Anggraini Mulwinda
Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Journal : Edu Komputika Journal

Edu Komputika Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2015): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Edu Komputika Journal

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi NUSA (Nutrition Status Assesment) yang dapat digunakan dalam penilaian status gizi balita berdasar standar WHO 2005 beserta fungsi rekapitulasi datanya menggunakan java desktop application. Metode dalam penelitian ini yaitu waterfall, yang mengusulkan alur sistematik secara linear, dengan pendekatan sekuensial untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak. Alur yang diusulkan yaitu communication, planning, modeling, construction, dan deployment. Communication, dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data dan memahami sistem yang telah ada, sehingga dapat diketahui spesifikasi permasalahan dan kebutuhan ahli gizi dalam melakukan penilaian status gizi balita. Planning, dilakukan dengan menentukan tempat dan waktu penelitian serta mempersiapkan perangkat yang dibutuhkan. Modelling, dilakukan dengan model analisis dan desain. Construction merupakan tahap pengkodean dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java, NetBeans sebagai IDE-nya serta SQLite sebagai pengelola basis datanya dan pengujian aplikasi dengan pengujian white box. Tahap deployment dilakukan dengan menyerahkan aplikasi kepada ahli gizi Puskesmas Sekaran yang merupakan pengguna aplikasi. Pengujian dilakukan oleh ahli gizi di Puskesmas Sekaran yang merupakan pengguna dari aplikasi. Pengujian yang dilakukan memberikan hasil bahwa aplikasi NUSA yang dibangun menggunakan java desktop application dengan metode waterfall yang tahapannya meliputi communication, planning, modeling, construction, dan deployment dapat digunakan untuk membantu penilaian status gizi balita yang berdasar pada standar WHO 2005 serta mampu memberikan rekapitulasi datanya. This study aims are to build NUSA (Nutrition Status Assessment) application which can be used in the assessment of nutritional status of children based on WHO 2005 standards with a recapitulation function data using Java desktop application.The method in this research is waterfall, which proposes a systematic flow linearly, with the sequential approach to develop software. The proposed groove that are communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. Communication, conducted by collecting data and understanding the existing system so that it can be seen the specific problems and needs of nutritionist in assessing the nutritional status of children. Planning, conducted by determining the place and time of study and prepare the necessary tools. Modeling, conducted by analysis model and design. Construction is a phase encoding using Java programming language, NetBeans as the IDE and SQLite as its database manager and application testing with white-box testing. Deployment phase is done by submitting an application to the nutritionist of PHC Sekaran who are users of the application.Tests conducted by a nutritionist at the PHC Sekaran have now who are users of the application. Tests conducted gives the result that NUSA applications developed using Java.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Bisindo) dengan Mengintegrasikan Cloud Video Berbasis Android Nuryazid, Nuryazid; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Sign language learning application to be able to help its users in order to learn sign language easily namely a sign language dictionary application can display video in it, is needed these day. The popularity of using android operating system in the general society makes the development of Indonesian sign language dictionary application based on android. This application development is using the software development waterfall model that consists of a stage needs analyze includes an analysis of user needs, preparation tools and the materials development, system design in the form of use case diagrams, activity diagram, sequence diagram, as well as interface design, coding by using the Java programming language, to the testing of products include the black-box test, experts test, and users test. The result of this application development is a dictionary application of sign language that can display a video of Indonesia language sign movement. Black-box testing result showed the application was already running in accordance with the design that has been created. Testing applications by material and media experts indicated that this application has a very good quality. Also for the application user testing results conducted 22 people studied the sign language, they indicated that the application has a very good functional qualities. Based on the results of these tests, then it can be inferred that Indonesian sign language dictionary application development can be used as a learning tool for helping Indonesian people to study about the sign language.
Implementasi Capacitive Sensor pada Arduino dalam Perancangan Bonang Elektronik Yuniaratri, Riris; Suryanto, Agus; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This aim of this research to create a clone hardware that can represent original Bonang Barung using existing technology. Capacitive sensors on Arduino was used to detect a touch on bonang. The touch was distinguished by the declaration pins of Arduino. Each pin represented one sensor for one tone. The tone was derived from recording original Bonang Barung stored in SD-Card WTV020SD-16P module. Furthermore, Arduino as microcontroller would select input to produce an output through the speakers. Testing was done by analyzing the frequencies and sensitivities that exist in electronic bonang. Results of the test were showed difference frequency of 1-9 Hz between the frequency of original bonang with electronic bonang. This difference was still relatively the same frequency in one tone. The use of different thickness metal in sensitivity testing was as good as the response from the sensor. On the use of resistors, the higher value of resistor would make higher sensitivity of the sensor. Based of the research could be concluded that the capacitive sensor could be applied to design electronic bonang by using appropriate resistor value that was 1 MW. The higher value of resistor would make sensitivity of electronic bonang higher too. The use of aluminum foil and aluminum plate with thickness 0.8mm, 1mm and 1.5mm with each side lengths 3cm, 4cm and 5cm were as good as for sensor response.
Lestari Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Tumbuhan Rifaldi, Achmad; Kurniawan, Prawidana; Manikowati, Manikowati; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edukomputika.v8i1.42346


