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JURNAL MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN PUBLIK Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Pengelolaan Keuangan Negara Dari Berbagai Sisi
Publisher : Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31092/jmkp.v4i1.770


Melalui perencanaan penilaian pengeluaran, negara-negara seperti Indonesia berusaha mengidentifikasi peluang pengurangan anggaran dengan meningkatkan kualitas rencana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tinjauan pengeluaran dalam perencanaan anggaran untuk melakukan inisiatif penghematan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Indikasi inefisiensi alokasi paling banyak ditemui untuk anggaran belanja biaya pemeliharaan dan listrik, sementara indikasi duplikasi paling banyak ditemui untuk belanja biaya pemeliharaan dan belanja modal (aset tetap), dan tidak ditemukan adanya indikasi einmalig pada alokasi anggaran tahun 2017 di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.
Aceh Provincial Government's Food Security Policy to Facing Covid-19 Pandemic Syahnaz Oriza Keumala; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Suswanta Suswanta; Paisal Akbar
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance and Political Social UMA) Vol 9, No 2 (2021): JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance a
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jppuma.v9i2.5688


The Covid-19 pandemic has a significant impact on all aspects of life, especially in this case, its impact on food security conditions. With the imposition of restrictions on activities between regions to minimize the spread of Covid-19, we must put an acceptable food security policy to realize areas that are maintained in food conditions. The purpose of this research is to find out what food security policies the Aceh Provincial government is implementing in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data obtained from online media reports are then processed using the Nvivo 12 Plus software to display Aceh Province's current policy issues. This study's findings indicate that the food security conditions of districts/cities in Aceh Province are still classified as green zones, meaning districts/cities in Aceh Province are still classified as healthy food security conditions. Meanwhile, the policy issue present in Aceh Province shows that at the national reporting level, six problems arise, namely farmers, agriculture, health, food, programs, and governance. In contrast, there are issues on rice, farmer, community, government, food policy, program, land, and agriculture at the local level. Furthermore, carried out findings related to food security policies in Aceh province through two programs, namely the Aceh Food Independent Movement (Gampong) program and the Rice Planting Index Improvement Program, or what is known as the IP-300 program. This activity program has been carried out well by the city/district level government through various derivative programs that are in line with the objectives of the Aceh Province food security policy program.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai dalam Penerapan Sidalih di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Paisal Akbar; Ulung Pribadi; Eko Priyo Purnomo
Analitika: Jurnal Magister Psikologi UMA Vol 12, No 1 (2020): ANALITIKA JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.109 KB) | DOI: 10.31289/analitika.v12i1.3350


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai dalam penerapan Sistem Data Pemilih (Sidalih) Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriftip, data dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada empat orang stakeholder internal Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Selanjutnya dalam menganalisa data wawancara yang telah didapatkan data wawancara tersebut diolah melalui NVivo 12 Plus. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam peneltian ini menunjukan disiplin kerja menjadi faktor utama dalam memberikan pengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan persentase 32,10%, faktor kedua faktor Kepemimpinan 22,40%, faktor ketiga faktor Pelatihan dan Pengembangan dengan persentase 22,20%, Sementara itu faktor Stres Kerja 14.00% dan Kompensasi 9.30% menjadi faktor selanjutnya yang memberikan pengaruh kepada kinerja pegawai dalam penerapan Sistem Data Pemilih di Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kinerja egawai dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya, terkhusus pegawai yang menangani Sidalih sudah dianggap sangat maksimal dengan menunjukkan totalitas kinerja yang sangat tinggi agar dapat mewujudkan data pemilih yang berkualitas. 
Inovasi Pelayanan Permohonan Pengajuan Izin Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Samarinda Bambang Irawan; Muhammad Nizar; Paisal Akbar; Andi Hafidz Khanz
Matra Pembaruan: Jurnal Inovasi Kebijakan Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/mp.4.2.2020.135-145


