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All Journal Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal) AL-TA´LIM Al-Ulum INFERENSI Cendekia Khizanah al-Hikmah : Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan, Informasi, dan Kearsipan Jurnal Mechanical Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini JURNAL PENELITIAN Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan JURNAL KEPEMIMPINAN DAN PENGURUSAN SEKOLAH Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Jurnal Elementer (Elektro dan Mesin Terapan) Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan Journal EVALUASI Transformatif Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam JURNAL PENDIDIKAN TAMBUSAI At-Ta'lim : Media Informasi Pendidikan Islam Al-Ta'lim Academy of Education Journal Al-Fatih: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keislaman TARLIM : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM JURNAL CRANKSHAFT Infotekmesin SCAFFOLDING: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Al-Tazkiah : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam JAMP : Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan Edunesia : jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan eL-HIKMAH: Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam Jurnal Penelitian Jurnal Kependidikan Islam An-Nur : Jurnal Studi Islam DINAMIKA ILMU: Jurnal Pendidikan Ta'dib Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Kelola: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Ta'dib Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
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The Content Mastery among Islamic Education Teachers in Junior Islamic Secondary Schools in Surakarta Munadi, Muhammad
AT-TALIM Vol 24, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (826.51 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jt.v0i0.274


The study aims to describe the content mastery among Islamic Education teachers in all MTs/N (Islamic Secondary School) located in Surakarta. A mixed method was used in this study, where the teachers of MTsN and private MTs in Surakarta involved in this study. Test, interview and documentation became the instruments of this study. For ensuring the validity, the researcher used expert judgment. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results of the study showed that in overall the average scores in the Islamic Education materials had been 74 – which was quite low for a teacher. Meanwhile, some of the teachers got only 47 as compared to100 for the maximum score. From four subjects in the Islamic Education, the score of the teachers’ academic test from the highest to the lowest would be displayed as follows: Qur’an Hadits were 76.40; Fiqh was 76.40; SKI was 73.46; and Aqidah Akhlak was 72.40. It Indicated that the content mastery in the Qur’an – Hadits and Aqidah Akhlak had been higher than that of Fiqh and SKI.
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 10 NO 2 TAHUN 2012
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v10i2.408


Abstract: This research was aimed to reveal the religious inclusivism contents on Islamic Education subject taught at senior high school level, learning model of Islamic Religious Education is taught in secondary education pursue the development of tolerance and religious inclusivism on the learners and the teachers and instructional materials provide inspire for learners to develop attitudes of tolerance and religious inclusivism.            Type of research is qualitative research methods. Subjects Research and Sources of Data in this study is the teachers of Islamic education on SMAN 4 Surakarta.  Setting in this study took place in Surakarta, who have a variety of Islamic dynamics that are considered to be moderate to radical. Data collection techniques used were: In-depth Interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The validity of data used in this research are triangulation methods and sources. The data analysis was done by following the interactive model analysis of  Miles and Huberman consisting of collecting the data, reducing the data, describing the data, and making conclusion and verification.              Result of the research showed that the content of religious tolerance and inclusivism is taught in class XI semester 1 and 2 are expressly or directly relate to other religions or indirectly, the model simulation in concept (analysis of the teaching program) exists, but not operationalized at the level of material and learning . But in the great Day of Islam, students are encouraged to appreciate the opinions of others and the inspiration to develop attitudes of tolerance and religious inklusifisme contained in textbooks through the verses of the nuances of this, such as Surat al-Baqara verse 285 and Surah Al Hujurat paragraph 13.
The Pattern of Community Service on Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Lecturers Munadi, Muhammad; Junanto, Subar; Wahyuningsih, Retno
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 13, No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v13i1.5521


