Sri Mukodiningsih
Department Of Animal Husbandry, Faculty Of Animal And Agricultural Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 50275, Indonesia

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Pemanfaatan Susu Bubuk Kadaluwarsa dalam Complete Calf Starter dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Konsentrasi VFA dan Gula Sapih Mukodiningsih, Sri; Budhi, Subur Priyono Sasmito; Agus, Ali; Astuti, A
JURNAL SAINS DAN MATEMATIKA Volume 20 Issue 4 Year 2012

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Peningkatan produksi susu dapat dilakukan melalui program cow replacement dengan pemeliharaan pedet yang optimal sebelum disapih. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan pemberian pakan starter (calf starter dan sumber serat) bersama susu atau susu pengganti setelah lahir untuk mempercepat perkembangan rumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengkaji penggunaan susu bubuk kedaluwarsa sebagai binder dalam complete calf starter (CCS) dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan retikulo-rumen pedet pra sapih. Materi yang digunakan jerami jagung, jagung kuning, bungkil kedelai, dedak halus, premix dan pedet PFH pra sapih umur 1-2 minggu, bobot badan ±32 kg. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap terdiri dari 3 perlakuan. Perlakuan: I. Pellet 100% CCS (tanpa binder) (P0); II : Pellet 90% CCS + 10% susu bubuk kedaluwarsa (P10) ; III: Pellet 80% CCS + 20% susu bubuk kedaluwarsa (P20). Variabel yang diamati adalah kualitas kimia, fisik organoleptik (hardnees dan durability)  dan kualitas biologis (konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan harian (pbbh), kadar gula dan VFA darah).  Data diolah dengan analisis variansi dilanjutkan dengan uji ganda Duncan. Uji biologis pada pedet umur 3 minggu, menghasilkan konsumsi, pbbh, konsentrasi gula dan VFA darah masih dalam kisaran normal.  Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan susu bubuk kadaluwarsa hingga 20% dalam CCS dapat diberikan pada pedet PFH umur 2 minggu dan menghasilkan  indicator perkembangan rumen pedet yang baik
Animal Agriculture Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Volume 1, Nomor 2, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Animal Agriculture Journal

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Penelitian untuk mengkaji pengaruh fermentasi limbah Pertanian dan hasil samping pertanian dengan A. niger pada berbagai aras dan lama pemeraman yang berbeda terhadap komponen serat kaitannya dengan pemanfaatan limbah lokal telah dilaksanakan Januari-Maret 2012 di Laboratorium Teknologi Makanan Ternak Jurusan Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Materi penelitian adalah jerami jagung, jerami padi, dedak padi, onggok, ampas brem, ampas tahu, A. niger. Bahan kimia yang digunakan antara lain larutan deterjen netral, larutan deterjen asam, Natriumsulfit (Na2SO3), aseton, asam asetat dan air panas. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial 4x4 masing-masing terdiri dari 3 kali. Parameter yang diukur adalah komponen serat acid detergent fiber (ADF) dan neutral detergent fiber (NDF) . Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis ragam untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan dan jika terdapat pengaruh nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah ganda Duncan untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan pengaruh perlakuan pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi pengaruh peningkatan aras starter dan lama waktu pemeraman terhadap kandungan NDF dan ADF. Namun, secara parsial berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap penurunan kandungan NDF dan ADF. Disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan peningkatan aras starter hingga 6% dan lama pemeraman hingga 21 hari secara parsial menurunkan kadar ADF dan NDF. Penambahan Aras A. niger sampai 4% dan lama pemeraman selama 14 hari masing-masing menghasilkan kadar NDF dan ADF terendah.Kata kunci : limbah pertanian dan hasil samping pertanian, fermentasi, A. niger, komponen seratABSTRACTResearch to assess the effect of fermentation waste Agriculture and agricultural byproducts by A. niger on various old cedars and different curing the fiber components related to the use of local waste has been carried out from January to March 2012 in the Department of Laboratory Animal Food Technology and Nutrition Faculty of Animal Science, Diponegoro University Semarang. Material research is corn straw, rice straw, rice bran, cassava, pulp brem, tofu, A. niger. Chemicals used include neutral detergent, acid detergent, Natriumsulfit (Na2SO3), acetone, acetic acid and hot water. Experimental design used was completely randomized factorial design 4x4 each consisting of 3 times. Parameters measured were acid detergent fiber component fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Data processing using various analysis to determine the effect of treatment and if there is a real effect followed by Duncan multiple test area to determine the differences and the effect of treatment on the level of 5%. The results showed that there was no interaction effect of elevated cedar and long curing time starter for the content of NDF and ADF. However, partially significant (p <0.05) to decrease the content of NDF and ADF. It was concluded that the treatment increased the cedar starter up to 6% and up to 21 days curing time partially reduce levels of ADF and NDF. The addition of A. niger Aras to 4% and the long curing for 14 days each produce the lowest levels of NDF and ADF.Keywords: agricultural waste and agricultural byproducts, fermentation, A. niger, fiber components
Animal Agriculture Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Volume 2, Nomor 1, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Animal Agriculture Journal

