Jayus Jayus
*Centre For Development Of Advance Science And Technology, And Agricultural Product Technology Department. The University Of Jember

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AGROINTEK Vol 7, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Agroindustrial Technology, University of Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/agrointek.v7i1.2045


The compound β-glucan is a polymer of glucose, which is polymerized through betaglycoside bond. The compound β-glucan has anti-tumor benefits, reducing the risk of heartdisease, lowering cholesterol and so forth. The compound β-glucan can be produced by thefungus in ukstraseluler. One of the molds that can produce compounds in the extracellular β-glucan is Epicoccum nigrum, often called epiglucan. The purpose of this study was to determinethe effect of aeration and oxygenation to the production epiglukan by Epicoccum nigrum inmolasses media. This research was conducted using descriptive method with 3 under controlledconditions : anaerobic, aeration and oxygenation in the Stired Continuous Tank Reactor (batchculture). The parameters observed were the biomass (g / L), epiglucan (g/L), reducing sugarcontent (%) and pellet diameter are formed. Biomass and highest epiglikan obtained inoxygenated conditions which amounted to 7.074 g / L and 2.01 g / L. The resulting biomasspellet-shaped with the largest diameter occurs in conditions of oxygenation that is 0.37 mm.residual reducing sugar at the end of fermentation the greatest there is in the anaerobiccondition is 1.529%
Presidential Power’s Limitation to Emergency Provisions in Indonesia Jayus Jayus; Muhammad Bahrul Ulum
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v8i2.12473


Abstract.After the demise of Suharto’s regime, Indonesia’s 1945 Constitution was successfully revised from 1999 to 2002. This period of constitutional revision added emphasis to avoid authoritarian administrations such as those experienced during the times of Sukarno and Suharto; consequently, the constitution was re-designed to limit the powers of the government. This article examines the trajectory of constitutional practices in the post-constitutional revision by taking into account emergency provisions exemplifying the new challenges of democratization in contemporary Indonesia. Currently, emergency provisions are amongst the unamended norms in the 1999-2002 agenda of constitutional revision. As a consequence, authoritarianism threatens the future of liberal democracy in Indonesia, especially the enjoyment of civil and political rights. Hence, this analysis elucidates the extent to which the deficit is inherent to Indonesia’s revised constitution on emergency laws and how this deficit threatens the design of liberal constitutionalism. Selected cases were collected to illustrate how Indonesia’s current constitution is reflected, articulated, debated, and negotiated toward the idea of legally limited powers. The deficits have resulted in two major adverse impacts; first, the ambiguous provisions on emergency laws prevail as they are mentioned in Articles 12 and 22 of the 1945 Constitution; second, the President’s monopoly on the power to issue emergency laws is a result of the absence of limitations outlined in the constitution. While the monopoly of such a power is often utilized by the government under the backdrop of constitutional legitimacy, there is a possible effort to eschew potential authoritarianism to add the constitutional restraint to presidential powers in the agenda of constitutional revision.Keywords: constitutionalism, emergency provisions, Indonesian constitution Batasan Kekuasaan Presiden untuk Ketentuan Darurat di IndonesiaAbstrak.Pasca runtuhnya rezim Suharto, UUD 1945 berhasil direvisi dari 1999 hingga 2002. Revisi konstitusi periode ini menambahkan penekanan untuk menghindari pemerintahan otoriter seperti yang dialami pada masa Sukarno dan Suharto; akibatnya, konstitusi dirancang ulang untuk membatasi kekuasaan pemerintah. Artikel ini mengkaji lintasan praktik ketatanegaraan dalam revisi pasca konstitusi dengan memperhatikan ketentuan darurat yang menjadi contoh tantangan baru demokratisasi di Indonesia kontemporer. Saat ini, ketentuan darurat merupakan salah satu norma yang belum diamandemen dalam agenda revisi konstitusi 1999-2002. Akibatnya, otoritarianisme mengancam masa depan demokrasi liberal di Indonesia, khususnya penikmatan hak sipil dan politik. Oleh karena itu, analisis ini menjelaskan sejauh mana defisit melekat pada revisi konstitusi Indonesia tentang undang-undang darurat dan bagaimana defisit ini mengancam rancangan konstitusionalisme liberal. Kasus-kasus terpilih dikumpulkan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana konstitusi Indonesia saat ini direfleksikan, diartikulasikan, diperdebatkan, dan dinegosiasikan menuju gagasan kekuasaan terbatas secara hukum. Defisit tersebut mengakibatkan dua dampak merugikan yang besar; pertama, ketentuan hukum darurat yang ambigu sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 12 dan 22 UUD 1945; kedua, monopoli Presiden atas kewenangan mengeluarkan undang-undang darurat adalah akibat tidak adanya batasan yang diuraikan dalam konstitusi.Kata kunci: konstitusionalisme, ketentuan darurat, konstitusi Indonesia Аннотация.После падения режима Сухарто  Конституция 1945 года была успешно пересмотрена с 1999 по 2002 год. Пересмотр конституции на этот период добавил напряжение на недопущение авторитарного правления, которое имело место в периоды Сукарно и Сухарто; в результате конституция была изменена с целью ограничить полномочия правительства. В данной статье исследуется развитие конституционной практики в период постконституционного пересмотра с учетом чрезвычайных положений, которые стали примерами новых вызовов демократизации в современной Индонезии. В настоящее время чрезвычайные положения являются одной из неизменных норм в программе пересмотра конституции на 1999–2002 года. В результате авторитаризм угрожает будущему либеральной демократии в Индонезии, особенно осуществлению гражданских и политических прав. Таким образом, этот анализ объясняет, в какой степени недостатки связаны с пересмотром конституции Индонезии о чрезвычайном законе, и как эти недостатки угрожают проекту либерального конституционализма. Отобранные случаи собраны, чтобы проиллюстрировать, как текущая конституция Индонезии отражается, формулируется и обсуждается в отношении понятия юридически ограниченной власти. Этот дефицит привёл к двум основным пагубным эффектам: во-первых, неоднозначные положения чрезвычайного закона, предусмотренные статьями 12 и 22 Конституции 1945 года; во-вторых, монополия президента на право издавать чрезвычайные законы является результатом отсутствия каких-либо ограничений, предусмотренных конституцией.Ключевые слова: конституционализм, чрезвычайные положения, конституция Индонезии.
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Khamir Toleran Alkohol dari Molase Nurhayati; Jay Jayus; Anjas Wida Elistia Rini; Bambang Sugiharto; Dedy Eko Rahmanto
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 7, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v7i1.5426


