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The Probiotic Effect towards Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer Healing Process as Measured by Mucous Thickness, Reepithelization, Gastric Glands Formation, and Angiogenesis in Animal Model Lucretia, Teresa; Achadiyani, Achadiyani; Masria, Sadeli
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol 1, No 4 (2016)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

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Gastric Ulcer is a common side effect of Non-Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) use such as Aspirin. Probiotic has many benefits especially for the alimentary system, but the effect on gastric ulcer have yet to be explored. In this research we aimed to find the probiotic effect on histological structure changes during aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. This was simple random sampling animal experimental laboratory, that divided Wistar Rats into two main groups. Both groups were induced with Aspirin (300mg/Kg BW) per oral, once daily for three consecutive days,and subsequently the test group were given probiotic suspension (cfu >108/gr) per oral, once daily, for 14 days. Each subgroups were sacrified serially at day 0, 3, 7, 14. The gaster were collected and processed for histology examination. Better histological structures were shown in the test group at day 14. MANOVA result showed probiotics effect in enhancing histological structure changes during gastric ulcer healing process. Better histological structure changes were observed in mucus thickness; reepitelization, gastric glands formation, and angiogenesis process of the test group. As a conclusion, probiotic enhanced mucus thickness, reepitelization, glands remodelling, and angiogenesis in Aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. Key words: probiotic, gastric ulcer, histological structure, aspirin, healing process
Daya Antibakteri dan Waktu Kontak Infusa Teh Hijau (Camellia sinensis) Terhadap Salmonella typhi Secara In Vitro Setiawan, Dione Margareth; Masria, Sadeli; Chrysanti, Chrysanti
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 42, No 2
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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The hijau (Camellia sinensis) memiliki beragam efek farmakologik, di antaranya sebagai antibakteri. Salmonella typhi penyebab demam tifoid, masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di negara tropis terdapat 20 juta kasus dan 600.000 kematian per tahun di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui daya antibakteri dan lamanya waktu kontak infusa teh hijau dari berbagai merek kemasan terhadap Salmonella typhi secara in vitro dengan menggunakan teknik difusi sumur, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan ANAVA dan uji t-independen. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung pada bulan Maret-April 2009. Hasil menunjukkan infusa dengan konsentrasi 40% (b/v) kemasan komersial Indonesia memberikan rata-rata diameter daerah hambat 3,376±0,334 mm dan 3,571± 0,217 mm pada kemasan Jepang (p<0,05); 0,707±0,000 mm pada konsentrasi di bawah 40% rata-rata daerah hambat. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara kemasan Indonesia dan Jepang (p>0,551). Terdapat kekeruhan pada media cair Muller-Hinton dibandingkan dengan media kontrol pada konsentrasi di bawah 40% Teramatinya pertumbuhan koloni S. typhi pada agar Muller-Hinton konsentrasi 5% dan 10%. Tidak teramati penurunan jumlah koloni S. typhi konsentrasi kurang atau sama dengan 40% pada pengamatan waktu kontak 0 sampai 60 menit (p>0,05; á=0,05). Kesimpulan menunjukkan teramatinya daya antibakteri infusa teh hijau pada kemasan dengan konsentrasi 40%. Belum teramatinya daya antibakteri infusa dan pengaruh waktu kontak positif pada reduksi pertumbuhan koloni S. typhi pada kemasan dengan konsentrasi di bawah 40%.Antibacterial Activities and Time Contact Green Tea Infussion (Camellia Sinensis) Againsts Salmonella Typhi by In VitroGreen tea (Camellia sinensis) contains cathecin which has been reported to have various pharmacologic properties, such as an antibacterial agent. Salmonella typhi, as agent of typhoid fever, remains a public health problem in tropical countries; about 20 million cases and 600.000 deaths annually all over the world. Objectives of this research were to observe the antibacterial activities and contact time of green tea infusion againsts Salmonella typhi by in vitro experiment. The experiment took place in Microbiology Laboratory, School of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, March-April 2009. Methods: In vitro laboratory analytic study has been conducted on green tea infusion of Indonesian and Japanese commercial package againsts Salmonella typhi. The study used agar well diffusion method and analyzed by ANAVA and t-independent test. Results: Only at concentration of 40% (w/v), Indonesian green tea infusion gave an average inhibition area of 3.376±0.334 mm diameter, and 3.571±0.217 mm on Japanese package, while below 40% were 0.707±0.000 mm with no differences between both packages (p>0.551). There has been observed any turbidity in all Muller Hinton liquid media on both packages compared with control medium, also any growth of Salmonella typhi collony in all Muller Hinton agar at concentrations below 40%. Green tea infussion on both packages has been observed to have antibacterial activities at 40% but neither been observed at concentration below 40%.DOI:
