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PERUBAHAN PEMERINTAHAN MUKIM DI LANGSA, 1906-1975 Muhammad Zakir; Suprayitno Suprayitno; Warjio Warjio
Sejarah dan Budaya : Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um020v13i22019p154-163


This article discusses the changes that took place in the mukim institutions in the structure of regional government in Langsa in the period 1906-1975. This article answers the issue of how the structure and function of the mukim institutions changed in Langsa in the period 1906-1975 and how the mukim institutions in the New Order government experienced a setback. This research uses historical methods trough four steps: heuristic (collecting historical sources); verification (critical sources review); interpretation (historical analysis and interpretation); and historiography (historical writing). Sources as the historical data which collected from several document and literature from colonial to postcolonial period. This study uses social sciences approaches especially politic, so that theme of this study is political and governmental history. This study found that the mukim institution was an original government institution that had long stood autonomously in Aceh. Mukim experienced many changes both in structure and function in the Dutch colonial era, Japanese Occupation, and the period of Revolution of Independence, and even disappeared during the New Order era. The formation of the mukim area is closely related to the existence of the regulation of social life (adat) and for religious life (law) and as well as later appearing to be a unit of local government.Artikel ini membahas perubahan yang terjadi pada lembaga mukim dalam struktur pemerintahan daerah di Langsa pada periode 1906-1975. Artikel ini menjawab permasalahan bagaimana perubahan struktur dan fungsi lembaga mukim di Langsa pada periode 1906-1975 dan bagaimana lembaga mukim dalam tatanan pemerintahan Orde Baru mengalami kemunduran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah melalui empat tahap: heuristik (pengumpulan sumber sejarah); verifikasi (kritik sumber); interpretasi (analisis sejarah dan penafsiran); dan historiografi (penulisan sejarah). Sumber sebagai data sejarah yang diperoleh dari sejumlah dokumen dan literatur periode dari periode kolonial hingga pascakolonial. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu sosial khususnya politik, sehingga tema penelitian ini adalah sejarah politik dan pemerintahan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa lembaga mukim merupakan lembaga pemerintah asli yang telah lama berdiri secara otonom di Aceh. Mukim mengalami banyak perubahan baik secara struktur maupun fungsi pada zaman kolonial Belanda, zaman Pendudukan Jepang, dan periode Revolusi Kemerdekaan, bahkan hilang pada era Orde Baru. Pembentukan wilayah mukim terkait erat dengan keberadaan untuk pengaturan kehidupan sosial (adat) maupun untuk kehidupan beragama (hukum) dan serta kemudian muncul menjadi unit pemerintah lokal.
Analisis Yuridis Penolakan Notaris dalam Pembuatan Akta Autentik (Studi di Kota Medan) Rizka Azizah Siregar; Keizerina Devi Azwar; Suprayitno Suprayitno
DOKTRINA: JOURNAL OF LAW Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Doktrina:Juornal of Law April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/doktrina.v5i1.6354


Article 1 point (1) of Law No. 2 of 2014 on Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions, Notaries are general officials who are authorized to make authentic deeds and other authorities as referred to in this Law. Notaries are obliged to provide services in accordance with the provisions of this Act, unless there is a reason to refuse them. So this study intends to know and analyze the legal arrangements of Notaries in rejecting the creation of authentic deeds, the reason notaries for rejection in the creation of authentic deeds in the city of Medan, and the legal consequences for Notaries who refuse the creation of authentic deeds. This type of research uses empirical juridical research that is descriptive analytical. From the results of the research it is known that the notary legal arrangement to reject the creation of authentic deeds, namely Article 16 paragraph (1) letter e UUJN, The Reason notaries in Medan city for rejection in the creation of authentic deeds both for reasons as explained.
Persatuan Pembangunan Party in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province 1973-1998 Alfian Alfian; Suprayitno Suprayitno; Warjio Warjio
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 3 (2019): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v2i3.404


After the establishment of PPP in the provincial area which is explained in the previous section, it was immediately based on instructions from the center to establish DPC-DPC in Daerah Istimewa Aceh Province. The establishment of the Branch Board (DPC) began in 1974. This article uses a theoretical and approach approach in pilitik science. For research methods, this study uses historical methods. This article explains how PPP can exist or survive in the face of government party hegemony namely Golkar. In this research, the campaign system, election results, PPP vision and party goals are also described.
Exemplary of Limang: The Life Story of Rakoetta Sembiring Brahmana as “Bupati Pejuang” 1914-1964 Suprayitno Suprayitno
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 15, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.59522