Khamir mampu menghasilkan bioetanol dari molases. Selama proses produksi (proses fermentasi) terjadi proses akumulasi alkohol sehingga konsentrasi alkohol semakin meningkat. Konsentrasi etanol yang melebihi 8% (v/v) dapat menyebabkan ketidakstabilan membran yang kemudian dapat menurunkan permeabilitas membran dan homeostasis sel. Penelitian ini dilakukan isolasi dan identifikasi khamir indigenus dari molase yang toleran terhadap alkohol. Karakterisasi morfologi meliputi bentuk koloni, bentuk sel dan tipe pertunasa, sedangkan karaktersasi fisiologis dilakukan dengan kit API 20C. Identifikasi molekuler dilakukan dengan PCR dan sequencing DNA menggunakan primer ITS1-ITS4. Hasil penelitian didapatkan dua isolat khamir yaitu isolat X dan Z yang memiliki potensi toleran terhadap alkohol. Berdasarkan hasil karakteristik fisiologis, isolat X dan isolate Z memiliki kedekatan dengan Candida tropicalis. Hasil sequencing DNA dengan primer ITS1-ITS4 dan analisis dengan program blastn menunjukkan bahwa isolat X teridentifikasi sebagai spesies Candida parapsilosis strain AUMC 10714 dan isolat Z teridentifikasi sebagai spesies Candida parapsilosis ZA012.
Examining Recall of the House Member: How Does It Impact on Eradicating Corruption in Indonesia? Jayus Jayus; Muhammad Bahrul Ulum; Moch. Marsa Taufiqurrohman
Lentera Hukum Vol 7 No 1 (2020): LENTERA HUKUM
Publisher : University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/ejlh.v7i1.14434


