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The Development of Kinemaster Animation Video as a Media to Improve Science Literacy in Elementary Schools Abdul Rochman Amrullah; Suryanti Suryanti; Nadi Suprapto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 1 (2022): November - February
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.1.151-161


The research was conducted to develop kinemaster animation video media using the four D development model to improve students' scientific literacy on magnetism. The aim of this study was the Kinemaster animated video media that tried out to 27 six-grade students of SDN Bulusidokare Sidoarjo with Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data collection techniques were validation, observation, tests, and questionnaire. The analysis of research result revealed that the feasibility included: 1) valid, the media and instructional tools that were developed by the researchers were feasible to be experimented; 2) practical, the feasibility of learning went very well with the percentage of 88% to 100%, best practice that was found were students’ enthusiasm increased, the media could be played many times and able to motivate students in doing experiments. The obstacles that happened during the learning process were students’ readiness, insubstantial facilities and infrastructure, and nonoptimal online learning supervision; 3) effective, the science-literacy-test result of experimental-class students passed with N-gain 0,5 to 1,0. Whereas on the control-class, some students faced failure with N-gain 0,17 to 0,57. Data from N-gain results (%) both classes got normal and homogenous distribution, thus independent sample t-test was conducted with significance result 0,00 < 0,05. It can be affirmed that there was effectivity difference in improving science literacy on experimental-class and control-class. Good responses that students gave reached 89% to 100%. The conclusion of this study is Kinemaster animated video media was feasible and effective to be used in improving science literacy on primary school students.
Respon Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Terhadap Pembelajaran Luar Kelas Berbasis Sains Bus Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi Siswa Reza Stefani Carlesia; Nadi Suprapto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 1 (2022): November - February
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.1.8-15


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis respon siswa sekolah menengah atas terhadap pembelajaran luar kelas berbasis Sains bus untuk meningkatkan keterampilan literasi siswa. Metode pada penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif, dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret–April 2021 pada saat pandemi covid-19. Adapun Populasinya merupakan siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) negeri dan swasta di seluruh Surabaya yang terdistribusi dari kelas X, XI, XII. Cluster random sampling digunakan sebagai Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini. Adapun sampelnya adalah 100 siswa dari kelas X, XI, XII SMAN 4 Surabaya, SMAN 7 Surabaya, SMAN 9 Surabaya, SMAN 15 Surabaya, SMAN 17 Surabaya, SMA Wachid Hasyim 5, dan SMAK Karitas III. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan melalui data tes dan angket, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa keterampilan literasi sains SMA di Surabaya khususnnya pada materi Gerak Lurus Beraturan (GLB) dan Gerak Lurus Berubah Beraturan (GLBB) berada pada kategori rendah. Salah satu solusi yang dapat penulis tawarkan mengenai hal tersebut adalah menerapkan pembelajaran luar kelas dengan memanfaatkan kearifan lokal kota Surabaya yakni bus Surabaya. Hal tersebut juga didukung dengan hasil angket, dimana sebesar 92% siswa membutuhkan kegiatan baru dalam pembelajaran, sebesar 85% tertarik jika pembelajaran pada materi GLB dan GLBB di lakukan di dalam bus Surabaya, dan sebesar 86% setuju bahwa pembelajaran di dalam bus dapat meningkatkan keterampilan literasi siswa khususnya pada materi GLB dan GLBB.
Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Literasi Sains Untuk Mendeskripsikan Profil Peserta Didik Nur Chasanah; Wahono Widodo; Nadi Suprapto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 2 (2022): March - June
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.2.474-483


Dalam rangka pengembangan literasi sains peserta didik, pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen Literasi Sains sangat penting untuk melatih siswa lebih literat.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen asesmen literasi sains yang valid dan andal untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains siswa kelas VI sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan atau sering disebut juga dengan 4D ( Define, Design, Development, Desimination) dengan dilakukan penyederhanaan tahapan pengembangan menjadi 3D ( Define, Design, Development). Produk akhir dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah Instrumen Asesmen Literasi Sains untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains yang dinyatakan valid dan layak oleh pakar berupa 20 butir soal.Tahapan pengembangan Instrumen diawali dengan melakukan analisis kebutuhan, Hasil validitas instrumen tes oleh ahli aspek mendapat rerata persentase sebesar 93%, aspek literasi sains mendapat rerata persentase sebesar 93%, aspek konstruksi mendapat rerata persentase sebesar 99%, dan aspek tata bahasa mendapat rerata persentase sebesar 95%. Hasil siswa terkait kepraktisan instrument sebesar 93%. Hasil uji empiris, bisa didapatkan data 18 soal dinyatakan valid dan 2 soal kategori drop. Hasil koefisian reliabilitas sebesar 0, 499. Keefektifan instrumen tes berada pada kategori dan sangat sesuai dengan demikian dapat mengungkap atau menjenjangkan kemampuan literasi sains siswa dalam 3 kriteria, yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah.Instrumen tes yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains kelas VI jenjang sekolah dasar.
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Model Inkuiri Terstruktur untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Komunikasi dan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Randy Bambang Nugraha; Wahono Widodo; Nadi Suprapto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 1 (2022): November - February
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.1.162-168


