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Path Analysis to Determine the Effect of Learning Outcomes of Prerequisite Mathematics on Expert Systems Courses Elok Faiqotul Himmah; Rommi Kaestria
Numerical: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/numerical.v6i1.1625


The study background is the need to evaluate learning and the placement of the sequence of courses. The learning objectives are achieved optimally. This study conducts a path analysis to determine the direct or indirect effect of learning outcomes for mathematics prerequisite courses, Discrete Mathematics and Linear Algebra and Matrix, on learning outcomes of Expert Systems with Artificial Intelligence as an intervening variable. This study is explanatory research conducted at the Study Program of Informatics Engineering, STMIK Palangkaraya. The sample used is the 2017 and 2018 batch of students who have taken and passed the MD, AL, KB, and SP courses, as many as 94 people. The data were analyzed using student learning outcomes in the four courses. The data were then selected and analyzed descriptively, the assumption of path analysis (normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity) was tested, and finally, path analysis was performed. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the help of the R program. The results showed (1) the learning outcomes of the MD and AL courses directly significantly affected the learning outcomes of the KB courses by 23% and 23.7%, respectively, and (2) the learning outcomes of the AL courses directly affected the learning outcomes of the SP courses by 34.9%, (3) the learning outcomes for MD and KB courses do not directly affect learning outcomes for SP courses, (4) learning outcomes for MD and AL courses do not indirectly affect learning outcomes for SP courses.
Pemodelan Basis Data Dengan Pendekatan Model Data Berorientasi Objek Pada Native Apps Lokasi Tempat Ibadah Di Kota Palangka Raya Rio Irawan; Rommi Kaestria
Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/jsakti.v2i2.1479


Pemodelan basis dengan pendekatan model data berorientasi objek dibuat untuk menghasilkan sebuah desain basis data beroritentasi objek dalam pengembagnan native apps lokasi tempat ibadah di Kota Palangka Raya. Perkembagnan native apps yang begitu pesat baik pada platform android ataupun iOS akan memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi pengembang untuk menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi yang mendekati atau semaksimal mungkin sesuai dengan kondisi real. Dengan model data berorientasi objek ini, mempermudah dala melakukan analisis permasalahan sebab akan analogikan menjadi sebuah objek, kemudian objek tersebut akan dibuat yang mempunyai sifat atau ciri khas yang berbeda antar kelas. Pemodelan model data berorientasi objek menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) dengan menggunakan Class Diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa desain pemodelan basis data agar mempermudah pengembang aplikasi pada saat pengembangan native apps yang umumnya dikembangkan dengan permograman beroritenasi objek.
Kerangka Kerja Pelatihan Cybersecurity Untuk Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Atas (SMP-SMA) Agung Prabowo; Rommi Kaestria; Ika Safitri Windiarti; Sulistyowati Sulistyowati
Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/jsakti.v4i1.3071


Semua remaja usia SMP – SMA harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang cybersecurity yaitu tingkat keamanan dalam menggunakan teknologi Internet baik melalui PC maupun perangkat mobile lainnya. Cybersecurity adalah upaya untuk melindungi informasi dari adanya cyber attack, yaitu semua jenis tindakan untuk mengganggu kerahasiaan (confidentiality), integritas (integrity), dan ketersedian (availability) informasi secara sengaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kerangka kerja yang tepat dalam memberikan pelatihan kepada siswa SMP dan SMA tentang cybersecurity, yang nantinya setelah dianalisis dan disusun kerangkanya, akan muncul adanya program pelatihan cybersecurity. Program tersebut dikhususkan berkonsentrasi pada keamanan identitas baik secara pribadi, keluarga maupun institusi. Metode penelitian ini adalah mix methods antara survey kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini akan diadakan dengan cara melakukan survey dan uji coba pelatihan kepada siswa SMP dan SMA di Palangka Raya tentang penggunaan internet yang meliputi fasilitas email, social media, dan platform digital lainnya dengan memperhatikan aspek keamanan informasi dan data pribadi. Output dari penelitian ini adalah kerangka pelatihan cybersecurity awareness sebagai bahan pelengkap dalam kurikulum dalam pendidikan SMP dan SMA.
Path Analysis to Determine the Effect of Learning Outcomes of Prerequisite Mathematics on Expert Systems Courses Elok Faiqotul Himmah; Rommi Kaestria
Numerical: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/numerical.v6i1.1625


The study background is the need to evaluate learning and the placement of the sequence of courses. The learning objectives are achieved optimally. This study conducts a path analysis to determine the direct or indirect effect of learning outcomes for mathematics prerequisite courses, Discrete Mathematics and Linear Algebra and Matrix, on learning outcomes of Expert Systems with Artificial Intelligence as an intervening variable. This study is explanatory research conducted at the Study Program of Informatics Engineering, STMIK Palangkaraya. The sample used is the 2017 and 2018 batch of students who have taken and passed the MD, AL, KB, and SP courses, as many as 94 people. The data were analyzed using student learning outcomes in the four courses. The data were then selected and analyzed descriptively, the assumption of path analysis (normality, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity) was tested, and finally, path analysis was performed. Hypothesis testing was carried out with the help of the R program. The results showed (1) the learning outcomes of the MD and AL courses directly significantly affected the learning outcomes of the KB courses by 23% and 23.7%, respectively, and (2) the learning outcomes of the AL courses directly affected the learning outcomes of the SP courses by 34.9%, (3) the learning outcomes for MD and KB courses do not directly affect learning outcomes for SP courses, (4) learning outcomes for MD and AL courses do not indirectly affect learning outcomes for SP courses.