This study aims to discuss the existing contentious recall policy that becomes the legitimate reason to replace or retire the House member proposed by political parties. The discussion also examines to what extent recall, in practice, whether it enables the promotion of Indonesia's anti-corruption agenda. Through the recall, political parties can withdraw their members in the House, either in the form of dismissal or changing positions before the end of the term of office of members who sit in the House of representatives. This study finds that the existing recall policy impedes democracy and negates how to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. As a result, the current policy needs an option to ensure that recall will work as it is expected. Therefore, this alternative should include constituents to propose recall, which will disrupt the existing parties' domination, resulted in a more participatory system, and it reflects the more reciprocal ways to link people, parties, and the House in Indonesian politics. The judiciary's role is another essential aspect to highlight, in which the process and settlement of the recall may involve the Constitutional Court as the hub of the political and constitutional settlement. KEYWORDS: Indonesian Democracy, Anti-Corruption Agenda, Recall Policy, Political System.
Comparison of β-Glucanases Production by Acremonium sp. IMI 383068 in Batch and Continuous Culture System Jayus Jayus
UNEJ e-Proceeding Indonesian Protein Society (IPS), International Seminar and Workshop 2014
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Studies on the possible influence of physical environmental factors on extracellular b-glucanase production by Acremonium sp. IMI 383068 were undertaken, in particular to assess the role of varying agitation speed and pO2 levels, since these have been shown in other studiesto affect the yields of other fungal extracellular enzymes. The use of chemostat cultures in this present study meant that the possible influence of these two parameters on enzyme production could be controlled independently of each other and of growth rate. No other similar data on possible factors affecting fungal (1->3)- and (1->6)-b-glucanases are available in the literature, and therefore other fungal extracellular enzyme systems are used here as comparisons for this discussion. To investigate the possible relationship between enzyme production and culture morphology, the HGU values or branching frequencies of the fungal hyphae were assessed. Since substantial conidial production also occurred in these cultures of Acremonium sp. IMI 383068, it was not possible always to distinguish between mycelial branches that were true vegetative hyphae and those eventually forming the short tapered lateral conidiophores that characterize this strain. Hence HGU determinations include both of these two branch types, except where it was obvious that the branch in question was a conidiophore, adjudged by the presence of emerging conidia from it. The major findings of this study will be discused here which were mainly engaged to the relationship between production of (1->3)-b-glucanases and the growth of the fungus, where it was growth rate dependent, while that of the (1->6)-b-glucanase was growth rate independent. The production of  (1->3)-b-glucanases was shear sensitive and also depended on O2 availability in the culture medium. Based on the data from both batch and chemostat culture, it was found that there was no clear relationship between branching frequency of the fungal mycelium and b-glucanase production by the fungus.Keywords: b-glucanases, Acremonium, HGU, batch and chemostat, branching frequency
SIFAT-SIFAT PREBIOTIK RIPE BANANA CHIP (RBC) Musa sinensis Nurhayati Nurhayati; Tamtarini Tamtarini; Jayus Jayus; Eka Ruriani; Leni Nurul Hidayati
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Ripe banana chip (RBC) Musa sinensis is one type of ripe banana chip that can be processed by using the vacuum frying technology combined with freezing process. This technology could affect the prebiotic properties of the RBC product. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the prebiotic properties of ripe banana chip (RBC). Insoluble indigestible fraction (IIF) was isolated from RBC by enzymatic method. using. The prebiotic properties of IIF were based on their ability to increase probiotic population and decrease enterobactericeae (Eschericia coli and Salmonella sp.) population in the volunteers fecal, profile of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and the value of prebiotic index (IP). The results showed that Frozen vacuum-RBC and vacuum-RBC were able to increase the probiotic growth about 1-2 log of the bacterial population, but unable to decrease enterobactericeae population. Vacuum-RBC was higher to produce butyric acid (3.46 mM) than frozen vacum-RBC and higher of IP (0.39) than RBC frozen vacuum (0.04). It can be concluded that vacuum-RBC have better prebiotic properties than frozen vacuum-RBC.Keywords: ripe banana chip (RBC), vacuum frying, freezing, short chain fattry acid, prebiotic index
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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One alternative way to increase the production of bioethanol in molasses is by varying the agitation speed and aeration rate during the fermentation process. The aims of this research were to evaluate the productivity of bioethanol fermentation of S. cerevisiae FNCC 3210 under different agitation speed and aeration rate. The research was carried out under aeration rate of 0.1; 0.3; and 0.6 vvm; as well as agitation speed of 100, 200 and 300 rpm. Microbial concentration, reduction sugar content and ethanol production were observed every 4-hour interval during 24 hours fermentation time. The results showed that the aeration rate treatment was significantly affecting the ethanol production, while the agitation speed was not. Fermentation condition of 100 rpm agitation speed and 0.3 vvm aeration rate released the highest ethanol production (5.43%), and microbial concentration of 4.07 g/L. Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, bioethanol, agitation speed, aeration rate
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Extracellular epiglucan produced by Epicoccum nigrum has been examined by in vitro analysis to show its potency as an antitumor substance against leucemia cell. The aims of this study were to ditermine the LC50 value and prebiotic activities of native and derivated epiglucan. The epiglucan was modified by sulfation and carboxymethilation methods. The result showed that LC50 of native epiglucan occur at concentration of 22 g/ml. This substance was chemically modified through sulfation and charboxymethilation process in order to increase its antitumor activity. Based on the value of LC50, the sulfated and carboxymethylated epiglucan have higher activity against leucemia cell compare to that of unmodified epiglucan. The LC50 value of suphated epiglucan is 14 µg/L, while the carboxymethylated one is 13 µg/L. Prebiotic activities of both sulfated and carboxymethylated epiglucan were also higher compare to the unmodified glucan since these two derivatives are able to elevate the growth rate of probiotic microorganism such as Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus and L. rhamnosus. Keywords: antitumor, extracellular epiglucan, Epicoccum nigrum, charboxymethilation, sulfation
PRODUKSI BIOETANOL SECARA SHF DAN SSF MENGGUNAKAN Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride DAN New Aule Instant Dry Yeast PADA MEDIA KULIT UBI KAYU Jay Jayus; Sony Suwasono; Ike Wijayanti
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.698 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/j-agt.v11i1.5448