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 43, No 2
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) merupakan salah satu galur multiresisten yang menjadi masalah kesehatan global sejak 50 tahun terakhir. Secara genetik, resistensi MRSA didasari adanya insersi mecDNA atau Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) pada kromosom S. aureus. Sejauh ini telah diidentifikasi 5 tipe SCCmec, yaitu SCCmec tipe I?V yang berasal dari isolat di seluruh dunia. Akhir-akhir ini ditemukan perubahan pola penyebaran, pola kepekaan terhadap antimikrob, dan perubahan kandungan SCCmec. Oleh karena itu identifikasi SCCmec menjadi demikian penting untuk mengetahui adanya perubahan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tipe SCCmec dari isolat MRSA yang diperoleh di rumah sakit. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Klinik RSUP Moh. Hoesin Palembang dalam rentang waktu Oktober 2008?Maret 2009. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi SCCmec tersebut adalah metode polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multipleks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 33 isolat (83%) memiliki SCCmec tipe III dan 7 isolat (17%) memiliki SCCmec tipe IV. Hasil ini berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya yang menemukan 100% MRSA di Indonesia memiliki SCCmec tipe III. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasi adanya perubahan kandungan SCCmec pada isolat MRSA yang berasal dari rumah sakit. [MKB. 2011;43(2):60?5].Kata kunci: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, polymerase chain reaction, SCCmecIdentification of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome of Mec  Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Using Polymerase Chain ReactionMethicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the multiresistant strains that trigger global health problem during the last 50 years. Resistance of MRSA is based on the insertion mobile genetic element mecDNA or Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) into chromosome of S. aureus. Researchers had isolated five types of SCCmec-type i.e. I?V. In the last ten years, alterations in the spreading pattern, susceptibility pattern, and content of SCCmec have been found . Identification of SCCmec is important to elucidate these alterations. The aim of this research was to identify the type of SCCmec from hospital isolates of MRSA. The research was performed in Moh. Hoesin General Hospital (RSUP MH) Palembang in the period October 2008 to March 2009. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplex method was used to identify SCCmec. The result showed that 33 isolates (83%) had type III of SCCmec and 7 isolates (17%) had type IV of SCCmec. These results were different from other researcher?s  founding that in Indonesia, all of MRSA have SCCmec.It is concluded that the content of SCCmec from hospital isolates of MRSA has already changed. [MKB. 2011;43(2):60?5].Key words: Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, polymerase chain reaction, SCCmecDOI:
Detection of Staphylococcus aureus’s Strain Similarity on Surgical Ward Nurses’s Hand and Nose and Post Operative Wound Infection Using Coa Gene Through PCR-RFLP Method Fauzia Andrini; Imam Supardi; Sunarjati Sudigdoadi; Sadeli Masria
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Vol 4, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.126 KB) | DOI: 10.26891/JIK.v4i2.2010.116-122


Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) remains to be the most important cause of post operative wound infection. Nursescould become reservoirs to transmit S.aureus through contaminated hands transiently, or through colonized nose.Strain polymorphism could be determined by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), using coa gene andrestriction endonuclease enzyme Alu1. There were 30 isolates of S.aureus’s infection, and 20 isolates taken from handsand nose of the nurses in charge. From 50 isolate positive S.aureus, PCR results showed single and multiple bandswithin 300 to 900 base pairs (bp) in length, and multiple bands within 200 to 600 bp. Five out of 30 patients (17%)showed no PCR-RFLP similarity with any of the nurses. Ten out of 15 nurses which hands were positive for S.aureus,has PCR-RFLP similarity with some patients. There was only 1 out of 5 nurses which nose was positive for S.aureus,showed PCR-RFLP similarity with some patients. Statistically, the proportion of the similar PCR-RFLP between thosesamples in this study is 0.12 (12%). Conclusion: Nurses had 12 % PCR-RFLP similarity for S.aureus with post operativewound infection.
