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Teknologi Indonesia Vol 36, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jti.v36i2.200


Design of a monitoring system for the quality and capacity of water absorption wells type Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) using wireless system has been conducted by monitoring changes in well water surface level, the rate of change of fl ow capacity (fl ow rate) and changes in water quality (turbidity). In order to determine the performance of the system, we conducted several tests by placing a sensor and a receiver by two different distances, i.e. the distance of 1 m (short distance) and the actual condition of 35 m (long distance). The results of the system design consist of a wireless monitoring system hardware and data acquisition system software able to display online and in real time. Based on the test results, the value of the total error due to repeatability and linearity for flow rate sensors, water level and turbidity using short-distance wireless systems, are respectively 2.77%, 1.77% and 3.65%. As for the wireless remote system, they are respectively 1.43%, 1.83% and 2.43%. So, the monitoring system of groundwater quality and capacity for infi ltration well using the wireless system can be applied to the actual distance of 35 m, because the error rate due to the infl uence of the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is relatively small, and even better when compared with the short distance ( 1 m).
Group Counseling Reality with Confrontation Techniques to Improve Self-Control and Self-Perception Students Problematic Internet Use Munandar, Aris; Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Mulawarman, Mulawarman; Anni, Catharina Tri
Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Vol 8 No 2 (2019): December 2019 Articles ASAP (As Soon As Published)
Publisher : Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling

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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of reality group counseling confrontation techniques for students with self-control and low self-perception with the tendency of problematic internet use behavior. This study uses Manova design involving 14 students. The technique of analyzing data used is Manova. The statistical results show that reality of group counseling has been shown to be effective in improving self-control and low self-perception. This finding proves that the counseling of reality groups is an effective confrontation technique to improve self-control and self-perception in problematic internet use students.
The Development of Project Based Learning Models Assisted by Digital Modules in the Digital Simulation Subjects of SMK Texmaco Semarang Munandar, Aris; Wibawanto, Hari; Kustiono, Kustiono
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Vol 7 No 2 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v7i2.27949


Education has been developing rapidly with the advances in digital technology. Creative demands in the innovation of the learning process of the current situation must have by educators and learners. This study has purpose to determine the procedure of learning development of digital simulation assisted by digital module by using digital module based Portable Document Format, produced digital module, and determine the effectiveness of learning by using digital modules based Portable Document Format to grade X of RPL and TKJ Skill Competency on the subjects of Digital Simulation at SMK Texmaco Semarang. This study applied the Research and development (R & D) method by using a five-stage process of the development of digital module based Portable Document format on the subject of digital Simulation. The subjects of this study were students of grade X of RPL and TKJ Skills Competency on the subject of Digital Simulation, SMK Texmaco Semarang. The results showed that the average value of students who use digital module based Portable Document Format (New Work System), ie 91.7%, in the conventional learning (Old Job System), with 74%. The procedure of the development of digital module based Portable Document Format consists of five stages, which is in accordance to the research and development proposed by Borg and Gall, pre-development model, development model, evaluation model, implementation and revision model. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that learning by using digital module based Portable Document Format is effective as can be seen from the response of students with an average score of 57.13% (excellent). The benefits obtained from the study are (1) provide benefits of the repertoire of knowledge in the utilization of information and communication technologies, particularly in the project-based learning model assisted by digital module, (2) as a reference for subsequent researchers, mainly related to the digital module.

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Telah dilakukan sintesis adsorben K-Fe3O4 dari magnetit (Fe3O4) yang sebelumnya dibuat dari ferri amonium sulfat (III) dan ferro amonium sulfat (II) dengan perbandingan 3:1. Kemudian Fe3O4 dimodifikasi dengan kitosan yang dimanfaatkan untuk mengadsorpsi ion logam Pb2+. Adsorben diatur dengan perbandingan komposisi magnetit dan kitosan 1:1; 2:1 dan 1:2. Karakteristik adsorben K-Fe3O4 dan interaksi adsorben terhadap ion Pb2+ diketahui berdasarkan data Fourier Transform Infared (FTIR) dan X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD). Untuk hasil FT-IR, K-Fe3O4 mengalami perubahan peak pada panjang gelombang 354,9 cm-1 merupakan gugus O ̶ Fe dan 1026 cm-1 yang merupakan gugus fungsi dari C ̶ O. Hasil XRD menunjukkan puncak-puncak karakteristik magnetit dan K-Fe3O4 terdapat di 2θ = 35,79° dan 36,01° dimana hasilnya tidak mengalami perubahan yang signifikan menandakan bahwa senyawa magnetit ini tetap ada di K-Fe3O4. Konsentrasi ion logam Pb2+ setelah adsorpsi ditentukan secara spektrofotometer serapan atom (SSA). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa perbandingan komposisi yang ideal adalah 1:1 dengan % penyerapan sebesar 94,97 % untuk ion logam Pb2+. Kata kunci: Adsorben, Magnetit, Kitosan, Ion Logam Pb2+, Fourier Transform Infared (FTIR), X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD), Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA).
JURNAL AGREGAT Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Perusahaan Ness Collection adalah Perusahaan skala UMKM. Ness Collection ini adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang usaha konveksi dan sablon. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja keuangan Ness Collection berdasarkan rasio profitabilitas dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2017. Metode yang peneliti gunakan adalah metode penelitian Kuantitatif dengan pendekatan desriptif dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah rasio profitabilitas yang terdiri dari : Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Asset (ROA), dan Return On Equity (ROE). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan rasio profitabilitas Ness Collection selama tiga tahun terakhir yang dimulai dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2017, nilai Gross Profit Margin (GPM), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Asset (ROA), dan Return On Equity (ROE) Ness Collection semuanya bisa dikatakan efisien, karena hasil perhitungan ke empat elemen rasio profitabilitas tersebut berada di atas rata-rata standar industri.
Peningkatan Kesiapsiagaan Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam Menghadapi Bahaya Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami Munandar, Aris; Suhardjo, Suhardjo; Lestariningsih, Dwi Sukanti; Hardi, Ode Sofyan
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Solma
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (742.303 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i2.2892


