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Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol 5, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v5n2.p56-63


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh sejumlah perangkat pembelajaran yang belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh mahasiswa. Melalui perkuliahan Teaching Learning Process 3 (TLP 3) yang berisi pengkajian tentang model-model pembelajaran selama ini disajikan secara teoritis melalui tatap muka, pemodelan, workshop, dan praktek pembelajaran dalam forum, perangkat tersebut dioptimalkan. Standar kompetensi mata kuliah tersebut adalah mahasiswa terampil merancang dan mengelola proses pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran diskusi kelas (class discussion),  penemuan terbimbing (guided discovery), dan pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah (problem based learning). Kompetensi ini akan lebih mudah tercapai bilamana mahasiswa sebelumnya dibekali dengan kemampuan menilai sebuah perangkat pembelajaran terkait kesesuaiannya dengan model pembelajaran yang diterapkan. Pada penelitian ini, perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah (PBI) karya mahasiswa terdahulu dinilai oleh mahasiswa dan dosen dengan menggunakan instrumen yang sama (IPKG1) menghasilkan penilaian X1 dan X2. Setelah itu mahasiswa merancang perangkat pembelajaran model PBI dan dinilai oleh dosen menggunakan IPKG1 dan menghasilkan penilaian Y1. Perangkat pembelajaran PBI yang telah dihasilkan kemudian disimulasikan oleh mahasiswa dan dinilai oleh dosen dengan menggunakan IPKG2 menghasilkan penilaian Y2. Analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi dan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menghasilkan beberapa temuan: 1) Tingkat kesesuaian penilaian perangkat PBI oleh mahasiswa dan dosen cukup tinggi dengan korelasi yang tinggi, 2) Keterampilan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah untuk skala 0-100 berada pada kisaran 77,94-97,06 dengan rata-rata 87,04 yang berarti baik. Penilaian contoh perangkat oleh mahasiswa dan dosen tidak berkorelasi dan tidak memberikan dampak atas keterampilan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran model PBL, 3) Keterampilan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan model PBL untuk skala 0-100 berada pada kisaran 78-90 dengan rata-rata 82,69 yang berarti baik. Hubungan antara keterampilan pengembangan perangkat yang telah dilakukan mahasiswa dan keterampilan melaksanakan pembelajaran menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan.
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v3n2.p1-11


Paradigma pembelajaran saat ini adalah Student Center Learning (SCL), yang dapat dicapai apabila pembelajaran khususnya pembelajaran fisika di SMA dirancang sedemikian rupa hingga dapat membelajarkan siswa. Salah satu desain pembelajaran (learning design) yang dapat digunakan untuk membelajarkan siswa adalah pembelajaran melalui pertanyaan–Learning by Questioning- (LBQ). LBQ berpotensi lebih memberdayakan keterampilan berpikir dan dapat mengkonstruk pengetahuan. Untuk itu sangat perlu dihasilkan contoh perangkat pembelajaran melalui bertanya (LBQ) dan selanjutnya diuji secara empiris. Artikel ini akan mendeskripsikan hasil-hasil pengujian empiris tersebut, sehingga rumusan masalah yang dikemukakan adalah bagaimanakah hasil implementasi perangkat pembelajaran melalui bertanya (LBQ) di kelas? Setelah dihasilkan contoh perangkat pembelajaran melalui pertanyaan (Learning by Questioning) yang terdiri dari dua topik fisika SMA: fluida statis yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum Tingkat satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), dan Hukum-hukum Newton sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013.Perangkat pembelajaran tersebut terdiri atas silabus, RPP, LKS dan panduannya, buku siswa, Lembar penilaian LBQ dan kuncinya. Selanjutnya terkait hasil uji empiris atau hasil implementasi perangkat pembelajaran di kelas, diperoleh temuan-temuan: (a) Penerapan pembelajaran bertanya (LBQ) dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir siswa dengan perolehan gain peningkatan untuk 10 atribut keterampilan berpikir berada pada rentang 0,27 sampai 0,73 dengan rata-rata 0,48 (sedang), (b) Ditemukan delapan atribut keterampilan berpikir (80%) dari sepuluh yang diteliti yang konsisten dan dapat ditingkatkan dengan pembelajaran melalui pertanyaan (LBQ). Kedelapan atribut tersebut adalah menganalisis dan mensintesis (analizing and synthesizing), meningkatkan kualitas pertanyaan (raises questions), menggali informasi (information searching), menggunakan konsep (utilizes concept), membuat inferensi (makes inferences), membangun implikasi (generates implications), mengambil keputusan (making decision), dan memecahkan masalah secara kreatif (creative problem solving), (c) Guru model dan siswa merespons positif pembelajaran dengan LBQ. Guru model menilai 95 persen penerapan pembelajaran LBQ sesuai untuk diterapkan, sementara siswa memberikan jawaban positif sebesar 76,7%.
ORNE Learning Model to Improve Problem-Solving Skills of Physics Bachelor Candidates: An Alternative Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic Prahani, Binar Kurnia; Ramadani, Ali Hasbi; Kusumawati, Diah Hari; Suprapto, Nadi; Madlazim, Madlazim; Jatmiko, Budi; Supardi, Zainul Arifin Imam; Mubarok, Husni; Safitri, Shabrina; Deta, Utama Alan
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpfa.v10n1.p71-80