Abstract The objectives of this research are to see the pattern of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training lecturers in doing community service, the urgency of the lecturers to choose the pattern of community service as done so far, and the obstacle of community service. This research employed qualitative field method. The subjects of this research were the lecturers of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Surakarta. Meanwhile, the research informants were the officials in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training environment whose leading sector was community services and the community around the lecturers who did community services. Research data was gathered through interview methods, observation and documentation. Data triangulation was done to validate the data. Data obtained from these methods were analyzed interactively. Patterns that can be used in doing community service in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and IAIN Surakarta is the pattern of Czuba, which is divided into 5 areas of community services. They are: engage contacts with individuals, groups and organizations thus can benefit the expertise of the university, contribute to the spiritual growth of the society, offering teaching services and research services, expertise exchange, providing access to facilities and / or programs, as well as special services related to the charter, vision, mission, goals and objectives of the university.Keywords: Community service; Academically Based Community Services (ABCS) pattern;  non Academically Based Community Services (non ABCS) Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pola pengabdian para dosen FITK di lingkungan masyarakatnya, urgensi para dosen memilih pola pengabdian seperti yang dilakukan selama ini, dan kendala pengabdian pada masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititatif lapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Surakarta. Sedangkan informan penelitian adalah pejabat di lingkungan FITK yang leading sectornya adalah pengabdian masyarakat dan warga masyarakat sekitar dosen tersebut melakukan pengabdian.Data penelitian akan dikumpulkan melalui metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Data yang diperoleh dari beberapa metode tersebut akan dianalisis secara interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pola yang dipakai dalam pengabdian masyarakat di FITK dan IAIN Surakarta dengan pola Czuba, yang membagi menjadi 5 bidang pengabdian masyarakat yaitu:  Terlibat kontak dengan individu, kelompok dan organisasi sehingga bisa berbagi manfaat dan dan  keahlian yang dimiliki universitas, berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan rohani masyarakat, penawaran layanan fungsi pengajaran, dan penelitian, pertukaran keahlian, penyediaan akses ke fasilitas dan/atau program, serta layanan khusus yang berkaitan dengan piagam, visi, misi, tujuan dan sasaran universitas.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis akademik; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis non akademik.
Inculcation Religiosity in Preschoolers Local content curriculum Munadi, Muhammad; Rahayu, Watik
Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Vol 13 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini Volume 13 Number 2 November 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.518 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPUD.132.01


Millennial era life is a big challenge, humans need a strong footing to face all the problems. Religion is God's guidance that becomes the handle of life and it is important to instill religious beliefs early on. The purpose of this study was to find the cultivation of religiosity in preschool children in Kindergarten Aisyiyah Branch and Kindergarten Santa Maria in Kartasura Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection tools, namely interviews, direct observation, and document analysis. Data validated using triangulation of methods and sources. The results showed that the religiosity of planting in the TK Aisyiyah Kartasura branch had more burdens than in the Santa Maria Kindergarten. While its nature is more balanced between vertical ritual content and horizontal content in TK Aisyiyah Kartasura branches compared to TK Santa Maria. The cultivation of moral education is carried out through a step-by-step process starting with teaching to say and answer greetings (Islam), saying good morning and evening to non-Muslims and inviting children to always pray in every activity. Vertical ritual planting in TK Aisyiyah Kartasura branch has more burden through the practice of prayer, memorizing prayers and memorizing short letters from the Qur'an all in Arabic compared to TK Santa Maria only emphasizes the memorization of prayer in Indonesian. Keywords: Inculcation religiosity, Pre-schoolers, Local content curriculum References: Adams, K., Bull, R., & Maynes, M. L. (2016). Early childhood spirituality in education: Towards an understanding of the distinctive features of young children’s spirituality. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 24(5), 760–774. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2014.996425 Arce, E.-M. (2000). Curriculum for Young Children: An Introduction. (New York: Delmar Thomson Learning. Banerjee, K., & Bloom, P. (2015). “Everything Happens for a Reason”: Children’s Beliefs About Purpose in Life Events. Child Development, 86(2), 503–518. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12312 Benson, P. L., Scales, P. C., Syvertsen, A. K., & Roehlkepartain, E. C. (2012). Is youth spiritual development a universal developmental process? An international exploration. Journal of Positive Psychology, 7(6), 453–470. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2012.732102 Bridges, L. J., & Moore, K. a. (2002). Religion and Spirituality in Childhood and Adolescence. Child Trends, 1–59. Retrieved from http://www.childtrends.org/wp-content/uploads/2002/01/Child_Trends-2002_01_01_FR_ReligionSpiritAdol.pdf Davies, T. (2019). Religious education and social literacy: the ‘white elephant’ of Australian public education. British Journal of Religious Education, 41(2), 124–133. https://doi.org/10.1080/01416200.2017.1324758 Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Depdikbud. (2007). 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Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 55(2), 324–348. https://doi.org/10.1111/jssr.12262 Holloway, S. D. (1999). The Role of Religious Beliefs in Early Childhood Education: Christian and Buddhist Preschools in Japan. ERCP Early Chilhood Research and Practice, 1(2). Retrieved from http://ecrp.illinois.edu/v1n2/holloway.html Kienstra, N., van Dijk-Groeneboer, M., & Boelens, O. (2018). Religious-Thinking-Through Using Bibliodrama: An Empirical Study of Student Learning in Classroom Teaching. Religious Education, 113(2), 203–215. https://doi.org/10.1080/00344087.2017.1403788 King, U. (2013). The spiritual potential of childhood: Awakening to the fullness of life. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 18(1), 4–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/1364436X.2013.776266 Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Hanhimäki, E., & Tirri, K. (2018). The implications of teachers’ implicit theories for moral education: A case study from Finland. Journal of Moral Education, 47(1), 63–77. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240.2017.1374244 Scott, K. (2014). Inviting young adults to come out religiously, institutionally and traditionally. Religious Education, 109(4), 471–484. https://doi.org/10.1080/00344087.2014.924790 Suyadi, Destiyanti, A. Z., & Sulaikha, N. A. (2019). Perkembangan Nilai Agama-Moral Tidak Tercapai pada Anak Development of Religious-Moral Values Not Reached in Basic Age Children : A Case Study in Class SD Muhammadiyah. 6(1), 1–12.
The Pattern of Community Service on Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Lecturers Munadi, Muhammad; Junanto, Subar; Wahyuningsih, Retno
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 13, No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v13i1.5521