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ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengevaluasi bahan pengemas dan lama simpan optimal terhadap kualitas fisik dan kimia wafer pakan komplit berbasis limbah agroindustri. Ketersediaan pakan secara kontinyu perlu untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak. Penggunaan bahan pakan yang berasal dari limbah agroindustri merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mencukupi kebutuhan pakan, namun penggunaan bahan ini mempunyai kendala yaitu kualitas yang rendah karena itu pembuatan pakan komplit perlu dilakukan. Pakan yang diolah tidak akan awet apabila tidak dilakukan penanganan lanjut, pengemasan merupakan salah satu cara pengawetan pakan dan tidak menurunkan kualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pakan komplit yang dibentuk wafer dengan bahan pengemas dan lama simpan berbeda. Pembentukan wafer berfungsi untuk meningkatkan daya simpan dan mengurangi keambaan pakan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial dengan 2 faktor: bahan kemas dan lama simpan dan 3 ulangan. Faktor bahan kemas terdiri dari tanpa bahan kemas, plastik, karung plastik dan kardus, faktor lama simpan terdiri dari penyimpanan 0, 14, 28 dan 42 hari. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 48 hari, pengambilan data dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 14, 28 dan 42. Data yang diperoleh diolah menggunakan analisis ragam Anova yang dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah ganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahan kemas dan lama simpan wafer pakan komplit berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar protein kasar, kadar air, kerapatan dan durabilitas serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar lemak kasar. Kualitas fisik dan kimia wafer yang terbaik adalah pada penggunaan bahan kemas plastik dan lama simpan 14 hari.Kata kunci: Wafer pakan komplit, bahan kemas, lama simpanABSTRACTThe objectives of the research were to evaluate package and storage periods on physical and chemical quality of complete feed wafer based on agroindustry waste. The availability of feed continously was needed to increase productivity of livestock. The using agroindustry waste was one of requirement feedstuff for the livestock but, the using of the matter had a problem that less quality so, needed making complete feed. Processed feed is not durable if no further handling, packaging is one of the ways to preserve feed, and do not degrade the quality. This research uses complete feed wafer with package and storage periods are different. Establishment wafer serves to increase durability and reduce volume of feed. This research was done with completely randomized design patterned factorial with two factor, they are package and storage periods with 3 replications. The packaging factors consists of without packing materials, plastic, plastic bags and cardboard and storage periods consists of storage 0, 14, 28 and 42 days. The result was follow wit Anova test and Duncan test. The result of the research showed that package and storage periods was highly significantly (P<0,01) affected to crude protein, moisture content, density and durability and was significantly (P<0,05) affected to crude fat. Physical and chemical qualities of the best wafer is on the use of plastic containers and store 14 days.Key words: complete feed wafer, package, storage periods
Animal Agriculture Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Volume 1, Nomor 2, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Animal Agriculture Journal

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Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh fermentasi kombinasi jerami padi dan jerami jagung dengan aras isi rumen kerbau terhadap kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik secara in vitro. Bahan percobaan yang digunakan jerami padi, jerami jagung, isi rumen kerbau. Terdapat dua faktor perlakuan yakni kombinasi jerami padi dan jagung sebagai faktor I yang terdiri atas 3 aras perlakuan yaitu P, JP, J masing-masing 100:0, 50:50, 0:100. Adapun faktor kedua adalah aras isi rumen yakni 0, 5, 10, 15 %. Variable yang diukur meliputi kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organic secara in vitro. Data yang terkumpul dilakukan analisis ragam pola perlakuan factorial dalam rancangan acak lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi antara fermentasi kombinasi jerami padi dan jagung dengan penambahan isi rumen meningkatkan kecernaan bahan kering pada perlakuan JR10 35,51% dan meningkatkan kecernaan bahan organik pada perlakuan JR0 56,99 %. Fermentasi kombinasi jerami padi dan jagung menggunakan isi rumen kerbau terbukti dapat meningkatkan kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik secara in vitro.Kata kunci: jerami padi, jerami jagung, isi rumen, kecernaanABSTRAK An experiment was conducted to determine influence combination rice straw and corn straw fermented by different level buffalo rumen to the in vitro digestibility of dry and organic materr. Rice straw, corn straw, buffalo rumen fill were used as experimental material. There were two treatment factors, namely rice straw and corn straw combination as factor I and level buffalo rumen as factor II. Factor I consisted of 3 levels, were 100:0 (P), 50:50 (JP), and 0:100 (J), whereas factor II consisted of 4 levels, were 0% (R0), 5% (R5), 10% (R10), 15% (R15). The measurement variables included in vitro kcbk and kcbo. Data collect were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance with factorial treatment pattern in completly randomized design. The result of this experiment show interaction combination of rice straw and corn straw ferment with addition of content of rumen improve dry materials digesting treatment of JR10 35,51% and improve organic materials digesting treatment of JR0 56,99 %. Combination rice straw and corn straw ferment use content of rumen proven buffalo can improve dry materials digesting and organic materials by in vitro.Keywords: rice straw; corn straw; Rumen; Digestibility
JURNAL LITBANG PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Vol 1 No 1 (2003): Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36762/jurnaljateng.v1i1.29


