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Journal : Sabua : Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan dan Arsitektur

Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Pengembangan Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman di Kecamatan Talawaan Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Farrel Lambris; Reny Syafriny; Ricky Lakat
Sabua : Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan dan Arsitektur Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): SABUA : JURNAL LINGKUNGAN BINAAN DAN ARSITEKTUR
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35793/sabua.v10i1.34457


Land suitability is a measurement of a certain land use whether it is in accordance with the land capability in terms of land cover ratio directions, building height directions, raw water utilization directions, and land capacity. This research was conducted in Talawaan Subdistrict, North Minahasa Regency to determine the spatial capacity and suitability of the land carrying capacity in Talawaan Subdistrict for the development of large-scale new settlement functions based on the Regional Regulation of North Minahasa Regency Number 1 of 2013 about Regional Spatial Planning for North Minahasa Regency 2013- 2033. The method used is descriptive analysis method and overlay of various basic physical maps, such as maps of morphology, topography, geology, soil types, hydrology, rainfall, land use, natural disasters, and land capability unit maps obtained later. The results of this study indicated that the land in Talawaan District is feasible to develop for new residential functions on a massive scale by taking into account the applicable technical terms and conditions. Keyword: Land Capability, Land Suitability, Talawaan Subdistrict.
Implementasi CHSE Pada Kawasan Wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan: Implementation of CHSE in Tourist Areas in Bolaang Uki District, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency Afra Khairunnisa Bangkiang; Reny Syafriny; Frits O. P. Siregar
Sabua : Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan dan Arsitektur Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): SABUA : JURNAL LINGKUNGAN BINAAN DAN ARSITEKTUR
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Penerapan protokol kesehatan pada kawasan wisata sangat diperlukan karena pada tahun 2020 dunia diguncang oleh penyebaran pandemi wabah virus COVID-19. Kecamatan Bolaang Uki menjadi salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan yang ikut dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan CHSE (Cleanliness, Healty, Safety, Environment Sustainability) pada kawasan wisata. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting obyek wisata terhadap pedoman pelaksanaan CHSE pada kawasan wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki pada masa pandemi dan mengetahui kesesuaian implementasi CHSE terhadap pedoman pelaksanaan CHSE pada kawasan wisata di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki pada masa pandemi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan dari data yang diperoleh melalui observasi langsung, kuesioner dan wawancara dan menggunakan teknik analisis skoring. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dan analisis dapat diketahui bahwa kesesuaian implementasi CHSE di Kecamatan Bolaang Uki adalah mendekati tidak sesuai untuk penerapan protokol kesehatan pada pada keempat obyek wisata yaitu ekowisata Mangrove Panango, wisata Pantai Sondana, wisata Pantai Tersakiti dan ekowisata Mangrove Dudepo. Kata kunci: Kawasan Wisata; COVID-19; CHSE. Abstract The implementation of health protocols in tourist areas is very necessary because in 2020 the world was shaken by the spread of the COVID-19 virus outbreak pandemic. Bolaang Uki Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts in South Bolaang Mongondow Regency that participates in the implementation of CHSE (Cleanliness, Healty, Safety, Environment Sustainability) health protocols in tourist areas. The purpose of this study is to identify the existing conditions of tourist objects against the guidelines for the implementation of CHSE in tourist areas in Bolaang Uki District during the pandemic and find out the suitability of CHSE implementation to the guidelines for implementing CHSE in tourist areas in Bolaang Uki District during the pandemic. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method with from data obtained through direct observation, questionnaires and interviews and using scoring analysis techniques. Based on the results of the study and analysis, it can be seen that the suitability of CHSE implementation in Bolaang Uki District is close to being inappropriate for the implementation of health protocols in the four tourist attractions, namely Panango Mangrove ecotourism, Sondana Beach tourism, Tersakiti Beach tourism and Dudepo Mangrove ecotourism. Keyword: Tourist Area; COVID-19; CHSE.