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Dampak Pengoperasian Jembatan Merah-Putih Terhadap Operasional Kapal Ferry Pada Lintasan Galala-Poka Hanok Mandaku; Robert M Ratlalan
ARIKA Vol 8 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Dalam rangka meningkatkan aksesbilitas, pemerintah kota ambon sementara melakukan pembangunan jembatan merah –putih (JMP) yang menghubungkan wilayah desa hative kecil dan desa rumahtiga. Menurut rencana operasionalnya, JMP diperuntukkan bagi kendaraan roda 4 (R-4) dan tidak dipungut biaya. Hal ini diduga berpengaruh terhadap pilihan konsumen yang selama ini menggunakan jasa kapal feri. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui kinerja operasional JMP dan persepsi konsumen terhadap kinerja kapal feri dari aspek biaya dan waktu tempuh, serta bagaimana nantinya pengaruh pengoperasian jembatan merah-putih terhadap operasional kapal ferry. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif atau survei (descriptive research or survey) dengan maksud membuat penjabaran secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai sifat-sifat populasi pengguna kapal ferry serta memprediksi dampak dari sifat-sifat populasi tersebut. Dari hasil analisis, diketahui biaya operasional kendaraan (BOK) JMP Rp. 800.- dan waktu tempuh 1,59 menit. Dibandingkan dengan kapal ferry, kinerja JMP jauh lebih baik. Sedangkan dari hasil survei persepsi, ternyata 93.3% responden mempersiapkan bahwa resiko biaya dan waktu tempuh kapal ferry lebih besar dan lebih lama dari JMP. Dengan persepsi itu, 97% responden memilih untuk beralih menggunakan JMP. Sehingga load factor kapal ferry menurun dari rata-rata 80% menjadi rata-rata 41,24%. Menunjuk syarat kelayakan load factor suatu lintasan penyeberangan yakni 60%, maka lintasan galala-poka tidak layak dioperasikan lagi. Karena itu, disarankan kepada PT. ASDP untuk merumuskan ulang kebijakan operasional lintasan Galala-Poka, serta adanya tinjauan ulang terhadap rencana operasional JMP.
Studi Penerapan Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) Di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat Hanok Mandaku; Marcus Tukan
ARIKA Vol 4 No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Transportation is a business transfer of cargo from point of origin to the point of destination with a conveyance or modes. In practice, transportation rarely use only one mode. The goal is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of transport services. Because it involves more than one mode, then the exchange of information between the modes become very crucial point which is generally a weak implementation of a reliable transport and highly capable. West Seram regency (SBB) today has become "the gate" of Ceram island. In order to spur development of the region, then the function must be set up with good transportation. Therefore, the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) as one of implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the transport sector, should be formed or in the format became the standard, to support the implementation of development activities. Results from this study indicate that the priority of the application of ITS in SBB more focused on economic aspects. From here then prepared road map policy of application of ITS
Analisis Kebutuhan Transportasi Penyeberangan Pada Lintasan Waipirit-Hunimua Hanok Mandaku
ARIKA Vol 4 No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Transportation needs of the crossing to the island of Ambon, Seram Island in path-Hunimua Waipirit since 2005 shows an increasing trend. Based on data from PT. Ferry Indonesia (Persero) Branch Ambon, since 2005 the flow of cargo through the track has experienced an average increase of 2.799% per year for passengers, 11.389% for 2 wheel vehicles, and 10.412% for 4-wheel vehicles. However, this trend is not followed by infrastructure development and operation patterns in anticipation of an imbalance between aspects of the provision and utilization aspects of ferry transport services, so that the average queuing time at Port can reach 3-5 hours. This study examines pedestrian transportation needs and to design the pattern of development by considering the operational and conceptual design of the existing ferry ports. The results showed transportation demand forecasting model for crossing the track Waipirit-Hunimua until 2014 was Y = 273,680.00 + 46,114.80 X for Passengers, Y = 76155.40 + 17381.00 X for Vehicle Wheels 2, Y = 35053.40 + 7191 , 70x for Vehicle Wheels 4. For that, the proposed operational pattern consists of 4 ships that sail the 16 trips per day on 2 lines, with a circulation time of 12 hours per day so the BOR by 50% and load factor can be optimized (reached 97% in 2014). On the ground facilities, the Port Terminal Building Waipirit need to develop an area of 11.43 m2 and the Areal Vehicle Parking area of 519.96 m2. While in port Hunimua, covering an area of 258.43 m2 Terminal Building and Parking Area covering an area of 578.44 m2
Pemodelan Terhadap Kelulusan Siswa Masuk Kelas Akselerasi Menggunakan Analisis Regresi Logistik Dan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) Fentje Mandaku; Hanok Mandaku
ARIKA Vol 4 No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Regression Analysis is a statistical methodology that usually used for analyzing the relationship between a response and one or more predictor. When the response is categorical variable, then the regression methods that could be used are Logistic Regression and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS). The result of both modeling can be used to classify the objects. The aim of this research is to find a quantitative model for explaining factors that influenced the success of students in joining the acceleration class. Evaluation the accuracy of classification rate is done by implementing Press Q statistic test. The result of Logistic Regression shows that the classification accuracy is 74,8 where as MARS yields 77,7. Hence, MARS model is the best model for evaluating the success factor of student in joining the acceleration class.
Studi Pengembangan Sistem Transportasi Penyeberangan Pulau Seram-Ambon Hanok Mandaku
ARIKA Vol 6 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Transportation of connective crossing of Ceram Island and Island Ambon during the time only reliing on one line in Waipirit-Hunimua. Though, since 2003, Ceram Island as part of Central Moluccas region have been bloomed to become 3 Sub-Province, namely Central Moluccas (mains), West Ceram and East Ceram, so that mobility and accesibility at this region mount fast enough, including exploiting (supply) line of Waipirit-Hunimua. If this condition (transportation systems) remain to be defended, hence will happened demand over, which supply cannot make balance to demand. By him, require to analyse to possibility of development of crossing transportation systems by considering potency area demand of payload. This research study location alternative development of port of crossing of Ceram Island to Hunimua, analysing operational pattern and of desain conceptual of port, and also analysis competent of its development economically Result of research conclude that port of Ina-Marina in Masohi can be selected alternatively crossing transportation of Ceram Island (Masohi) to Island of Ambon (Hunimua), where proposed to operational pattern consist of (a) ship type of ro-ro; (b) speed of operational 9 knot; (c) ship frequency 2 trip / day; (d) time go through 4 hours; (e) the amount of armada 1 unit; (f) the amount of dock 1; and (g) distance of 35 mile. While conceptual desain of developed to port consist of territorial water room facility, terminal building facility for the width of 160 m2 and areal park for the width of 319 m2. For economic analysis, NPV 21.400.058.515,53.-; BCR 1,5238; and tired BEP in the year third, so that decision to develop this competent alternative economically.
Sebuah Analisis Tentang Sebab-Sebab Kejadian Kecelakaan KM. Putri Ayu di Perairan Pulau Ambon-Maluku Hanok Mandaku
ARIKA Vol 6 No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Industrial Engineering Study Program, Pattimura University