In this industrial revolution 4.0 era, professional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) bachelor must have various skills. One of which is problem-solving skills. The development of problem-solving skills (PSS) is very important in higher education. Students must have PSS that must be improved to become excellent graduates, including physics bachelor candidates. Many physics bachelor candidates lack problem-solving skills. This problem is the basis for developing innovative learning models based online that, by design, can improve the problem-solving skills of physics bachelor candidates in the COVID-19 pandemic. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness ORNE learning model in improving the problem-solving skills of physics bachelor candidates as an alternative to online learning in the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design used a true-experiment with a non-equivalent control group design with 58 physics bachelor candidates. Data collected using the problem-solving skills test and then analyzed using the Paired Sample Test, Effect Size, N-gain, and Independent Sample Test. The results showed that the ORNE learning model proved effective in improving physics bachelor candidates' problem-solving skills. This research implies that the ORNE learning model can improve physics bachelor candidates' problem-solving skills as an alternative to online learning in the COVID-19 pandemic.
JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains) Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpps.v10n1.p1844-1856


A This study aims to analyze students’ science communication skills in the physics learning process especially in the Work and Energy concept using (Model-Observe-Reflect-Explain) MORE learning models. The research used a mixed method by utilizing test, questionnaires, and interviews with 10th and 11st grade students majoring in science, physics teachers and headmaster. The data was obtained by taking the physics scores of students in the work and energy concept who have received learning with the MORE learning model, then provides a questionnaire containing the obstacles faced by students in learning physics and interviews with students and teachers regarding learning constraints and science communication skills after learning using the MORE learning model. The findings indicated the MORE learning model helps students in practising science communication skills in learning with good student science communication skills will increase students’ understanding of Work and Energy concepts as seen from the students’ scores in the work and energy concept.  Keywords: science communication skill, MORE learning model, mixed methods, physics, cognitive ability                                                                                                                                                           Abstrak                                                                           Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterampilan komunikasi sains siswa dalam proses pembelajaran fisika khususnya pada materi pembelajaran Usaha dan Energi dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran (Model-Observe-Reflect-Explain) MORE. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dengan menggunakan tes, angket, dan wawancara yang diberikan pada siswa kelas 10 dan 11 jurusan IPA, guru-guru fisika dan kepala sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara mengambil nilai fisika siswa yang telah mendapatkan  pembelajaran pada materi Usaha dan Energi dengan model pembelajaran MORE, kemudian memberikan angket yang diisikan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi siswa selama proses pembelajaran fisika dan wawancara dengan siswa dan guru mengenai kendala-kendala selama proses pembelajaran untuk melatihkan keterampilan komunikasi sains dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran MORE. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran MORE dapat membantu siswa dalam melatihkan keterampilan komunikasi sains dalam pembelajaran fisika. Meningkatnya keterampilan komunikasi sains siswa maka akan meningkatkan pula pemahaman siswa pada materi Usaha dan Energi yang terlihat dari nilai yang diperoleh siswa.  Kata Kunci: keterampilan komunikasi sains, model pembelajaran MORE, mixed methods, fisika, kemampuan kognitif 
Nomographic Technique Development on Global Warming Material for High School Student Grade Eleven of Literacy Class Arum, Anjar Desynta; Suprapto, Nadi
International Journal of Active Learning Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : International Journal of Active Learning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijal.v6i1.28314


This research aims to describe the media's feasibility in terms of the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of infographic media as student learning media. This type of research develops ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model with data collection techniques in the form of media validation sheets given to media expert lecturers and material experts, as validators, and distributing questionnaires online to 100 Unesa physics students as respondents. Validation measurements from expert lecturers and the ability to understand and practice and the media's effectiveness from respondents used a Likert switch. The validation results from the expert lecturers based on the learning aspects, the material aspects, and the media aspects and physics students' responses based on the ability of understanding and practice and effectiveness. The result of the average value shows that the respondents agreed to the media being developed. Based on the results of student responses, the validity test was obtained with a value of r count> r table, so that the media designed was declared valid, and based on the reliability test with a Cronbach's alpha value greater than 0.6, the questionnaire was declared reliable or consistent. It can conclude that the infographic media that develops nomography techniques are conceptually feasible and can be used in the learning of students' scientific literacy.
Promoting Physics-Entrepreneurship Via Facebook: A Thematic Study Suprapto, Nadi; Hidaayatullaah, Hasan Nuurul
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thabiea.v4i1.8963


