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Jurnal Dedikasi Vol 15 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.854 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v15i0.6435


Bondowoso adalah salah satu kabupaten dalam Provinsi Jawa Timur yang terletak disebelah timur Pulau Jawa dan dikenal dengan sebutan daerah tapal kuda. Posisinya yangtidak berada pada daerah yang strategis. Sehingga menyebabkan Bondowoso sulitberkembang dibandingkan dengan kabupaten lainnya di Jawa Timur. Karenanyapenduduknya dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mencari nafkah. Diantaranya dengan membuatsandal beralaskan flannel. Namun untuk mengembangkan produksi sandal flannel bagiUKM Sandal Flanel Vanessa  terdapat berbagai permasalahan, yaitu pengemasan produkyang hanya dibungkus plastik sehingga terkesan kurang menarik, tidak ada display berbagaimotif sandal yang dijual, brosur sebagai katalog sandal masih sangat sederhana,pemasarannya hanya mengandalkan pada iklan facebook serta kurangnya pemahamanterhadap metode pembukuan yang tepat yang berakibat masalah keuangan cash flowperusahaan. Masalah merk yang belum dipatenkan juga menjadi kendala, sehingga sampaisaat ini  produsen sandal belum memiliki merk yang pasti. Metode yang digunakan melaluipelatihan dan pembuatan berbagai sarana untuk menunjang penjualan produk melaluiinternet marketing. Adapun hasil yang sudah dicapai sampai saat ini yaitu pembuatanpacking produk yang cantik bagi sandal siap jual sehingga lebih menarik dan menjual,membuat katalog sandal yang bagus untuk menunjang penjualan sandal secara offline.Membantu menata display sandal yang menarik sehingga pengunjung tertarik untukberbelanja langsung, pembuatan web untuk menjangkau pemasaran yang lebih luas(internet marketing), pembuatan fanpage, twitter, instagram dan media social lainnya untukmeningkatkan penjualan sandal flannel. Serta adanya pelatihan pembukuan  serta marketplace
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 19, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jet.v19.83-90


Monitoring energy in buildings can ease us to have a better understanding of electricity consumption patterns to support efficiency and avoid potential damages. However, indoor installations are mostly unmonitored because their panel meters are usually difficult to access. Yet, indoor maintenance tends to be more difficult since the cables are inside the wall, ceiling, or concrete. Internet of Things and big data analytics can be used to track electricity usage either in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. This paper presents how a simple real-time energy data analytics was built at a low cost and high accuracy to inspect energy fluctuations, anomaly, and its significant pattern. We proposed 3 layers of architecture namely acquisition, transportation, and application management. An electronic module named PZEM004T was used to sense voltage, current, and other electrical parameters. Through a microcontroller ESP8266, the data was processed and sent it to an application layer via an existing wireless network. The actual and historical data of electricity were visualized on high-resolution graphs. The experiment was conducted at our office building. The experimental results showed that data of electrical energy usage can be captured close to realtime and power anomaly and pattern can be figured. Performance and functionality testing showed acceptable use of this system with more than 99% accuracy. This system is intended to empower building managers in evaluating the electrical network balance as well as anticipating damage due to overload, overvoltage, and voltage drop. If this model is widely implemented it will produce big data that is useful for advanced analysis.
Mesin Penetas Telur Burung Murai Batu Dengan Monitoring Camera ESP32 Berbasis IoT RAGIL FANNY SETIYA AJI, RAGIL; Sulistiyowati, Indah
JASEE Journal of Application and Science on Electrical Engineering Vol. 2 No. 02 (2021): JASEE
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/jasee.v2i02.173