Askariasis di Daerah Endemis Rendah Askariasis Tidak Meningkatkan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Aktif Ratna Dewi Indi Astuti; Herry S. Sastramihardja; Sadeli Masria
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 4, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.568 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v4i1.1601


Askariasis di daerah endemis seperti Indonesia menyebabkan polarisasi respons Th2 yang dapat menekan respons Th1 yang penting dalam perlawanan terhadap tuberkulosis melalui penekanan ekspresi IL-12Rẞ2 oleh IL-4. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari hubungan antara kejadian askariasis dan tuberkulosis aktif di daerah endemis rendah askariasis. Penelitian observasional analitik dilakukan pada 30 penderita dewasa tuberkulosis paru aktif baru dan 29 penderita tuberkulosis laten. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Bandung selama periode April–Juni 2014. Pemeriksaan telur Ascaris lumbricoides dilakukan dengan teknik Kato-Katz smear dan pengukuran kadar reseptor terlarut IL-12Rẞ2 dalam plasma mengunakan metode enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi askariasis pada penderita tuberkulosis aktif secara signifikan lebih rendah (5 dari 30 subjek) dari proporsi askariasis pada penderita tuberkulosis laten (13 dari 29 subjek) dengan p=0,019. Penghitungan jumlah telur menunjukkan semua subjek askariasis menderita askariasis intensitas ringan. Kadar reseptor terlarut IL-12Rẞ2 pada penderita tuberkulosis aktif dan laten dengan askariasis maupun tanpa askariasis tidak berbeda signifikan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah askariasis intensitas ringan tidak menekan respons Th1 dan tidak meningkatkan kejadian tuberkulosis aktif di daerah endemis rendah askariasis. ASCARIASIS IN LOW ENDEMIC AREA DOES NOT ASSOCIATE WITH THE INCREASE INCIDENCE OF ACTIVE TUBERCULOSISPolarization toward Th2 response in ascaris investation suppresses Th1 responses which is important in defence against tuberculosis. Such suppression is hipothesized to supress the expression of IL-12Rẞ2 by IL-4. The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between ascaris investation and TB in low endemic area of ascariasis that is endemic for TB. We gathered samples from 30 adult active pulmonary TB patients and 29 adult latent TB patients as control. The study was performed in Bandung during April to June 2014. Ascaris investation was established with Kato-Katz smear technique and the detection of plasma level of the soluble receptor of IL-12Rẞ2 was conducted with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We showed that the proportion of ascaris investation significantly higher in latent TB patients (13 from 29 subjects) compared to in active Tb patients (5 from 30 subjects) with p value 0.019. All subjects positive for ascaris investation had low intensity of investation in accordance with low endemicity. Also, the median level of IL-12Rẞ2 did not differ between active and latent TB patients with ascaris or without ascaris investation. We concluded that low intensity of ascaris investation does not associate with suppression of Th1 response, as assessed by IL-12Rẞ2 receptor level, hence does not associate with the increase incidence of active tuberculosis.
