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Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Mengurutkan Bilangan Melalui Metode Bermain Pada Siswa Kelas I di SD Inpres 1 Slametharjo Mastuti, Sri; Idris, Mustamin; Ismaimuza, Dasa
Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online Vol 4, No 12 (2016): Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online
Publisher : Jurnal Kreatif Tadulako Online

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Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya hasil belajar siswa dalam mengurutkan bilangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar pada siswa kelas satu SD Inpres I Slametharjo dalam mengurutkan bilangan melalui metode bermain. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai sumbangan sebuah pemikiran tentang metode pembelajaran yang efektif, kreatif   dan diharapkan siswa lebih termotivasi dan tertarik dalam pembelajaran matematika, serta membantu meningkatkan kualitas mutu pendidikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang mengacu pada model Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart yang terdiri dari empat komponen yaitu: 1. perencanaan 2. pelaksanaan tindakan 3. Observasi 4. refleksi dan penelitian ini di laksanakan dalam tiga siklus, setiap siklusnya diadakan satu kali tatap muka.  Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan pembahasan diperoleh bahwa dengan metode bermain dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dalam mengurutkan bilangan pada siswa kelas satu di SD Inpres I Slametharjo Kabupaten Banggai.  Hal ini terbukti dari meningkatnya ketuntasan siswa dimana pada siklus pertama hanya 56% siswa, pada siklus kedua mengalami peningkatan menjadi 72%, dan pada siklus ketiga meningkat lagi menjadi 84%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode bermain dapat meningkatkan kemampuan belajar siswa dalam mengurutkan bilangan. Sehingga hal tersebut juga berdampak pada meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa di kelas I SD Inpres I Slametharjo. Kata kunci: Prestasi belajar, metode bermain, matematika
Profit Analysis of Small Holder Dairy Cattle Farm on Group and Individual System in Banyumas Regency Mastuti, Sri; Widiyanti, Rahayu
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 4, No 2 (2002): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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This research is aimed to study production, technical and the profit of group and individual system on smallholder dairy cattle farm. The research has been conducted in Banyumas Regency. Data collection was done by surveying about 80 farmers, Unit Output Price Cobb-Douglas Profit Function estimation employed Ordinary Leas Square (OLS) method. The different of variable from the result of profit estimation. Profit function analysis on group system showed that manpower pay, animal age, lactation period, lactation month and farmer education have a significant influence on the profit. Whereas, on individual system influence of manpower pay, animal age and lactation month were significant on the profit. Dummy variable showed that group system has more profit than individual system, it was because on group system; (1) has cheaper price on forage and concentrate cost, (2) has higher average of production result, and (3) has higher price of  milk per unit. (Animal Production 4(2): 94-100 (2002) Key words : Profit, Group and Individual System
Study Participation of Dairy Cattle Famers in Pollution Control Management to the Product of Milk Hendarto, Eko; Mastuti, Sri
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 1, No 2 (1999): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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Based on activity, the population on dairy cattle, can be divided into two kinds i.e. pollution around the farm and pollution on the product of  milk. In order to eliminate the potency of the pollution, then, the manages to control it is urgently needed. The research was conducted by the farmers in banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, the has aids dairy cattle from government. The aim of the research was to know of participation to pollution control management on the product of milk. Survey method and descriptive analysis were used in this research. The technique of sampling used to collected data by Multy Stage Purposive Random Sampling from Sutrisno (1981). The independent variable of this research was social characteristic of the farmers i.e. mean of livelihood, income of cattlemen, participation of cattlemen on social institution and type of animal production, meanwhite, the dependent variable was the manages of pollution control the product of milk. To know the level of  participation control of pollution the milk product by crossing of the between variable table. Based on the analyses, it was found that the participation farmers to the manages to pollution control on the product of milk was in the level of  “good”. (Animal Production 1(2): 63-74 (1999) Key Words: Participation levels, pollution, milk.
Consumption of evaporated milk of household level in Central Java Widiyanti, Rahayu; Mastuti, Sri
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 4, No 1 (2002): January
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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The objective of the research was identity factors affecting consumption of evaporated milk at household level in Central Java. Data obtained were the primary data of SUSENAS for Central Java in the years of 1993, 1996 and 1999, which were collected by BPS. Sampling method occupied was statified proportional random sampling. Out of 20.600 household populations, 600 units were taken as samples. Sencoric data of SUSENAS were analyzed by using Tobit model, estimating method of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) was applied. That was concluded that consumption of evaporated milk were influenced by its own price, price of milk powder, education of the mother, family income, place the family live, and environmental factor. Evaporated milk was treated as luxurious consumption. (Animal Production 4(1): 21-26 (2002)Key words : Consumption, evaporated milk, tobit.
Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto Vol 6, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Bidan Prada Edisi Desember 2015
Publisher : Bidan Prada: Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan Akbid YLPP Purwokerto

