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TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24, No 1 (2022): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v24i1.12106


During the Corona Virus Diseases-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, the recording of kilo Watt hours (kWh) meters was not carried out in every home due to Work from Home (WFH). The calculation of the electricity bill for consumers whose kWh meter is not recorded is done by averaging the electricity usage for the previous three months. Increased activity at home also increases household electricity consumption. Supervision of the use of electric power by customers is needed as transparency in the use of electric power. Therefore, in this study, a real-time internet of things-based disconnection and measurement system for electric power usage was designed. In this design, limiting the maximum electrical power can be done by the NodeMCU which controls the Solid-State Relay (SSR) as a switch, the NodeMCU can communicate with the internet so that officers do not need to visit the customer's house to change the electrical power. The system of changing electrical power and measuring electrical power can be monitored throughout Indonesia with an internet connection from the NodeMCU to the customer. The PZEM-004T sensor can detect the current flowing in the mains and also the AC voltage which can be used as a measurement of electrical power by the NodeMCU. The web design is made so that customers can see the amount of electricity bills running in real time. the power factor in the design of the constant device is 0.8 or 20 percent lower than the power factor used in the Itron kWh meter. So, there is a 20% margin between the power on the tool and the kWh meter. The cut-off test was successful for 450W and 900W maximum power ABSTRAK:Selama pandemi Corona Virus Diseases-19 (COVID-19) pencatatan kilo Watt hours (kWh) meter tidak dilakukan di setiap rumah karena Work from Home (WFH). Perhitungan tagihan listrik bagi konsumen yang tidak tercatat kWh meternya dilakukan dengan cara merata-ratakan penggunaan listrik tiga bulan sebelumnya. Peningkatan aktifitas di rumah juga meningkatkan konsumsi listrik rumah tangga. Pengawasan penggunaan daya listrik oleh pelaggan diperlukan sebagai transparansi penggunaan daya listrik. Oleh karena itu pada studi ini dirancang sistem pemutusan dan pengukuran penggunaan daya listrik secara realtime berbasis internet of things. Pada perancangan ini, pembatasan daya maksimum listrik dapat dilakukan NodeMCU yang mengendalikan Solid State Relay (SSR) sebagai saklar, NodeMCU dapat berkomunikasi dengan internet sehingga petugas tidak perlu mengunjungi rumah pelanggan untuk merubah daya listrik. Sistem perubahan daya listrik dan pengukuran daya listrik dapat di pantau di seluruh Indonesia dengan koneksi internet dari NodeMCU ke pelanggan. Sensor PZEM-004T dapat mendeteksi arus yang mengalir pada listrik dan juga tegangan listrik AC yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengukuran daya listrik oleh NodeMCU. Perancangan web dibuat agar pelanggan dapat melihat jumlah tagihan listrik yang berjalan secara real time. faktor daya pada perancangan alat konstan yaitu 0,8 atau 20 persen lebih rendah dibandingkan faktor daya yang digunakan pada kWh meter Itron. Sehingga terdapat margin 20% antara daya pada alat dan kWh meter. Pengujian pemutusan daya berhasil dilakukan untuk daya maksimum 450W dan 900W.
Perancangan Antena Mics Implanted Untuk Monitoring Detak Jantung Berbasis HFSS 13.0. Muhammad Yaser; Untung Priyanto
Jetri : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Jetri, Volume 17, Nomor 1, Agustus 2019
Publisher : Website

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.547 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jetri.v17i1.4451


The medical implantable communications system (MICS) is one of the emerging technologies in the health sector where the implant device, in this case the antenna, is inserted into the human body between the skin layer and the fat. One application is for monitoring patient conditions such as heart rate and blood pressure. Microstrip antennas in the MICS application work in 402-406 MHz frequency range. In this paper, design and simulation of implant antenna is presented. The implant antenna is simulated using High Frequency Simulator Software (HFSS) using miniaturization, biocompatibility and biomaterial techniques. The antenna will be implanted in the upper arm model. The antenna specifications are as follows: the physical size of the antenna is 32 ´ 40 ´ 4 mm with a working frequency of 403.03 MHz which corresponds to the MICS frequency standard of 402-405 MHz. The VSWR simulation result is 1.2, which has met the standard VSWR value ≤ 2 on the rectangular antenna, which is generally considered as good. The gain is -27 dBi, which is considered good according to the standard (-31.5 dBi) and the SAR is 12.7 W/kg per 1g.Medical implantable communications system (MICS) adalah salah satu teknologi yang sedang berkembang dalam bidang kesehatan. Dengan teknologi ini perangkat implan, dalam hal ini antena, dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh manusia di antara lapisan kulit dan lemak. Salah satu aplikasinya yaitu untuk memonitor kondisi pasien seperti detak jantung dan tekanan darah. Antena mikrostrip pada aplikasi MICS bekerja pada rentang frekuensi 402-406 MHz. Antena implan yang dirancang disimulasikan dengan menggunakan High Frequency Simulator Software (HFSS) dengan menggunakan teknik miniaturisasi, biocompatibilitas, dan biomaterial. Antena akan ditanamkan pada model lengan bagian atas. Dari hasil simulasi didapat spesifikasi antena sebagai berikut: ukuran fisik antena sebesar 32 ´ 40 ´ 4 mm dengan frekuensi kerja 403,03 MHz yang sesuai dengan standard frekuensi MICS sebesar 402-405 Mhz. Hasil simulasi VSWR sebesar 1,2 sudah memenuhi standar nilai VSWR ≤ 2 yang dianggap baik pada antena rectangular. Gain sebesar -27 dBi, yang telah memenuhi standar sebesar -31,5 dBi dan SAR sebesar 12,7 W/kg per 1g. 
Femtocell Number Influence to SINR and Throughput on Coexistence GSM and LTE Network Muhammad Yaser
Jetri : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Jetri, Volume 17, Nomor 2, Februari 2020
Publisher : Website

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.662 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jetri.v17i2.6072


Coexistence GSM network and LTE femto relies on the number of femtocell deployment position. In the earlier study, the impact of macrocell size, femtocell deployment position, and coexistence LTE femtocell network integrated with GSM macrocell had been discussed. LTE femtocell used Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology for its operation. In coexistence networks, LTE femtocells operate with OFDM technology so that they can utilize several radio frequency fractions without disturbing other parts of the frequency located between them. Unfortunately, the impact of femtocell number on the coexistence network had not been discussed. SINR and femtocell throughput performance are mathematically analyzed. The result showed that femtocell number had an effect on the coexistence network performance. SINR GSM, SINR femtocell and femtocell throughput significantly degraded as the femtocell number increased. The increasing femtocell number from M =0 to M =20 on each GSM cell cause around 14 dB degradation in SINR GSM, 3 dB decline in SINR Femto, approximately 1.7% decline in throughput for K = 4. Meanwhile for K = 7, the increasing femtocell number cause 17 dB decline in SINR GSM 6,5 dB decline in SINR Femto and 3.2 % decline in throughput. Those happened since the LTE femtocell interference went up. So femtocell number greatly influences the Coexistence GSM Network and LTE femtocell.Jaringan koeksistensi GSM dan LTE Femto sangat tergantung pada kondisi sebaran femtocell, di antaranya jumlah femtocell. Pada studi sebelumnya telah dibahas mengenai pengaruh ukuran macrocell dan posisi penyebaran femtocell dan jaringan koeksistensi LTE femtocell yang diintegrasikan dengan GSM macrocell. Dalam jaringan koeksistensi, LTE femtocell beroperasi dengan teknologi Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) sehingga dapat memanfaatkan beberapa fraksi frekuensi radio tanpa mengganggu bagian lain dari frekuensi yang terletak di antaranya Namun studi sebelumnya belum membahas pengaruh jumlah femtocell pada jaringan koeksistensi ini. Kinerja kedua sistem yang dalam hal ini SINR dan femtocell throughput dianalisis secara matematis. Hasil simulasi menunjukan bahwa jumlah femtocell memiliki efek pada kinerja jaringan koeksistensi. SINR GSM, SINR femtocell dan femtocell throughput semakin menurun seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah femtocell. Peningkatan jumlah femtocell dari M = 0 ke M = 20 pada setiap sel GSM menyebabkan penurunan sekitar 14 dB SINR GSM, penurunan 3 dB SINR Femto, sekitar1, 7% penurunan throughput untuk K = 4. Sementara itu untuk K = 7, peningkatan junlah femtocell menyebabkan penurunan 17 dB SINR GSM, penurunan 6.5 dB SINR Femtocell dan penurunan 3, 2% dalam throughput. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan interferensi dari LTE femtocell. Maka jumlah LTE femtocell sangat mempengaruhi sistem koeksistensi LTE femtocell dengan jaringan GSM.
TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 24 No 1 (2022): TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/tesla.v24i1.12106


During the Corona Virus Diseases-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, the recording of kilo Watt hours (kWh) meters was not carried out in every home due to Work from Home (WFH). The calculation of the electricity bill for consumers whose kWh meter is not recorded is done by averaging the electricity usage for the previous three months. Increased activity at home also increases household electricity consumption. Supervision of the use of electric power by customers is needed as transparency in the use of electric power. Therefore, in this study, a real-time internet of things-based disconnection and measurement system for electric power usage was designed. In this design, limiting the maximum electrical power can be done by the NodeMCU which controls the Solid-State Relay (SSR) as a switch, the NodeMCU can communicate with the internet so that officers do not need to visit the customer's house to change the electrical power. The system of changing electrical power and measuring electrical power can be monitored throughout Indonesia with an internet connection from the NodeMCU to the customer. The PZEM-004T sensor can detect the current flowing in the mains and also the AC voltage which can be used as a measurement of electrical power by the NodeMCU. The web design is made so that customers can see the amount of electricity bills running in real time. the power factor in the design of the constant device is 0.8 or 20 percent lower than the power factor used in the Itron kWh meter. So, there is a 20% margin between the power on the tool and the kWh meter. The cut-off test was successful for 450W and 900W maximum power ABSTRAK:Selama pandemi Corona Virus Diseases-19 (COVID-19) pencatatan kilo Watt hours (kWh) meter tidak dilakukan di setiap rumah karena Work from Home (WFH). Perhitungan tagihan listrik bagi konsumen yang tidak tercatat kWh meternya dilakukan dengan cara merata-ratakan penggunaan listrik tiga bulan sebelumnya. Peningkatan aktifitas di rumah juga meningkatkan konsumsi listrik rumah tangga. Pengawasan penggunaan daya listrik oleh pelaggan diperlukan sebagai transparansi penggunaan daya listrik. Oleh karena itu pada studi ini dirancang sistem pemutusan dan pengukuran penggunaan daya listrik secara realtime berbasis internet of things. Pada perancangan ini, pembatasan daya maksimum listrik dapat dilakukan NodeMCU yang mengendalikan Solid State Relay (SSR) sebagai saklar, NodeMCU dapat berkomunikasi dengan internet sehingga petugas tidak perlu mengunjungi rumah pelanggan untuk merubah daya listrik. Sistem perubahan daya listrik dan pengukuran daya listrik dapat di pantau di seluruh Indonesia dengan koneksi internet dari NodeMCU ke pelanggan. Sensor PZEM-004T dapat mendeteksi arus yang mengalir pada listrik dan juga tegangan listrik AC yang dapat digunakan sebagai pengukuran daya listrik oleh NodeMCU. Perancangan web dibuat agar pelanggan dapat melihat jumlah tagihan listrik yang berjalan secara real time. faktor daya pada perancangan alat konstan yaitu 0,8 atau 20 persen lebih rendah dibandingkan faktor daya yang digunakan pada kWh meter Itron. Sehingga terdapat margin 20% antara daya pada alat dan kWh meter. Pengujian pemutusan daya berhasil dilakukan untuk daya maksimum 450W dan 900W.
Optimalisasi Throughput LTE Femtocell Pada Jaringan Koeksistensi LTE-GSM Muhammad Yaser
Jetri : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Jetri, Volume 20, Nomor 2, Februari 2023
Publisher : Website

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jetri.v20i2.15748


Throughput on the GSM and LTE Femto coexistence network is highly dependent on the distribution conditions of the femtocells, including the number and position of the femtocells. In previous studies, there has been much discussion about network interference management for LTE femtocell integrated with GSM macrocells. However, previous studies have not clearly discussed the strategy for optimizing the throughput value in this coexistence network. LTE femtocell throughput performance is analyzed mathematically. The simulation results show that when femtocells are deployed near GSM BSs, namely at a distance of x = 0.1R, accommodating one and more LTE femtocells on each GSM macrocell causes a decrease in throughput of around 6.3 kbits/s and LTE femtocell throughput continues to decrease due to the increasing number of femtocells  deployed on GSM macrocell. Meanwhile, the throughput of LTE femtocell increases as the distance between the femtocell and the GSM BS increases. When changing from the distance x = 0.1R to x = R, the LTE femtocell throughput increases by about 1.3x102 kbits/s. So Optimization of LTE femtocell throughput can be done by reducing the number of femtocells deployed on GSM macrocells and adjusting LTE femtocell distribution patterns away from GSM BS.  Keywords— Throughput; LTE femtocell; GSM macrocell; coexistence
Improving SINR 4G/LTE Femtocell in the Coexisting Network Muhammad Yaser
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 14, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Electrical Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jte.2023.v14i3.001


The coexisting of LTE femtocell with existing GSM network is proposed to address the challenge of limitation radio frequency spectrum.  SINR femtocells on coexisting networks are highly depend on conditions of distribution of femtocells, including the number and position of femtocells. On previous study have been extensively discussed coexistence of LTE femtocell integrated with GSM network. But it has not been discussed clearly how the strategy for increasing SINR femtocell in this coexisting network. In this study, various factors that affect SINR femtocell performance is analyzed mathematically. Simulation results show that SINR LTE femtocell increase about 0,2dB for every reduction of one femtocell deployed on the GSM network. When m = 2, SINR LTE femtocell reach 48.3dB then improve become 48.5dB when m=1. Meanwhile, when position of femtocell away from GSM base station from   x = 0.1R to x = R, SINR LTE femtocell increase about 2.5dB for a single femtocell on each GSM network. So as to increase SINR LTE femtocell can be done by reducing the number of femtocells deployed on GSM network and set LTE femtocell distribution patterns away from GSM base station.