The Relation of Acid Fast Bacilli with Ziehl Neelsen Staining and Histopathologic Examination of Biopsy Specimens in Extrapulmonary TB Suspected Patients Yani Triyani; Maya Tejasari; Wida Purbaningsih; Sadeli Masria; Titik Respati
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.035 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v8i2.2527


Case finding and diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) infection are difficult to enforce in the field because not all primary services can do it. The 2016 TB Health Guidelines, the diagnosis of EPTB, is made by clinical, bacteriological, and or histopathological examination from the biopsy. This study analyzed tissue biopsy histopathologically and bacterial of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) slide stained (by Ziehl Neelsen method) associated with histopathological features in patients diagnosed with EPTB. The study conducted in the laboratory of Al Islam Hospital Bandung from November to December 2017. Histopathological diagnosis collected from 1,304 patients, with 760 noninfectious disease patients (58%), 461 infectious disease patients (35%), and 83 (7%) infectious and non-infectious patients. EPTB found in 10% of infectious disease patients. EPTB was mostly originating in neck lymph nodes (18 of 37 patients). The histopathological diagnosis of EPTB infection found that 36 of 37 patients showed granulomas (+), but AFB stained (+) found only in 6 of 37 slides. It is possible because of granulomas is a collection of several inflammatory cells. The lesions develop granulomatous defined by necrosis. There are fewer organisms that usually exist on the periphery both inside and outside the site of infection. This important immune reaction provides the body with protection from antigen recognition, very important in the case of mycobacterial infections. In conclusion, there is no relation between AFB and histopathological examination in patients with EPTB. HUBUNGAN ANTARA BASIL TAHAN ASAM PEWARNAAN ZIEHL NEELSEN DAN HASIL PEMERIKSAAN HISTOPATOLOGI PADA PREPARAT JARINGAN BIOPSI PASIEN TUBERKULOSIS EKSTRAPARUPenemuan kasus dan diagnosis infeksi tuberkulosis ekstraparu (TBEP) sulit ditegakkan di lapangan karena tidak semua layanan primer dapat melakukannya. Berdasar atas Pedoman Kesehatan TB 2016 untuk Pengendalian TB, diagnosis TBEP dapat dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan klinis, bakteriologis, dan atau histopatologis dari biopsi. Penelitian ini menganalisis semua sediaan histopatologis dari biopsi jaringan dan menganalisis pemeriksaan bakteriologis pewarnaan basil tahan asam (BTA) (dengan metode Ziehl Neelsen) terkait dengan gambaran histopatologis pada pasien yang didiagnosis TBEP. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium RS Al Islam Bandung dari November hingga Desember 2017. Diperoleh 1.304 pasien dengan sediaan histopatologis, diagnosis penyakit noninfeksi 760 pasien (58%), penyakit infeksi 461 pasien (35%), penyakit gabungan (infeksi dan noninfeksi) 83 pasien (7%), serta TBEP 10% dari seluruh penyakit infeksi. Sebagian besar TBEP berasal dari kelenjar getah bening leher (18 dari 37 pasien). Hasil diagnosis infeksi TBEP 36 dari 37 pasien ditemukan gambaran histopatologisnya dengan granuloma (+), tetapi dengan pewarnaan BTA (+) hanya 6 dari 37 sediaan. Hal ini mungkin karena granuloma adalah kumpulan beberapa sel inflamasi yang berkembang menjadi nekrosis sehingga lebih sedikit organisme yang biasanya terdapat di dalam maupun di luar lesi. Pembentukan granuloma merupakan reaksi kekebalan yang memberi perlindungan tubuh dari serangan antigen dalam kasus infeksi mikobakterium. Simpulan, tidak terdapat hubungan hasil pewarnaan BTA dengan pemeriksaan histopatologis pada pasien TBEP.
Hubungan Hasil Pemeriksaan Sputum Basil Tahan Asam dengan Gambaran Luas Lesi Radiologi Tuberkulosis Paru di Rumah Sakit Al Islam Bandung Nova Triandini; Dyana Eka Hadiati; Usep Abdullah Husin; Tjoekra Roekmantara; Sadeli Masria
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiks.v1i1.4329


Tuberkulosis (TB) sampai saat ini masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia, walaupun upaya pengendalian strategi directly observed treatment short course (DOTS) telah diterapkan di banyak negara. Masalah yang dihadapi di negara maju maupun negara berkembang adalah keterlambatan mendiagnosis TB paru. Keterlambatan dalam diagnosis dan pengobatan TB paru dapat berasal dari pasien atau dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui hubungan hasil pemeriksaan sputum basil tahan asam (BTA) menurut International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) dengan gambaran luas lesi radiologi pada pasien TB paru dewasa di Rumah Sakit Al Islam Bandung periode 2016–2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan crosssectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret–Juni tahun 2018 dan subjek penelitian ini data pasien tuberkulosis paru di RS Al Islam dengan minimal sampel sebanyak 76 orang yang dipilih secara purposive sampling dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa rekam medis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan BTA negatif dengan lesi minimal 21 dari 34, BTA+1 dengan lesi minimal 18 dari 23, BTA +2 dengan lesi moderately advanced 14 dari 21, dan BTA +3 lesi far advanced 16 dari 23. Hasil analisis Fisher’s Exact didapatkan nilai p=0.00 dengan kekuatan korelasi (rho) 0,51. Simpulan, terdapat hubungan cukup erat antara hasil pemeriksaan sputum basil tahan asam dan gambaran luas lesi radiologi pasien tuberculosis paru di RS Al Islam Bandung periode 2016–2017.