Ninuk Hariyani
Department Of Dental Public Health, Faculty Of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

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Effect of Purple Leaf Extract (Graptophyllum Pictum (L.) Griff) on the Number of Macrophage Cells in Pulp Perforation Devi Eka Juniarti1 , Tuty Kusumaningsih2 , Adioro Soetojo1 , Ninuk Hariyani3
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 3 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i3.10686


Background: Purple leaf (Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff) is one of Indonesia’s traditional medicinal plants, which has anti-inflammatory properties which is expected to stop the inflammation of the pulp accompanied by perforation. Purpose: To determine the effect of giving purple leaves (Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff) to the number of macrophage cells in pulp perforation. Method: The study used 24 Wistar rats divided into four groups, namely control (K), and 3 treatment groups P1, P2, P3. Each group consisted of 6 rats prepared, then P1 was given 10% purple leaf extract, P2 was given 15% purple leaf extract, P3 was given 20% purple leaf extract. On the 3rd day, the Wistar rat was sacrificed and continued with the preparation of HPA. Calculation of the number of macrophages was obtained from the One-way ANOVA test. Results: There were significant differences between the control and treatment groups (K with P1, P2, P3), on the results of the One-way ANOVA difference-result test (p <0.05) Conclusion: Purple leaf extract (Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff) affected increasing the number of macrophage cells in pulp perforation after the 3rd day of treatment.
Patient’s expectation on communication performances community of Dental Health Services providers located in urban and rural area Taufan Bramantoro; Ninuk Hariyani
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 46 No. 1 (2013): March 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.708 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v46.i1.p1-4


Background: The quality of dentist’s communication skills is considered as one of important aspects on the quality of dental health services assessment. During the initial interview conducted at Ketabang, Dupak, and Kepadangan community dental health services at Surabaya and Sidoarjo, Indonesia, it appeared that eighty percent of initial respondents were not satisfied with the communication aspect. Community Dental Health Services (CDHS) need to assess the communication performances based on community characteristics in effort to promote the quality and effectiveness of the denta health services. Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyze patient’s expectation values priorities on dentists' communication performances in CDHS that located in urban and rural area. Methods: The study was conducted in Ketabang Surabaya, Dupak Surabaya and Kepadangan Sidoarjo CDHSs. The participants were 400 patients above 18 years old. Participants were assessed their expectation value using the communication performances of dental health services questionnaire. Results: Patients in urban CDHS appeared that there were two priority aspects which had high values, namely the clarity of instructions and the dentist’s ability of active listening to the patient, while patients in rural CDHS revealed that the clarity of instructions and dentist-patient relationship were the aspects with high values. Conclusion: Patients in CDHS that located in rural area expect more dentist-patient interpersonal relationship performance than patients in CDHS located in urban area. This finding becomes a valuable information for CDHS to develop communication strategies based on community characteristics.Latar belakang: Kualitas komunikasi dari dokter gigi merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam penilaian kualitas layanan suatu sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Pada wawancara pendahuluan yang dilaksanakan di puskesmas Ketabang, Dupak dan Kepadangan di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo, Indonesia, diperoleh hasil bahwa delapan puluh persen responden merasa tidak puas dengan aspek komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan gigi. Penyedia layanan kesehatan gigi perlu untuk menilai penampilan komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan gigi sesuai dengan karakteristik masyarakat sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas layanan kesehatan gigi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis prioritas harapan pasien terhadap penampilan komunikasi dokter gigi di puskesmas yang berlokasi di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan di puskesmas Ketabang Surabaya, Dupak Surabaya dan Kepadangan Sidoarjo. Responden berjumlah 400 pasien, berusia diatas 18 tahun. Penilaian harapan pasien akan aspek komunikasi dari tenaga kesehatan akan diukur dengan menggunakan kuesioner kualitas layanan terkait penampilan komunikasi. Hasil: Pasien pada puskesmas di daerah perkotaan menyampaikan bahwa ada dua aspek prioritas yang mereka anggap lebih bernilai, yaitu kejelasan instruksi dokter gigi dan kemampuan dokter gigi untuk mendengarkan mereka secara aktif, sementara pasien di puskesmas pedesaan lebih memberikan nilai prioritas yang tinggi pada aspek kejelasan instruksi dokter dan hubungan kedekatan antara dokter–pasien. Kesimpulan: Pasien pada Puskesmas yang terletak di daerah pedesaan lebih mengharapkan upaya membangun hubungan interpersonal dokter gigi dengan pasien dibandingkan dengan pasien pada puskesmas terletak di daerah perkotaan. Temuan ini merupakan informasi yang berharga bagi penyedia layanan kesehatan gigi untuk membangun strategi komunikasi berdasarkan karakteristik masyarakat sasaran.
Side effects of mercury in dental amalgam Titiek Berniyanti; Ninuk Hariyani
Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) Vol. 41 No. 1 (2008): March 2008
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.118 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/j.djmkg.v41.i1.p30-34


