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The Tin Mining Conflict (An Analysis of Interest Group’s Access and Policy Innovation to The Use of Natural Resources In The Water of Teluk Kelabat Dalam, Belinyu District) Murni Zaina Murni; Ibrahim Ibrahim; Bahjatul Murtasidin
International Journal of Regional Innovation Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): International Journal of Regional Innovation
Publisher : Inovbook Publications

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52000/ijori.v2i2.46


This study discusses the access to the use of natural resources in the waters of Teluk Kelabat Dalam, Belinyu which is an area that has considerable potential natural resources. Regional Regulation of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province Number 3 of 2020 concerning RZWP3K states that the area is included in the capture fisheries zone, port zone, and tourism zone. Precisely in Article 29 letter a, the Teluk Kelabat Dalam Belinyu Bangka Regency is the developing zone area of the capture fisheries, hereinafter referred to as KPU-PT. However, in this area, it appears that there are tin mining activities carried out by KIP PT Timah and community mining where the legality of those is not clear and the amount is not appropriate, which triggers conflict or rejection from the fishing community. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interest group’s access to the use of natural resources in the waters of Teluk Kelabat Dalam, Belinyu. The theory used in this study namely the Access theory of Jesse Ribot and Nancy Lee Peluso. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. While the data collection techniques in this study are interviews, observation, and documentation. The result of this study is that the interest group in the utilization of natural resources in the waters of Teluk Kelabat Dalam, Belinyu include the fishermen, tin miners, the government, and tin companies. First, regarding the right-based access mechanism, fishermen have the legal rights in accordance with Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2020 concerning RZWP3K which is stated as a capture fisheries zone. Whereas, it is illegal for tin miners owned by the community since the legality has not been clear. In addition, the government’s right is legal in accordance with formal regulation. The access of tin company is legal through IUP ownership with Regent’s Decree Number 188.45/465/TAMBEN/2010. Second, the structural and relational-based access mechanisms of these actors are influenced by several factors such as capital factors, social identity, authority, technology, social relations, and so on and so forth that are able to determine the benefits or power and reciprocal network relationships between them.
Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil dalam Pembentukan Perda Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau Kecil di Bangka Belitung La Ode Muhamad Muliawan; Komang Jaka Ferdian; Sarpin; Rini Archda Saputri; Bahjatul Murtasidin; Ranto
PERSPEKTIF Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): PERSPEKTIF, January
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/perspektif.v12i1.8548


This article aimed to identify the involvement of civil society organizations in the process of local policy arrangement. This descriptive-qualitative research accounted for the analysis of WALHI Bangka Belitung participation in the process of the arrangement of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2020 concerning Zoning Plans for Coastal Areas and Small Islands of the Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province in 2020-2040. The result suggested that WALHI Bangka Belitung are actively having their contribution in organizing the zoning regulation in the forms of a series of criticisms addressed to the government and parliament through the mass media. However, it is formally recognized as unsubstantial or merely procedural participation. The involvement of elements of civil society in this case is solely in order to get around the procedure for drafting participatory legislation. On the other hand, the result emphasizes the participation of WALHI Bangka Belitung possibly is supported by the availability of political structure opportunities. First, the policy emergence seemingly representing the state’s interest to exploit the sea through tin mining instead of accommodating fishermen or coastal society interests. Second, the requirement of democratic policy arrangement is guaranteed by the Constitution by means of the availability of participation occasion.
Penghidupan Berkelanjutan dan Dinamika Batasan Penghidupan Masyarakat Miskin Perkotaan di Wilayah Kampung Tambora Jakarta Agung Yudhistira Nugroho; Bahjatul Murtasidin
Journal of Political Issues Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Journal of Political Issues
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Politik Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jpi.v4i2.89