Burung murai batu terancam keberadaannya di alam akibat perburuan liar.  Perlu upaya konservasi melalui penangkaran ex-situ. Namun penangkaran secara ex-situ menemui kendala dibandingkan dengan pengeraman secara alami karena perbedaan suhu dan kelembapan di penangkaran dengan habitat aslinya yang berakibat pada kegagalan dalam penetasan. Untuk itu diperlukan mesin penetas telur untuk membantu proses penetasan. Mesin penetas telur yang sudah ada masih dimonitoring secara manual sehingga menyita banyak wahtu dan tidak efisien.  Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat mesin penetas telur burung murai batu yang termonitoring suhu, kelembapan dan visual menggunakan metode internet of things dengan platform MIT APP Inventor. Sensor DHT22 digunakan untuk pengambilan nilai suhu dan kelembapan, Camera ESP32 sebagai monitoring secara visua. Hasil pengujian mesin penetas telur burung murai batu dapat termonitoring pada smartphone secara realtime dengan delay 1,7 hingga 2,5 detik.
Monitoring Sepeda Motor Dengan Pelacak Dan Kontrol RFID Berbasis IoT Ahmad Yovi Nurulfahmi; Sulistiyowati, Indah
JASEE Journal of Application and Science on Electrical Engineering Vol. 2 No. 02 (2021): JASEE
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/jasee.v2i02.174


Kasus pencurian kendaraan bermotor khususnya sepeda motor sangat sering terjadi di sekitar kita. Kejadian pencurian dapat terjadi di rumah, tempat parkir, atau bahkan perampasan sepeda motor di tempat-tempat yang sepi. Pencurian sepeda motor dilakukan dengan memutar kunci kontak secara paksa dengan kunci letter “T”. Untuk mengantisipasi kejadian tersebut, sepeda motor perlu dilengkapi alat pengaman dan pelacak untuk mencegah terjadinya pencurian. Pada penelitian ini, telah dibuat alat pengaman kendaraan dengan menggunakan NodeMCU ESP8266. Untuk melacak posisi kendaraan digunakan modul GPS dan Camera Web server ESP32 sehingga alat ini dapat dioperasikan dari jarak jauh melalui internet. Alat ini dioperasikan dengan menggunakan smartphone yang akan menampilkan posisi kendaraan tersebut dan tampilan layar monitor untuk menampilkan pembacaan dari kamera tersebut. Dari hasil pengujian di dapatkan data bahwa alat dapat bekerja dengan maksimal. Hasil pembacaan kamera cukup membantu untuk mengetahui wajah dari pelaku. Penggunaan GPS berfungsi dengan optimal untuk menemukan titik koordinat dari sepeda motor.
Jurnal Dedikasi Vol. 15 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/dedikasi.v15i0.6435


Bondowoso adalah salah satu kabupaten dalam Provinsi Jawa Timur yang terletak disebelah timur Pulau Jawa dan dikenal dengan sebutan daerah tapal kuda. Posisinya yangtidak berada pada daerah yang strategis. Sehingga menyebabkan Bondowoso sulitberkembang dibandingkan dengan kabupaten lainnya di Jawa Timur. Karenanyapenduduknya dituntut untuk kreatif dalam mencari nafkah. Diantaranya dengan membuatsandal beralaskan flannel. Namun untuk mengembangkan produksi sandal flannel bagiUKM Sandal Flanel Vanessa  terdapat berbagai permasalahan, yaitu pengemasan produkyang hanya dibungkus plastik sehingga terkesan kurang menarik, tidak ada display berbagaimotif sandal yang dijual, brosur sebagai katalog sandal masih sangat sederhana,pemasarannya hanya mengandalkan pada iklan facebook serta kurangnya pemahamanterhadap metode pembukuan yang tepat yang berakibat masalah keuangan cash flowperusahaan. Masalah merk yang belum dipatenkan juga menjadi kendala, sehingga sampaisaat ini  produsen sandal belum memiliki merk yang pasti. Metode yang digunakan melaluipelatihan dan pembuatan berbagai sarana untuk menunjang penjualan produk melaluiinternet marketing. Adapun hasil yang sudah dicapai sampai saat ini yaitu pembuatanpacking produk yang cantik bagi sandal siap jual sehingga lebih menarik dan menjual,membuat katalog sandal yang bagus untuk menunjang penjualan sandal secara offline.Membantu menata display sandal yang menarik sehingga pengunjung tertarik untukberbelanja langsung, pembuatan web untuk menjangkau pemasaran yang lebih luas(internet marketing), pembuatan fanpage, twitter, instagram dan media social lainnya untukmeningkatkan penjualan sandal flannel. Serta adanya pelatihan pembukuan  serta marketplace
Measurement, Modeling, and Optimization Speed Control of BLDC Motor Using Fuzzy-PSO Based Algorithm Izza Anshory; Dwi Hadidjaja; Indah Sulistiyowati
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY Vol 5, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jet.v5i1.12113