Abstract The objectives of this research are to see the pattern of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training lecturers in doing community service, the urgency of the lecturers to choose the pattern of community service as done so far, and the obstacle of community service. This research employed qualitative field method. The subjects of this research were the lecturers of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Surakarta. Meanwhile, the research informants were the officials in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training environment whose leading sector was community services and the community around the lecturers who did community services. Research data was gathered through interview methods, observation and documentation. Data triangulation was done to validate the data. Data obtained from these methods were analyzed interactively. Patterns that can be used in doing community service in Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and IAIN Surakarta is the pattern of Czuba, which is divided into 5 areas of community services. They are: engage contacts with individuals, groups and organizations thus can benefit the expertise of the university, contribute to the spiritual growth of the society, offering teaching services and research services, expertise exchange, providing access to facilities and / or programs, as well as special services related to the charter, vision, mission, goals and objectives of the university.Keywords: Community service; Academically Based Community Services (ABCS) pattern;  non Academically Based Community Services (non ABCS) Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pola pengabdian para dosen FITK di lingkungan masyarakatnya, urgensi para dosen memilih pola pengabdian seperti yang dilakukan selama ini, dan kendala pengabdian pada masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualititatif lapangan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah dosen Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan IAIN Surakarta. Sedangkan informan penelitian adalah pejabat di lingkungan FITK yang leading sectornya adalah pengabdian masyarakat dan warga masyarakat sekitar dosen tersebut melakukan pengabdian.Data penelitian akan dikumpulkan melalui metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Data yang diperoleh dari beberapa metode tersebut akan dianalisis secara interaktif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pola yang dipakai dalam pengabdian masyarakat di FITK dan IAIN Surakarta dengan pola Czuba, yang membagi menjadi 5 bidang pengabdian masyarakat yaitu:  Terlibat kontak dengan individu, kelompok dan organisasi sehingga bisa berbagi manfaat dan dan  keahlian yang dimiliki universitas, berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan rohani masyarakat, penawaran layanan fungsi pengajaran, dan penelitian, pertukaran keahlian, penyediaan akses ke fasilitas dan/atau program, serta layanan khusus yang berkaitan dengan piagam, visi, misi, tujuan dan sasaran universitas.Kata Kunci: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis akademik; pengabdian masyarakat berbasis non akademik.
Integration of Islam and Science: Study of Two Science Pesantrens (Trensain) in Jombang and Sragen Munadi, Muhammad
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5 No 2 (2016): PESANTREN EDUCATION
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2016.52.287-303


This study reviewed about the implementation of integrating Islam and science in curriculum practice at two science Pesantrens both in Sragen and Jombang. The research method used in this study was documents study which focused on the detail curriculum existed in both Science Pesantrens (Trensain) Tebuireng Jombang and Sragen. The documents were taken from their Pesantren Web. Data analysis was conducted by using descriptive qualitative analysis. The result of the study shows that education in those Sragen and Jombang Science Pesantren (Trensain) is a form of creativity in the framework of integration of Islam and natural science. Further, it combines models between school institution and Pesantren. Their integration framework refers to normative power (Quran and Sunnah), philosophical power, strengthening the mastery of natural science, and power of foreign language mastery.
The Reality of Knowledge Management in Islamic Higher Education Munadi, Muhammad; Ernawati, Fetty; Hakiman
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2018): ISLAMIC EDUCATION MANAGEMENT
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2018.72.225-237