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPUTUM EXAMINATION RESULTS OF ACID FAST BACILLI AND EXTENT OF RADIOLOGICAL LESIONS IN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AT AL ISLAM HOSPITAL BANDUNGTuberculosis (TB) is still a public health problem in the world, although direct observed treatment short course (DOTS) strategy control has been implemented in many countries. The problem faced in both developed and developing countries is the delay in diagnosing pulmonary TB. The delay in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB can come from the patient or from the health care system. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between sputum examination results of acid fast bacilli (AFB) according to International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) and extent of radiological lesions in patients with adult pulmonary TB at Al Islam Hospital Bandung from 2016–2017. This research was an observational analytic research with cross sectional approach. The study was conducted in March–June of 2018 and the subjects of this study were pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Al Islam Hospital with a minimum of 76 samples selected by purposive sampling and meeting inclusion criteria. Instrument data collection in the form of medical record. The results showed AFB negative with minimal lesion 21 of 24,  AFB + 1 with minimal lesion 18 of 23, AFB +2 with moderately advanced lesions 14 of 21, and AFB +3 far advanced lesions 14 of 23. Fisher’s exact analysis results obtained p=0.00 with correlation power (rho) 0.51. In conclution that there is a sufficiently close relationship between the results of examination of acid fast bacilli sputum and an extend of radiological lung tuberculosis patients in RS Al Islam Bandung from 2016–2017.
Hubungan Derajat Nyeri dan Klasifikasi Radiologik dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Osteoartritis Lutut Salma Nur Afina; Lelly Yuniarti; Sadeli Masria; Hilmi Sulaiman Rathomi; Susanti Dharmmika
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiks.v1i2.4351


Osteoartritis (OA) lutut merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat utama yang mengakibatkan nyeri dan disabilitas. Sampai saat ini masih belum jelas diketahui dampak penyakit OA lutut dilihat dari derajat nyeri dan klasifikasi radiologik OA dengan kualitas hidup pasien OA lutut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan derajat nyeri dan klasifikasi radiologik OA dengan kualitas hidup pasien OA lutut. Penelitian ini adalah studi analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sebanyak 85 pasien OA telah dipilih secara consecutive dan dinilai kualitas hidupnya yang terdiri atas delapan komponen menggunakan kuesioner SF-36, derajat nyerinya menggunakan numeric rating scale (NRS), serta secara radiologik berdasar atas klasifikasi Kellgren-Lawrence (KL). Penelitian ini dilakukan di RS Al-Islam Bandung selama periode April–Juli 2018. Data dianalisis dengan SPSS melalui Uji Kruskal-Wallis. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan mayoritas pasien OA lutut mengalami derajat nyeri sedang (50%) termasuk dalam klasifikasi radiologik OA moderat (43%) dan skor kualitas hidup 548 (265,63–728,5). Penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan bermakna antara derajat nyeri dan kualitas hidup pada aspek nyeri dan vitalitas (p=0,000 dan 0,005) serta hubungan klasifikasi radiologik OA dengan kualitas hidup aspek fungsi sosial (p=0,027). Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan derajat nyeri dengan kualitas hidup pada aspek nyeri dan vitalitas serta hubungan klasifikasi radiologik OA dengan kualitas hidup pada aspek fungsi sosial.RADIOGRAPHIC CLASSIFICATION WITH QUALITY OF LIFE IN KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS PATIENTKnee osteoarthritis (OA) is a major public health issue causing chronic pain and disability. Until now there is a little explanation on the impact of degree of pain and radiographic classification of OA on quality of life (QOL) in knee OA patient. The objective of this study was to clarify association between degree of pain and radiographic classification of OA with QOL in knee OA patient. A total of 85 knee OA patients were selected consecutively and assessed for their eight component of quality of life using the SF-36 questionnaire, their degree of pain using numeric rating scale (NRS), and radiologically based on the Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) classification. This research was conducted in RS Al-Islam Bandung during period of April–July 2018. Data were analyzed with SPSS through Kruskal-Wallis test. From the results of the study, the majority of OA patients experienced moderate pain degree (50%) and were included in moderate OA classification (43%) and QOL score of 548 (265.63–728.5). This study showed that there was a significant association between degree of pain and QOL on pain and vitality component (p=0.000 and 0.005) and association between OA radiographic classification and QOL in social functioning component (p=0.027). It can be concluded that there is association between degree of pain with QOL on pain and vitality component also association between radiologic classification of OA with QOL on social functioning component in knee OA patient.
