Tarsisius Murwaji
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Artikel Kehormatan: Paradigma Baru Hukum Jaminan: Penjaminan Hak Pengelolaan Daratan Perairan Kepulauan Melalui Digitalisasi dan e-Cash Collateral Murwaji, Tarsisius
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 3, No 2 (2016): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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Hukum Jaminan di Indonesia yang bersumber pada hukum kolonialis Belanda ternyata memiliki perkembangan yang sangat lambat, para penyusun perundang-undangan kurang berani berinisiatif menyusun Hukum Jaminan dengan paradigma baru. Dalam sistem jaminan menurut hukum positif, fungsi jaminan ada untuk penutup risiko, yaitu menutupi kerugian bank apabila terjadi kredit macet. Dalam tulisan ini penulis mengajukan dan mengkaji paradigma baru dalam Hukum Jaminan, yaitu: (a) Hak Pengelolaan Daratan Perairan Kepulauan sebagai Jaminan Performa, (b) Digitalisasi Jaminan Benda, dan (c) Penjaminan Elektronik. Dalam artikel ini objek pengkajian adalah Hak Pengelolaan (HPL) Daratan Perairan Kepulauan sebagai jaminan performa persyaratan kredit. Tujuan jaminan performa bukan untuk dieksekusi karena keempat persyaratan persetujuan kredit sudah layak. Dalam paradigma baru ini jaminan merupakan salah satu penjamin kinerja yang tinggi, tingkat kesehatan perusahaan yang memadai dan keberlangsungan proyek yang dibiayai oleh kredit perbankan.  New Paradigm on Securities Law: The Right to Manage Mainland Administrative of Internal Waters through Digitalization and e­-Cash CollateralAbstractSecurities Law in Indonesia, which is based on the law of the Dutch colonialists, turned out to have very slow development. The drafters of the legislation lack the initiative to draw up legal securities law with a new paradigm. In securities system according to positive law, the functions of securities are to cover risks, which cover the banks losses in case of bad credit. In this paper the Author proposes and examines a new paradigm in the Law of Securities, namely: (a) the Right of Mainland Island Waters Management as Performance Securities, (b) Digitization Securities Objects, and (c) Electronics Securities. The object of study in this article is the Right of Mainland Island Waters Management (HPL) as a performance securities credit terms. The function of performance securities is not to execute because the four terms for approval of credit are fulfilled. In this new paradigm, securities act as one of the guarantor for high performance, an adequate company performance, and the sustainability of projects financed by bank credit. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v3n2.a1
Antisipasi Pelarian Dana Asing ke Luar Negeri Melalui Perlindungan Kontraktual Pembukaan Rahasia Bank Murwaji, Tarsisius
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 2, No 2 (2015): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN akan dimulai akhir tahun 2015 ini. Pada pelaksanaan MEA, kompetisi perbankan Indonesia dengan negara-negara lain dalam merebut investor tidak dapat dihindari lagi. Di kalangan MEA, ternyata hanya Indonesia yang memasukkan pengaturan rahasia bank ke ranah hukum pidana, sedangkan negara lainnya memasukkannya ke ranah hukum perdata, yaitu hukum perjanjian (contract law). Dengan perbedaan pengaturan tersebut, para investor tentunya akan lebih tertarik untuk menyimpan dananya pada bank-bank negara-negara tetangga, bahkan nasabah kreditur bank-bank Indonesia berpotensi untuk memindahkan dana yang sudah disimpan ke bank-bank negara-negara tetangga. Akibat pengaturan Indonesia ini, besar potensi terjadi pelarian dana yang sudah ditempatkan dalam produk-produk bank di Indonesia baik dalam bentuk tabungan, deposito, atau obligasi bank ke negara ASEAN lainnya. Pemilik dana besar yang merasa tidak dilindungi akan memilih Bank Penampung Dana Proyek (Escrow Account Bank) di luar Indonesia, sedangkan posisi Bank Indonesia hanya sekedar bank pelaksana/pembayar proyek. Dengan demikian, Departemen Hukum dan Perundang-undangan, Bank Indonesia, dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan harus mengambil langkah cepat mengharmonisasikan pengaturan pembukaan rahasia bank dalam rangka MEA. Harmonisasi yang dimaksud tidak harus merubah pengaturan rahasia bank dari hukum pidana menjadi perdata, melainkan melalui perlindungan kontraktual yang diatur dalam Peraturan Bank Indonesia, yang mengatur ulang mekanisme pembukaan rahasia bank.Bank Secrecy Unveiling under Contractual Protection to Anticipate Foreign Fund Runagate  AbstractThe realization of the Asean Economic Community (AEC) at the end of 2015 will mark the beginning of banking sector competition for investors among ASEAN countries. In this regard, Indonesia is the only country that classifies the matters of bank secrecy regulation under criminal law, whereas other countries classify it under civil law, commonly known as contract law. This difference makes insvestors more inclined to invest in other countries’ bank. The creditors, and even Indonesian’s banks costumers, have potential to transfer their money to the banks outside Indonesia.  