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Thyroid Hormone and Blood Metabolites Concentration of Gilts Superovulated Prior to Mating Mege, RA; Manalu, W; Kusumorini, N; Nasution, SH
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 11, No 2 (2009): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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An experiment was conducted to study injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as superovulation agent in gilts to improve thyroid hormone and blood metabolites concentraton. In this experiment, 48 gilts were assigned into four groups of twelve gilts injected with PMSG dan hCG dose levels of 0, 600, 1200 and 1800 IU/gilt. Injections were conducted three days before estrus. During  gestation, gilts were placed in colony pigpen. On days 15, 35, and 70 of gestation blood collected to determine triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine, tryglicerides, glucose, protein and bood nitrogen urea concentration. The resuts showed that superovulation dose levels of 600 to 1200 IU/gilt increased concentration of thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine and tetraiodothyronine/thyroxin) and blood metabolite (triglycerides, glucose, and protein), but decreased blood urea nitrogen in gestation ages 15, 35, and 70 days.  It is concluded that superovulation with dose of 600 to 1200 IU can improve of gilts metabolite hormone and blood metabolites. (Animal Production 11(2): 88-95 (2009) Key Words:  gilts, superovulation,  metabolite hormone, blood metabolites
Effect of Superovulation on Piglet Production Mege, RA; Manalu, W; Kusumorini, N; Nasution, SH
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 8, No 1 (2006): January
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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Sixty gilts with average body weight of 107.80 + 5.10 kg were used in an experiment to study the use of PMSG and hCG as superovulation agent to increase piglet production. In this experiment 60 gilts were assigned into a completely randomized design with 4 treatments of superovulation with dose level 0, 600, 1200 and 1800 IU/gilt. Injections were conducted 3 days before estrus. During gestation, gilts were placed in single pigpen, and maintained to term. The parameters were birth weight, preweaning growth and mortality. The results showed that superovulation dose levels of 600 and 1200 IU/gilt increased the piglet birth weight, litter size, preweaning growth and piglet production at 90 days. It is concluded that superovulation with dose levels of 600 to 1200 IU can improve productivity. (Animal Production 8(1): 8-15 (2006) Key Words :   Superovulation, gilts, piglet production
Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS Vol 9 No 1 (2018): Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS
Publisher : Forum Layanan IPTEKS Bagi Masyarakat (FLipMAS) Wilayah Bali

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Para mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Manado memiliki potensi besar untuk menjadi wirausaha yang sukses jika diberikan pelatihan, pemantauan dan pendampingan kewirausahaan yang komprehensif. Masalahnya, sejauh ini hal-hal yang disebutkan di atas tidak diperoleh mahasiswa secara praktis. Melalui Program Ipteks bagi Kewirausahaan (IbK), siswa diberikan pelatihan, mentoring dan pengalaman nyata dalam kewirausahaan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam program ini disesuaikan dengan kondisi tenant. Hasil dari program Ibk ini jelas di mana saat ini ada 8 mahasiswa pemula yang telah berhasil membuka usaha mereka. The students of University of Manado have great potential to become successful entrepreneurs if provided with comprehensive entrepreneurship training, monitoring and mentoring. The problem, so far the things mentioned above are not obtained by students practically. Through Sciences Technology and Arts for Entrepreneurship Program (IbK), students are given training, mentoring and real experience in entrepreneurship.The methods undertaken in this program are adapted to the tenant conditions. The result of this Ibk program is clear where there are currently 8 start up students who have successfully opened their business.
Analisis Keragaman Genetik Tikus Hutan Ekor Putih (Maxomys hellwandii) Berbasis RAPD Mege, Revelson A.; Rompas, Christny Ferdina; Wulandari, Wulandari
JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 8, No 2 (2020): MARET - APRIL
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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White-tailed forest mice (Maxomys hellwandii) are endemic to the Sulawesi. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity of white-tailed forest mice (Maxomys hellwandii) based on RAPD. The analysis of the variability of white-tailed forest rats was carried out in several stages, namely the extraction and purification of DNA, the amplification of the target gene using the PCR method, and finally visualization of the amplification results with 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis. Data analysis using the SPSS IBM Ver. 20 program. Results obtained using OPA-3 primers from four different localization samples show samples of Likupang 1 and South Minahasa show similarity of 1%, and samples of Likupang 2 and Southeast Minahasa show similarity of 25%. Whereas the primary OPA-2 samples from the villages of Likupang 1, Likupang 2 and South Minahasa show a similarity of 8% and the sample of Southina Minahasa has a similarity of 25%. On the basis of the dendogram grouping of four different samples, he showed genetic diversity.
JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurusan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Berdasarkan hasil wawancara oleh salah satu guru yang ada di SMP Negeri 8 Satap Paleloan bahwa pada umumnya siswa memperoleh nilai dibawah KKM yaitu 75%, sehingga siswa yang mendapat nilai dibawah KKM sebanyak 50 %. Salah satu penyebab dari rendahnya hasil belajar siswa antara lain kondisi pembelajaran yang penerapannya masih bersifat konvensional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA Biologi berbasis wisata lokal pada materi pelajaran keanekaragaman makhluk hidup. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan 2 siklus. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII yang berjumlah 13 siswa di SMP N 8 Satap Tondano di Paleloan. Pengamatan yang dilakukan selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung, melalui lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian pada siklus 1 untuk siswa yang tuntas berjumlah 6 siswa (46,15%) sedangkan untuk siswa yang tidak tuntas berjumlah 7 siswa (53,85%), sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan proses pembelajaran pada siklus 2. Hasil penelitian pada siklus 2 menunjukan ada peningkatan hasil belajar yaitu untuk siswa yang tuntas berjumlah 9 siswa (69,23%) sedangkan untuk siswa yang tidak tuntas berjumlah 4 siswa (30,77 %). Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran IPA biologi berbasis wisata lokal konsep keanekaragaman makhluk hidup dapat meningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran IPA Biologi, Wisata Lokal, Keananekaragaman Makhluk Hidup, Hasil Belajar.
JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurusan Biologi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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Inflamasi merupakan respon pertahanan tubuh terhadap invasi benda asing. Efek samping dari penggunaan obat-obatan anti-inflamasi steroid seperti asam lambung mendorong perkembangan obat-obatan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan. Kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang memiliki potensi sebagai obat anti-inflamasi karena memiliki senyawa xanthon dan flavonoid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi antiinflamasi ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis terhadap edema telapak kaki tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinjeksi formalin dengan pengukuran jangka sorong digital. Pengukuran potensi anti-inflamasi digunakan 3 kelompok perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu cataflam (kalium diklofenak) sebagai kontrol positif; aquades sebagai kontrol negatif dan ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis dosis 150 mg/kgBB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penurunan edema telapak kaki tikus putih kelompok perlakuan ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis hampir sama sesuai dengan hasil penurunan besar edema telapak kaki tikus putih kelompok positif cataflam yang diukur dalam kisaran mm. Kelompok perlakuan ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis 150mg/kgBB pada jam ke-1 3,8mm dan pada jam ke-3 3,1mm hampir sama dengan kontrol positif cataflam yaitu pada jam ke-1 3,5mm dan pada jam ke-3 3,1mm. Dari hasil diatas didapat kesimpulan bahwa ekstrak etanol kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) memiliki potensi anti-inflamasi terhadap edema kaki tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinjeksi formalin. Kata kunci: Anti-inflamasi, Garcinia mangostana L., Formalin.
Karakteristik Komponen Tepung Dalugha (Cyrtosperma Merkusii) Dan Sagu Tanah (Tacca Leontopetaloides L.Kanzt) Mege, Revelson A.; Moko, Emma Mauren; Lensehe, Febby Anggini
JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 8, No 3 (2020): MEI - JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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The dalugha tuber (cyrtosperma merkussi) and the sago tanah (tacca leontopetaloides l.kantz) are potential alternative sources of food in northern sulawesi who have not been fully informed of their characteristics, so it is necessary to characterize the composition chemical and physical of dalugha flour and sago soil given the potential of trade as a potential alternative food source in northern sulawes. non-rice food sources. The aim of this study was to obtain the physicochemical characteristics and properties of dalugha and sago bulbs bulb flour. Advantages which can be obtained from the results of this study, namely: information on the knowledge of the characteristics of the components of dalugha flour (cyrtosperma merkusii) and of ground sago (tacca leontopetaloides l.kantz) so that it can be used as alternative food ingredient for tubers. The results showed that the chemical analysis of dalugha flour is an average water content of 29.08 gr, an ash content of 0.60 gr, a fat content of 0.42 gr, a protein content 0.34 gr, carbohydrates 69.56 gr, amylose 29, 64 gr, amylopectin 32.88 gr and Soil sago i.e. water content 39.98 gr, ash content 0.07 gr, fat 0.22 gr, protein content 0.21 gr, carbohydrates 59.52 gr, amylose 29.08 gr, amylopectin 24.00 gr. Keywords: dalugha tubers, soil sago, flour, characteristics.