Dental amalgam is an alloy composed of mixture of approximately equal parts of elemental liquid mercury and an alloy powder. The popularity of amalgam arises from excellent long term performance, ease of use and low cost. Despite the popularity of dental amalgam as restorative material, there have been concerns regarding the potential adverse health and environmental effects arising from exposure to mercury in amalgam. They have long been believed to be of little significance as contributors to the overall body burden of mercury, because the elemental form of mercury is rapidly consumed in the setting reaction of the restoration. In 1997, 80% of dentist in Indonesia still using amalgam as an alternative material, and 60% of them treat the rest of unused amalgam carelessly. In recent years, the possible environmental and health impact caused by certain routines in dental practice has attracted attention among regulators. As part of point source reduction strategies, the discharge of mercury/amalgam-contaminated wastes has been regulated in a number of countries, even though it has been documented that by adopting appropriate mercury hygiene measures, the impact of amalgam use in dentistry is minimal. The purpose of this paper is to examine on studies that relate mercury levels in human to the presence of dental amalgams. It is concluded that even though mercury used in filling is hazardous, if normal occupational recommendations for proper mercury hygiene routines and source of reduction strategies are followed, no occupational health risk can be assumed.
Using Illustrated Books with Surabayan Dialect to Promote Regular Child Dental Visits in East Surabaya Public Health Center Aryo Dwipo Kusumo; Darmawan Setijanto; Titiek Berniyanti; Ninuk Hariyani; Gilang Rasuna Sabdho Wening; Dini Setiyowati; Retno Palupi; Agung Sosiawan; Aulia Ramadhani; Rovilla Amalia
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020): July - December
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijdm.v3i2.2020.33-36


Background: Previous research involving 100 children in the East Surabaya area reported a caries prevalence data of 89.5% with a Decayed, Missing due to carries, Filled Teeth index (DMFT) value of 5.42 (high category). In January–June 2018, only 373 out of 4,072 school-age children visited the Keputih Public Health Center. The dental visits were motivated out of dental health problems only. Parents, especially mother, should pay attention to their child’s dental and oral health because they are in the primary tooth period, which will significantly affect the growth of their permanent teeth. Purpose: The illustration book in Surabayan dialect was the means to disseminate information on dental and oral health for children and parents, particularly mothers, to motivate regular dental visit and prevent dental caries. Methods: The parents received the illustrated book, and they were given some time to read and answer the questions. After that, the mothers were asked to assist their children in filling out the illustration book. The targets were improved understanding on the subject matter, which is dental and oral health, and to motivate the parents and children to have regular dental visit. Results: There was > 75% increase in understanding of the subject matter before and after the intervention. Conclusion: The intervention successfully improved the parents’ understandings in the subject matter, and it was expected to motivate parents and their children to have regular dental visits in Keputih Public Health Center.
Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour of Indonesian Dental Students in East Java Province, Indonesia Ninuk Hariyani; Wulan Ruhun Natiqoh Safira; Adinda Putri Rahmawati; Martha Nadila Valentina; Nancy Clara Claudia; Muhammad Alwino Bayu; Arie Wahyu Prananta
Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): January - June
Publisher : Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijdm.v4i1.2021.11-14


Background: Oral health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors possessed by dental students become provisions in the education and promotion of oral health in the community. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the oral health knowledge, attitudes and behavior of Indonesian dental students in East Java province based on gender and educational stage. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire distributed to dental students at five dental faculties in East Java. 169 respondents in this study completed an online HU-DBI questionnaire with a choice of answers to agree or disagree about the description of oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Results: Female students have a higher level of knowledge and oral health behavior than the opposite sex with a significance value of <0.001 and 0.05, respectively. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and attitude with a significance level of 0.030 and a correlation between knowledge and behavior with a significant number of 0.037. Conclusion: Female dental students had better oral health knowledge and behavior than male dental students. There is no relationship between the education stage and oral health knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. Further, we found positif association between oral health knowledge and attitudes towards behaviour.
Jurnal Pengabdian Sumber Daya Manusia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): EDISI OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.589 KB)