Measurement, modeling, and optimization are three important components that must be done to get a better system on the BLDC motor speed control system. The problem that arises in the BLDC motor speed control system is the instability indicated by a high overshoot value, a slow rise time value, and a high error steady-state. The purpose of this study is to increase the stability indicator by eliminating the high value of overshoot and error steady-state and increasing the value of the rise time. The method used in this research is to measure the input and output physical parameters, to model the BLDC motor plant mathematically and the last is to perform optimization using several control methods such as Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control, fuzzy logic intelligent control, and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. (PSO). Experimental and simulation results show that the PSO algorithm has a better value in increasing stability indicators when compared to the other two control methods with a rise time of 0.00121 seconds, settling time of 0.00241 seconds, and overshoot of 0%.
Disinfectant Spraying Robot to Prevent the Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus Based on the Internet of Things (IoT) Indah Sulistiyowati; Moh Imam Muhyiddin
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY Vol 5, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jet.v5i2.12363


One way to prevent the transmission and spread of Covid-19 is to always keep ourselves and our environment clean. Maintaining personal and environmental hygiene can be done by using antiseptics and disinfectants. Disinfectants that are not used properly will be bad for humans. That is why so far the spraying of disinfectants for the prevention of COVID-19 has been carried out by human workers who are dressed in complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) using manual sprayers. This is certainly very risky to humans who do the spraying manually. The objective of this research is to minimize the risk of spraying disinfectants, by using a robotic power to spray disinfectant based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and a camera. This robot is operated by using a smartphone while to determine the environmental conditions around it is used a camera. From the test results, it obtained data that the robot works well and is quite reliable due to the wider scope limit because it uses an IoT connection to communicate with smartphones. The results of camera readings on laptops are also quite clear, although the higher the resolution on the display, the lag time required to transfer images to the laptop affects.
Jambura Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol 3, No 2 (2021): JAMBURA JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCES AND RESEARCH
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/jjhsr.v3i2.9798


