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Pelaksanaan Program Gerakan Pensejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir dan Dampaknya di Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo, Kota Padang Thahira Kemala Dewi; Asdi Agustar; Mahdi Mahdi
JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance and Political Social UMA) Vol 7, No 1 (2019): JPPUMA: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA (Journal of Governance a
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jppuma.v7i1.2139


This study aims to discover how The Coastal Community Economic Welfare Program (GPEMP) programwas implemented and its impact on the orientation of fishermen's family income-sources in Pasie Nan Tigo Subdistrict, Koto Tangah District, Padang City. The method used in this study is a case study method with key informants as the main data source. Interviews were conducted with key informants and direct observations in the field related to the problems raised in this study.Data analysis through a qualitative approach.The results showed that the GPEMP program had been implemented in accordance with the implementation instructions, except in the GPEMP assistance delivery phase, namely the assistance of developing fish culture with the help of a fixed net package and tilapia cultivation equipment where there were differences in the specifications of the goods delivered with the supposed ones. The GPEMP program has impacts on the orientation of fishermen's family income sources in Pasie Nan Tigo Subistrict, namely: 1) fishermen's family income sources developed to become not only from fishing, but also from other new alternative livelihoods, such as fish cultivation, fish processing diversification, and cattle farming, and 2) fishermen's effectiveness working hours increases as well as involvement of fishermen's wives and children’s involvement in the business.
Berkala Perikanan Terubuk Vol 44, No 2 (2016): Juli 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.114 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/terubuk.44.2.76 - 88


This research in two sub-districts and District Bantan North Rupat Bengkalis District, Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to analyze: The potential of fishery resources, the condition of waters, eklpoitasi level of fishery resources in the arrest of three zones Bengkalis. The study states that the sustainable potential of Zone I to 1287.09 tons / year. The rate of exploitation in 2013 amounted to 113.04% with the condition have been over fishing, sustainable Potential Zone II is 4444.48 tons/year and the rate of exploitation in 2013 amounted to 90.46% with very keritis conditions, sustainable Potential Zone III for 3181, 38 tons / year by the rate of exploitation in 2013 amounted to 81.67% with the condition of the waters have started critical
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan Vol 12, No 3 (2015): Jurnal Penelitian Sosial dan Ekonomi Kehutanan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sosial, Ekonomi, Kebijakan dan Perubahan Iklim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpsek.2015.12.3.213-225


The conflict of  forest management in Indonesia is increasing. Forest management conflicts often caused by legal pluralism between government and society.  This study aims to describe the land conflicts between Melayu tribe community with government and communal land release process in Melayu tribe in Dharmasraya Forest Management Unit ( MU). Research method  Production PF was using descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted in FMU in Nagari Bonjol, Koto Besar Dharmasraya Regency. results showed that 1) Agrarian conflict in FMU Dharmasraya between community and the government occured due to the recognition of  legal pluralism in the forest, and 2) Communal land release occured through the buying and selling which  controlled by Datuak process of are customary authorities.  Evidence of  trading activities  the issuance of  "alas hak" as a sign that the communal land are controlled by has been sold. The of trading activities of  communal land were communal land and the high public interest to increase due to low prices of plant in communal land owned by Melayu tribe.  Some strategies are required to maintain the function of  forests in PFMU that has been acquired by local communit  without  local communities who depend on forestsy neglecting.
Analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kawasan Sentra Produksi Subsektor Tanaman Pangan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Fastabiqul Khairad; Melinda Noer; Mahdi Mahdi
Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan Wilayah dan Perdesaan) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2018): Journal of Regional and Rural Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangu
Publisher : P4W LPPM IPB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (331.256 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jp2wd.2018.2.2.171-184


This study aims to analyze economic growth of production centers of leading agricultural commodities food crops in West Sumatera Province. The data used in this study are secondary data with descriptive analysis tool by comparing the economic growth: GDP, agricultural sector and food crop subsector in West Sumatera Province before and after the establishment of production centers for food commodities. The productivity level of leading agricultural commodities in each region that has been determined tends to fluctuate and have not always increased. The rate of economic growth reflected in GDP of the food crops actually decreased significantly from 2014 to 2016. This illustrates that the establishment of production center areas has not fully been able to increase the productivity of production centers nor increase the economic growth of food crops subsector, agricultural sector and the overall economic growth rate in West Sumatera Province.
Cognitive, Affective, and Conative Attitude of Farmers to Rice Farming Insurance (RFI) Program in Tanah Datar District, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia Siska Handayani; Rudi Febriamansyah; Mahdi Mahdi
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/ijasc.3.2.50-56.2019