Rakoetta S. Brahmana is a name that is still unfamiliar to some of the ears of North Sumatra people, especially for Indonesians in general. Rakoetta, as her comrade and family called her, was a Karo son who was born in the village of Limang, Tanah Karo on August 4, 1914. Rakoetta means glue in the Karo language. By giving that name, his parents hoped that Rakoetta would truly become the glue (unity) for the family and the wider community. This article is intended to re-record the struggle and dedication of Rakoetta as an exemplary figure for what is now known a “fighting” in the Indonesian politics, the Simultaneous Local Election. Rakoetta understood his sociological conditions and Karo culture well because of the influence of his parents. His knowledge of Karo culture became a strong capital in pursuing his political career during the independence struggle in North Sumatra, in addition to his formal education experience at HIS Kabanjahe and Medan Taman Siswa School between 1924 and 1930s. When in Medan, Rakoetta began to come into contact with ideas of nationalism. In Medan political organizations such as Budi Utomo, Sarekat Islam, the Indonesian Communist Party and the Indonesian National Party flourished. During the revolutionary period of independence he was actively involved as a member of Partindo, PNI, Boempa, BPI, BKR until he became regent of the revolutionary period. Rakoetta continued to serve as a Regent of Karo for two periods from 1946 to 1954, and again a Regent of Asahan concurrently Mayor of Tanjung Balai 1954-1960 and Mayor of Siantar 1960-1964. Rakoetta passed away in 1964. The story of Rakoetta’s life saves a bitter and full of ethos of struggle; consistent, resilient, tough, creative, clean and anti-corruption. There are many moral examples that should be emulated from a Rakoetta. The story of his struggle has never been written by anyone.
Salt Trading in Deli: Relationship between Karo and Coastal Area in 19th Century Suprayitno Suprayitno; Ratna Ratna; Handoko Handoko
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 2, No 4 (2019): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v2i4.618


In the East Coast region of Sumatra trade patterns between inland and coastal areas have occurred since the pre-colonial period. If we pull back, the Coastal region and the interior have been trading since the 14th century; this can be seen from the archaeological findings of ancient foreign ceramics in Kabanjahe. In the 19th century, orientlists have stepped on East Sumatra. In their visits and reports, orientalists say that there has been a trade relationship between the people in the community with the coastal community. This indicates that the trade relations of the world’s deep trade with thesis continue to be continued. The role of the inland region is to supply commodities to the coastline; we can interpret that in the coastal region there are no important commodities produced. This article describes the trade relations that occur in the past. This is useful for the flexi trade system of the former with the present. How is the relationship between trade in the 19th century between the interior and the coast.
GRANT SULTAN IN ROYAL DELI AT 1890-1942 Muhammad Nur; Suprayitno .; Edy Ikhsan
Jurnal Education and Development Vol 9 No 3 (2021): Vol.9.No.3.2021
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.24 KB)


This research is entitled “Grant Sutan Di kerajaan Deli 1890-1942”. In the discussion, there are two main points in this problem, namely explaining the background of the policy and its implementation in the field. Previously, to see the changes that have occurred and the supporting factors that support the general picture of Gemeente Medan. From this investigation, it can be seen that the factors behind the existence of the colonial Sutan policy regarding burial land rights in Gemeente Medan were the development of the Gemeente Medan government, the management of infrastructure in Gemeente Medan, and the regulation and prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts. In the part that is the core of this research problem regarding the implementation of the colonial government policy regarding the Grant land in Gemeente Medan in 1890-1942. In this section the regulations regarding statutory regulations, the management body for the distribution of land for grants, and government regulations that apply to government policies regarding the distribution of grants. The formation of Gemeente Medan was based on a decree contained in Staatsblad 1909 No. 180, one of the contents is a matter of land arrangement. Arrangements are arranged based on grouping carried out based on existing groups. The policy in effect has a practical objective for the city government, namely to generate tax money and income for the financial treasury of Gemeente Medan. However, burial ground arrangements also have a purpose in urban and environmental planning. Apart from that, laws and regulations and policies for European groups, according to the government, have contributed greatly to the development of Gemeente Medan. In general, the regulations regarding the division of Grant's land in Gemeente Medan were divided into two, namely the land for the Earthutera and the Eroah people which was managed by the Gemeente government and the Sultanate. This management sometimes results in overlapping policies between the two governments. Gemeente government regulations regarding the agreement for all residents of the Gubernemen even though they live in the sultanate. Meanwhile, the sultanate had the authority to regulate burial land assistance under their jurisdiction, so that the Gemeente government did not have the authority to regulate the area of ​​the sultanate.
Nasionalisasi Perusahaan-Perusahaan Asing di Aceh Timur Tahun 1945- 1968 Halimatussa’diah Simangunsong; Suprayitno S
SINDANG: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah dan Kajian Sejarah Vol 1 No 2 (2019): SINDANG: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN SEJARAH DAN KAJIAN SEJARAH
Publisher : LP4MK STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1389.722 KB) | DOI: 10.31540/sdg.v1i2.231