alah satu aspek yang penting dalam kajian e-government berkaitan dengan peran manusia sebagai pengguna (users) dari teknologi. Kecanggihan teknologi maupun tingginya kualitas teknologi pemerintah ternyata tidak menjamin bahwa instrumen tersebut akan digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai users. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut salahsatunya adalah adanya kesenjangan digital (digital divide) dan rendahnya literasi digital (digital literacy) di antara masyarakat. Hal yang sama juga dialami oleh Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Samarinda di mana masyarakat belum maksimal dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan daring yang disediakan. Untuk itu Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Samarinda berinovasi dengan menggunakan media video tutorial dalam pelayanan permohonan izin berbasis daring. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi yang dilakukan oleh DPMPTSP tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, ditemukan bahwa dalam pelaksanaannya identifikasi permasalahan terlebih dahulu dilakukan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan video tutorial dan diakhiri dengan penyematan video tutorial ke laman resmi DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda. Konten dari video tutorial tersebut antara lain cover depan yang berisikan informasi terkait judul video tutorial, informasi terkait berkas persyaratan, tahapan dalam pembuatan akun, tahapan pemilihan kategori perizinan, tahapan login akun ke portal DPMPTSP, tahapan pengisian borang formulir permohonan, dan tahapan unggah berkas/dokumen persyaratan. Selain itu video tutorial ini juga disertai dengan teks dan audio pendukung yang bertujuan untuk lebih memudahkan pengguna/masyarakat. Inovasi DPMPTSP Kota Samarinda ini merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan digital literacy masyarakat Kota Samarinda yang sekaligus berimplikasi positif dalam peningkatan penggunaan pelayanan daring yang disediakan.
Policy Response and Collaboration in Handling Covid-19 East Kutai Regency With An Adaptive Governance Approach in Disasters Aji Ratna Kusuma; Paisal Akbar
Jurnal Borneo Administrator Vol 17 No 2 (2021): August, 2021
Publisher : Puslatbang KDOD Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24258/jba.v17i2.866


The current COVID-19 pandemic condition requires the Indonesian government to act quickly and effectively in dealing with the threat of a crisis; for this reason, the concept of adaptive governance promises a more innovative approach in an effective way to deal with a complex environment. Adaptation in governance is carried out by producing policy products that are swift, efficient, and effective in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to find out how the local government of East Kutai Regency applies the concept of adaptive governance with the scope of policies and collaboration between parties in handling the COVID-19 Pandemic. The benefits of research will fill the space for scientific studies related to adaptive governance approaches in handling pandemics through policy products and collaboration between parties within the most basic scope, namely the East Kutai Regency level. This research is qualitative research with the descriptive method; the approach used in this research is a case study approach. For research data analysis, this study used Qualitative Data Software Analysis (QDSA) NVivo 12 Plus. The study results show that the five agencies have carried out their roles to provide adaptive governance. Of the six indicators, each agency has a different percentage level. There are tons of steps that have been taken to prevent the spread and handling of COVID-19 by the government and agencies, as well as layers of society. The involvement of Task Force Teams at all levels, the Police, Military District Commands, Community Organizations, NGOs, and Companies in assisting the prevention and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic running the East Kutai District Health Office shows a form of participation and collaboration in handling the COVID-19 pandemic health disaster. Which is an essential value in realizing adaptive governance.
Dampak Pembangunan Infrastruktur Terhadap Kondisi Ketahanan Pangan Di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Provinsi Bali) Sri Mulyani; Firda Mardhatillah Putri; Bhimo Widyo Andoko; Paisal Akbar; Savira Novalia
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional Vol 26, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkn.60703


 ABSTRACT This study had an aim to saw how the impact of infrastructure development on food resilience conditions in Indonesia, focusing on Bali Province. The result of infrastructure development was one of the main factors in realizing the presence of Food Resilience in Indonesia, so the government needed to built supporting infrastructure intended for people who had conditions far from food resilience and good infrastructure. This research used a descriptive method, with taking data from literatur, document, journal, and internet. This study found that the impact of infrastructure development was closely related to the condition of a region's resilience; Bali Province was one of the provinces that had a high food resilence index score, even in the national food resilience index ranking, Bali Province had an index score of 85.15 making Bali Province as the first place in food resilience when compared to other provinces. The food resilience conditions of regencies/cities in Bali Province also showed high index scores; this could be seen in the last two years the position of Denpasar City, Tabanan Regency, Gianyar Regency, and Badung Regency to became cities and regencies that occupied the highest place in the national food resilience index score. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana dampak pembangunan infrastruktur terhadap kondisi ketahanan pangan di Indonesia yang berfokus di Provinsi Bali. Perkembangan pembangunan infrastruktur menjadi salah satu faktor utama untuk mewujudkan hadirnya Ketahanan Pangan di Indonesia, sehingga pemerintah perlu membangun infrastruktur penunjang yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat yang memiliki kondisi jauh dari angka ketahanan pangan dan infrastruktur yang baik.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan mengambil data dari kepustakaan, dokumen, jurnal, dan internetPenelitian ini menemukan bahwa dampak pembangunan infrastruktur menjadi sangat berkaitan dengan kondisi ketahanan suatu wilayah, Provinsi Bali menjadi salah satu provinsi yang memiliki skor indeks ketahanan pangan yang tinggi, bahkan dalam ranking indeks ketahanan pangan nasional Provinsi Bali memiliki skor indeks 85,15 menjadikan Provinsi Bali sebagai urutan pertama dalam ketahanan pangan jika dibandingkan dengan provinsi-provinsi lainnya. Kondisi ketahanan pangan kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Bali juga menunjukkan skor indeks yang tinggi, hal ini dapat dilihat dalam 2 tahun terakhir posisi Kota Denpasar, Kabupaten Tabanan, Kabupaten Gianyar dan Kabupaten Badung menjadi kota dan kabupaten yang menduduki posisi teratas dalam skor indeks ketahanan pangan nasional.   
Natapraja Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Dynamic Policy
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jnp.v9i1.36886