Jakarta’s widespread internal migration also complicate efforts to provide its citizens with the care they needed. Pandemic exacerbates the social vulnerabilities of the urban people and increasingly shows the inequality that exists in the city. The question that this paper tried to answer is “To what extent the urban poor could access their entitlements to sustainable livelihood?”. To help enhance our understanding on how urban poor access their rights and entitlements to sustainable livelihoods, sustainable livelihood framework is to be combined with demographic analysis approaches. Data collecting and field research was the elements of analytical methods that’s used to understand the dynamic of the urban people livelihood. Poor people stood at the centre and were seen to build their livelihood strategies on a set of vital resources. People found ways to make ends meet and got on with their lives. In the case of urban poor in Jakarta, it is important to note, that while the sustainable livelihood model stresses that poor people are the experts on their own conditions, it is condescending to assume that all of the people’s livelihood strategies are inherently right. Many urban poor households lack access to information, broader overviews, and a knowledge of prior experiences outside their own area which mean that they may make mistakes and adopt livelihood strategies which are unsatisfactory at best or doomed to failure at worse.
Modalitas Politik Incumbent di Pilkades (Studi terhadap Kemenangan Aminanto di Pilkades Sidoharjo-Bangka Selatan) Purnomo Arbi; Ibrahim Ibrahim; Bahjatul Murtasidin
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (Februari)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v9i1.1227


This study aimed to find out what Aminanto political modalities had and how Aminanto s efforts in gaining power in Sidoharjo village. The research method used was a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The findings of this study indicated that Aminanto s social capital came from three forms such as popularity, social networks, and social relationships. Meanwhile, his cultural capital came from the similarity of customs and culture he had with the people of Sidoharjo. Finally, economic capital that came from personal funds or no help from any party. The efforts made by Aminanto were the utilization forms of political modality he had.
Pengaruh Ekologi Pertambangan Timah terhadap Sosial Politik Masyarakat di Pantai Batu Perahu Bangka Selatan Deni Rumanti; Muhammad Prianda Putra Adibangsa; Nyimas Suci Kurniati; Bahjatul Murtasidin
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (Februari)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v9i1.1121


The ecological influence of tin mining causes conflict for fishermen community followed by socio, economic and political factors. The research aims to reveal the potential conflicts which occur in tin mining conflicts between fishing communities and mines. The research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results found that there are many factors occured, many actors who played in the conflict of tin mining and fishermen, as well as the tin mine itself which was indeed targeted and sought after by outsiders because they knew there is a lot of tin income in Batu Perahu Beach. The results of this research are expected to be used as literature and also as input for all communities and government circles.
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Abdurrab

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36341/jdp.v6i2.3635


Nilai demokrasi tertuang dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan umum yang mana pemilihan umum menjadi wadah bagi warga negara untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan politik, baik itu dipilih maupun memilih tanpa adanya keterbatasan gender. Tetapi, sepanjang sejarahnya, perempuan menjadi kelompok minoritas dalam area politik karena asumsi budaya politik dibuat khusus untuk laki-laki, sehingga perempuan yang terjun ke dunia politik dianggap melawan kodratnya dalam dunia domestik. Untuk meminimalisir bias gender dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam politik, diperlukan keterwakilan perempuan dalam unit terkecil seperti pemerintahan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan analisis mendalam dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara (interview), catatan lapangan, gambar, foto, rekaman video dan lainnya. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kemenangan Amnah sebagai perempuan pertama yang memenangkan pilkades didasari oleh modal sosial yang mendominasi pada permainan strategi politiknya. Dengan memanfaatkan kepercayaan (trust) dari masyarakat dan memberikan aksi nyata dalam membangun sumber daya fisik yang bermanfaat bagi desa, maka terciptalah pengakuan nama atas dirinya yang membuatnya memenangkan pilkades. Dalam hal ini Amnah melawan beberapa calon kandidat laki-laki yang mana pertarungan para calon tersebut terletak pada permainan modal ekonomi dengan bentuk transaksi politik yang melibatkan calon dan masyarakat. Selain itu permainan terhadap modal simbolik (identitas) yang mana digunakan untuk memperoleh suara ataupun dukungan dari kelompok tertentu. Modalitas dan strategi tersebutlah menjadikan Amnah sebagai pemenang pada Pemilihan Kepala Desa Padang Baru Tahun 2022.
Jurnal Cahaya Mandalika ISSN 2721-4796 (online) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Cahaya Mandalika
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Dan Pengambangan Mandalika Indonesia (IP2MI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jcm.v4i3.1910


