Angga Prawadika Aji
Departemen Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Airlangga Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Kampus B Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya– 60286

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Journal : Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements

MANAGING THE POPULATION ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM OF SOKET LAOK VILLAGE, BANGKALAN, MADURA Liestianingsih Dwi Dayanti; Ratih Puspa; Rachmah Ida; Yuyun Wahyu Izati Surya; Titik Puji Rahayu; Nisa Kurnia Ilahiati; Angga Prawadika Aji
Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1455.486 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/dc.V3.I2.2021.38-44


Background: Unorganized population administration information system is the major problem in village administrations, including in Soket Laok Village, Bangkalan Regency. This unorganized system has impact on poor population and village economic potential data. This evidence becomes a major obstacle to improve community welfare and creates a significant setback in attempt to distribute any kind of assistance from the higher government. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a population administration system based on simple information technology and to improve the skills of village officials in fixing the population administration system. Purpose: To manage the village population administration system using simple information technology and to improve the skills of village officials in handling the population administration system. Methods: the method used in this program was a simple application of a population administration system based on Memento's digital app, which became the main focus in subsequent training session. The training was conducted in a form of webinars through the Zoom app and simple tutorials via YouTube. Results: the result of this activity is the availability of a population data collection system using the Memento application, a simple application that can be operated by village officials with a smartphone without an internet network in accordance with the conditions of Soket Laok Village which has not been evenly reached by the internet network. Another result is the increased skills of village officials in collecting population data using the Memento application. Conclusion: In this activity, village officials can have the skills to manage the village population administration system.
INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR SME (SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES) OF TRADITIONAL HERBAL AND BEVERAGES Rani Sukma Ayu Suteja; Liestianingsih Dwi Dayanti; Angga Prawadika Aji; Santi Isnaini; Yayan Sakti Suryandaru; Titik Puji Rahayu; Andria Saptyasari; Irfan Wahyudi; Ratih Puspa; Nurul Ratna Sari; Dina Septiani; Nisa Kurnia Illahiati
Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): DECEMBER 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1803.426 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/dc.V3.I2.2021.49-54


Background: This program begins with observation on SME of traditional herbal and beverages in Kampung Genteng Candirejo Surabaya. Early observation shows difficulties faced by SME to market their products. Objective: This program is expected to provide information and education about marketing communication strategies for SME of traditional herbal and beverages in Kampung Herbal Candirejo Surabaya. Method: Early observation is to find problems, conducting seminar and workshop, and also evaluating community empowerment. Results: Audiences understand about the impotances of marketing communication and innovation. They also improve their skills in using integrated marketing communication to sell their products to customers. Conclusion: This community service program has achieved its goals.
The Role of Organizational Communication for the Optimization of BUMDes in Soket Laok Village, Bangkalan Regency, Madura Rachmah Ida; Angga Prawadika Aji; Titik Puji Rahayu; Ratih Puspa; Yuyun Wahyu Izzati Surya; Nisa Kurnia Ilahiati; Liestianingsih Dwi Dayanti
Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/dc.V4.I2.2022.60-66


Background: BUMDES management is a crucial part of managing village development and independence. Therefore, the management system of village government organizations must begin to be addressed because of its crucial position in the preparation of plans for the establishment of the BUMDES program. The inability to develop organizational systems that understand managerial principles, data management, and communication strategies coupled with unpreparedness to adapt to the development of internet technology has the potential to cause the organization to lag behind in developing. Objective: The aim of this study is to increase the potential of Soket Laok Village, Bangkalan Madura Regency in the field of BUMDES management. Method: This community service was held at the Soket Laok Village Hall, Bangkalan Madura Regency. The material was delivered in a hybrid manner where there are speakers who directly invite participants to practice and online participants who provide material at the beginning. Results: The village officials and community leaders understand and are brave enough to formulate village development plans and have a better understanding of good communication patterns. Conclusion: The introduction and understanding of organizational communication for BUMDes (Village Owned Enterprises) which is the central organization of economic empowerment of rural communities is significant. With the FGD method directly with the BUMDes manager in Soket Laok village, Bangkalan Madura, and socialization of practical knowledge, understanding and management of the BUMDes organization, the optimization of the role of BUMDes in the Soket Laok village community will occur.
Darmabakti Cendekia: Journal of Community Service and Engagements Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/dc.V5.I2.2023.128-133


Latar belakang: Desa Soket Laok yang berada di Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura merupakan salah satu desa potensial yang sayangnya masih berada dalam status tertinggal. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurang pemahaman para pamong dan pengelola desa dalam berbagai isu manajemen, salah satunya untuk menyusun rancangan pengembangan desa serta mengakses dana BUMDES. Rangkaian program pengabdian masyarakat telah dilaksanakan untuk membantu Desa Soket Laok oleh prodi Komunikasi UNAIR dan pada tahun 2022 fokus pengembangan diarahkan pada isu pengelolaan BUMDES oleh pamong desa. Tujuan: Tujuan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman dan panduan bagi para pengelola desa agar dapat menyusun rancangan pengembangan desa melalui program BUMDES secara lebih terstruktur, rapi, dan efektif. Metode: Program pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan lewat tiga tahapan yaitu tahap perencanaan, eksekusi, dan evaluasi. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan rangkaian acara diskusi bersama pamong dan audiensi untuk menentukan isu utama. Ekseskusi program dijalankan dengan kegiatan sosialiasi di Desa Soket Laok. Tahap evaluasi melibatkan pembahasan mengenai dampak dan hasil program kepada para pamong desa. Hasil: Para pamong dan pengelola desa menjadi paham dan berani untuk mengajukan rancangan proposal pengembangan desawa lewat penagjuan dana BUMDES. Kesimpulan: Program pengabdian masyarakat di Desa Soket Laok mampu memberikan pemahaman pada pengelola dan pamong desa untuk menyusun program-program pengembangan desa. Kemajuan ini akan menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk pengajuan program pengabdian masyarakat selanjutnya. Kata kunci: manajemen desa, BUMDES, strategi komunikasi