The Ministry of Agriculture has implemented the Rice Farming Insurance (RFI) Program in Indonesia since 2015 to protect farmers from possible loss of crop failure due to various potential disasters such as floods, drought, pests, etc. Although it has been immensely encouraged by the relevant field agencies, this RFI program was unsuccessful. The land area that follows the RFI program in Tanah Datar District decreased significantly from 1,061 Ha (2016) to about 150 Ha (2017), of the total target area of 2,300 Ha. This study is conducted to find factors that lead to decreased farmer participation in this RFI program, mainly by studying how the government has done the socialization process and how farmers' actual attitude towards this RFI program? By applying qualitative and quantitative approaches, this study obtained the empirical facts that the socialization process, done by relevant stakeholders, including government, private and community leaders, and farmers, not so intensified. The attitude of farmers to this program showed that, in the cognitive aspects, most farmers in all five categories still do not fully understand and confident about the RFI program. It is similar to their affective elements; most farmers in the five categories have not yet determined attitudes, whether they like or dislike the RFI program. Meanwhile, only in terms of their conative aspects, mostly farmers of all categories are eager to learn more and become the RFI program participant. 
Tingkat Kesejahteraan Nelayan Pada Dua Cluster Kondisi Hutan Mangrove Di Mandah Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau, Indonesia Yudha Saktian Syafruddin; Yurike Yurike; Mahdi Mahdi; Yuerlita Yuerlita
JURNAL ENGGANO Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/jenggano.7.1.121-135


Kawasan hutan mangrove di Mandah mencapai 31.007 Ha yang berpotensi mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan hutan mangrove tentunya mengancam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi masyarakat sekitar hutan yang menggantungkan hidupnya kepada hutan mangrove. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin mengkaji bagaimana ketergantungan mata pencaharian masyarakat terhadap hutan mangrove berdasarkan dua kawasan yang berbeda dan apakah keadaan hutan mangrove yang berbeda mempengaruhi kesejahteraan nelayan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara sensus pada dua desa yang mengalami kondisi hutan mangrove yang masih baik dan yang sudah rusak, didapat 137 responden. Perbandingan analisis kesejahteraan nelayan di dua kawasan dengan menggunakan uji T.  Besar kecilnya proporsi pengeluaran konsumsi pangan untuk seluruh pengeluaran rumah tangga dapat memberikan gambaran tentang kesejahteraan rumah tangga. Pendapatan nelayan dihitung dengan pengeluaran untuk makanan dan non-pangan. Berdasarkan uji T menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Rumah tangga Nelayan pada kawasan mangrove baik di Bekawan dapat menghemat 33% dari pendapatannya sedangkan nelayan pada kawasan mangrove rusak di Pulau Cawan hanya 8%. Dapat disimpulkan nelayan di Bekawan lebih sejahtera dibandingkan dengan di Pulau Cawan.
The Claims and the Use of Land by Local Communities and by the FMU of 50 Kota District in Jorong Landai, Nagari Harau, 50 Kota District, West Sumatra, Indonesia Uswatul Hasana; Mahdi; Wilson Novarino; Farid Azel
International Journal of Science and Society Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Science and Society (IJSOC)
Publisher : GoAcademica Research & Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (720.295 KB) | DOI: 10.54783/ijsoc.v1i2.52