The purpose of this activity is 1). Provide a correct understanding of the types of disasters, places to save themselves when a disaster occurs. 2) Perform a self-rescue simulation when a disaster occurs. The objectives in this activity are students in 3 schools that have high risk namely SD 1,2 and 3 Sawarna Bayah District. Lebak Banten The number of participants was 35 students consisting of 20 female students and 15 male students. The implementation activity is divided into 3 , namely the transfer knowledge, games, and simulations. Submission of material includes: video screening, giving quizzes. Video shows contain an introduction to the types of disasters, namely: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, floods, hurricanes / typhoons, fires, volcanic eruptions. The next material is in the form of safe locations when the disaster occurs. Vidoe describes which locations should be addressed and avoided. After the video was aired, an evaluation of the extent of understanding of threatening environmental disasters was carried out. The game is done by classifying types of disasters. The last activity is a simulation when an earthquake occurs using singing. In general, the results of evaluation and simulation results can run according to the objectives. Participants can understand the types of disasters, disasters that may occur in their environment, can understand the destination when an earthquake or tsunami occurs. Participants can take part in the simulation while singing. The hope after getting the right understanding can be transmitted to other friends, as well as family and society in general. There needs to be broader socialization to other students given the threat of tsunami threatening in three schools. Socialization is in the form of posting posters / images about the types of hazards and efforts to save themselves in the event of a disaster.
Manajemen Strategik dan Mutu Pendidikan Islam Munandar, Aris
NUR EL-ISLAM : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol 6 No 2 (2019): (OKTOBER 2019)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Yasni Bungo

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Pendidikan yang bermutu adalah Pendidikan yang mampu mengembangkan kemampuan, membentuk karakter dan peradaban bangsa. Oleh karena itu harus dikembangkan dalam pendidikan disekolah maupun pesantren nilai-nilai keimanan, ketaqwaan, akhlak mulia, kesehatan, ilmu, kecakapan, kreativitas, kemandirian, demokrasi dan tanggung jawab pada anak didik dan seluruh stakeholders pendidikan. Kondisi Saat ini kebanyakan sekolah hanya mengembangkan aspek- aspek pendidikan secara dangkal: dimensi kognitif (hanya menghafal); dimensi ketrampilan (mekanistik); dimensi nilai tidak terurus dan tidak mendalam; dimensi hubungan (ranah interaktif ) tidak tergarap. Padahal seharusnya sekolah berkualitas mampu mengembangkan dimensi kognitif (menguasai pengetahuan sesuai dengan bakat, minat siswa/i nya). Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriftif analisis. Melihat fenomena tersebut penulis mencoba untuk menawarkan sebuah konsep, implementasi dan perkembangan pendidikan Islam dalam bingkai manajemen strategik, dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah formal maupun non formal dengan tujuan membentengi siswa diera globalisasi agar tetap berpegang pada nilai-nilai qur?an, hadist, ijma? dan qiyas. Inti dari sebuah konsep manajemen strategik dalam pendidikan Islam memang merupakan hal yang baru sehingga harapan besar pada tulisan ini dapat digunakan di dunia pendidikan Islam yang lebih luas serta lebih mengefektifkan pengalokasian sumber daya yang ada dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pendidikan nasional. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis SWOT. Jadi mutu lulusan pendidikan Islam tidak dipandang sebelah mata, justru sangat besar peranannya di lingkungan masyarakat. pendidikan Islam sesungguhnya adalah solusi bagi penyakit yang menimpa manusia modern. Pendidikan Islam adalah pendidikan yang dibangun atas dasar fitrah manusia. Yang senantiasa bertujuan menumbuhkan kepribadian total manusia secara seimbang melalui latihan spiritual, intelektual, rasional diri, perasaan dan kepekaan tubuh manusia.
Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Parkir Kota Bandung Hidayat, Asep; Munandar, Aris; Armidiana, Armidiana
Publica: Jurnal Pemikiran Administrasi Negara Vol 10, No 2 (2018): Publica: Jurnal Pemikiran Administrasi Negara
Publisher : Department of Public Administration