Multi-stakeholders governance (MSG) is a new governance design that involves many experts from multiple stakeholders to participate in dialogue, decision-finding (and possibly decision-making) and solution to common problem that occur. This article aims to analyze and identify topics on multi-stakeholder governance with a focus on social science disciplines. In particular, this article takes qualitative research with a literature study approach. The approach adopted in this paper consists of an initial selection of articles based on keywords of “multi-stakeholder governance” in social science disciplines in the Scopus database - limited to titles, abstracts, keywords, and in English and using articles published from early to 2020. Several stages are then identified; The first stage is analyzing the number of citations and analysis by country, and analysis of cumulative citations. The second stage analyzes the primary approaches, strategies, and scope used in MSG learning. Finally, the primary topic analysis of several previous studies on MSG. Therefore, the study results illustrate that there are eleven main topics in MSG in social science disciplines; some of the propositions on these topics are summarized.
Development planning to accelerate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Mahakam Ulu Districts as a new autonomous region Bambang Irawan; Paisal Akbar; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Achmad Nurmandi
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 34 No. 2 (2021): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1185.507 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V34I22021.184-195


The new autonomous regions have been seen as a burden because many have not developed into areas that can build inclusive societies. The upstream area of the Mahakam River in 2013 bring forth a new autonomous region called the Mahakam Ulu Districts, and the study aims to describe development planning in the region. This research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach using secondary data. The research results show that the newly autonomous region of Mahakam Ulu Districts is a breath of fresh air for the people of the ideals of equitable development in their regions. Development planning has also upheld the SDGs’ goals; this can be seen from the programs that have been carried out, aiming to bring the Mahakam Ulu District prosperity and justice. The transformation of the values contained in the pillars of the SDGs has also felt to be present in the annual priority programs that have been carried out by Mahakam Ulu Districts, including in terms of social development, environmental development, economic development, and legal and governance development which continue to be pursued by all parties upstream of the Mahakam River, Mahakam Ulu Districts.
Ethics of local government heads: A study of leadership in Surabaya, Bandung, and Purwakarta, Indonesia Mohammad Taufik; Bambang Irawan; Etika Khairina; Mochammad Iqbal Fadhlurrohman; Paisal Akbar
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 34 No. 4 (2021): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (978.211 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V34I42021.406-416


The most significant aspect of a leader’s behavior is ethics because it is a guideline for interacting, acting, and involving in government in an ethical manner without abusing power. This article aims to find out how the ethics of regional heads are applied in the administration of regional government. The research method used was qualitative with a literature study approach. Data collection was done by literature study by collecting various materials from books, journals, research results, and mass media (news). The results of research conducted on three districts/cities in Indonesia involving three leaders of the Mayor of Surabaya, the Mayor of Bandung, and the Regent of Purwakarta in 2015 show some real examples of regional heads who apply ethical values in their leadership, which can be seen from their performance and competence as well as ideas (innovation) and relationships with the community. It has gone well by applying ethical principles in its performance such as accountability, transparency, legal assurance, and justice. Competence in leadership includes the application of ethical values including emotional intelligence, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. This study concludes that government ethics greatly influence the implementation and desired results, as well as on leadership, which will affect the performance carried out.
JWP (Jurnal Wacana Politik) Vol 4, No 2 (2019): JWP (Jurnal Wacana Politik) Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jwp.v4i2.25381


Penelitian ini menjelaskan dinasti politik Kota Bontang. Penelitian akademik ini juga membahas terkait model dan prestasi keluarga politik dalam memimpin Kota Bontang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskrifitip terhadap fenomena yang sedang terjadi, penekanan penelitian ini bersifat interpretif. Hasil dari pada penelitian ini menemukan bahwa keluarga politik Andi Sofyan Hasdam dan Neni Moerniaeni serta anaknya Andi Faisal Sofyan Hasdam telah menjadi keluarga politik yang eksis di Kota Bontang. Sementara itu untuk Model dinasti politik yang dimiliki kota bontang ialah model arisan dan model lintas kamar, dimana model arisan diwujudkan dengan pemberiaan regenerasi kekuasaan kepada keluarga politik, sementara itu model lintas kamar diwujudkan dengan pembagian penguasaan oleh suami dan istri serta ibu dan anak didalam tampuk kekuasaaan eksekutif dan legislatif di Kota Bontang. Penelitian akademik ini juga menemukan bahwa kepemimpinan dari keluarga politik memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap pembangunan Kota Bontang hal ini dilihat dari berbagai macam prestasi dan penghargaan yang diterima Kota Bontang selama keluarga politik ini berkuasa.