Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam meningkatkan pemberian ASI di Indonesia adalah dengan memberikan konseling menyusui di pelayanan kesehatan. Penelitian perlu dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan konseling menyusui di Kota Jambi dengan mengeksplorasi komponen input, activity, output, dan outcome. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan strategi studi kasus. Penelitian dilakukan di empat puskesmas Kota Jambi pada bulan Desember 2013 sampai dengan Februari 2014. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen, observasi pelaksanaan konseling menyusui dan sarana prasarana, wawancara mendalam, serta focus group discussion. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen input dan activity kurang optimal seperti kurangnya sumber daya manusia, keterbatasan sarana prasarana, belum ada petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan konseling menyusui, belum ada pemantauan pascapelatihan, kurangnya komitmen personal konselor, belum ada penegasan program, serta lemahnya pengawasan. Komponen output masih kurang baik, terlihat pada belum terdapat data jumlah klien yang diberi konseling menyusui dan jumlah monitoring/supervisi. Komponen outcome menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan klien konseling menyusui kurang. Pelaksanaan konseling menyusui di Kota Jambi masih kurang optimal. Terlihat dari komponen input masih kurang memadai, komponen activity belum berjalan optimal, sedangkan komponen output dan komponen outcome belum mencapai hasil yang diharapkan.The government’s efforts in improving breastfeeding in Indonesia is to provide breastfeeding counseling services in health care especially at primary health care centre. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of breastfeeding counseling in the City of Jambi by exploring its input, activity, output, and outcomes components. This study was a qualitative research using case study strategy. The study was conducted in four health centers City of Jambi during December 2013 to February 2014. Data were collected through document study, breastfeeding counseling and execution infrastructure observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion. Data analysis includes transcription, reduction, coding, categorizing, themes, and interpretation of research results. The results showed that the component inputs and activity were not done optimally due to a lack of human resources, infrastructure limitations, unavailability of technical guidelines, non-existence of post training monitoring or supervision, lack of counselor’s personal commitment, lack of program clarity, as well as poor management and supervision of the health department. Aservice output were not also good as indicated by data unavailability of clients served and none of monitoring has been conducted. Outcome component showed that there were still a lack of client satisfaction and resolved breastfeeding problems after acquiring breastfeeding counseling as an conclusion, implementation of breastfeeding counseling in the City of Jambi is still less than optimal, seen from the input components is still inadequate, activity components are not yet optimal, while the outputs and outcomes components not achieving the expected.