Knowledge Management (KM) is an approach to understand how the known processes are created, used, and shared to enhance academic productivity. This study aims to determine the system of implementation of KM in Islamic higher education, having the work unit status of non-tax state revenue (Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak/PNBP) and public service agency (Badan Layanan Umum/BLU) and applying remuneration. This study utilizes a qualitative method with the phenomenological approach. Data collection take through observation, in-depth interviews, document analysis, and focus group discussions. The implementation of KM is with the result of academic knowledge from research products and research schemes of educational staffs, saving knowledge storage on the database through electronic and printed forms, and the knowledge taking a distribution on through printed and electronic forms which are referencing lecture notes and oral sources such as scientific consortium and lecturing. The successful implementation of KM requires support by stakeholder policies in educational institutions. The research findings present an overview of the implementation design of KM that can be used as a platform by scholars and stakeholders in educational institutions to increase knowledge productivity.
Preparation of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Secular Countries: A Study in Austria Munadi, Muhammad
Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Vol 20 No 2, December 2020
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/di.v20i2.2483


Especially in Austria itself, it is estimated that in 2050 the Muslim population will be around 19.9% of the total population and the population increase will be second in Europe after Sweden with 30.6%. Interestingly again in Austria apart from being a secular country but it provides concern for Muslims to develop Islamic religious education there. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how universities in Austria prepared Islamic religion teachers at undergraduate level both in terms of models and curricula to face increasingly complex challenges and a growing number of Muslim citizens. This study used library research, while the approach used interpretative approach. The main reference source was the content on the university website that offers Islamic Religious Education programs. In addition, various sources lead to discourse and curriculum development in Austria. The number of data were displayed using descriptive statistics and described using descriptive qualitative. Then research design that would be carried out was to reveal the course content contained in the web and then reduced, especially in terms of the preparation curriculum for Islamic Religious Education teachers. Of the various courses presented were analyzed using content analysis where the important point was to take the most fundamental content that was related to the principles of curriculum development, namely contextual and responding to the challenges of the times. The results showed that the preparation of Islamic teachers in one of the colleges in Austria consists of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate degrees. Undergraduate program of Islamic Religious Education consists of two models, namely Bachelor’s Program Secondary School Teacher Training (General Education) – Subject: Islamic Religion and the specific name is Bachelor’s Program - Islamic Religious Education. In general, the content emphasis applied in the preparation of Islamic religious education teachers is still material-based.
Education and Concern of Zakat Agencies Munadi, Muhammad; Umar, Ahmad; Anggraini, Novianni
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 15, No 1 (2021): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v15i1.9208


This research examined the zakat agencies which concern to the education program. This research used library reserach. The documents used were the ins and outs of zakat agencies that have educational development programs. These documents were taken from the website of zakat agencies both BAZNAS and Dompet Dhuafa (DD). The data taken consisted of information, data, and news related to the alocation of zakat for education, education variations of education program, the type of zakat disbursement, and the path alocation in education. The data analysis was descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that BAZNAS gave scholarships from Elementary School – Undergraduate (Islamic Religious Higher Education and Public Higher Education) and in-country scholarships. DD gave scholarships for undergraduate – Post graduate (Islamic Religious Higher Education and Public Higher Education), in-country scholarships, overseas scholarships, middle and high school level, education for teacher and literacy school. Zakat agencies are very varied in the development of education especially in Dompet Dhuafa from upstream to downstream.
Education and Concern of Zakat Agencies Munadi, Muhammad; Umar, Ahmad; Anggraini, Novianni
Jurnal Penelitian Vol 15, No 1 (2021): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : LP2M IAIN kUDUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/jp.v15i1.9208


This research examined the zakat agencies which concern to the education program. This research used library reserach. The documents used were the ins and outs of zakat agencies that have educational development programs. These documents were taken from the website of zakat agencies both BAZNAS and Dompet Dhuafa (DD). The data taken consisted of information, data, and news related to the alocation of zakat for education, education variations of education program, the type of zakat disbursement, and the path alocation in education. The data analysis was descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that BAZNAS gave scholarships from Elementary School – Undergraduate (Islamic Religious Higher Education and Public Higher Education) and in-country scholarships. DD gave scholarships for undergraduate – Post graduate (Islamic Religious Higher Education and Public Higher Education), in-country scholarships, overseas scholarships, middle and high school level, education for teacher and literacy school. Zakat agencies are very varied in the development of education especially in Dompet Dhuafa from upstream to downstream.