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RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN INDONESIA: Between Upholding Constitutional Provisions and Complying with Social Considerations Maula, Bani Syarif
JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN ISLAM Vol 7, No 2 (2013): December
Publisher : the State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel, Surabaya - Indonesia

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Human rights, including freedom of religion, are generally accepted and granted by all governments regardless of their ideology, political, economic, and social conditions. In a Muslim majority country such as Indonesia, ideally freedom of religion is considered to mean that the government allows religious practices of religious minorities or other sects besides the state religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths. This paper discusses Indonesia’s constitutional provisions concerning legal rights of citizens on freedom of religion, whether the government upholds the constitution as a concrete way to deal with human rights protection or it complies with some groups’ demand to tighten restrictions on “the Western concept of” religious liberty. This paper concludes that even though there are many provisions in the Indonesia’s constitution and in its legal system which is supportive of religious freedom, some governmental provisions were enacted based on social considerations, rather than to strengthen constitutional provisions.
WOMEN’S STRUGGLE ON POLITICAL RIGHTS IN INDONESIA: Social and Religious Studies on the Failure of Women’s 30 percent Quota in the Indonesian Parliament Maula, Bani Syarif
PALASTREN Vol 3, No 1 (2010): Jurnal Palastren (Januari - Juni)
Publisher : PALASTREN

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Hak perempuan untuk berpartisipasi dalam kehidupan publik atas dasar kesetaraannya dengan laki-laki tertulis dalam dan dijamin oleh konvensi internasional. Untuk membuat peluang perempuan lebih besar dalam kontestasi politik, perempuan memerlukan ketentuan khusus untuk memungkinkan mereka bisa terpilih atau ditunjuk dalam posisi pengambilan keputusan tingkat tinggi, yaitu dengan cara mempromosikan ide bahwa 30 persen dari keanggotaan badan legislatif diperlukan sebagai upaya yang akan memungkinkan suatu perubahan penting dalam suatu kebijakan. Oleh karena itu, kuota gender dalam pemilu digunakan sebagai langkah khusus untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan. Dalam konteks Indonesia, jumlah partisipasi perempuan Indonesia dalam kehidupan politik telah menjadi perhatian yang cukup lama dalam sebuah masyarakat demokratis ini. Meskipun persentase perempuan pemegang jabatan pada umumnya meningkat sejak pertengahan abad ke-20, perempuan tetap kurang terwakili karena berbagai faktor, bisa karena politik, sosial ekonomi, dan budaya. Perempuan anggota parlemen juga bukanlah sebuah pengecualian. Rendahnya representasi (keterwakilan) perempuan di lembaga legislatif di tingkat nasional telah menjadi perhatian serius perempuan Indonesia. Setelah menjalani perjuangan yang panjang, akhirnya mereka berhasil menghasilkan sebuah ketentuan tentang kuota 30 persen bagi perempuan dimasukkan dalam UU Pemilihan Umum (UU No 12/2003), meskipun belum menjadi suatu kerarusan (non compulsory quota). Hasilnya, pada pemilu tahun 2004 (untuk periode 2004-2009 parlemen) perempuan hanya memperoleh 11 persen kursi di parlemen nasional, sedangkan pada pemilu 2009 (untuk periode 2009-2014) perempuan hanya menerima 18 persen saja. Persepsi yang berkelanjutan tentang adanya dikotomi antara lingkup kehidupan keluarga dan masyarakat (publik) telah menyulitkan perempuan untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam kehidupan politik. Makalah ini melihat bahwa hambatan terbesar untuk keterpilihan perempuan ada dalam sistem masyarakat Indonesia yang patriarki, ditambah lagi karena adanya faktor tradisi budaya dan interpretasi agama yang bias gender. Partisipasi perempuan dalam kehidupan politik seraca terus-menerus didasarkan pada peran tradisional mereka dan peran biologisnya sebagai istri dan ibu, yang dianggap oleh banyak orang Indonesia sebagai satu-satunya peran penting bagi perempuan. Selain itu, kebijakan negara tentang perubahan pada sistem pemilu dari semi-terbuka (semi-open list) menjadi sistem terbuka (full open-list system of proportional representation) menjadi tantangan besar lainnya bagi perempuan untuk mendapatkan akses dan kesempatan yang sama dengan laki-laki dalam mengekspresikan hak-hak politiknya di Indonesia. Keywords: women’s political rights, women’s quota, electoral system
Indonesian Muslim Women: Between Culture, Religion, and Politics Maula, Bani Syarif
Ijtimāiyya: Journal of Muslim Society Research Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Institute on Islamic Studies Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (592.932 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ijtimaiyya.v1i1.930