Data menunjukkan bahwa 94,3% anak-anak di wilayah Puskesmas Keputih mengalami karies dengan tingkat keparahan karies gigi yang tinggi (deft=4,63), sementara data cakupan UKGS di wilayah Keputih adalah sebesar 80%. Puskesmas Keputih juga memiliki kader kesehatan yang secara berkala melakukan pemeriksaan gigi bagi balita. Artinya kegiatan promotif, preventive dan kuratif tingkat dasar seharusnya sudah bukan merupakan kendala di wilayah ini. Akan tetapi, wawancara mendalam kepada kader/guru maupun petugas puskesmas menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan rujukan yang masih diselenggarakan secara manual masih mengalami berbagai kendala yang mengakibatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan promotif, preventive dan kuratif tingkat dasar di wilayah keputih masih kurang maksimal. Hal ini disebabkan karena pelaksanaan rujukan masih berjalan secara manual dimana rujukan hanya didasarkan pada catatan di selembar kertas yang seringkali tidak sampai pada orang tua/wali anak. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peran kader/guru di wilayah Keputih sebagai peningkat kesehatan masyarakat masih rendah. Peningkatan peran kader/guru ini dapat ditingkatkan melalui berbagai cara dimana salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan penguatan fungsi kader/guru dalam melakukan rujukan pasien ke Puskesmas melalui aplikasi “Si Ruli” (sistem rujukan online). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini meliputi pembuatan sistem rujukan online yang kemudian penggunaannya disosialisasikan kepada pihak terkait. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya system rujukan online (Si Ruli) yang mudah diaplikasikan dan diterima oleh pengguna di lapangan (user friendly).
Komik Digital Sebagai Mpeningkatan Awareness Mahasiswa Awareness Mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Airlangga Terhadap Pengaruh Karies Pada Status Gizi Anak Ninuk Hariyani
Jurnal Pengabdian Sumber Daya Manusia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): EDISI OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.333 KB)


ABSTRACT Dentists are often required to deal with dental health problems curatively but are lacking in providing health promotion programs which include the preventive aspects. Students in the Faculty of Dentistry need to be trained to increase their knowledge and awareness to provide more health promotion to the population. Dental health promotion requires sufficient knowledge and a high level of awareness, which must be understood by students who will later become health service providers to the wider community. The effect of caries on the nutritional status of children is one of the important themes that should be included in the theme of health promotion to the community. The method used in this community service is engagement method using a digital comic as a media. This comic is given to undergraduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry to increase their knowledge and awareness of the effect of caries on children's nutritional status. The results of the pre-test and post-test comparison showed that the digital comic about the effect of caries on children's nutritional status can be used to increase awareness of undergraduate students of the Faculty of Dentistry on this theme. Keynote: Student’s awareness, Digital comic, Caries, Nutrition ABSTRAK Dokter gigi sering dituntut untuk menangani permasalahan-permasalahan kesehatan gigi secara kuratif, akan tetapi kurang dalam pemberian promosi kesehatan yang termasuk segi preventif. Hal ini perlu dilatihkan sejak mereka menjalani pendidikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi. Promosi kesehatan gigi memerlukan pengetahuan yang cukup serta tingkat awareness yang tinggi, yang harus dipahami oleh mahasiswa yang nantinya akan ikut menjadi pemberi layanan kesehatan pada masyarakat luas. Pengaruh karies pada status gizi anak merupakah salah satu tema penting yang seyogyanya masuk dalam tema promosi kesehatan kepada masyarakat. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode engagement menggunakan media komik digital yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan awareness mereka terhadap pengaruh karies pada status gizi anak. Hasil perbandingan pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan bahwa komik digital mengenai pengaruh karies pada status gizi anak ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan awareness mahasiswa S1 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi akan tema tersebut. Kata kunci: Student’s awareness, Komik digital, Karies, Gizi
Upaya Promotif Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut di Madura, Jawa Timur Ninuk Hariyani; Dini Setyowati; Anisa Nur Halimah; Arie Wahyu Prananta; Sri Hidayati; Mohtazul Farid; Hirmadhani Rahma Anindita
Jurnal Pengabdian Sumber Daya Manusia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): EDISI OKTOBER 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Dental and oral health problems are closely related to people's productivity. Data in Madura shows that many areas in Madura have many dental and oral problems, in which the majority of them have not received any treatment. Good quality dental and oral health education program is still needed in Madura. This community service activity is carried out through a dental and oral health promotion program that is developed according to the resources, facilities and infrastructure owned by the target partners. The activity chosen as a solution at this stage is dental health counseling, given to the target group of women and community leaders who can later be empowered by becoming dental cadres or agents of change. In addition, counseling among children was also carried out using the story telling method. The results for these two target groups indicate an increase in their knowledge which is expected to lead to improved behavior related to dental health in Madura in the future.