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Kaji Eksperimental Efek Separasi Flow Pada Arah Radial Terhadap Performa Rectangular Elbow Dengan Variasi Bilangan Reynolds Drajat Indah Mawarni
SIMETRIS Vol 9 No 1 (2015): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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This study aimed to determine the effects of flow separation on the distribution pattern statics pressure recovery in the flow through the rectangular elbow. The study was conducted experimentally by measuring the static pressure at the area of radius r at the center of curvature. Pressure measurements were made with three variations of the Reynolds number (Re). The results of the measurement of static pressure generally indicates that the flow pattern in the radial direction is formed does not undergo significant changes with the change of Reynolds number / flow rate. The results of measurement obtained information that has outerwall side pressure coefficient (Cp) is positive, while in the inner side wall has a pressure coefficient (Cp) is negative. This shows that the outer side has a greater pressure than the inner side. In the radial direction the pressure coefficient (Cp) increased as you bend radius of curvature rectangular, which means that the larger the finger - the finger curvature, stress the fish is also getting bigger. This research has not found any effect on the pattern of change in Reynolds number and flow characteristics that form the radial direction passing through the channel testing.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecepatan pemisahan (creaming velocity) antara dua fluida yang berfasa sama namun memiliki perbedaan densitas. Kajian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental dengan mengamati dan mengukur waktu pisah (settling time) pada tabung kaca dengan variasi diameter.Pengukuran waktu pisah dilakukan lima kali untuk setiap diameter tabung. Waktu pisah yang di peroleh digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menghitung diameter tetesan/droplet, konsentrasi tetesan, kecepatan pemisahan/creaming velocity dan Vstokes. Hasil perhitungan yang di peroleh diploting untuk membandingkan nilai konsentrasi tetesan (droplet consentration/Φ) terhadap kecepatan pemisahan (creaming velocity) pada campuran biodiesel/gliserin dan untuk mencari nilai Φc (fraksi volume fase biodiesel yang terdispersi rapat dalam gliserin/konsentrasi tetesan) dan k (konstanta pemisahan). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai konsentrasi tetesan (Φ) maka kecepatan pemisahannya (V cream) akan semakin berkurang dan dari persamaan Hunter bahwa V = Vstokes(1- )k.Φc , maka didapatkan nilai k dan Φc masing – masing adalah (5,1 ; 0,6 ; 1,2) dan (0,461 ; 0,9 ; 0,69) pada percobaan I, II, III dengan diameter tabung (1,3 ; 2,8 ; 3,9) cm.
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 1 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Oil wells in Ledok village, Blora regency are old wells from the Dutch era, the wells are managed by local community groups, Crude oil from the wells are taken by Pertamina, partners get rewarded according to the specified price. Partner in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) activities is L212 oil well, the chairman is Mr. Agus Purwanto. Based on the analysis of the situation, the problem in this well is that a lot of garbage at the bottom of the well, this garbage prevents the source of oil coming out, as a result the crude oil is produced a little. The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the ability of partners and increase crude oil production. The method used is discussion, training, and mentoring. The results obtained from the implementation of PKM are skills enhancement and increased production capacity
Pengaruh Debit Fluida Air terhadap Distribusi Diameter Bubble pada Microbubble Generator Tipe Orifice-Porous Tube Drajat Indah Mawarni; Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 2 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Microbubble generator merupakan alat yang dapat menghasilkan gelembung atau bubble berukuran mikro. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh aliran swirl yang diciptakan oleh cyclone pada microbubble generator tipe orifice 12 mm dengan menggunakan porous tube dari stainless steel wire mesh ukuran 300 terhadap distribusi diameter bubble yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Microbubble generator tipe orifice karena memiliki bentuk yang sederhana dan proses manufaktur yang mudah. Untuk meninjau performa dari microbubble generator dapat digunakan beberapa parameter yaitu, hydraulic power (Lw), pressure drop, dan distribusi diameter bubble yang terbentuk. Pada penelitian ini, performa atau karakteristik microbubble generator dipelajari dengan melakukan penelitian pengaruh perubahan debit air (Q­L) terhadap distribusi bubble yang dihasilkan.Debit aliran yang digunakan mempunyai rentang antara 30 lpm – 60 lpm serta distribusi diameter bubble yang dihasilkan diakuisisi dengan menggunakan high speed camera. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menghasilkan bubble dengan probabilitas tertinggi pada rentang diameter 300 – 450 µm.