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The Parking Tax Revenue, from 2013 to 2016, experienced ups and downs and less significant increase, especially in 2015, it run into a very significant decrease from the target. This study aims to analyze the implementation of parking management policy in buildings and parking lots in Bandung. The Research uses a qualitative approach, with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews and literature study. The determination of informants in this study was carried out using the purposive technique. To analyze the data, this research uses  qualitative data analysis, namely by searching and systematically compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Peraturan Wali Kota No. 1005 of 2014 regarding Parking Lease Prices and Technical Guidelines for Parking Management in Buildings and Parking Grounds in Bandung City has not been running optimally, because it has been seen from several factors that influence it.
Kajian Daya Dukung Ekowisata Hutan Mangrove Blanakan, Subang, Jawa Barat Muhammad, Fuad; Basuni, Sambas; Munandar, Aris; Purnomo, Herry
Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Vol. 14, No. 2, Tahun 2012
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (906.49 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/bioma.14.2.64-72


Growth in tourist arrivals at ecotourism mangrove in Blanakan can cause a threat to the preservation of conservation areas and tourist attraction. This happens when the utilization of the region exceeds its carrying capacity. The aims of This study  to identify the carrying capacity of ecotourism mangrove in Blanakan as conservation areas are used for tourism activities. The results showed that the carrying capacity the ecotourism mangrove in Blanakan is 425 visitors per day. Pollution load simulation results showed that ecotourism mangrove Blanakan  had suffered pollution by phosphate, ammonia pollution carrying capacity will be passed  in 2019 and organic waste in the year 2011 to 2013, while nitrate and garbage until the year 2032 has not been exceeded.   Key words: ecotourism, mangrove, carrying capacity
Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan

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Abstrak Secara umum, fungsi dari pendidikan nasional adalah mengembangkan potensi peserta didik untuk mencapai masyarakat yang sejahtera. Di dalam sebuah aktivitas belajar mengajar PJOK diperlukan adanya interaksi sehingga tercipta pembelajaran yang aktif. Hal ini tidak terlepas dengan adanya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, apakah itu faktor dari luar ataupun dari dalam. Salah satunya adalah motivasi siswa untuk mengikuti pembelajaran yang diberikan di lapangan oleh guru. Dalam kegiatan belajar, motivasi dapat dikatakan sebagai keseluruhan daya penggerak di dalam diri siswa yang menimbulkan kegiatan belajar. Motivasi belajar adalah dorongan internal dan eksternal pada siswa-siswi yang sedang belajar untuk mengadakan perubahan tingkah laku, pada umumnya dengan beberapa indikator atau unsur yang mendukung. Salah satu unsur yang mendukung motivasi belajar adalah lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian non-eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket motivasi siswa. Angket motivasi siswa digunakan untuk memperoleh data kuantitatif tentang motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran PJOK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh deskripsi tentang (1) Perbedaan motivasi siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran PJOK pada siswa kelas 3dan kelas 5 di SDN Jatilangkung Mojokerto dan (2) mana yang lebih antara siswa kelas 3 dan kelas 5 di SDN Jatilangkung Mojokerto. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat suatu perbedaan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan pada siswa kelas 3 dan kelas 5 yang dibuktikan dari hasil uji t-hitung < t-tabel (1,495 < 2,021) dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Kata Kunci: Siswa kelas 3 dan kelas 5, Motivasi, PJOK Abstract In general, the function of national education is to develop the potential of learners to achieve a prosperous society. In teaching-learning process, interaction is needed in order to create an active learning atmosphere. This cannot be separated with other factors, be it from the inside or the outside. One of the inside factor is the student’s motivation to participate in the learning process. In the process of learning, motivation is defined as the driving force from within the students that fuels learning process. Learning process can be both internal or external force for the students involved in learning process that makes it possible for a change of attitude that a number of indicators or supporting factors. One of the factor that plays a role in learning process is the environment. This research is using the kind of research non-experiment with quantity approach. The results of this research are collected by question of motivation. Questions of motivation are used to get quantity result about the comparison of the motivation in learning physical education, sport and health. The purpose of this research is to describe (1) the motivation students in learning physical education, sport and health students in 3rd graders and 5th graders of SDN Jatilangkung Mojokerto and (2) the value of comparison motivation students in learning physical education, sport and health students in 3rd graders and 5th graders of SDN Jatilangkung Mojokerto. From this research, it can be concluded there are no difference in the motivation in physical education, sport and health students in 3rd graders and 5th graders proofed by the result of the test t-count < t-table (1,495 < 2,021) with 0,05 significance margin. Keywords: 3rd graders and 5th graders, Motivation in Learning Physical Education, Sport and Health