The Aceh Timur as territorial area which have been prepared by the east Indies government as center of financial investment foreign especially Holland in plantation and mining project. Pass through, the nationalit of the Aceh Timur tried to waive Holland restless which have exploided the available nature resources, being state possession. The nationalization in Aceh Timur being the phenomenon which being buried by the DI/TII whole happen in Aceh. Eventhough, the nationalization still happened in Aceh Timur. Taking over the foreign companies which consist in the Aceh Timur until 1960 whole republic possession and using for prosperous Indonesian people eventhough Industrial sector mining project or plantation sector.
Public Housing in Medan during the Dutch Colonial Period Suprayitno; Wara Sinuhaji; Deo Widika Alamsyah
Konfrontasi: Jurnal Kultural, Ekonomi dan Perubahan Sosial Vol 7 No 3 (2020): Konfrontasi, September
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/konfrontasi2.v7i3.117


As the center of government and economy in the East Sumatra region during the Dutch colonial era, the city of Medan continued to develop and grow in line with the success of the surrounding plantation businesses. This situation resulted in many people coming to Medan to stay and settle down. The large number of people who came to Medan resulted in an increase in population in Medan which resulted in an increase in the number of housing needs at that time, especially houses that met health and safety standards. Since there were many houses that did not meet the standards at that time, the Medan City Government considered that this housing problem had to be taken seriously so they made a policy to establish public housing that met the standards set, which was called “Volkshuisvesting” or people's houses. This housing development policy was also widely carried out in several Gemeente in the Dutch East Indies at that time. Volkshuisvesting itself is public housing aimed at middle and low income people with the aim of helping them to have a decent place to live in. Many things have been prepared by the Medan City government to realize this public housing policy for the people or Volkshuisvesting, starting from planning, provision of funds, housing areas etc. Using historical methods and using sources such as the Dutch colonial archives, newspapers and books that discuss housing published during the Dutch colonial period, this article explains how the Medan City Government plans to build public housing in Medan.
Revolusi di Tanah Alas: Peranan Masyarakat dalam Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Tahun 1945-1950 Halimah Halimah; Suprayitno Suprayitno; Warjio Warjio
Yupa: Historical Studies Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.623 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/yupa.v4i2.268


Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai Revolusi di Tanah Alas dan Peranan Masyarakatnya dalam Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia pada saat revolusi tersebut berlangsung. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah untuk merekonstruksinya, yang terdiri dari empat tahap, diantaranya heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa revolusi di Tanah Alas tidak hanya di pelopori oleh masyarakat yang ikut berperang secara fisik. Selain itu terdapat mayoritas masyarakat yang memiliki andil dalam persiapan perang tersebut, baik dari segi penyediaan peralatan sampai dengan kebutuhan pangan. Masa Revolusi Fisik di tanah Alas banyak melibatkan tokoh dan rakyat Tanah Alas. Selain ikut serta dalam perang fisik, mereka juga dengan gigih membantu memenuhi kebutuhan para pejuang perang. Sehingga, dapatlah dikatakan bahwa masyarakat ini mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam rangka mempertahankan kemerdekaan R.I pada masa revolusi.
Sejarah Pembangunan Pertanian di Kabupaten Deli Serdang pada masa Orde Baru (1968-1998) Putri Khairani; Suprayitno Suprayitno; Warjio Warjio
Yupa: Historical Studies Journal Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.838 KB) | DOI: 10.30872/yupa.v6i1.1150


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sejarah pertanian di Kabupaten Deli Serdang pada masa Orde Baru (1968-1998). Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah dengan empat langkah, yaitu: pengumpulan sumber, kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ada dua, yaitu: sumber primer, berupa arsip, laporan, dan catatan dari Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Departemen Pertanian Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan Kabupaten Deli Serdang; sumber sekunder, berupa buku, jurnal, dan terbitan berkala lainnya yang ada di Perpusatakaan Nasional, Perpustakan Pusat Universitas Sumatera Utara, Perpustakaan Daerah, dan sebagainya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum masa Orde Baru Deli Serdang sudah menjadi lumbung padi bagi Sumatera Utara. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi tanah dan geografis Deli Serdang yang sangat mendukung dengan sistem pertanian. Selain itu, lewat program Repelita 1-6 yang digagas Pemerintahan Orde Baru, menjadikan pertanian di Kabupaten Deli Serdang semakin berkembang. Pembangunan pusat pelatihan dan pembibitan pertanian di Kabupaten Deli Serdang juga ikut memberikan andil yang menyebabkan Deli Serdang sampai saat ini masih menjadi pusat lumbung padi di Sumatera Utara.