Analisis Potensi Daya Mekanis Yang Dihasilkan Konverter Energi Metode Bandul Vertikal Di Air Tenang Hendri Suryanto; Drajat Indah Mawarni
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 2 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Hydroelectric power plants have been widely developed. One that is mostly built especially in mountainous or highland areas is power plants that use falling water energy or river water currents to turn turbines connected to generators. In coastal areas today power plants have been developed using abundant sea waves known as the Wave Energy Converter (WEC), with one of the methods used is the pendulum method. For areas in the lowlands and far from the coast but there are bodies of water such as lakes, swamps and rivers with slow flow, which are large enough, the potential of the water has not been used to drive electricity generation and the question arises whether it can be utilized to drive the converter. For this reason, it is necessary to research the use of calm water to drive the converter. By adopting the WEC technology used in ocean waves, the vertical pendulum method above the pontoon was chosen in this study, which according to the author's consideration is simpler than the other methods. The design of the converter made was a vertical pendulum mounted on a flat pontoon by adding components in the form of a barrier pair to make water surging continuously under the pontoon so that the pendulum swings continuously. In this study the observed variable was the power produced by the converter by varying the arm length from 0.2 to 0.3 m with a pendulum load varying from 0.5 to 1 kg. Theoretical analysis showed the results of greater mechanical power produced by using a larger pendulum mass. And the faster rotation of the pendulum shaft was produced by using the shorter pendulum arm.
SIMETRIS Vol 11 No 2 (2017): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Biodiesel is an alternative material that is environmentally friendly, has no effect on health and can be used as fuel for motor vehicles. The raw material for making biodiesel uses raw cooking oil with KOH catalyst, the research conducted using the number of blades, namely 4 blades, 6 blades and 8 blades. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the number of blades on the quality of biodiesel which includes calorific value, viscosity, density, flash point, pour point produced from waste cooking oil. Variation in the number of 4 blades, 6 blades, and 8 blades with a stirring process for 1 hour at 100 rpm rotation. The results of research that have been done are variations in the number of blades affect the quality of biodiesel produced, this is evidenced that from the number of blades 8 produces a heating value of 17.46 46 Btu / lb. Making a difference between blade 8 with 6 yields a difference of 0.14 Btu / lb and blade 8 with 4 produces a difference of 0.28 Btu / lb
Peningkatan Efisiensi Produksi Pada Industri Rumah Tangga Pembuatan Wingko Drajat Indah Mawarni; Hendri Suryanto; Sarip Sarip
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 9, No 1 (2018): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v9i1.2258


Usaha pembuatan wingko merupakan sumber penghasilan utama bagi para pengrajin wingko di Kelurahan Balun Kecamatan Cepu. Kondisi oven yang layak, bersih dan efisien akan berpengaruh pada kualitas wingko yang dihasilkan dan pendapatan pengrajin. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah bahwa oven gas yang digunakan sudah tidak layak dan efisien lagi digunakan. Di samping itu kualitas wingkonya juga tidak bagus karena banyak yang gosong dan kurang higienis. Tujuan dari kegiatan IbM ini adalah mengatasi permasalahan mitra agar biaya produksinya rendah dan wingko yang dihasilkan juga baik kualitasnya dan higienis. Untuk itu ditawarkan solusi yaitu dibuat oven yang lebih efisien dalam penggunaan energi dan higienis serta dibuat rak penyimpanan sehingga wingko yang dihasilkan memenuhi syarat Cara Produksi Pangan yang Baik untuk Industri Rumah Tangga dari Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). Metode pelaksanaan solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pertama, koordinasi dengan mitra untuk menentukan jadwal kegiatan. Kedua, melaksanakan pembuatan oven dan pelatihan-pelatihan. Ketiga, melakukan evaluasi terhadap program pengabdian yang telah dilakukan dengan cara survey lapangan ke mitra, 1 bulan dan 6 bulan setelah program ini selesai. Hasil dari kegiatan IbM ini adalah mitra bisa menurunkan biaya produksi pembuatan wingko sebesar Rp 540.000 dalam satu bulan. Kuantitas produksi wingko meningkat dari 4,6 kg menjadi 8 kg dalam satu kali proses pemanggangan dan kualitas wingkonya bagus, tidak gosong dan higienis. Pemahaman dan keterampilan mitra meningkat dalam memproduksi wingko yang higienis sesuai persyaratan BPOM, mengganti tabung LPG yang habis dengan waktu lebih cepat dan merawat oven gas. Omzet mitra juga meningkat sebesar 15 kg dalam satu bulan.
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/jrm.v13i2.977


This research uses a swirl type MBG (MBG) with the gap variation between the air nozzle and the outlet of 1, 5 and10 mm. In this experiment, we used a tangential inlet of 25 mm and an outlet of 20 mm with a water flow rate of 20 – 70 l/min and an air flow rate range of 0.1 – 0.8 l/min, to determine the characteristics of MBG which include bubble distribution, pressure drop, hydraulic power, and efficiency. The probability of the diameter of the microbubble formed was in the range of 90 – 150 µm for all variations of the air nozzle gap. The larger the incoming water flow rate, the smaller the diameter of the bubbles formed, whereas if the water flow rate decreases, the diameter of the bubbles formed will increase. In contrast to the water flow rate, if the air flow rate increases, the diameter of the bubbles formed will increase, whereas if it decreases, the diameter of the bubbles will decrease. From the signal processing data, information was obtained about the comparison of the pressure drop of the three variations of the air nozzle gap, as follows: The higher the water flow rate, the pressure drop and hydraulic values increase significantly, while for air flow rate, the higher the air flow rate, the pressure drop and hydraulic power values will increase albeit not significantly. As for MBG efficiency, it will decrease significantly with increasing water flow rate and will increase insignificantly with decreasing water flow rate.