partai yang terkartelisasi yang hanya mementingkan kelangsungan hidupnya dan lemahnya pelembagaan partai dari dimensi kesisteman, identitas nilai, otonomi keputusan, dan pengetahun publik. Selain itu, terdapat faktor lain dalam mempengaruhi preferansi politik partai yakni kuatnya ketokohan Ahmed Zaki Iskandar di Kabupaten Tangerang dan Mulyadi Jayabaya sebagai orang kuat daerah (Local Strongmen) di Kabupaten Lebak.Kata Kunci: Calon Tunggal, Anomali Partai Politik, Pilkada
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 03 (2020): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.521 KB)


Kudus Regency has a public service effort that continues to be developed to provideeasy access for the community. One of the concepts of government management relating topolicy and development and followed by rapid technological development is theimplementation of services in the field of emergencies, namely the Emergency SingleNumber Service 112. This service is an integration between the central government throughthe Ministry of Communication and Information and the regencies / cities in Indonesia.Kudus Regency built this service under the name Garuda Unit 112. The task of this serviceis to receive telephone calls from the public regarding 24-hour emergency reports, so theresearch conducted by researchers was related to the implementation of realizing Garuda112 Service Unit innovations The method used was descriptive qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects in this study were Kudus Regency Communication and Information Office, Regional Disaster Management Agency, Garuda Unit 112 Officers and the community. The focus in thisstudy was according to the theory of De Vreye: 1) Self Esteem, 2) Exceed expectation, 3)Recovery, 4) Vision, 5) Improve, 6) Care, 7) Empower.The research results obtained were: socialization is still minimal so that there arestill forms of complaints and many trial and error calls made by the community, thenetwork / application is often unstable,the characteristics or character possessed byoperators and Garuda Unit 112 officers are already good in serving the community butincoming reports are not all emergency reports.Keywords: Quality Dimensions of Emergency Service, Garuda Unit 112
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 03 (2019): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.136 KB)


The purpose of this study was first to analyze community participation in tackling floods and the Tambakrejo area, and the second to analyze what obstacles were faced inovercoming the Tambakrejo area.The results showed that community participation in the handling of floods was very real, especially in listening to the emergency situation, but flooding caused additional regional financial burdens and surrounding communities, especially to rehabilitate and heal pre-damage community functions. The occurrence of flooding is relatively short and repetitive per year, the people copying are ready for further disasters and there are moreefforts to anticipate this, so that losses can be minimized. The implications of environmental care in handling natural disasters in the form of floods in Kampung Tambakrejo include seven interaction mechanisms, namely: (1) deduction (resistance); (2) information transfer (information sharing); (3) consultation (commitment not by consultation); (4) consensus andintake of agreement with; (5) collaboration; (6) enabling the absence of risk sharing (sharing risk-empowerment); (7) partnering and enabling (partnership and empowerment).Keyword: Community Participation, Flood Mitigation, Rob Tambakrejo
Peran Anggota Legislatif Perempuan Di Dprd Kabupaten Kebumen Periode 2014 – 2019 (Studi Kasus: Penyusunan Perda Pemberian ASI Eksklusif) Yuditya Firdauza Yasmin; Dewi Erowati
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 8, No 04 (2019): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2019
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.158 KB)


Era globalisasi ini banyak perempuan berperan aktif dalam bidang politik. Peran perempuandalam politik tidak lepas dari terbukanya ruang untuk berpartisipasi dan diterbitkannya kebijakanafirmasi. Selain itu, perannya di parlemen juga dapat melahirkan kebijakan yang pro terhadapperempuan. Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti sebab keterwakilan perempuan di DPRD KabupatenKebumen mencapai angka 28%, yang mana mendekati angka 30% seperti ketentuan berdasarkanaffirmative action. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang peran anggota legislatifperempuan di DPRD serta menjelaskan faktor penunjang keberhasilan ditetapkannya suatu kebijakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.Metode ini bertujuan untuk menggali data dan informasi mendalam, akurat dan spesifik. Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah deep interview, kajian pustaka dan telaah dokumen.Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota legislatif perempuan dan laki-laki, jajaran eksekutifserta organisasi perempuan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran anggota legislatif perempuan di DPRDKabupaten Kebumen Periode 2014-2019 dalam penyusunan perda tentang pemberian ASI eksklusifsudah maksimal. Keberhasilan penetapan kebijakan juga dikarenakan hubungan baik yang terjalindengan aktor-aktor yang bersangkutan seperti eksekutif, swasta dan organisasi masyarakat. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa keberhasilan penetapankebijakan tidak hanya dilihat melalui keaktifan dalam menghadiri rapat, kunjungan kerja maupunsurvey lapangan, melainkan dilihat dari berhasilnya anggota legislatif perempuan dalam menuangkangagasan-gagasannya ke dalam pasal-pasal pada kebijakan.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bumi Raflesia Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bumi Raflesia
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jpmbr.v4i3.1629