Abstrak  Penyebaran Corona Virus (COVID-19) di dunia yang sangat cepat perlu diikuti dengan tindakan pencegahan berupa protolol kesehatan, salah satunya yaitu mencuci tangan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengimplementasikan wastafel otomatis di TK. ABA 67 yang terletak di Kelurahan Morokrembangan Kota Surabaya sebagai sarana pencegahan penularan penyakit wabah Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah pertama pembuatan alat cuci tangan yang bisa mengalirkan air dan sabun secara otomatis. Kedua adalah memberikan edukasi kepada 30 peserta yang terdiri atas guru, karyawan, dan wali murid TK mengenai pentingnya protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah Covid-19. Hasil dari kegiatan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 90 % peserta memahami mengenai bahayanya penyakit virus corona, cara penyebaran, serta cara penanggulangannya yaitu melalui adaptasi kebiasaan untuk cuci tangan dengan air dan sabun, sedangkan sisanya yaitu 10%  perlu diberikan edukasi lebih lanjut. Selain itu pada akhir acara dilakukan penyerahan alat wastafel otomatis untuk TK. ABA 67 Kelurahan Morokrembangan Kota Surabaya sehingga dapat dipergunakan dalam menyambut datangnya pembelajaran tatap muka. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, protokol kesehatan, pnemonia, sensor otomatis Abstract  The very rapid spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) in the world needs to be followed by preventive measures in the form of health protocols, one of which is washing hands. The purpose of this community service activity is to implement an automatic sink in kindergarten. ABA 67 is located in Morokrembangan Urban Village, Surabaya City as a means of preventing the transmission of the Covid-19 outbreak. The method used in the implementation of this community service activity is the first to manufacture a hand washing device that can drain water and soap automatically. The second is to provide education to 30 participants consisting of teachers, employees, and guardians of kindergarten students about the importance of health protocols to prevent Covid-19. The result of this community service activity is that 90% of participants understand the dangers of the Coronavirus, how it is spread, and how to overcome it, namely through the adaptation of the habit of washing hands with soap and water. the remaining 10% needs to be given further education. Besides, at the end of the event, an automatic sink device was handed over to the kindergarten. ABA 67 Kelurahan Morokrembangan, Surabaya City so that it can be used in welcoming face-to-face learning. Keyword :  Covid-19, health protocol, pneumonia, automatic sensor 
A Simple Real-Time Energy Analytics Model for Smart Building Using Open IoT Platforms Muhammad Nasar; Novendra Setyawan; Amrul Faruq; Indah Sulistiyowati
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 19, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jet.v19.83-90


Monitoring energy in buildings can ease us to have a better understanding of electricity consumption patterns to support efficiency and avoid potential damages. However, indoor installations are mostly unmonitored because their panel meters are usually difficult to access. Yet, indoor maintenance tends to be more difficult since the cables are inside the wall, ceiling, or concrete. Internet of Things and big data analytics can be used to track electricity usage either in residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. This paper presents how a simple real-time energy data analytics was built at a low cost and high accuracy to inspect energy fluctuations, anomaly, and its significant pattern. We proposed 3 layers of architecture namely acquisition, transportation, and application management. An electronic module named PZEM004T was used to sense voltage, current, and other electrical parameters. Through a microcontroller ESP8266, the data was processed and sent it to an application layer via an existing wireless network. The actual and historical data of electricity were visualized on high-resolution graphs. The experiment was conducted at our office building. The experimental results showed that data of electrical energy usage can be captured close to realtime and power anomaly and pattern can be figured. Performance and functionality testing showed acceptable use of this system with more than 99% accuracy. This system is intended to empower building managers in evaluating the electrical network balance as well as anticipating damage due to overload, overvoltage, and voltage drop. If this model is widely implemented it will produce big data that is useful for advanced analysis.
Keamanan Kunci Ruang Dosen Elektro UMSIDA Menggunakan Ketukan Berbasis Arduino FahrizaI Akbarlillah Perdana Buana; Indah Sulistiyowati
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v11i2.136


The development of modern technology now are much more advanced and it can make doing a job much easier such as security problems for door locks that are applied to the electrical lecturer room UMSIDA. This tool is designed to run a solenoid lock by using a knock code applied to the door locking system by using microcontroller and piezo electric sensor which will be seen with a security system with knock method. The purpose of this study was to determine the constraints of the door safety device using an electric piezo sensor based on the Atmega328 microcontroller and the system can correctly recognize the beat pattern received and process it. This tool system works when there is an input in the form of a password code through the beats detected by electric piezo if the password code is applied correctly then the microcontroller provides input on relay to activate the solenoid and stepper motor, so the door would open. The result of this research shows that it can identify the correct number of beats a maximum of 15 beats, if it is more than 15 times the beat is wrong. From the result of the trial, fast or not a knock is declared true if the beat time ratio is slow by 4 times knock and the door opens. If the knock pattern is different from what has been determined, then the knock is declared wrong and the door can not open. The test results indicated that it can be concluded that from the test or trial carried out by the object provides true overall results even though the results do not provide 100% results. The results of the analysis of the trial carried out by each objects for 15 times, which affects fast or slow beats, number of beats, the ratio of time between knock