Effort to improve the yield of bioetanol production from cassava peels were be carried out by separated hydrolysis fermentation (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification fermentation (SSF) using Aspergillus niger, Trichoderma viride and New Aule Instant Dry Yeast. The purpose of this research is to measure bioetanol production from cassava peels using three different culture methods i.e SHF1 (A. niger 24 hours +New Aule Instant Dry Yeast); SHF2 (T. viride 24 hours+New Aule Instant Dry Yeast); and SSF (A. niger + T. viride + New Aule Instant Dry Yeast). The research results showed SHF1 (2,58 g/l) produced higher ethanol than that of SHF2 (2,15). The methods of SSF eficiency produced ethanol (2,93 g/l) and faster (18 hours) compared the methods of SHF1 and SHF2 which need 48 hours incubation time to reach maximum level. Keywords: bioethanol, cassava peels, SHF, SSF, A.niger, T.viride, new aule instant dry yeast
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/j-agt.v14i02.9743


The demand for amplang crackers is now increasing. However, the price of its raw material, mackerel fish, is generally higher compare to other fishes, causing the higher cost of this type crackers production. Effort to explore other fish as an alternative raw material is required to overcome the problems. Catfish is one of the choices to be used as raw material since this fish is more available in a market in a lower price, but the protein properties of this fish is different to mackarel, which will be possible to affect the nature of the crackers obtained. To produce catfish amplang crackers to be similar to common amplang product, it is necessary to find out the right composition of catfish and tapioca flour used. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to characterize physico-chemically and organoleptically, the catfish amplang crackers made under different ratio of fish flesh and starch. The experiment was designed using completely randomized design. Physico-chemical data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA, while the organoleptic test data were examined using chi-square method. The effectiveness test was carried out to find the proper ratio of raw materials composition used. The results showed that the higher the ratio of the fish flesh and the starch composition, the lower the texture value of the crackers as an indication of the decrease of its crispness. Although the lightness of the crackers was lowered by the addition of more starch to the dough, its linear expansion and hygroscopicity were not affected. The results of organoleptic test showed that the panelist was prefer to a higher crispness of crackers. The most preferable cracker was the one with 1:2.25 ratio of catfish flesh and starch, showing the characteristic of 1.80% moisture, 2.08% ash, 5.75% protein, 23.55% fat, and 66,93% carbohydrate. Keywords: cracker, catfish, tapioca starch