Anak usia prasekolah belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan gizinya secara mandiri namun sudah memiliki sikap tersendiri terhadap makanan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengenalan terhadap makanan sehat dan bergizi sejak dini untuk meningkatkan kesukaan mereka terhadap makanan sehat dan bergizi. Diharapkan dengan bertambahnya tingkat kesukaan maka asupan juga semakin meningkat, karena asupan gizi anak usia prasekolah merupakan salah satu fondasi untuk kesehatan jangka panjang, kekuatan dan kemampuan perkembangan intelektualnya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan edukasi mengenai Gizi Seimbang pada anak-anak prasekolah di PAUD dan TK First Dinara Pekanbaru. Kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk penyuluhan (zoom) dan pengolahan menu (video) yang melibatkan orang tua serta guru. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dalam bentuk pre-post test menggunakan activity book dan para siswa juga diminta menampilkan foto menu makanannya sebagai bentuk evaluasi terhadap penerapan Gizi Seimbang (Isi Piringku). Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan siswa (81,82%) dan para siswa telah menampilkan menu makan sesuai kriteria Isi Piringku (59,09%).Kata Kunci: anak pra sekolah; gizi seimbang; isi piringku
Academia Praja : Jurnal Ilmu Politik, Pemerintahan, dan Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 02 (2020): Jurnal Academia Praja
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36859/jap.v3i2.183


This study examines the political participation of the people of Tana Toraja Regency in the election of regional head of 2020. Factors affecting the decline of the participation of Tana Toraja community in elections 2015 can be used as a reference to increase the participation of voters in the 2020 elections. Moreover, studying the readiness of Tana Toraja community in the election 2020 at the time of important pandemic. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods. The technique of data collection through the primary data obtained from an in-depth interview to the resource originated from Kpud Tana Toraja, the political pseudo organization of the Indonesian Young bull and Tana TORAJA political observer. Collection of the secondary data by quoting books, journals, documents, online media. Data analysis techniques through data reduction activities, display data, and draw conclusions. The results showed a decline in the participation of Tana Toraja election year 2015 influenced by the level of political awareness and lack of public confidence in the government in anticipation of conflict between supporters of prospective partners. Moreover, the election of Tana Toraja year 2020 in the period of pandemic, predicted to decline the participation. Due to the high number of Covid-19 cases and voting in the rainy season on December 9th is the reason for society not to be present in the TPS.
MENJADIKAN PEMILIH PEREMPUAN KOTA SEMARANG YANG CERDAS MEMILIH DALAM PEMILU SERENTAK 2019 Fitriyah Fitriyah; Puji Astuti; Dewi Erowati; Nunik Retno Herawati; Priyatno Harsasto
Jurnal Pengabdian Vokasi Vol 1, No 3 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.435 KB)


The 2019 general election was the first simultaneous election, besides the voter turnout of Semarang City in the last election did not reach the KPU RI's target of 77.5%. This election socialization program was to increase the quantity and quality of voter turnout. The number of women voters in the City of Semarang is greater than men, so women are the target group. This program chose "Kelompok Arisan PKK RT" (neighborhood group) as the target group. Every neighborhood in Semarang has that group, whose members are housewives, who regularly hold monthly meetings. The program chose purposefully three "Kelompok Arisan PKK RT". The Implementation of the program through collaboration with members of the "Relasi" of KPU of Semarang City. The method used is a lecture, dialogue, and questions and answers. The results stated that the election socialization for the "Kelompok Arisan PKK RT" was able to increase the knowledge of women voters about the general election simultaneously.
Strategi Meningkatkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pilkada Serentak 2020 di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Salsabila Yumna Fadhila; Dewi Erowati
Politea : Jurnal Politik Islam Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Reformulasi Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam
Publisher : UIN Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/politea.v4i1.2829


This article will discuss the covid-19 pandemic has become one of the most serious problems in holding the 2020 simultaneous regional elections. These conditions have the potential to reduce voter turnout, therefore the strategy to increase public participation needs to be implemented even more strongly. In the 2020 simultaneous regional elections, the KPU has set a national voter turnout target of 77.5%. As an effort to achieve this target, the KPU has implemented a strategy to increase public participation as voters. Qualitative methods are used in this article, and data collection techniques are used through interviews with Head of the Technical and Public Relation Subdivision of the General Election Commissin of Central Java, Dimas Dwihangga Narotama, S.IP and documentation. The results and discussion revealed that the KPU implemented a strategy of maximizing socialization through social and virtual media by holding webinars. However, in-person or face-to-face socialization is still carried out by reducing the number of activities and participants and still paying attention to health protocols. The implementation of strategies through social media or online is more dominant in efforts to increase community participation carried out by each Regency / City KPU in Central Java in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections.