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Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Materi Kesetimbangan Kimia pada Siswa SMA Menggunakan Tes Three Tier Berbasis Web Permatasari, Margaretha Bhrizda; Muchson, M; Hakimah, Nurul; Rokhim, Deni Ainur; Herunata, Herunata; Yahmin, M
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 16, No 1 (2022): January 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jipk.v16i1.29407


Miskonsepsi merupakan masalah besar yang telah menjadi pusat perhatian bagi para pendidik dan peneliti pendidikan pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam, khususnya kimia. Salah satu  materi dalam kimia yang dianggap siswa cukup sulit sehingga tinggi kemungkinannya untuk terjadi miskonsepsi adalah materi kesetimbangan kimia. Miskonsepsi pada siswa perlu diidentifikasi dengan cepat supaya dapat segera ditangani sehingga tidak menganggu pembelajaran selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi kesetimbangan kimia menggunakan tes three tier berbasis web. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 178 siswa SMA kelas 11. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan persentase rata-rata miskonsepsi yang dialami siswa pada setiap konsep dalam materi kesetimbangan kimia berkisar antara 43,91% - 62,06%. Siswa mengalami miskonsepsi pada konsep kesetimbangan kimia, konsep tetapan kesetimbangan kimia, dan konsep Prinsip Le-Chatelier. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tes three tier berbasis web dapat mengefisienkan waktu dalam mengolah data dan identifikasi miskonsepsi
J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): J-PEK (JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um026v5i12020p047


The purpose of this research measured the ability of critical thinking skills on hydrocarbon topic with focused on the further-explanation-indicators in 11th MIA grade students 2018/2019 academic year. This research used a descriptive quantitative research design. The data was analyzed came from 133 students test results in answering questions of critical thinking skills instrument what developed by Rodliyah (2018). The aspect of critical thinking skills with the further-explanation-indicators consisting of five reasoned multiple choice questions. Analyzing were done from students’s answering whose 1 scored, then categorized by percentage according to Karim (2015). The results showed that students had critical thinking skills with the further-explanation-indicators on hydrocarbon topic including a) 57,90% on the subject of isomeric hydrocarbon compounds (low category), b) 67,67% on the subject of the use of hydrocarbon compounds (average category), c) 89,47% on the subject of the physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbon compounds : the physical properties of hydrocarbon compounds (very high category), d) 55,64% on the subject of the physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbon compounds : combustion reaction of hydrocarbon compounds (low category), and e) 11,28% on the subject of nomenclature of hydrocarbon compounds (very low category).
Profile of Polya's Problem-Solving Abilities Model Among Senior High School Students: Lesson From Stoichiometric Class Herunata Herunata; Nur Kholilah
J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia) Vol 6, No 2 (2021): J-PEK (JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um026v6i22021p087


Based on several studies, it is known that there are students' difficulties in applying problem-solving as a problem-solving method, especially in stoichiometric material. Because solving stoichiometric' problems requires not only algorithmic skills but also a good understanding of chemical concepts. This study uses subjective test questions to determine the steps or methods students use to solve problem-solving test questions. The results showed that the students' problem-solving ability in the upper group was very high, the middle group was quite high. In contrast, the lower group was classified as low with mastery of Polya steps, respectively 85%, 68%, and 36%. There is a significant correlation between students' mastery of problem-solving steps. The correlation of mastery of problem-solving steps for students in the upper group was 0.786 (high), the middle group was 0.883 (very high), and the lower group had a correlation score of 0.803 (very high).REFERENCESAmalia, F.R. 2015. Identifikasi Kesulitan Siswa Kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 1 Kauman Tulungagung dalam Menyelesaikan Soal-soal Stoikiometri Menggunakan Analisis Langkah Penyelesaian Soal. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang.Bodner, George M. & Herron, J. Dudley. 2002. Problem Solving in Chemistry. Chemical Education: Towards Research-based Practice Kluwer, 235–266Bodner, George M. & Domin, Daniels. 2000. Mental Models: The Role of Representations in Problem Solving in Chemistry. University Chemistry Education. 4: 24-30.Chang, Raymond. 2005. Kimia Dasar: Konsep-Konsep Inti Jilid 1/ Edisi ketiga. Bandung: ErlanggaChiu, M.H. 2001. Algorithmic Problem Solving and Conceptual Understanding of Chemistry by Student at a Local High School in Taiwan. Journal of Chemical Education International, 11(1): 20-38.Chiu, M.H. 2005. A National Survey of Students' Conceptions in Chemistry in Taiwan. Chemical Education International, 6 (1): 1-8.Effendy. 2006. A-Level Chemistry for Senior High Students Volume 2A. Malang: Bayumedia Publishing.Gabel, Dorothy L., Sherwood, Robert D., & Enochs, Larry. 1984. Problem-Solving Skills of High School Chemistry Students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 21 (2): 221-233Hiebert, J. 1985. Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge: The Case of Mathematics. London: Lawrence Enibaum Associates.Nurjannah, Fitria. 2014. Analisis Langkah-Langkah Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Perhitungsn Pada Materi Stokiometri Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Situbondo. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang.Polya, G. 1957. How to solve it: a New Aspect of mathematical method. Princeton, USA: Princeton University PressSilberberg, Martin S. 2009. Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter Fifth Edition. New York: Mcgraw-hillSugiyono, 2015. Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Alfabeta.Zidny, Robby, Sopandi, Wahyu, Kusrijadi, Ali. 2013. Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Siswa SMA Kelas X pada Materi Persamaan Kimia dan Stoikiometri melalui Penggunaan Diagram Submikroskopik serta Hubungannya dengan Kemampuan Pemecaham Masalah. Jurnal Riset dan Praktik Pendidikan Kimia. 1(1)
Analisis sumbangan materi hidrokarbon terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa kelas XI MIA Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 di SMAN 1 Lawang Reza Rewindi Amayliadevi; Herunata Herunata; Hayuni Retno Widarti
Jurnal MIPA dan Pembelajarannya (JMIPAP) Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1183.101 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um067v1i6p493–501


In the 21st century, students need to have one of life skill that is critical thinking that can be develop and trained through various aspects and one of which is chemistry aspect. One of the materials in the chemistry aspect is a hydrocarbon material. The purpose of this study was to measure the percentage of hydrocarbon contribution towards student's critical thinking skills and to know the level of critical thinking skills in 11th MIA grade students 2018/2019 academic year at SMAN 1 Lawang. The study used a descriptive quantitative research design. The research subjects which amount to 133 students. Instrument for assessing critical thinking skills used in hydrocarbon material developed by Rodliyah (2018) with critical thinking indicators Ennis (2011). The results of the analysis of the level of critical thinking skills of students using the number of students who scored three on reasoned multiple choice questions and score four on the description questions divided by the total number of sample students, then categorized by percentage according to Karim (2015). The results showed that the hydrocarbon material taught by the teacher was able to bring up the students' critical thinking skills with a level of think critically which was still very low with an average of 1) organic and inorganic carbon compounds by 39.10 percent, 2) identification and source of carbon compounds by 13.53 percent, 3) specificity of carbon atoms by 27.82 percent, 4) nomenclature of hydrocarbon compounds by 16.29 percent, 5 ) isomer hydrocarbon compounds by 9.62 percent, 6) physical and chemical properties of hydrocarbons by 29.32 percent for the subject matter of the physical properties of hydrocarbons, the subject matter of the hydrocarbon compound combustion reaction by 5.71 percent, the subject of substitution reactions alkane compounds by 0.94 percent, the subject matter of the reaction of alkene compounds by 11.58 percent, the subject matter of the reaction of alkaline compounds by 3.57 percent, and the sub-topics of identification were saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons by 0.75 percent, and 7) the use of hydrocarbons by 14.43 percent. Salah satu kecakapan hidup yang harus dimiliki siswa pada abad 21 adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis yang dapat dikembangkan dan dilatih melalui beragam bidang, salah satunya adalah bidang kimia yaitu pada materi hidrokarbon. Tujuan penelitian ini mengukur persentase sumbangan materi hidrokarbon terhadap kemampuan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dan mengetahui tingkat kemampuan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa kelas XI MIA tahun ajaran 2018/2019 di SMAN 1 Lawang. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan subjek penelitian 133 siswa. Instrumen penilaian keterampilan berpikir kritis yang digunakan pada materi hidrokarbon yang dikembangkan oleh Rodliyah (2018) dengan indikator berpikir kritis Ennis (2011). Data berupa skor 3 pada soal pilihan ganda beralasan dan skor 4 pada soal uraian yang telah diperoleh dianalisis sesuai dengan pengelompokkan pokok bahasan pada materi hidrokarbon lalu dikategorikan berdasarkan jumlah persentase menurut Karim (2015). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa materi hidrokarbon yang diajarkan oleh guru mampu memunculkan kemampuan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan keterampilan berpikir kritis yang masih tergolong sangat rendah dengan rata-rata antara lain 1) senyawa karbon organik dan anorganik sebesar 39,10 persen, 2) identifikasi dan sumber senyawa karbon sebesar 13,53 persen, 3) kekhasan atom karbon sebesar 27,82 persen, 4) tata nama senyawa hidrokarbon sebesar 16,29 persen, 5) isomer senyawa hidrokarbon sebesar 9,62 persen, 6) sifat fisika dan kimia senyawa hidrokarbon pada sub pokok bahasan sifat fisika senyawa hidrokarbon sebesar 29,32 persen, sub pokok bahasan reaksi pembakaran senyawa hidrokarbon sebesar 5,71 persen, sub pokok bahasan reaksi substitusi senyawa alkana sebesar 0,94 persen, sub pokok bahasan reaksi senyawa alkena sebesar 11,58 persen, sub pokok bahasan reaksi senyawa alkuna sebesar 3,57 persen, dan sub pokok bahasan identifikasi senyawa hidrokarbon jenuh dan tak jenuh sebesar 0,75 persen, dan 7) kegunaan senyawa hidrokarbon sebesar 14,43 persen.
Training of Development of Inquiry-Based and Project-Based Chemistry Learning Design for Chemistry & Science Teachers Oktavia Sulistina; Hayuni Retno Widarti; Habiddin Habiddin; Herunata Herunata; Yahmin Yahmin; Samudra Mutiara Hasanah; Dhea Fairuza Zahirah
J-PEK (Jurnal Pembelajaran Kimia) Vol 8, No 1 (2023): J-PEK (JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak – Nowadays, the demands of curriculum are increasing in achieving better standards of learning process. The low ability of chemistry and science teachers in developing inquiry-based and project-based learning designs is a problem that must be solved. The ability of teachers in making learning designs is one of the pedagogic competencies and professional competencies that teachers must master in their professional development. So there is a need for community service or training to teachers to facilitate this. The method of implementing this community service activity includes the presentation of material on inquiry-based and project-based chemistry learning design, discussion and question and answer, and assistance to teachers in developing the learning design, until teachers are able to make inquiry-based and project-based chemistry learning tools (including lesson plans, teaching materials, and assessment instruments). The result of the training activities was an increase in the knowledge and skills of chemistry and science teachers regarding making inquiry-based and project-based learning designs. Enthusiasm and curiosity in developing knowledge about learning design make this training activity useful for participants.Keywords: Learning Design; Inquiry; Project; Teacher; Training
Panrita Abdi - Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 4 (2023): Jurnal Panrita Abdi - Oktober 2023
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/pa.v7i4.24289


The Minimum Competency Assessment, which will replace the National Examination, will be similar to the PISA test. This is a challenge for Indonesia to create quality education, including increasing scientific literacy skills. Preparation for the 4.0 industrial revolution is directly related to 21st-century education, where students are expected to have four competencies in learning, including critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity, communication skills, and the ability to work collaboratively. Based on this context, the community service team initiated a program entitled Increasing Understanding of Educational Actors Chemistry MGMPs in Sidoarjo on minimum competency assessment using the Pintarin.Id application. The methods in this service are lectures and training of chemistry MGMP teachers on the independent curriculum preparation of AKM questions. The instrument used as a reference for this activity was a questionnaire with 14 statements to measure teachers' understanding and skills in compiling AKM questions. The subjects in this service were 152 people from 25 SMA/MA schools in Sidoarjo. The service locations are SMAN 4 Sidoarjo, SMAN 1 Waru, SMAN 1 Gedangan, SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, SMAS Dharma Wanita 1 Gedangan, and SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. The result of this service is that the teacher's understanding and skills in compiling AKM-based questions increased by 36.92% and fell into the excellent category. Participants responded positively (mean score of 70) to the material, presentation, language, and evaluation aspects presented in the training activities. The results of this service can be implemented in teacher learning in class by giving AKM-based questions to students so that students are better prepared to face the National Assessment. ---  Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum yang akan menggantikan UN, nantinya hampir mirip seperti tes PISA. Hal tersebut menjadi tantangan bagi Indonesia untuk menciptakan pendidikan yang berkualitas, salah satunya melalui peningkatan kemampuan literasi sains. Persiapan menuju revolusi industri 4.0 berkaitan langsung terhadap pendidikan abad 21 ini dimana  siswa diharapkan memiliki 4  kompetensi pada  pembelajaran  diantaranya critical thinking and  problem  solving,  creativity,  communication  skills,  dan ability  to  work collaboratively Berdasarkan konteks tersebut tim pengabdian masyarakat menggagas program berjudul peningkatan pemahaman pelaku pendidikan MGMP kimia se-Sidoarjo terhadap asesmen kompetensi minimum melalui penggunaan aplikasi Pintarin.Id. Metode dalam pengabdian ini adalah ceramah dan melatih guru MGMP kimia tentang kurikulum merdeka, penyusunan soal AKM. Instrumen yang menjadi acuan kegiatan ini adalah angket dengan 14 pernyataan untuk mengukur pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam menyusun soal AKM, subjek dalam pengabdian ini sebanyak 152 orang dari 25 Sekolah SMA/MA di Sidoarjo. Adapun lokasi pengabdian yaitu di SMAN 4 Sidoarjo, SMAN 1 Waru, SMAN 1 Gedangan, SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, SMAS Dharma Wanita 1 Gedangan, dan SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. Hasil pengabdian ini yaitu pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam Menyusun soal berbasis AKM meningkat sebesar 36,92% dan masuk dalam kategori baik. Peserta  memiliki  respons  positif (skor rataan sebesar 70) terhadap aspek materi, penyajian, bahasa, dan evaluasi yang disajikan dalam kegiatan pelatihan. Hasil pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat di implementasikan dalam pembelajaran guru di kelas dengan memberikan soal-soal berbasis AKM kepada siswa agar siswa lebih siap dalam menghadapi Asesmen Nasional.