Forest Management Unit (FMU) of 50 Kota district, whose appointment by the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No. 44 / Menhut-II / 2012 on February 2, located in the 50 Kota district of West Sumatra Province, Indonesia with wide ± 117 552 ha. FMU of 50 Kota district try to make some forest management plans in certain areas such as the development for forest conservation function, production function and protected function. Local communities in 50 Kota district, some of them still dependent on the forest, and Location FMU of 50 Kota district is in the West Sumatera, that famous with the Minangkabau people with their long-existing village management system, known as Nagari. The Nagari established, to settle disputes based on customary principles as well as to protect the rights of the community members. These rights include communal land (ulayat land). In this study, has identification and attempts to describe the claims and the use of land in Jorong Landai, Nagari Harau, 50 Kota District, West Sumatra, by local communities and FMU of 50 Kota District. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. In the Jorong Landai with a total area of 1388 Ha with each has ulayat area as follows: Bodi: 344 Ha, Pitopang 477 Ha, Sambilan 135 Ha and Melayu 427 Ha. The clan has used the ulayat land of 198,02 Ha for settlement, rice field, and gambir fields. The new boundaries for the area protected forest in Jorong Landai make overlapping claims of 57,01 Ha. Overlapping claims land use makes the activities local communities like blocked in their own land by the government. The primary forest in Jorong Landai of 1051 Ha (267 Ha in APL/Ulayat land and 784 Ha in protection forest). Secondary forest of 63,6 Ha (in APL/Ulayat land of 56,5 Ha and 7,1 Ha in protection forest).
Evaluasi Dan Analisis Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat Pada Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama Kota Padang Rahma Nella; Fuji Astuti Febria; Mahdi Mahdi
JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN: Jurnal dan Aplikasi Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol 19 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Volume 19 No. 1, Januari 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.87 KB) | DOI: 10.31964/jkl.v19i1.444


Medical waste management procedures of health facilities such as the use of plastic bags that have not been in accordance with the type and characteristics of waste, the use of disinfection of medical waste containers that have been used, the lack of use of Personal Protective Equipment. In addition, the knowledge and attitude of medical waste management officers are still low such as the colour of plastic bags used, maximum storage of medical waste. This study used quantitative descriptive methods with a sample of 58 samples using the guttman scale and the likert scale with Multiple Regression analysis. For First Level Health Facilities (FKTP) most have carried out medical waste management in accordance with established regulations but there are some stages that are still low such as Temporary Shelter and Onsite Transportation.  For knowledge (p = 0.031), attitude (p = 0.007) and perception of leadership support (p = 0.000) in medical waste management officers are still relatively low and the result of multiple regressions that knowledge, attitude and leadership support have a real effect on solid medical waste management. For FKTP as Health Centers and Clinics have carried out medical waste management by established standards but for the dentist practice is still low in the application of regulations regarding the management of solid medical waste.
Potential Valuation Of Plants Based On Utilization Of Plants, Local Wisdom and Local Resident Attitude about Plant Conservation in Silokek National Geopark Dina Hayati Putri; Tesri Maideliza; Mahdi Mahdi
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.9.2.68-75.2021


The objectives of this study was to evaluate the utilization of plants, local wisdom and tribe attitudes about plant conservation by the people in Silokek National Geopark. This research used survey method. These data were collected by using Pebble Distribution Method (PDM) and Quisioner. And then, data had been calculated by calculating the value of Local User’s Value Index (LUVI). The result indicated that local people utilizing plants is for herbal medicine 83%. Cyclea barbata is spesies with having the highest LUVI (0.137), followed by Artocarpus elasticus used for furniture (LUVI= 0.060), Styrax sumatrana (LUVI= 0.126) used for ritual, and Imperata cylindrica (LUVI= 0.073) used for livestock feed. And The result showed at least three local wisdom that possible to be integrated to plant conservation such as planting the plants, selectively harvest by select cutting and timing, and special treatment before used the plants like shalawat nabi reading. For tribe attitudes indicated people in Silokek National Geopark more 90% agree for conservation policy in that area.Keywords : Local User’s Value Index (LUVI), Pebble Distribution Method (PDM), Silokek National Geopark.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Tangguh Bencana dan Tangguh Ekonomi Rumah Tangga Terdampak Banjir di Nagari Aia Gadang Pasaman Barat Mahdi Mahdi; Lora Triana; Agus Nugroho; Annisa Umul Fitrah
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aks.v7i1.10368


Banjir meningkatkan kerentanan dan menyebabkan dampak negatif pada mata pencaharian rumah tangga petani. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi dampak negatif banjir adalah dengan meningkatkan kapasitas tangguh bencana sekaligus tangguh ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses dan dampak dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang peningkatan ketangguhan bencana dan ekonomi rumah tangga terdampak banjir di Nagari Aia Gadang, Kabupaten Pasaman Barat menggunakan pendekatan participatory research approach. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kapasitas tangguh bencana meningkat, keterampilan livelihood rumah tangga juga meningkat, serta persepsi pemulihan rumah tangga terdampak banjir membaik. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlunya keterlibatan pemerintah daerah yang lebih signifikan untuk keberlanjutan peningkatan ketangguhan bencana banjir di daerah ini.