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Prosiding Penelitian FISIP Unia 2012
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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This study aims to describe the problems experienced by prospective workers and tries to identify the factors that contribute to these problems, and describes the management of workers by the Department of Labor District Pringsewu.  This research type is a descriptive analysis. The unit of analysis in this study were 10 former workers (TKI) that all are women who residing in Pekon Pujodadi, District Pardasuka, Pringsewu Regency. Informants also from The Department of Labor, that is Head of Labor (Kasi naker) and a former migrant worker who had helped prospective workers on dealing with documents and procedures.                            The study found that problems experienced by migrant workers started from rural origin, pertaining to administrative proceedings before leaving for  work in the destination country to issue such documents. In the destination country, the problems identified such as mismatches jobs promised to those obtained, and also the language barrier. After got back to home country (Indonesia) they got benefit economically but the use of remittance could not be optimal due to daily consumption. It is known that the local government of Pringsewu Regency not paying attention and making human resource development of workers as an efforts of development investments. It can be seen there is no enough budget allocated for integrated management of workers.  Keywords: development, workers, the role of local government
Prosiding Pengabdian FISIP Unila 2012
Publisher : Prosiding Pengabdian FISIP Unila

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In an effort to achieve organizational goals, activists intra-school organizations need to be provided adequate ability and skills in the management of the organization. Management is important because it is bases of all the planning activit ies of an organization, including organizational units. In Management, an organization identified in the present circumstances, direction or goal to be achieved, how to achieve goals, and with whom, and for what they are working. Training of Trainers to Intra-School organizations (OSIS Se-KKM MAN 1 Metro East Lampung) was held on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at the campus MAN 1 Metro, East Lampung. A total of 35 student became a trainee. Training of Trainers Intra-school Organizational (OSIS Se-KKM MAN 1 Metro East Lampung) has been successful in increasing the understanding and skills of the participants related to organizational management. Improved understanding and skills of the average participant was 20.5%. Initial understanding of participants before the training was given by 69.4%, and after training, there is increased understanding of the end to be 89.9%. Activity Plan for follow-up should get the support and training of further guidance from Pembina organization, Vice of Head Master and mentor other  teachers, so that the various materials that have been granted are expected to be followed by each intra-school organizational.  Keywords: organizational management, intra-school organizational
Publisher : Seminar Nasional FISIP Unila

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Penelitian tentang Peningkatan Potensi Daerah Melalui Inovasi Technopark di Provinsi Lampung ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana peran pemerintah dan juga stakeholder dalam implementasi kebijakan yang telah dibuat. Identifikasi terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi baik itu faktor pendukung maupun faktor penghambat dilakukan pada tahapan analisis data. Peneliti mendapatkan data melalui interview, dokumentasi dan observasi melalui metode kualitatif dalam konteks riset kebijakan. 9 Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mencapai beberapa tujuan/target penelitian seperti: (1) Bagaimana dan apasaja inovasi-inovasi yang telah di ciptakan oleh Technopark (2) Bagaimana teknik yang digunakan untuk memasarkan dan mengembangkan hasil inovasi yang telah diprosuksi. Manfaat atas penelitian ini nantinya akan menjadi rekomendasi untuk implementasi kebijakan Technopark di tahun-tahun selanjutnya baik untuk pemerintah daerah dan stakeholders terkait dan sebagai evaluasi serta pemasaran hasil produksi inovasi. Kata kunci: Inovasi, Technopark, Lampung.
Stunting Intervension Strategy Based on Community Empowerment Meutia, Intan Fitri; Yulianti, Devi
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 15, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v15i2.19049


The problem of stunting is still spread in various parts of the world including Indonesia which is a developing country with diverse community conditions. Lampung Province which is one of the regions with a high prevalence of stunting. This research is about the strategy intervention of stunting cases in Lampung Province through Asah, Asih and Asuh programs based on community empowerment. The focus of this research is on the stunting intervention strategy through Asah, Asih and Asuh program to the community. The research approach used descriptive qualitative type. The data analysis techniques used data reduction, data display and conclusion. There were some informants for this research such as the Head of the family and nutrition health section, Head of the Program and Data Evaluation Division, Head of the Health Services and Stakeholders Division. They were the keys informants. We picked ten to be interviewed. We decided to use purposive sampling to decide the informants. This study showed that the stunting intervension strategy was still weak because of some reasons such as 1). The program has not yet been performed on specific nutrition interventions from Lampung Provincial Health, 2). The human resources indicators have less ability in carrying out the Asah, Asih and Asuh programs and decision makers in formulating legislation for reducing stunting cases and 3). There is the cooperation among stakeholders to accelerate nutrition improvement activities in handling stunting.
Komunitas Keamanan Terpadu Berbasis Collaborative Governance M. Syafe’I; Intan Fitri Meutia; Devi Yulianti
Jurnal Ilmu Kepolisian Vol 14, No 3 (2020): JURNAL ILMU KEPOLISIAN VOLUME 14 NOMER 3 TAHUN 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian

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Birokrasi dan Revolusi Industri 4.0: Mencegah Smart ASN menjadi Mitos dalam Agenda Reformasi Birokrasi Indonesia Dodi Faedlulloh; Syamsul Maarif; Intan Fitri Meutia; Devi Yulianti
Jurnal Borneo Administrator Vol 16 No 3 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Puslatbang KDOD Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24258/jba.v16i3.736


This research is motivated by the idea of Smart ASN which was introduced by the government as a step to face the industrial revolution 4.0. The government must face the industrial revolution 4.0. The apparatus must adapt to technological transformation. The purpose of this research is to explore critically the roots of the Smart ASN idea. This research method uses PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses). The results show that the Smart ASN idea still has an inherent problem that is not yet optimal use of information technology. In other words, the Smart ASN idea does not have a solid foothold. The result of the alternative analysis that needs to be done is to optimize the presence of the millennial generation by 1) Providing jobs that are in accordance with their competencies and potential; 2) Provide opportunities to open perspectives and learn new knowledge in work through various methods; 3) Providing space for the new idea; 4) Building a humanistic work culture; and 5) Providing opportunities for capacity building for young apparatuses. Meanwhile, to support the management of human resources, the idea of ASN Corporate University can be implemented to achieve the goal of Smart ASN. Keywords: Bureaucracy, Smart ASN, Industrial Revolution 4.0 Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh gagasan Smart ASN yang dikenalkan pemerintah sebagai langkah menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0. Revolusi industri 4.0 adalah fase terkini yang harus dihadapi oleh pemerintahan Indonesia. Para aparatur dipaksa untuk beradaptasi terhadap transformasi teknologi agar pelayanan publik lebih efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menelusuri secara kritis akar gagasan Smart ASN, menggali aspek yang masih menjadi kekurangan dalam Smart ASN. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gagasan Smart ASN masih memiliki problem inheren yakni belum optimalnya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam birokrasi. Dengan kata lain, gagasan Smart ASN tidak memiliki pijakan yang kuat sehingga diperlukan langkah mengisi kekosongan yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan momentum hadirnya generasi milenial di lingkungan birokrasi dengan cara pengelolaan SDM di era digital yang bersifat pemberdayaan pegawai: yaitu 1) Memberikan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan kompetensi dan potensi diri; 2) Memberikan peluang untuk membuka perspektif dan mempelajari pengetahuan baru dalam pekerjaan melalui berbagai metode; 3) Memberikan ruang produksi gagasan; 4) Membangun budaya kerja yang humanis; dan 5) Memberikan peluang peningkatan kapasitas bagi para aparatur muda. Sedangkan untuk menunjang pengelolaan SDM, gagasan ASN Corporate University bisa dilaksanakan untuk mencapai tujuan Smart ASN Kata Kunci: Birokrasi, Smart ASN, Revolusi Industri 4.0
The Concept of E-Voting Mechanism Based on Law of General Election and Information Security Bayu Sujadmiko; Iskardo P Panggar; Ade Sofyansah; Intan Fitri Meutia
Jambe Law Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Jambi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jlj.3.1.19-36


The development of technology has made transformation in the world; one of them is the implementation of e-voting systems in general elections. This research aims to dig deeper into the utilization of e voting in Indonesia's general election according to the Law on General Election, and research on the e-voting safety aspect in Indonesia's general election with the Law on ITE, government regulation on One Data Indonesia, and the Bill of Personal Data Protection Law. The research method is normative, which is delivered with an analytic-descriptive method. The results show that Indonesia has arranged elections with e-voting mechanisms for multiples of times, for example, in Jembrana Regency. Based on the General Election Law, e voting could be implemented in Indonesia. However, there are still considerations in terms of technology and preparation that should prevent unwanted burden. There needs to be a regulation for voters' data management to prevent violations against human rights. Data management must pay attention to safety aspects guided by the Law on ITE, government regulation on One Data Indonesia, and the Bill of Personal Data Protection Law
Metacommunication Journal of Communication Studies
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (808.976 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/mc.v2i1.3001