Gambaran Sistem Skoring Tuberkulosis Anak di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Indramayu Tahun 2019 Aisyah Putri Rejeki; Uci Ary Lantika; Sadeli Masria
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiks.v3i2.7346


Indonesia menjadi negara endemis TB dengan prevalensi TB paru anak yang cukup tinggi. Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Kepadatan penduduk, tingkat pendidikan rendah, pola hidup bersih dan sehat, serta status gizi buruk menjadi risiko tinggi penularan penyakit ini terutama pada anak. Terdapat kesulitan dalam penegakan diagnosis disebabkan oleh kesulitan pengambilan sampel dahak pada anak. Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia menggunakan pendekatan sistem skoring dalam mendiagnosis TB paru pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran sistem skoring tuberkulosis pada pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Indramayu bulan Januari–Desember tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari 69 rekam medis pasien TB anak mengenai parameter sistem skoring. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 74% pasien didiagnosis TB anak dengan skoring TB ≥6 dan 26% skoring TB <6. Hal ini kemungkinan karena sebagian besar anak yang didiagnosis mengalami gizi buruk. Imunitas yang belum matur juga menjadi salah satu faktor risiko sistem skoring rendah. Simpulan, sistem skoring masih dapat menjadi pendekatan diagnosis TB pada anak. OVERVIEW OF THE CHILDREN’S TUBERCULOSIS SCORING SYSTEM AT THE BHAYANGKARA HOSPITAL INDRAMAYU IN 2019Indonesia is one of the endemic countries for tuberculosis, with a high prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in children. Tuberculosis is a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The density of population, low level of education, low hygiene and healthy lifestyle, and poor nutritional status are the cause of transmission of this disease, especially in children. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in children is quite hard due to the difficulty of taking sputum samples in children. For this reason, the Indonesian Pediatric Society uses a scoring system approach in diagnosing pulmonary TB in children. This study aims to determine the tuberculosis scoring system in outpatients at the Bhayangkara Hospital Indramayu in January–December 2019. This study used secondary data obtained from 69 medical records of pediatric TB patients regarding the scoring system parameters. The results showed that patients were diagnosed with TB in children with TB scoring ≥6 (74%) and TB scoring <6 (26%). These are presumed because most children diagnosed with TB have malnutrition. Immature immunity is also a risk factor for low-scoring system parameters. In conclusion, scoring can still be a diagnostic approach for TB in children.
The Probiotic Effect towards Aspirin-induced Gastric Ulcer Healing Process as Measured by Mucous Thickness, Reepithelization, Gastric Glands Formation, and Angiogenesis in Animal Model Teresa Lucretia; Achadiyani Achadiyani; Sadeli Masria
Journal of Medicine and Health Vol. 1 No. 4 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Maranatha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.73 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/jmh.v1i4.533


Gastric Ulcer is a common side effect of Non-Steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) use such as Aspirin. Probiotic has many benefits especially for the alimentary system, but the effect on gastric ulcer have yet to be explored. In this research we aimed to find the probiotic effect on histological structure changes during aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. This was simple random sampling animal experimental laboratory, that divided Wistar Rats into two main groups. Both groups were induced with Aspirin (300mg/Kg BW) per oral, once daily for three consecutive days,and subsequently the test group were given probiotic suspension (cfu >108/gr) per oral, once daily, for 14 days. Each subgroups were sacrified serially at day 0, 3, 7, 14. The gaster were collected and processed for histology examination. Better histological structures were shown in the test group at day 14. MANOVA result showed probiotic's effect in enhancing histological structure changes during gastric ulcer healing process. Better histological structure changes were observed in mucus thickness; reepitelization, gastric glands formation, and angiogenesis process of the test group. As a conclusion, probiotic enhanced mucus thickness, reepitelization, glands remodelling, and angiogenesis in Aspirin induced gastric ulcer healing process in animal model. Key words: probiotic, gastric ulcer, histological structure, aspirin, healing process