This study addresses the use of Facebook (FB) as a media for promoting science’ product. By adopting the concept of entrepreneurship education, the study explored the role of FB in promoting science message through “Learning Shirt-theme”. A thematic study was conducted, involving a group of Indonesian undergraduate physics students (34 members) in FB namely “Learning Shirt” and the content of their sites as the entrepreneurs and 192 active members as the service users. The students pursued their study at a public university in Surabaya, Indonesia, which contributed to the group’s community. These groups of students established entrepreneurship activities and promoted their message of physics via FB. The role of the researcher is a tutor of the community. Data analyses were used, including a thematic and documentation analysis and supported by questionnaire analysis. The results of the study categorized the physics-shirt into five themes: the history of physics, derivation of the equation in physics, physics symbols and equations, physics values, and models in physics. The FB users’ understanding of physics themes were in a good category with an average score of 79.79. The trend of FB user’s positive response regarding ten expressions in the questionnaire was increased significantly in three weeks.
Research trend on TPACK through bibliometric analysis (2015-2019) Nadi Suprapto; Sukarmin Sukarmin; Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati; Erman Erman; Dian Savitri; Chih-Hsiung Ku; Husni Mubarok
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 10, No 4: December 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i4.22062


This paper aims to analyze the scientific trend of research on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) through bibliometric study and explore how the contribution of Indonesian researchers in the Scopus database from 2015 to 2019. The sample was composed of 2075 documents in total. The results revealed that scientific publication on TPACK has been increasing. United States contributed the most documents on TPACK as well as Singapore’s institutions dominated in this area. Meanwhile, Indonesia put its two representative’s institutions: Universitas Sebelas Maret and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, among the big ten institutions in the world. All Indonesian documents produced by teacher-producing universities and public universities. United States and Taiwan have also contributed to the most productive authors of TPACK. Then, the visualization of research trend on TPACK resulted in four major clusters: i) TPACK as a system; ii) TPACK in relating to its scale; iii) TPACK in connecting with quantitative parameters; and iv) TPACK under beliefs, intention, and technology acceptance. The research findings could aid related researchers to recognize the trend of TPACK research and recommend directions for further research.
A systematic review of photovoice as participatory action research strategies Nadi Suprapto; Titin Sunarti; Suliyanah Suliyanah; Desi Wulandari; Hasan Nuurul Hidayaatullaah; Alif Syaiful Adam; Husni Mubarok
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 9, No 3: September 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v9i3.20581


Photovoice research is conducted by researchers to communicate images or photographs, and it has high confidence in analyzing the value, story or meaning of an image. Several previous studies that examined photovoice as a research strategy were analyzed and reviewed. This systematic review used an article selection process. It was defining the purpose, conducting a literature search, pulling articles by reading abstracts, reading the full paper, data abstraction, and conducting an analysis. The photovoice article selection was classified into education, health, and social science domain. Finally, forty-one articles have been reviewed with the total of participants involved ranged from five to fifty individuals. The majority of research method in the articles was participatory action research (PAR) through qualitative inquiry or field visits. Meanwhile, the research instruments used photography, documentation, observation, and interviews. In various fields of research, photovoice is able to increase the understanding of individuals or groups to interpret the content of an image or photo.
The Pros and Cons of the “New Normal” Concept during COVID-19 Outbreak Nadi Suprapto; Akhmad Zamroni; Azmil Abidah; Desi Wulandari
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology Vol 4 No 3 (2021): March 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/edu.v4i3.179


This position paper narrates how the author's position based on the hot issue of nurturing the COVID-19 pandemic. The pros and cons of the "New Normal" concept [kenormalan baru] are argumentatively illustrated through a literature search. The primer information from WHO, policymaker, and researchers contributed to the discussion. Health protocols become the rules mentioned in implementing a new normal, namely by reducing physical contact with others. Nevertheless, the new normal policy is no less low and dangerous, is the insufficient appreciation of science, especially revelation. Thus, the concept of the new normal has not valued except just taking material and economic benefits.
Development of Learning Devices Two Stay Two Stray Cooperative Model to Increase Social Skills and Learning Outcomes Fajriyatul Mukhlishina; Wahono Widodo; Nadi Suprapto
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (582.491 KB)


