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Kinship of bidayuh dayak ethnic at the border of Entikong-Indonesia and Tebedu-Malaysia Efriani Efriani; Hasanah Hasanah; Galuh Bayuardi
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v5i1.8300


This study of Dayak Bidayuh ethnic kinship system at the boundaries of Entikong and Tebedu is based on the issue of border area development, the issue of cultural extinction and cultural values, as well as the issue of cultural claims and cultural values. Besides, the existence of Bidayuh ethnic groups spread across Indonesia and Malaysia has become interesting to study and describe. The study used qualitative method by interviewing and observing people of Dayak Bidayuh in Sontas-Indonesia and Bidayauh in Entubuh-Malaysia. Based on the concept of kinship and border studies, this study shows that (1) Bidayuh Sontas Kinship System refers to the concept of kinship system with a unilateral lineage pattern, so that the Bidayuh Sontas nuclear family is part of an extended family; (2) Bidayuh Sontas has a transnational kinship pattern with Entubuh-Malaysia Bidayuh; (3) The presence of the State is the cause of the separation of Bidayuh Sontas citizenship from Bidayuh Entubuh; (4) When there is a marriage between them, the citizenship must be determined; and (5) Transnational kinship Bidayuh at the Entikong-Indonesia and Tebedu-Malaysia Border as a socio-cultural space phenomenon. An ethnic community that existed before the presence of state’s border is still continuing their daily lives, even though they have been constructed into different nationalities.
Enviromental Civic Engagement in the Community Parit Tokaya Village through Rosella Waste Bank Hayati Hayati; Sulistyarini Sulistyarini; Jagad Aditya Dewantara; Afandi Afandi; Efriani Efriani
JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi) Vol 9, No 1 (2024): JED (Jurnal Etika Demokrasi)
Publisher : Universitas of Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jed.v9i1.11076


The problem of this research is environmental problems, especially waste that cannot be handled properly. This is aims to determine the resolution of waste problems through forms of civic engagement in the environmental field in the Parit Tokaya Village community at the rosella waste bank. This research uses a case study method conducted at the rosella waste bank. The results of the research findings show that solving waste problems through forms of civic engagement in the environmental field in the community at the rosella waste bank is carried out through various activities. These activities include sending and collecting waste to the rosella waste bank, sorting waste, making crafts from used goods, campaigning for environmental care, and socialising about waste to the community and schools. The rosella waste bank succeeded in reducing waste problems by involving the Parit Tokaya Village community.