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Cultural Integration on Students' Productivity During Distance Learning Parmin, Parmin; Syafi, Mohammad Qois; Junaedi, Iwan; Yulianto, Agus; Purwantoyo, Eling; Mubarok, Ibnul
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 54, No 3 (2021): OCTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.85 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpp.v54i3.38924


This study aims to measure the effectiveness of cultural integration on the productivity of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students during the implementation of distance learning. The culture integrated into this research is a habit that becomes a society's tradition in behaving. The research problem is about the integration of culture on character formation, which impacts student productivity. The study used mixed methods with quantitative data from questionnaires and qualitative data from interviews and document analysis. The research targets are 344 students filled out the questionnaire. After the questionnaire data was analyzed, it was deepened through interviews. The relationship test between character strengthening and students' productivity obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.59, indicating that the correlation between variables is quite strong. Internalization of cultural values into forming students' characters in distance lectures and activities is carried out through habituation. The selection of online application media refers to the ease of access, students' common use, and ease of operation. The research concludes that students' characters contribute to building students' self-awareness to be productive.
TOKSISITAS LETAL AKUT LIMBAH CAIR TENUN TROSO TERHADAP IKAN MAS (Cyprinus carpio L.) Nuha, Agus Ulin; Martin H. B, F. Putut; Mubarok, Ibnul
Life Science Vol 5 No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Tenun Troso merupakan salah satu industri tekstil di Jepara yang cukup dikenal dan produktif. Selama ini banyak di antara home industry yang tidak mengolah limbah dan langsung membuang limbah yang dihasilkan ke parit-parit dan sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai derajat toksisitas LC50-96 jam limbah cair tenun Troso terhadap ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio L.). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental, sampel limbah cair tenun Troso diuji toksisitas LC50-96 jam pada ikan mas. Data toksisitas LC50-96 jam diambil dengan menghitung mortalitas ikan mas pada setiap konsentrasinya, kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis Probit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai LC50-96 jam limbah cair tenun Troso terhadap ikan mas sebesar 2,3%. Besarnya konsentrasi limbah cair mempengaruhi jumlah mortalitas ikan mas. Kematian ikan ditandai dengan adanya perubahan perilaku seperti perubahan aktivitas gerak, keseimbangan tubuh, ram jet ventilation, produksi mukus, perubahan warna morfologi. Troso woven is one of the textile industry at Jepara which well-known and productive. During this time many of the home industry did not treat waste and dispose of the waste directly into ditches and rivers. This study aims to determine the degree toxicity (LC50-96 hours) of tenun Troso waste water against carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). This study was an experimental study, samples of tenun Troso waste water tested the toxicity LC50-96 hours on carp. The data of LC50-96 toxicity taken with counting carp mortality at each concentration, and then analyzed with probit analysis. Based on the results, the value LC50-96 hours tenun Troso waste water against carp is 2.3%. The concentration of waste water affects the amount of mortality of carp. The death of fish can be marked by behavioral changes such as changes in motor activity, balance, ram jet ventilation, mucus production, morphologic changes color.
Produksi Biohidrogen dari Limbah Organik Cair Molase dan Vinasse Menggunakan Bakteri Rhodobium marinum Anhari, Saeful; Bintari, Siti Harnina; Mubarok, Ibnul; Susilaningsih, Dwi
Life Science Vol 5 No 2 (2016): October 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Biohidrogen merupakan salah satu sumber energi alternatif terbarukan yang dihasilkan melalui proses biologis menggunakan bahan baku biomassa organik dengan melibatkan mikroorganisme penghasil gas hidrogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dan membandingkan rasio kebaharuan terhadap produksi gas biohidrogen dari limbah organik cair molase dan vinasse selama fotofermentasi menggunakan Rhodobium marinum. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap tiga faktor, terdiri dari jenis limbah (molase dan vinasse), konsentrasi limbah (10%, 50%, 100%) dan pH limbah (6, 7, 8), pola perlakuan 2x3x3 dengan tiga kali ulangan. Penelitian ini memiliki alur penelitian: pembuatan media tumbuh bakteri, kultivasi bakteri, persiapan media produksi, karakterisasi media produksi, fotofermentasi, dan pengukuran kadar biohidrogen. Rerata hasil produksi gas biohidrogen limbah molase tersignifikan berturut-turut pada K1P3, K2P3, K3P3 sebesar 86/10-1 L kultur, 146/10-1 l kultur, 188/10-1 L kultur dan produksi gas biohidrogen limbah vinasse berturut-turut pada K2P3, K3P3 sebesar 86/ 10-1 L kultur, 110/ 10-1 L kultur. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh bahwa rasio kebaharuan produksi gas biohidrogen molase:vinasse sebesar 27:20. Produksi gas biohidrogen tertinggi pada limbah molase sebesar 188/10-1 L kultur dan limbah vinasse sebesar 110/10-1 L kultur. Biohydrogen is one alternative renewable energy sources produced through biological processes using organic biomass feedstocks involve hydrogen gas-producing microorganisms. This study aims to determine and compare the recency ratio biohydrogen to gas production from organic waste liquid molasses and vinasse by Rhodobium marinum fotofermentation. This study used a completely randomized design of three factors, comprised of the types of waste (molasses and vinasse), effluent concentration (10%, 50%, 100%) and a pH of waste (6, 7, 8) with a pattern of treatment 2x3x3 in three replications. The stages of research were: creation of bacterial growth media, bacteria cultivation, preparation of media production, media characterization of production, fotofermentation, and measurement of biohydrogen. Average results of biohydrogen gas production waste molasses for K1P3, K2P3, K3P3 as amount of 86 / 10-1 L culture, 146 / 10-1 L culture, 188 / 10-1 L culture, respectively and production biohidrogen gas of vinasse waste of K2P3, K3P3 by 86 / 10-1 L culture, 110 / 10-1 L culture, respectively. The conclusion that the newness ratio of biohydrogen production molasses: vinasse was at 27:20. The highest gas production biohydrogen on molasses waste by 188 / 10-1 l culture and vinasse waste by 110 / 10-1 L culture.
Penentuan Konsentrasi Minimum Ekstrak Daun Anting-Anting (Acalypha indica L.) sebagai Antibakteri pada Staphylococcus aureus Alam, Aulia Nuanza; Bintari, Siti Harnina; Mubarok, Ibnul
Life Science Vol 6 No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Anting-anting (Acalypha indica, L.) merupakan tumbuhan herba yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antibakteri, karena mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder salah satunya adalah flavonoid. Potensi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi bakteri resisten akibat antibiotik sintetik yang tidak terkontrol penggunaannya. Salah satu bakteri yang banyak mengalami resistensi adalah bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan konsentrasi minimum ekstrak daun anting-anting sebagai antibakteri S. aureus. Sampel yang digunakan adalah daun anting-anting yang diperoleh dari desa Krasak Pecangaan Jepara. Sampel daun anting-anting diekstrak menggunakan metode soxhletasi kemudian ekstrak diukur kandungan total senyawa flavonoidnya. Ekstrak diujikan terhadap bakteri S. aureus ATCC 29213 dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (mg/mL) selanjutnya diukur zona hambatnya (mm) dengan metode well diffusion. Hasil pengukuran kandungan total senyawa flavonoid ekstrak daun anting-anting diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 18,84 mg QE/gram ekstrak. Zona hambat yang diperoleh dari masing-masing perlakuan berbeda-beda dan semakin meningkat seiring tingginya konsentrasi ekstrak. Rata-rata besar zona hambat dari konsentrasi ekstrak 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (mg/mL) berturut-turut adalah 14,53; 18,46; 19,46; 20,65; 23,14 (mm). Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, konsentrasi minimum ekstrak daun anting-anting sebagai antibakteri S. aureus adalah 20 mg/mL setara dengan konsentrasi flavonoid sebesar 0,38 mg QE/gram ekstrak. Acalypha indica L. is herb that be used as antibacterial, do tue they contain secondary metabolites which one of them is flavonoid. This potential can be used to overcome resistant bacteria as a result of uncontrolled synthetic antibiotics usage. One of the bacteria that have many resistances is Staphylococcus aureus. The purpose of this study is to determine the minimum concentration of A. indica L. leaf extract as S. aureus antibacterial. The sample that being used is A. indica L. leaf gained from Krasak village Pecangaan Jepara. The sample of A. indica L. leaves be extracted with soxhlet methode and measured the total flavonoid content. The extracts be tested to S. aureus ATCC 29213 with various concentration of the extract 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (mg/mL) and inhibitory zone be measured (mm) with well diffusion methode. The results of measurements of total flavonoid content of the extract of the leaves from A. indica L. obtain an average of 18.84 mg QE/gram extract. Inhibitory zone that obtain from each treatment is various and increase along with concentrations of the extract. The average of inhibitory zone from the concentration of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 (mg/mL) conscutively is 14.53; 18.46; 19.46; 20.65; 23.14 in mm. Based on these studies, the minimum concentration extract A. indica L. leaf an antibacterial S. aureus ATCC 29213 was the treatment of 20 mg/mL which is equivalent to the flavonoid concentration of 0.38 mg QE/gram extract.
The Application of Discovery Learning Model Assisted by Multi-Representation-Based Teaching Materials on Ecosystem Materials to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability and Independent Learning Attitudes Noeryana, Dyah Vita; Mubarok, Ibnul
Journal of Biology Education Vol 11 No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v11i1.55235


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the discovery learning assisted by teaching materials based on multi-representation to improve students' critical thinking skills and independent learning attitudes. The research applied used a pre-experiment type one group pretest-posttest design. The population in this study were students of class X MIPA SMA N 1 Kayen for the academic year 2020/2021. The samples in this study were students of class X MIPA 2 and X MIPA 7. The results showed that the two sample classes experienced an increase in critical thinking skills of 0.54 in the medium category and an increase in independent learning attitudes by 0.45 in the medium category. Before treatment, the pretest results were obtained with the results of 1.39% being a very critical category, 9.72% critical, 38.89% quite critical, and 50% less critical. After being treated with the application of the discovery model with multi-representation-based learning tools, the post test results showed that 26.39% of students were in the very critical category, 61.11% in the critical category, and 12.5% ​​in the moderately critical category. From the results of the N-Gain test, students experienced an increase of 18.06% in the high category, 65.28% in the medium category, and 16.67% in the low category. Classically, 81.94% of students complete the KKM. The independent learning attitude of students has increased by 0.45, namely in the medium category. Students experienced an increase of 18.03% in the high category, 63.89% in the medium category, and 18.06% in the low category. Before learning, 25% of the students were in the very independent category, 63.89% of the students were in the independent category, and 11.1% of the students were in the moderately independent category. After learning, 80.56% of students in the very independent category, 18.05% of students in the independent category, and 1.39% in the moderately independent category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the discovery learning with multi-representation-based learning tools on ecosystem materials is effective for improving students' critical thinking skills and independent attitudes.
Cultural Integration on Students' Productivity During Distance Learning Parmin Parmin; Mohammad Qois Syafi; Iwan Junaedi; Agus Yulianto; Eling Purwantoyo; Ibnul Mubarok
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 54 No 3 (2021): OCTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.85 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpp.v54i3.38924


This study aims to measure the effectiveness of cultural integration on the productivity of Mathematics and Natural Sciences students during the implementation of distance learning. The culture integrated into this research is a habit that becomes a society's tradition in behaving. The research problem is about the integration of culture on character formation, which impacts student productivity. The study used mixed methods with quantitative data from questionnaires and qualitative data from interviews and document analysis. The research targets are 344 students filled out the questionnaire. After the questionnaire data was analyzed, it was deepened through interviews. The relationship test between character strengthening and students' productivity obtained a correlation coefficient value of 0.59, indicating that the correlation between variables is quite strong. Internalization of cultural values into forming students' characters in distance lectures and activities is carried out through habituation. The selection of online application media refers to the ease of access, students' common use, and ease of operation. The research concludes that students' characters contribute to building students' self-awareness to be productive.
The Coaching Model for Prospective Science and Mathematics Teachers from the Achievement and KIPK Paths Parmin; Agus Yulianto; Eling Purwantoyo; Ibnul Mubarok; Iwan Junaedi
Mimbar Ilmu Vol. 27 No. 2 (2022): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/mi.v27i2.51340


Analysis of students' achievement in 2019 found new facts that there was a tendency to decrease in achievement from the achievement path and the Indonesian Smart College Card students. The percentage of students' achievement from both paths is less than 5%. This study aims to develop a student achievement coaching model for prospective science and mathematics teachers from the achievement and KIPK paths. The research uses research and development methods to develop a student coaching model involving education management experts to validate the model. The study obtained results where the student achievement coaching model was declared suitable for use by experts. The results of a large-scale model applicability test involve 240 prospective science and mathematics teachers. The percentage of students who made achievement for one semester from the achievement path was 16%, and from the KIPK path was 25%. The coaching model increased students' achievements, which was less than 5% for both paths. In conclusion, the student achievement coaching model from this research can be a new way to continue the culture to make achievements during school and college.
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 4 (2023): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i4.1353-1363


Guru Biologi Madrasah Aliyah Kota Semarang yang mengajar Prakarya dan Kewirausahaan (PKWU) mengeluhkan semakin menurunnya kreativitas peserta didik. Mereka cenderung mereplikasi atau menduplikasi karya kakak kelas, sehingga nilai kreativitas dan inovasinya rendah. Kecenderungan ini harus segera diminimalkan. Teknik eco-print merupakan salah satu jawaban terhadap permasalahan tersebut karena hasilnya bersifat unik atau ekslusif. Oleh karena itu perlu dikenalkan dan dilatihkan keterampilan teknik eco-print kepada guru-guru Biologi MA Kota Semarang. Tujuan pengabdian pada masyarakat adalah mengenalkan, menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknik eco-print pada guru-guru Biologi MA Kota Semarang. Mitra kegiatan ini adalah MGMP Biologi MA Kota Semarang dan diikuti oleh 10 guru terpilih. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat diawali dengan pretest, pengenalan tentang teknik eco-print, praktik teknik pounding, praktik teknik steaming, fiksasi warna, diskusi, posttest, dan tugas mandiri. Dari segi pengetahuan diperoleh N-gain= 0,502 (kategori sedang). Semua peserta aktif dalam kegiatan dan mampu menghasilkan eco-print dengan teknik pounding dan steaming menggunakan kain Primisima, dan berhasil membuat totebag eco-print dengan teknik pounding secara mandiri. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dari segi pengetahuan teknik eco-print peserta mengalami peningkatan. Dari segi keterampilan semua peserta mampu membuat kain eco-print dengan teknik pounding maupun steaming. Secara mandiri, peserta sudah mampu membuat totebag eco-print dengan teknik pounding. Keterampilan peserta masih harus ditingkatkan dengan secara mandiri atau berkelompok dengan mencoba berbagai variasi untuk melatih kreativitas serta inovasi, sehingga mampu menularkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya kepada para siswa.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi Vol. 11 (2023)
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi

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Keberadaan sampah yang melimpah tidak dapat dihindari di pemukiman perkotaan yang cukup padat penduduk. Pengelolaan sampah dengan melibatkan masyarakat sekitar sebagai aktor utama yang mampu menjaga kebersihan, keindahan, dan kesehatan lingkungan, merupakan langkah yang tepat dalam mengantisipasi hal tersebut. Kelurahan Pedalangan Banyumanik Semarang memiliki Rumah Pilah Sampah (Rumpilah) yang pengelolaannya masih sederhana dengan tempat yang seadanya. Rumpilah tersebut difungsikan untuk membantu memilah dan mengurangi sampah rumah tangga. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan memberdayakan Rumpilah tersebut dengan basis pengelolaan zero waste, agar lebih tertata, bersih, indah, sehat, dan secara finansial menguntungkan. Program ini relevan dengan visi UNNES yang berkomitmen menjadi universitas berwawasan konservasi. Target khusus kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah terwujudnya Rumpilah yang tertata, bersih, sehat, dan menguntungkan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui 4 (empat) tahapan, yaitu sosialisasi, peningkatan kepedulian warga, praktik konservasi, monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah Rumpilah yang bersih, indah, dan sehat bagi lingkungan masyarakat setempat.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi Vol. 11 (2023)
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi

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Materi yang harus dikuasai mahasiswa calon guru Biologi mencakup fakta, konsep, hubungan antarkonsep, proses metabolisme, hubungan antarmetabolisme, hingga kemampuan berpikir sistemik proses fisiologis makhluk hidup. Variabel yang dapat berkontribusi terhadap penguasaan materi tersebut antara lain penguatan self-efficacy dan kemampuan multirepresentasi yang seharusnya dilatihkan dan dimiliki mahasiswa selama proses belajar. Namun demikian, kedua variabel tersebut belum menjadi perhatian utama dan tujuan perkuliahan yang melibatkan proses belajar mahasiswa. Model Differentiated Learning merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang menekankan pada pemberian variasi fasilitas belajar yang dapat mengakomodir penguatan self-efficacy dan kemampuan multirepresentasi mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan model spesifik Differentiated Learning hasil pengembangan untuk penguatan self-efficacy dan kemampuan multirepresentasi mahasiswa calon guru Biologi, 2) menganalisis perkembangan self-efficacy mahasiswa calon guru Biologi, dan 3) menganalisis perkembangan kemampuan multirepresentasi mahasiswa calon guru Biologi. Penelitian ini merupakan Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 orang mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi UNNES yang mengambil mata kuliah Biologi Sel (33 mahasiswa) dan Biologi Molekuler (27 mahasiswa). Data self-efficacy mahasiswa diperoleh melalui angket berskala, kemampuan multirepresentasi mahasiswa diambil menggunakan variasi tes, yaitu naratif, bergambar, interpretasi data pada tabel, dan diagram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Differentiated Learning hasil pengembangan dapat diaplikasikan dengan baik dan memberikan efek positif terhadap pengembangan self-efficacy dan kemampuan multirepresentasi mahasiswa calon guru Biologi.