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ABSTRACT: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE QUALITY OF ANTENATAL CARE SERVICE AND THE PREGNANT WOMEN SATISFACTION LEVEL IN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER OF KARANGANYAR PURBALINGGA 2013. The using of health facilities were barely maximised so far, it happened because of people were not fully satisfied with the health services provided by the local government. One of causes was the quality of health service run by the local government was not fulfill the society’s expectation. The research to find out the relationship between the quality of antenatal care service and the pregnant women satisfaction level in public health center of Karanganyar Purbalingga 2013. This research was a analytic-survey research with using the cross sectional approach. The samples of this research were the 74 pregnant women in public health center of Karanganyar Purbalingga 2013. Moreover, the data analysis method used in this research was using Rank Spearman method. 45 people or 60,8 % of people were feeling satisfied with the quality of antenatal care service. In other hand, the amount of pregnant women feeling satisfied was 52 people (70,3%). Therefore, based on that two results, I believed that there was a relation between the Antenatal Care service (ANC) with the pregnant women satisfaction (p = 0,000). In brief, based on the data’s result, there was relation between the Antenatal Care service (ANC) with the pregnant women satisfactory in public health center of Karanganyar Purbalingga 2013. Keywords: quality of service, satisfaction, Antenantal Care
Didaktikum Vol 15, No 4 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Didaktikum

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Disiplin belajar siswa kelas VIII.2 di SMP 2 Wonokerto dari hasil pengamatan terdapat 12 siswa yang termasuk kategori rendah. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah disiplin belajar siswa dapat ditingkatkan melalui layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik diskusi kelompok dan untuk mengetahui hasil layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik diskusi kelompok. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 12 siswa dengan metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan dokumentasi, angket, dan observasi yang selanjutnya akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis “Interactive model” yang dikembangkan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik diskusi kelompok dapat meningkatkan disiplin belajar siswa dengan skor rata-rata 4,5.
Analisis Komparatif Ditinjau dari Pendapatan dan Efisiensi Usaha Ternak Itik Pedaging dan Petelur Di Kecamatan Sumpiuh Sugiharto, Indra; Hidayat, Nunung Noor; Mastuti, Sri
Syntax Literate Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
Publisher : CV. Ridwan Publisher

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-September 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui tingkat pendapatan dan efisiensi itik pedaging dan petelur, serta mengkaji faktor jumlah ternak, pakan ternak, pendidikan, curahan kerja, lama beternak dan pola pemeliharaan terhadap pendapatan dan efisiensi usaha ternak pedaging dan petelur di Kecamatan Sumpiuh. Metode pengambilan sampel yaitu metode survey dengan metode penetapan sampel kecamatan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan lokasi Kecamatan Sumpiuh ditentukan karena salah satu penghasil itik di Banyumas, sedangkan metode penetapan peternak menggunakan metode stritifed random sampling. Sampel dibagi menjadi dua strata yaitu itik pedaging dan itik petelur masing-masing strata diambil 30% dan minimal 30 responden. Itik pedaging jumlah sampelnya kurang dari 30, maka dibulatkan menjadi 30 responden. Jumlah responden itik pedaging sebesar 30 responden, sedangkan petelur berjumlah 49 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan student t test dan analaisis multiple regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara itik pedaging dan petelur pada variabel pendapatan dengan nilai signifikasi pendapatan sebesar 0,002 dan efisiensi sebesar 0,300. Terdapat perbedaan tersebut dikarenakan variabel pendapatan hasil ujinya kurang dari 0,05. Analisis regresi terhadap pendapatan mendapatkan hasil bahwa f signifikan sebsar 0,000000002 yang berarti bahwa jumlah ternak, pakan ternak, curahan kerja, pendidikan, lama berternak dan variabel dummy pola pemeliharan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap pendapatan dengan tingkat signifikasi 99% (p<0,01). Analisis regresi terhadap efisiensi mendapatkan hasil bahwa f signifikan sebesar 0,000 yang berarti bahwa jumlah ternak, pakan ternak, curahan kerja, pendidikan, lama berternak dan variabel dummy pola pemeliharan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi
Nigella Sativa Seed Extract Ointment Increasing the Amount of Healing Fibroblast and Collagen on Balb/C Mice Mastuti, Sri; Hadi, Djoko Tri; Chodidjah, Chodidjah
Sains Medika : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 8, No 1 (2017): January - June 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran; Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.685 KB) | DOI: 10.30659/sainsmed.v8i1.1006


Introduction: Untreated cuts in some period of time, caused by various reasons, can be a problem. Alternative therapy used to speed up the healing of the cut is Nigella Sativa (NS).Objective: to investigate the number of fibroblast and collagen by giving 40% and 60% NS seed extract on the cut.Methods: post test only control group design, 48 male balb/c strain rats were divided into 2 large groups, with each cage contained 24 rats. Each group then divided to 4. Each group is subdivided into 4. Nigella sativa seed extract ointment with a concentration of 40% (NS-40) and 60% (NS-60) smeared 3x daily for 7 days (fibroblasts) and 14 days (collagen). Evaluation derived from preparations using HE staining and Masson’s Trichrome respectively.Results: Mann Whitney analysis shows that the number of fibroblasts and collagen in the CG group, NS-40, and NS- 6 0 Higher than CN, P <0.05.The number of fibroblasts in the NS-40 and NS-60 was not significantly different compared to the CG, as well as CN-40 with CN-60, p> 0.05. While the number of collagen in CN-60 were significantly higher than CN-40, p<0.05.Conclusion : administration of Nigella sativa seed extract ointment with a concentration of 40% and 60% in cuts for 7-14 days increase the number of fibroblasts and collagen, resulting in a shorter healing period.