Lestari merupakan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan multi fitur dan mobile. Pengembangan aplikasi bertujuan untuk memberikan materi tumbuhan secara tulisan dan gambar serta menampilkan model 3D (tiga dimensi) sebagai alat peraga dalam menampilkan jaringan tumbuhan yang tidak dapat dilihat langsung tanpa adanya alat bantu. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan menggunakan metode prototype. Pengujian dilakukan dalam memindai pola gambar, dimana Augmented reality terbatas dalam mengidentifikasi gambar pada penggunaan kertas, cahaya, dan jarak. Fungsionalitas tombol pada aplikasi diuji menggunakan metode black box yang mana fungsi telah berjalan baik, dinilai layak digunakan pada android.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia (Bisindo) dengan Mengintegrasikan Cloud Video Berbasis Android Nuryazid, Nuryazid; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edukomputika.v4i1.20543


Sign language learning application to be able to help its users in order to learn sign language easily namely a sign language dictionary application can display video in it, is needed these day. The popularity of using android operating system in the general society makes the development of Indonesian sign language dictionary application based on android. This application development is using the software development waterfall model that consists of a stage needs analyze includes an analysis of user needs, preparation tools and the materials development, system design in the form of use case diagrams, activity diagram, sequence diagram, as well as interface design, coding by using the Java programming language, to the testing of products include the black-box test, experts test, and users test. The result of this application development is a dictionary application of sign language that can display a video of Indonesia language sign movement. Black-box testing result showed the application was already running in accordance with the design that has been created. Testing applications by material and media experts indicated that this application has a very good quality. Also for the application user testing results conducted 22 people studied the sign language, they indicated that the application has a very good functional qualities. Based on the results of these tests, then it can be inferred that Indonesian sign language dictionary application development can be used as a learning tool for helping Indonesian people to study about the sign language.
Implementasi Capacitive Sensor pada Arduino dalam Perancangan Bonang Elektronik Yuniaratri, Riris; Suryanto, Agus; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edukomputika.v4i1.20544


This aim of this research to create a clone hardware that can represent original Bonang Barung using existing technology. Capacitive sensors on Arduino was used to detect a touch on bonang. The touch was distinguished by the declaration pins of Arduino. Each pin represented one sensor for one tone. The tone was derived from recording original Bonang Barung stored in SD-Card WTV020SD-16P module. Furthermore, Arduino as microcontroller would select input to produce an output through the speakers. Testing was done by analyzing the frequencies and sensitivities that exist in electronic bonang. Results of the test were showed difference frequency of 1-9 Hz between the frequency of original bonang with electronic bonang. This difference was still relatively the same frequency in one tone. The use of different thickness metal in sensitivity testing was as good as the response from the sensor. On the use of resistors, the higher value of resistor would make higher sensitivity of the sensor. Based of the research could be concluded that the capacitive sensor could be applied to design electronic bonang by using appropriate resistor value that was 1 MW. The higher value of resistor would make sensitivity of electronic bonang higher too. The use of aluminum foil and aluminum plate with thickness 0.8mm, 1mm and 1.5mm with each side lengths 3cm, 4cm and 5cm were as good as for sensor response.
Lestari Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Tumbuhan Rifaldi, Achmad; Kurniawan, Prawidana; Manikowati, Manikowati; Mulwinda, Anggraini
Edu Komputika Journal Vol 8 No 1 (2021): Edu Komputika Journal
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edukomputika.v8i1.42346


Lestari merupakan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan multi fitur dan mobile. Pengembangan aplikasi bertujuan untuk memberikan materi tumbuhan secara tulisan dan gambar serta menampilkan model 3D (tiga dimensi) sebagai alat peraga dalam menampilkan jaringan tumbuhan yang tidak dapat dilihat langsung tanpa adanya alat bantu. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengembangan menggunakan metode prototype. Pengujian dilakukan dalam memindai pola gambar, dimana Augmented reality terbatas dalam mengidentifikasi gambar pada penggunaan kertas, cahaya, dan jarak. Fungsionalitas tombol pada aplikasi diuji menggunakan metode black box yang mana fungsi telah berjalan baik, dinilai layak digunakan pada android.