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Accident of KM. Putri Ayu at June 17, 2012 in sea of Asilulu, Ambon Island-Maluku, leaving of problem: what its cause factor?; how its contribution?; and what its step to prevent similar accident in future? This research have the character of analytic descriptive, as a mean to explain about factors cause of accident of sea transportation with analyse at occurence of KM. Putri Ayu, and also invite stakeholders to be more comprehend in importance security and safety of sea transportation and generated risk effect of anticipatory negligence of factors, also repair recommendations to stakeholder in others sea transportation. Output of analysis indicated there are 3 (three) factors have contribution in accident KM Putri Ayu, that is (1) negligence of regulator; (2) technical condition of ship; and (3) weather is extreme. For that, utilize to guarantee its form of safety and reliable ship security system in Moluccas, te future : (1) Improving cooperation in between crew of ship, owner and regulator; ( 2) Improving maintenance system of ship; and ( 3) Existence of comprehensive analysis to condition of every sea transport.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri : Jurnal Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jitiuntar.v11i1.22992


Ferry transport plays an important role in the general cargo distribution process in the Maluku region. However, the network pattern that has been applied has not been effective so that the area in the southern part is still isolated because the frequency of ship stops is more than two weeks. This condition impedes the distribution of general cargo, increases logistics costs and reduces industrial competitiveness. The purpose of this research is to evaluate and develop an optimal crossing transport network through simulating the distance and shipping time. The results showed that the existing pattern requires 109.05 hours of travel time to reach 2,103 km as the farthest distance. The scenario for developing the multiport calling pattern requires 1 ship to sail the primary route, covering the farthest distance of 3,442 km in 178.27 hours. Scenario I hub and spoke pattern requires 2 ships to sail the primary route, covering the farthest distance of 1,872 km in 96.96 hours. Scenarios II and III require 3 ships to sail the primary route, covering the farthest distance of 2,336 km in 120.99 hours. These results confirm that the hub and spoke pattern is more optimal than the multiport calling pattern even though it requires more ship units. Thus, the hub and spoke scenario III pattern is more appropriate to be applied as an inter island crossing transport network pattern in the Maluku region because it is able to reach all areas so that it can support the distribution of general cargo.
Journal Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Kelautan dan Sains Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Kelautan & Sains
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/metiks.2023.3.1.58-67


Penyediaan berbagai fasilitas kebutuhan manusia di wilayah kota yang tersebar di lokasi yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan distribusi fungsi guna lahan, menyebabkan terjadinya pergerakan manusia dan barang (arus lalu lintas). Kawasan Swalayan Planet 2000 merupakan salah satu guna lahan yang banyak menarik pergerakan sehingga meningkatkan arus lalu lintas dari dan ke kawasan tersebut dan acapkali menyebabkan kemacetan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola pergerakan menuju pusat perbelanjaan modern di wilayah Kota Ambon, dengan studi kasus pada Swalayan Planet 2000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola pergerakan masyarakat menuju pusat perbelanjaan modern dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik sosio-ekonomi dan pola aspasial. Analisis hubungan menunjukkan jumlah kunjungan ke Swalayan Planet 2000 memiliki korelasi yang kuat dan searah dengan variabel jumlah penghasilan, artinya meningkatnya jumlah penghasilan akan meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan ke Swalayan Planet 2000. Sedangkan, untuk variabel jarak perjalanan memiliki hubungan yang kuat tetapi tidak searah dengan jumlah kunjungan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa, meningkatnya jarak perjalanan akan menurunkan jumlah kunjungan ke Swalayan Planet 2000. Model regresi yang dihasilkan adalah Y = 0,7211 + 0,8485X1 dan Y = 6,44 – 0,8858X2.