 AbstractThis article will discuss on what kind of chiiki keibi (地域警備) or community policing applied in Japan nowadays. Interviews and observations have been conducted on Naka police station and Tagami Koban, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. The debate on why many countries, including Indonesia, implemented Japanese community policing becomes an interesting topic to be discussed. By identifying the characteristic of Japanese Community Policing, we will have the basic understandings to investigate the reasons how community policing in Japan can be adopted then implemented in many others countries, especially in Indonesia. Keyword: Implementation, community policing, Japan. AbstrakArtikel ini akan membahas jenis keibi chiiki atau Polisi masyarakat diterapkan di Jepang saat ini.Wawancara dan observasi telah dilakukan pada kantor polisi Naka dan Tagami Koban, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Jepang. Perdebatan tentang mengapa banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia, melaksanakan komunitas kepolisian Jepang menjadi topik yang menarik untuk dibahas. Dengan mengidentifikasi karakteristik Komunitas Polisi Jepang. kita akan memiliki pemahaman dasar untuk menyelidiki alasan bagaimana Polmas di Jepang dapat diadopsi kemudian diterapkan di banyak negara lain, khususnya di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Polmas, Jepang.                                       
Pelatihan Penulisan Buku Referensi Bagi Dosen dan Mahasiswa (Studi di Universitas Lampung dan STIA Lembaga Administrasi Negara Bandung) Noverman Duadji; Novita Tresiana; Intan Fitri Meutia; Devi Yulianti
Seandanan: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Seandanan: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (745.448 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/seandanan.v1i2.13


Data di Indonesia menggambarkan baru seperdelapan (0,125%) dosen dari 45 perguruan tinggi negeri dan 1400 perguruan tinggi swasta di Indonesia yang telah menulis publikasi, dalam bentuk buku, disisi lain seluruh dosen yang ada di Indonesia diperkirakan berjumlah 1.850.000 orang akademisi. Hal tersebut juga bisa dibuktikan dari jumlah buku yang diterbitkan setiap tahun di Indonesia hanya berjumlah 3000 judul. Penelitian bertujuan untuk peningkatan kapasitas dosen termasuk mahasiswa dalam menulis buku referensi sebagai bagian budaya kegiatan akademik sekaligus instrument tercapainya mutu lembaga akademik. Metode yang digunakan dalam workshop/lokakarya dengan, kepesertaan pada bidang ilmu yang sama, yaitu administrasi public. Penulisan Buku referensi baik oleh dosen maupun mahasiswa, selain menjadi tanngungjawab dan kewajiban akademik juga merupakan standar akreditasi/jaminan mutu lembaga akademik. Upaya pendampingan, komitmen penganggaran dan membangun lingkungan budaya menulis menjadi factor penguat keberhasilan tujuan.
Polisi dan Sumber Daya Manusia: Studi Assessment Center Berbasis Merit System di Polda Lampung Tanicha Aprilia; Intan Fitri Meutia
Jurnal Administrativa Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Administrativa: Jurnal Birokrasi, Kebijakan dan Pelayanan Publik
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik FISIP Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.671 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/administrativa.v1i1.4


The police is a goverment organization whose function is to protect and serve the people of Indonesia. To carry out these duties and functions properly, the Police seeks to create police personnel who have considered capable enough in carrying out tasks with high responsibility. In that way, it is expected that positions filled by these personnel can bring profits to the Lampung Regional Police agency to construct the image and excellent service for the community. This research is a qualitative research, using a descriptive approach through interviews and observation. The conclusion of this research are 5 principles reflected in the Police's efforts to create competitive human resources through assessment center based on merit system, and that are (1) objective principle, Assessment Centerhave consideration material in determining assessment results, (2) accountable principle, namely the implementation and results of the assessment center can be accounted for, (3) nesesitas principle, that is the implementation of the assessment center itself is carried out according to the needs of the National Police organization both in the headquarters and in the regional police, (4) transparency principle, the result of assessmentmonitored by the Career Advisory Board (DPK) in order to the assessment center process always runs well and according to procedures, and the last (5) independent principle, where the process and results of the assessment center are not affected by other parties.