This study discusses political communication in energy diversification efforts in the Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province, a case study by PT ThorCon. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive design. The subjects of this study were residents of Batu Beriga Village, Batu Beriga Village Government, PT ThorCon, Bangka Belitung Provincial Government represented by DISKOMIFO, Bangka Belitung Provincial Energy and Mineral Resources Office, and Bangka Belitung Provincial PUPR Office who were selected through a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through observation and unstructured interviews. The results of the study show that PT ThorCon adopts a political communication approach that emphasizes credibility, attractiveness, equality, and power. First, PT ThorCon builds credibility by demonstrating expertise and knowledge in the energy sector. They collaborate with the government, related actors, and energy experts to obtain support regarding PLTT. Second, PT ThorCon uses a propaganda strategy to attract public interest. They visualize the benefits of PLTT directly and explain its contribution to the environment and the local economy. In this way, they are trying to convince the public that PLTT construction will have a positive impact on society. Lastly, PT ThorCon also utilizes power as a political communication strategy. They forge close ties with the government and related power actors. In this case, they take advantage of their political relations and power in influencing political decisions related to energy and investment policies.
Penguatan Literasi Edukatif dan Spirit Sadar Wisata Berbasis ‘Sustainable Blue Tourism’ di Pulau Kelapan, Desa Kumbung-Bangka Selatan Rendy Rendy; Bahjatul Murtasidin; Abdul Fatah; Sarpin Sarpin; Elvia Irmayanti; Adilla Husnul Khotimah; Dimas Saputra
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 15, No 1 (2024): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v15i1.14837


Sebagai salah satu harapan ekonomi alternatif masa depan, khususnya pasca sektor ekstraktif yang selama ini masih bertumpu besar pada eksplioitasi SDA (perkebunan dan pertambangan) di Pulau Bangka, tentu pariwisata menjadi salah satu sumber daya alternatif yang potensi untuk terus dikembangkan di Bangka Belitung. Pengembangan pariwisata biru berkelanjutan, termasuk misalnya pada kawasan pulau kecil yang memiliki daya tarik wisata telah menjadi isu strategis yang perlu dibahas secara serius, khususnya dalam rangka memperkuat pertumbuhan dan pemberdayaan sosial-ekonomi yang lebih inklusif di satu sisi, sementara itu hal tersebut juga seiring-sejalan dalam upaya mendorong literasi edukatif yang juga berkaitan erat dengan agenda penguatan ‘sustainable blue tourism’ pada ruang-ruang lokal. ‘Blue tourism’ berkelanjutan dalam konteks ini mesti dipahami sebagai sebuah benefit ekonomis dan ekologis dalam waktu bersamaan. Walaupun tidak bisa dipungkiri, ada begitu banyak tantangan kaitannya dengan persoalan wisata berkelanjutan yang tidak hanya terjebak pada logika bisnis semata, akan tetapi juga memberikan atensi besar pada agenda proteksi lingkungan dan kebudayaan lokal. Lalu, pada saat bersamaan juga penting kemudian untuk terus mendorong kesadaran warga lokal melalui berbagai program literasi yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat partisipasi warga, sekaligus juga dalam rangka menjadikan ragam kepentingan (stakeholders) dan aktor terjalin interkoneksi satu sama lain. Tujuannya tentu dalam rangka memperkuat literasi ‘blue tourism’ dan juga semangat sadar wisata secara berkelanjutan di Pulau Kelapan Kabupaten Bangka Selatan.