JSME (Jurnal Sains, Matematika & Edukasi) Vol 8, No 3 (2020): MEI - JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

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This study aims to determine the effect of the Project Based Learning Model through practicum identification of frog species based on morphological characters on student learning outcomes in Biology subjects. The Learning Model used in this study is a Project Based Learning Model. The population in this study were all class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Langowan while the sample used was class X MIPA 1 as an experimental class, and class X MIPA 3 as a control class. Data collection techniques using learning outcomes with test instruments in the form of multiple choice questions and descriptions. Data analysis begins with testing the analysis prerequisites, namely tests of normality and homogeneity. Then proceed with hypothesis testing. The results showed the mean of control class learning outcomes = 76.86 while the average learning outcomes of the experimental class = 82.46. The results of the study were analyzed using T-test statistics at a significant level of 0.05 and the results obtained were Tcount = 4.37> Ttable = 2.01 so that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Based on these results it can be concluded that the Project Based Learning learning model can improve student learning outcomes.Keywords: Project Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Biology Subjects
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Introduksi Ayam Kampung Super Dibudidaya Semi Rens Mege, Revolson A.; Ngangi, Jantje; Maramis, Alfonds; Semuel, Mokosuli Yermia; Mansyur, Djailani
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 25, No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v25i1.33750


Desa Laikit Kecamatan Dimembe Kabupaten Minahasa Utara merupakan salah satu desa potensial sebagai lumbung pangan nabati maupun hewani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di perkotaan maupun daerah kepulauan. Hal ini terlihat dari tingginya aktivitas masyarakat berusaha tani dan ternak. Salah satu usaha ternak yang banyak dikembangkan di desa Laikit dan sekitarnya adalah ternak ayam ras pedaging, petelur dan ayam kampung. Berdeda dengan usaha ayam ras pedaging dan petelur hampir tidak ada masalah prinsip karena pada umumnya dikelola secara intensif, sementara usaha budidaya ayam kampung pada umumnya masih dilakukan secara tradisional dengan produktivitas rendah akibat kurangnya asupan nutrisi dan terjadinya persilangan bebas (imbreeding) yang berimplikasi terjadinya degradasi mutu genetic ayam kampung lokal. Melalui program Deseminasi Produk Teknologi kepada Masyarakat (DPTM) telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui introduksi ayam kampung super dengan budidaya semi intensif. Kegiatan ini menggunakan kombinasi metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) dengan pendekatan pembelajaran orang dewasa (Andragogik) sehingga lebih mudah memahami dan menciptakan kondisi masyarakat untuk mendukung terjadinya proses pemberdayaan dalam upaya memecahkan masalah secara bersama. Melalui kegiatan DPTM telah terfasilitasi: (1) peningkatan pengetahuan dan teknologi serta keterampilan budidaya ayam kampung super dan persilangannya dengan ayam kampung lokal. (2) peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan manajemen perkandangan ayam kampung dengan sistem semi rens, (3) peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pengolahan pakan berbasis bahan baku pakan lokal dan (4) peningkatan produksi daging dan telur hasil persilangan ayam kampung super dengan ayam kampung lokal.
Growth and Development of the Uterus and Placenta of Superovulated Gilts REVOLSON ALEXIUS MEGE; SYAHRUN HAMDANI NASUTION; NASTITI KUSUMORINI; WASMEN MANALU
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 14 No. 1 (2007): March 2007
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

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Forty eight gilts with average body weight of 107.83 + 5.08 kg were used in experiments to study the use of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) as superovulation agent in gilts to increase piglet production. Four groups of twelve gilts were injected with PMSG dan hCG dose levels of 0, 600, 1200, and 1800 IU/gilt. Injections were conducted three days before estrus. During gestation, gilts were placed in colony pigpens. On days 15, 35, and 70 of gestation, gilts were slaughtered in order to measure the number of corpus luteum, growth and development of the uterus and placenta. Blood samples were collected to determine progesterone and estradiol concentrations. The resuts showed that superovulation dose levels of 600 to 1200 IU/gilt increased progesterone and estradiol secretions, growth and development of the uterus and placenta in gestation ages of 15, 35, and 70 days. It is concluded that superovulation with dose of 600 to 1200 IU can improve the gilts reproduction. Key words: gilts, superovulation, gestation, progesterone, estradiol, corpus luteum