An Experiment was dne to determine the effect of different level of mollasses and time of periode fermentation on properties physically of sorgum Forage as Silage. The level of mollasses used were Tl=2%, T2=4%, T3=6%. Time of Periode fermentation were P1=7, P= 14, P3=21 and P4=28 days. Data were collected from the experiment and analyzed by the analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Completely Randomized Design with 3 x 4 factorial arrangement. There were 2 replications. The result showed that different level of rnollasses . and time of periode fermentation did not influence (p>0,05) the properties physically of sorgum Forage as Silage. It can be concluded that the best properties physically of sorgum Forage as Silage was obtained in T3 and P4 with range score was 7
JURNAL LITBANG PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Vol 16 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun kersen dalam pengawetan tepung ikan rucah terhadap kualitas fisik organoleptiknya selama penyimpanan. Pengambilan ekstrak daun kersen dengan cara diekstraksi menggunakan metode sokletasi. Tepung ikan rucah diberi perlakuan A0 (tidak diberi ekstrak) dan A1 (diberi ekstrak daun kersen dengan perbandingan penambahan ekstrak 1 : 10 (v/w) dengan konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan 50%, dikemas dengan kemasan plastik polyethylene dan di simpan pada lama penyimpanan T0 (penyimpanan minggu ke -0), T1 (penyimpanan minggu ke-2) dan T2 (penyimpanan minggu ke – 4). Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap pola faktorial 2×3 dengan 5 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah uji organoleptik (tekstur, warna, aroma dan cemaran jamur). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pemberian ekstrak dan lama penyimpanan berbeda nyata (P < 0,05) terhadap warna dan cemaran jamur namun tidak berbeda nyata (P > 0,05) terhadap tekstur dan aroma. Ekstrak daun kersen mampu mempertahankan kualitas fisik organoleptik dari aspek warna, tekstur dan aroma serta mampu menekan pertumbuhan jamur pada tepung ikan rucah yang dikemas dengan kemasan plastik polyethylene.
Total Jamur, Jenis Kapang dan Khamir Pellet Ayam Kampung Super dengan Penambahan Berbagai Level Pollard Berprobiotik Muhammad Nurdianto; Cahya Setya Utama; Sri Mukodiningsih
Jurnal Agripet Vol 15, No 2 (2015): Volume 15, No. 2, Oktober 2015
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.427 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v15i2.2379


(Total fungi, type of mold and yeasts in super native chicken pelleted feed with various level of probiotic pollard)ABSTRACT. The research objective is assessing the effect of adding various level of probiotic pollard on total fungi, type of mold and  yeast. The material used in this research were fermented vegetables waste , molasses, distilled water, pollard,  super native chicken’s feed, physiological NaCl (0.85% NaCl) and sabaroud glucose agar (SGA).  Research using  completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatment used were T0 = 100% feed + 0% probiotic pollard, T1 = 90% feed + 10% probiotic pollard, T2 = 80% feed + 20% probiotic pollard and T3 = 70% feed + 30% probiotic pollard. The observed parameters were total fungi, type of molds and yeast. The average of total fungi are 0  CFU; 0,55 x 107 CFU; 0,55 x 107 CFU and 0 CFU. Type of mold is Aspergillus niger and none yeast have grown. The conclusion is the addition of 10% and 20%  probiotic pollard to super native chicken’s pellet  yield mold type Aspergillus niger as much 0,55 x 107 CFU.
Uji Biologis Konsumsi Pakan, Populasi Bakteri Rumen dan pH Pellet Complete Calf Starter pada Pedet Friesian Holstein Pra Sapih Nadia Maharani; Joelal Achmadi; Sri Mukodiningsih
Jurnal Agripet Vol 15, No 1 (2015): Volume 15, N0. 1, April 2015
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.077 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v15i1.2302