The purpose of this research is to develop and produce a valid, practical and effective two stay two stray cooperative learning model on the subject of ecosystem the fifth grade elementary school and to describe the results of the implementation of lesson plans, student learning outcomes, social skills, student responses, and the obstacles encountered in implementing learning. This research is conducted in two steps, first is development of cooperative learning models Type Two Stay Two Stray which refers to the four-D development model but until development stage. Second is try learning model that have been developed, in students. The subjects of this study were VA and VB grade students at Ngagelrejo I / 396SDN Surabaya. Testing was conducted using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data collection is done by validation, observation, tests, and student questionnaire responses. The data analysis technique uses descriptive technical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Two Stay Two Stray cooperative learning model is very valid, practical, and effective for ecosystem material.
Co-Authors Abdul Rochman Amrullah Aditya Prapanca Afaurina Indriana Safitri Ahmad Qosyim Akhmad Zamroni Ali Hasbi Ramadani Ali Hasbi Ramadani, Ali Hasbi Alif Syaiful Adam Alisa Arrizkiyah Anggi Aulidhia Rohmah Angki Yustito Dulim Aretha Patricia Andriani Arika Arika Arika Arika Arika Hary Cahyono Arum, Anjar Desynta Asnawi AVRIYANTI, IIS Azmil Abidah Azmil Abidah Binar Kurnia Prahani Bonda Sisephaputra Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Chih-Hsiung Ku Chih-Hsiung Ku Daliana Fehabutar Deda, Yohanis Ndapa Della Shinta Bestiantono Desi Wulandari Desi Wulandari Desi Wulandari Dhila Linggar Lentika Diah Hari Kusumawati Diah Hari Kusumawati Diah Rahmawati Dian Savitri Diego Pradana Dwikoranto Eka Putri Dian Nata Sari EKA YUNIAR, RISA Elok Halimah Sa'diyah Erina Krisnaningsih Erman Erman Ermia Fadilata Khoir Eva Ayu Yanuarti Fajriyatul Mukhlishina Fanani Riski Dwi Faradila Aulia Alifteria Faradila Aulia' Alifteria Fatihatun Nikmah Fida Rachmadiarti Fitria Mercyta Celina FX Krisna Kurniawan GARINA DEWAYANI, ASTRID HALIMAH SADIYAH, ELOK Hariyono, Eko Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidayaatullaah Hermin Budiningarti Hermin Budiningarti Hermina Disnawati, Hermina Hidaayatullaah, Hasan Nuurul Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Imam Sya'roni Imam Sya'roni Indah Putri Maulidya Sari Intan Ika Ashhabul Maimanah Iqbal Ainur Rizki Iqbal Ainur Rizki Irgy Redityo Dawana Khoirun Nisa' Khoirun Nisa' Kiki Lutfiah Arizah Lailatul Yusro Lely Mutakinati M Munasir Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Maharani Ayu Nurdiana Putri Margaretha Aurelia Pasaribu Moch Yusuf Efendi Mohamad Nur Mohammad Budiyanto Mohammad Walid Rasuliy Mohd Nor Syahrir Abdullah Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin Muchamad Arif Al Ardha Muhimmatul Khoiro MUNASIR MUSLIMIN IBRAHIM MUSYAFFA YAZID, MOKHAMMAT NANDYANSAH, WISNU Nina Fajriyah Citra Novie Amalia Izza Iksani Nur Azizah NUR CAHYANI, DIDIN Nur Chasanah Prabowo Prabowo Pratiwi, Taufanny Putri Puspa Wulan Aprilia Putri Nanda Agustin Putri Zulaiha Ria Agustina RACHMATYA, RENNY Randy Bambang Nugraha Reza Stefani Carlesia Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati Riski Dwi Fanani Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa Rooselyna Ekawati Roy Martin Simamora Safitri, Shabrina Saidatul Khoiriyah Saidatul Khoiriyah Sayyidah Annimatus Sa’diyah Al Lathifah Sefia Anggi Lestari Selsy Florensia Alfany Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Shabrina Safitri Sifak Indana Sri Kantina Sukarmin Sukarmin SULIYANAH SULIYANAH Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Sunu Kuntjoro Suryanti Syafri Milanto SYUKRON AMRULLOH, MOHAMMAD Taufanny Putri Pratiwi TITIN SUNARTI Titin Sunarti Tjipto Prastowo Tjipto Prastowo Tsabitamia Irba Tsung-Hui Cheng Tsung-Hui Cheng Utama Alan Deta Utama Alan Deta Uzlifatul Rusydiana Valensa Yossyana Vivi Yulia Nur Laili Wahono Widodo Wahono Widodo Wahono Widodo wahyu sabtiawan Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Yuli Sutoto Nugroho Yulisara Yulisara ZAHRA, YUANITA ZAHRATUL HIKMAH, NAILA Zainal Arifin Imam Supardi ZAINUL ARIFIN IMAM SUPARDI