Islam in Indonesia is culturally very different from that in the Middle East, particularly related to a tradition of greater freedom for women in public places. In Indonesia, there are many women entering public and political arena and even women are seeking and achieving unprecedented power and influence in public life. However, there are some barriers from religion and culture that give burdens to women to express their political views and to involve in public life. Very often women who want to enter politics find that the political and public environment is not conducive to their participation. This paper discusses cultural, religious, and political factors of the difficulties faced by Indonesian Muslim women to participate freely in public and political lives. This paper looks at how women’s status in cultural and social structure influences the involvement of women in political activities. This study is a philosophical investigation of the value of culture, religion, and politics to Indonesian women in democratic practices. With the use of intensive reading of books and other information sources, together with policy document analysis, the study aims to explore the problems and possibilities of putting the visions of democracy into practice in contemporary Indonesian women, to explore the nature of culture, religion, and politics in Indonesia in influencing women’s political activism, and to understand both the status of Muslim women and the dynamics of Muslim societies in Indonesia. This paper concludes that women are still under-represented in public and political institutions in Indonesia. The long struggle of women’s movement for equal rights has not been easy due to the cultural and religious reasons.
Islam dan Modernitas: Pandangan Muslim terhadap Perkembangan Sosial, Politik dan Sains Maula, Bani Syarif
FIKRAH Vol 5, No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Prodi Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ushuluddin, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/fikrah.v5i2.2234


Islam is always highlighted by the world, among others in relation to the values of modernity, since some Muslims indeed reject the values contained in the modernity. This paper explains the Muslim response to the values of modernity in the social and political field, as well as the field of science. The social and political field explains issues of nationalism, democratization, and human rights. While in the field of science will highlight the issue of Muslim view of the theory of evolution. A theory that forms the basis for the development of modern science. The modernity that plagues the Islamic world, with all its positive-negative effects, becomes a challenge that Muslims must face today in contemporary times. Muslims are required to work extra hard to develop their potential to solve the problem. Tajdid and ijtihad are efforts by Muslims to preserve and preserve Islamic teachings to conform to modern values.
MAGHZA Vol 2 No 2 (2017): Juli - Desember 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora (FUAH), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1526.699 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/maghza.v2i2.1569


Ecological consciousness in the mid-20th century had a direct effect on the Muslim theological view toward nature. Environmental degradation requires the awareness of all humanity to restore the world to a normal ecological ecosystem based on natural laws, including awareness based on religious texts because Western model conservation is not always in accordance with all cultures and traditions in the world. This paper explains the values contained in the Qur'an associated with ecological awareness because the Qur'an contains the teachings about nature conservation contained in its verses, ranging from problems the creation of the universe until the prohibition of destruction on the face of the earth. The concept of balance (Mizan) and the concept of Islamic Leadership (khalifah) in the Qur'an become the main principle to create social harmony and balance of nature as a foundation to form religious ethics on social life and treatment of nature ethics).
The Role Of Judicial Review In Protecting Religious Minority Rights In Indonesia Maula, Bani Syarif
Veteran Law Review Vol 1, No 1 (2018): November
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.639 KB) | DOI: 10.35586/velrev.v1i1.389


Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and Muslims in this country live in a pluralistic society harmoniously in their daily life. The absence of any reference to Islam in the Constitution shows that Indonesia is open to all religions besides Islam. The harmony of relationship among religious followers is preserved in the Indonesian constitution that acknowledges all of citizens have the religious freedom, which the state has to respect, protect and fulfill. The general idea of preserving the rights of religious freedom lies in the history of protecting religious minorities, and it is universally acceptable as one of the foundations of a democratic society. Therefore, ideally, a law which limits civil rights should never threaten the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, or impose limitations to those rights solely on the grounds of religious, political or other views. If the notion of protecting rights is as such, then the question arises is what mechanism can protect human rights as constitutional rights of citizens? The best legal mechanism in this context is to challenge the state and constitutional issues through the courts by means of the judicial review. This paper examines whether the judicial review as one of the best mechanisms to protect constitutional rights of citizens can be a concrete way to deal with human rights protection by challenging the state through the court. This paper concludes that the judicial review of executive acts and legislative power is very likely to be able to protect religious minority rights in Indonesia.
Kajian al-Ahwal al-Syakhsiyyah dengan Pendekatan Maqasid al-Syari'ah Maula, Bani Syarif
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 8 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

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Selama ini kajian al-Ahwal asy-Syakhsiyah seringkali hanya didasarkan pada ketentuan-ketentuan yang diambil dari kitab-kitab fiqih saja sehingga ia dikaji dengan tanpa melihat makna filosofis di dalamnya. Makalah ini melakukan kajian terhadap al-Ahwal asy-Syakhsiyah, yang merupakan studi di bidang hukum keluarga. Kajian ini perlu dilakukan agar aspek legal reasoning (proses ijtihad) dalam istinbat hukum bidang ini bisa dilihat secara cermat. Karena itulah pendekatan tujuan hukum (maqasid asy-syari’ah) penting digunakan agar penerapan hukum Islam dapat diarahkan untuk membentuk suatu tatanan masyarakat yang didasarkan pada kebaikan dan keadilan serta bersih dari kerusakan dan ketimpangan sosial. Urgensi aspek filosofis dan sosiologis dalam kajian ini terlihat pada penggunaan analisis dampak hukum (an-nazar fi al-ma’alat) dalam upaya penggalian maqasid asy-syari’ah. Penerapan metode ini bisa dilihat dalam kasus penentuan hukum pernikahan dengan ahli kitab, persaksian dalam talak, dan wasiat wajib.
Religious Freedom in Indonesia and Malaysia in the Constitutional Comparative Perspective (The Cases of Judicial Review in Blasphemous Offences) Maula, Bani Syarif
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Purwokerto