As a result, the fund stored in Indonesian Banks such as saving, deposit, or bond might runagate to the banks in other ASEAN countries. Big investors who think that they lack legal protection will prefer to put their investments in escrow account in banks outside Indonesia, while the position of the Bank of Indonesia’s will only be as executor or project payer. Thus, the Directorate General of Regulation, the Bank of Indonesia, and Indonesia’s Financial Service Authority must take quick action for the harmonization of bank secrecy unveiling regulation to anticipate the realization of AEC. This harmonization should not amend the nature of the bank secrecy regulation from criminal to civil law, but through contractual protection under Bank of Indonesia regulation to redesign the mechanism of bank secrecy unveiling.Keywords: legal harmonization, AEC, fund runagate, contractual protection, bank secrecyDOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v2n2.a2
Edukasi dan Penyehatan Koperasi Melalui Linkage Program Perbankan Murwaji, Tarsisius; Robby, Achmad Hagi
PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law) Vol 4, No 3 (2017): PADJADJARAN Jurnal Ilmu Hukum (Journal of Law)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University

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Koperasi sebagai salah satu pilar penopang perekonomian Indonesia, keberadaannya sangat kuat dan mendapat tempat tersendiri di kalangan masyarakat menengah kebawah. Koperasi telah membuktikan bahwa dirinya mampu bertahan di tengah gempuran badai krisis ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia. Dewasa ini, koperasi memiliki kelemahan yaitu kurangnya kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap koperasi, sehingga diperlukan strategi atau paradigma baru untuk membangun citra koperasi dalam rangka peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan koperasi tersebut. Artikel ini membahas mengenai upaya peningkatan citra koperasi yang salah satunya adalah melalui linkage program yang merupakan kerjasama bisnis antara bank umum dengan koperasi. Linkage program merupakan sebuah program yang menguntungkan baik bagi bank maupun koperasi. Peraturan yang ada sekarang mengenai hal ini mengatur bahwa pola pertama adalah excecuting, karena koperasi dianggap sudah bankable untuk meminjam kredit dan menyalurkan kepada anggotanya. Kenyataanya banyak koperasi yang dianggap unbankable sehingga pola pertama yang tepat seharusnya adalah channeling yaitu sarana edukasi dan penyehatan koperasi agar koperasi dapat bankable. The Cooperative’s Education and Recovery through Linkage Banking Program AbstractThe cooperative as one of the pillars supporting Indonesias economy, its existence is very strong and have its own place among the middle class. The cooperative has proven that it can survive in the midst of the onslaught of economic crisis that occurred in Indonesia. Today, there is a lack of public trust towards the cooperative, therefore it needs a new strategy or paradigm to build the image of cooperatives in order to increase the institutional capacity of the cooperative. This article examines the effort to improve cooperative’s image through linkage progam which involves business cooperation with the bank and cooperative. The linkage program is trusted to create mutual advantages for the bank and cooperative. Present regulations rule that the first pattern to implement the linkage program is executing process, since the cooperative is already considered as bankable for borrowing credits and distribute them to its users. However, there are many cooperatives which are still deemed unbankable and thus hinders the executing process. Therefore, it is more likely to implement chanelling process as the first step for rehabilitate the cooperative until it is bankable.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.22304/pjih.v4n3.a2
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 13, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2013.13.1.134


The construction of infrastructure projects require large expenses. The cost for the project loan is usually derived from international banks. Legal issues, among others: we do not guarantee the legal system conducive to use in large financing; corporate body and banking institutions we considered to be of international standard, and our le-gal system is regarded as the country risk. The other hand many people of Indonesia who have collateral material, usually pure gold (precious metals) that have been diimaterialization and included in the accounts of foreign banks. Such guarantees may be used as the basis of the issuance of bank guarantees and through the mechanism of Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) can be used as loan collateral banks in Indonesia. Key words: bank guaranty, SWIFT, security law, international banking system