(Biological test feed intake, population rumen bacteria and ph pellet complete calf starter friesian holstein on pre weaning calf) ABSTRACT. The study aims to assess the quality of the formula Complete Calf Starter (CCS) with 5% molasses instead of milk to the development of rumen microbial calf Holstein Friesian (HF) pre-weaning. The material used is 20 head calf FH pre weaning age of 2 weeks. Feed intake data taken from 20 respondents consisted of 16 females and 4 calf tail male calf. Data rumen bacterial populations and pH were taken from 5 head of cattle slaughtered at the age of 2 weeks (one tail), 4 weeks (2-tailed) and 6 weeks (2-tailed). The study was designed as a descriptive non-parametric. Parameters measured were rumen bacterial populations, pH and feed intake. The results showed the average consumption of dry matter (DM) and CCS calf milk FH ages 2, 4, 6 weeks respectively at 506, 517, 528 grams. Rumen bacterial populations in calves aged 2, 4, and 6 weeks of 80x106, 45x106 and 19x106 kol/m. ruminal pH in calves aged 2, 4 and 6 weeks was 5.71, 5.36 and 5.55. Biological test showed that the use of complete calf starter (CCS) in the form of pellets FH calves at the age of 2 weeks to stimulate the development of the rumen (feed intake, the population of bacteria and pH) but not in calves aged 4 and 6 weeks. This is because the number of bacterial populations declined due to impaired absorption is impaired absorption of VFA marked low rumen pH.
Kajian Level Kadar Air dan Ukuran Partikel Bahan Pakan Terhadap Penampilan Fisik Wafer Retno Iswarin Pujaningsih; Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono; Sri Mukodiningsih; Baginda Iskandar Moeda Tampoebolon; Cahya Setya Utama
Jurnal Agripet Vol 13, No 1 (2013): Volume 13, No. 1, April 2013
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.163 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v13i1.547


Study on the level of water content and particle size of feed ingredients to the physical appearance of wafer ABSTRACT. This study attempted wafer manufacturing technology development of conventional feed ingredients. The benefit of wafer increase feed consumption and feed efficiency, increase the metabolizable energy content of the feed, kill pathogenic bacteria, reduce the amount of feed scattered, extending the storage time, ensure the balance of feed nutrients and vitamins to prevent oxidation. Research was continuing several research activities on wafer manufacturing technology that has been done and continues to be developed by the researchers. The long term goal of a series of research is to obtain basic information to the wafer manufacturing optimum quality and measurable. Specific target is to obtain basic information about the quality of the wafer on the level of water content and the use of a certain particle size. The research method used was experimental and analytical methods in the laboratory. The results showed that based on the test of physical qualities (moisture content, density, water absorption) showed that the use of the level of moisture content up to 8% with a particle size of 10-20 mm feed material provides the best physical appearance of wafer.
Kandungan Total Fungi Serta Jenis Kapang dan Khamir pada Limbah Pabrik Pakan yang Difermentasi dengan Berbagai Aras Starter ‘Starfung’ Arinda Kusuma Dewi; Cahya Setya Utama; Sri Mukodiningsih
Jurnal Agripet Vol 14, No 2 (2014): Volume 14, No. 2, Oktober 2014
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (109.811 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v14i2.1874


(Fungi’s total content, type of molds and yeasts on waste feed mill with various levels of ‘starfung’ starter) ABSTRACT. This research was conducted to processed the waste feed into a feed mill potentially probiotic functional seen a total of fungi, molds and yeasts and the types of protein biomass increase. The material used in the study were the starter starfung, distilled water and waste feed mill feed. The tools used in the study were an oven, thermometer, drying cabinets, pH meters, moisture meter grand. Research using Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) is 4 treatments with 4 replications. The treatment used T0 = Feed + (Starter 'Starfung' 0%); T1 = Feed + (Starter 'starfung' 1%); T2 = Feed + (Starter 'Starfung' 3%); T3 = Feed + (Starter 'Starfung' 2%). The parameter is were observed total fungi, the type of mold fungi and yeasts. The data total fungi analyzed using analysis of variance and multiple regions continued with Duncan's test to determine differences between treatments. Based on the results of the study showed that the feed mill waste fermentation with starter cedar starfung no significant effect (p 0.05) of total fungi. Average - Average total fungi on treatment T0, T1, T2, and T3 respectively - also is 1,77x107, 1,87x107, 0,9 x107, dan 0,91 x107 Cfu/g. Type of mold is Rhizopus sp and type of yeast is Saccharomyces sp. Conclusion The study is fermented feed mill waste to produce cedar starter starfung Rhizopus sp types and kinds of yeast Saccharomyces sp.