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Makalah ini membahas jaminan kebebasan beragama dalam konstitusi dua negara, yaitu Indonesia dan Malaysia, dan apakah judicial review bisa menjadi mekanisme terbaik untuk melindungi hak konstitusional warganegara dari kedua negara tersebut. Makalah ini berkesimpulan bahwa Indonesia dan Malaysia memiliki karakteristik konstitusi yang berbeda dalam hal ketentuan-ketentuan perlindungan kebebasan beragama. Namun demikian, judicial review di kedua negara tersebut bisa menjadi perlindungan bagi hak-hak agama minoritas, meskipun dalam prakteknya tidak selalu demikian, seperti dalam kasus judicial review undang-undang anti penodaan agama di Indonesia. Memang idealnya, judicial review merupakan cara yang paling efektif dalam menguji undang-undang yang merugikan kaum minoritas, dan juga judicial review seharusnya diletakkan sebagai faktor penting untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia.
Yinyang: Jurnal Studi Islam Gender dan Anak Vol 9 No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak (PSGA) IAIN Purwokerto

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Abstrak: Berbagai bentuk diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang selama ini terjadi telah menghambat persamaan hak antara perempuan dan laki-laki dalam masyarakat Islam. Salah satu akar masalahnya adalah adanya tafsir agama yang bias gender, karena pada dasarnya pemahaman umat Islam terhadap posisi perempuan baik di dalam kehidupan domestik (rumah tangga) maupun di wilayah publik (sosial) pada umumnya sangat diwarnai oleh ajaran agama. Karena itulah, pembacaan ulang tafsir-tafsir ajaran Islam untuk memahami kesetaraan gender dirasa perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya untuk menjawab problematika umat Islam dalam menghadapi arus deras demokratisasi di mana wacana hak asasi manusia dan kesetaraan menjadi isu utamanya. Untuk melakukan itu, maka metodologi penafsiran ajaran Islam harus direkonstruksi dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan dan analisis yang bisa membuka adanya kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru dalam pembacaan al-Qur’an dan hadis sebagai seumber utama ajaran Islam. Abstract: Various forms of discrimination against women that have happened until present days hinder equality between women and men in Muslim society. One of the roots of that problem is the existence of gender-biased religious interpretations, because basically Muslim understanding of women's position both in domestic life (household) and in public areas (social) is generally highly influenced by religious teachings. Therefore, rereading interpretations of Islamic teachings to understand gender equality should be considered as an attempt to answer the problems of Muslims in facing strong currents of democratization, in which the discourse of human rights and equality become its major issue. In doing so, the interpretation of Islamic teaching methodology should be reconstructed using analytical approaches that could open up any new possibilities in the reading of the Qur'an and Hadith as the primary source of Islamic teachings. Kata Kunci: Reinterpretasi, Analaisis Gender, dan Kesetaraan Gender.
The Role Of Judicial Review In Protecting Religious Minority Rights In Indonesia Maula, Bani Syarif
Veteran Law Review Vol 1, No 1 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.639 KB) | DOI: 10.35586/velrev.v1i1.389


Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and Muslims in this country live in a pluralistic society harmoniously in their daily life. The absence of any reference to Islam in the Constitution shows that Indonesia is open to all religions besides Islam. The harmony of relationship among religious followers is preserved in the Indonesian constitution that acknowledges all of citizens have the religious freedom, which the state has to respect, protect and fulfill. The general idea of preserving the rights of religious freedom lies in the history of protecting religious minorities, and it is universally acceptable as one of the foundations of a democratic society. Therefore, ideally, a law which limits civil rights should never threaten the freedom of thought, conscience and religion, or impose limitations to those rights solely on the grounds of religious, political or other views. If the notion of protecting rights is as such, then the question arises is what mechanism can protect human rights as constitutional rights of citizens? The best legal mechanism in this context is to challenge the state and constitutional issues through the courts by means of the judicial review. This paper examines whether the judicial review as one of the best mechanisms to protect constitutional rights of citizens can be a concrete way to deal with human rights protection by challenging the state through the court. This paper concludes that the judicial review of executive acts and legislative power is very likely to be able to protect religious minority rights in Indonesia.