[The Development of Structured Inquiry Model Learning Set to Improve the Communication Skills and Creativity of Grade V Elementary School Students]. The latest science learning must contain student-centered activities so they are able to practice communication skills and creativity. This study aims to produce valid, practical, and effective structured inquiry learning sets to improve students communication skills and creativity. This research is an R&D model development research with one group pretest-posttest design and one shot case study design and tested on 20 students of class V SDN Geluran 1. Data obtained through validation, observation, questionnaires, and creativity tests. Validation was carried out by three experts and the reliability was analyzed using Alpha Cronbach. Observations were carried out by two observers. Questionnaries filled out by each student. The results of the creativity test were analyzed using the mean and N-Gain. The results showed that the learning set was very valid with a mean score is 91,97. The observation score shows an increase in each aspect in each meeting. Students responses ranged from 92% to 100%. The average pretest result is 57 with 6 completed. The average posttest result is 85 with 20 completed. The N-Gain score shows 6 students in the high category and 14 students in the medium category. It can be concluded that the students communication skills and creativity can be improved by using structured inquiry learning model.
Promoting Physics-Entrepreneurship Via Facebook: A Thematic Study Nadi Suprapto; Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thabiea.v4i1.8963


This study addresses the use of Facebook (FB) as a media for promoting science’ product. By adopting the concept of entrepreneurship education, the study explored the role of FB in promoting science message through “Learning Shirt-theme”. A thematic study was conducted, involving a group of Indonesian undergraduate physics students (34 members) in FB namely “Learning Shirt” and the content of their sites as the entrepreneurs and 192 active members as the service users. The students pursued their study at a public university in Surabaya, Indonesia, which contributed to the group’s community. These groups of students established entrepreneurship activities and promoted their message of physics via FB. The role of the researcher is a tutor of the community. Data analyses were used, including a thematic and documentation analysis and supported by questionnaire analysis. The results of the study categorized the physics-shirt into five themes: the history of physics, derivation of the equation in physics, physics symbols and equations, physics values, and models in physics. The FB users’ understanding of physics themes were in a good category with an average score of 79.79. The trend of FB user’s positive response regarding ten expressions in the questionnaire was increased significantly in three weeks.
Editorial: The Launch of Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education (SiPoSE) Nadi Suprapto; Chih-Hsiung Ku; Tsung-Hui Cheng; Binar Kurnia Prahani
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Indonesia Approach Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.23 KB) | DOI: 10.46627/sipose.v1i1.3


This small piece of the paper introduces the Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education (SiPoSE). As an international peer-reviewed journal, SiPoSE aware of the quality of the content. The rational, the purpose, and the scope are illustrated as the opening speech of the journal. Since the number of philosophy journals is still lacking in accommodating the ideas of philosophers in the world especially in the domain of science education and education in general, therefore, the existence of SiPoSE will fill the void of scientific discussion, especially in terms of Nature of Science (NOS), History of Science (HOS), Philosophy of Science (POS), and Philosophy of Education (POE).
Study of the Implementation of Socratic Dialogue at History of Physics Course Moch Yusuf Efendi; Tsung-Hui Cheng; Elok Halimah Sa'diyah; Desi Wulandari; Ahmad Qosyim; Nadi Suprapto
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Indonesia Approach Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.586 KB) | DOI: 10.46627/sipose.v1i1.7


Having the development of learning materials of the history of physics with Socratic learning dialogue, we implemented them to the two classes in a public university in Indonesia. The materials consisted of a lesson plan, student worksheets, evaluation sheets, and rubrics that fulfill the criteria of construct, content, and empirical validity. However, the discussion of this paper focused on the results of empirical validity. Learning materials were trialed and tested on a limited participant (10 university students from a public university in Surabaya - S), then the real classes included 40 students from a public university in Surabaya, Indonesia- S1 and S2 (20 students for each class). The data analysis technique used a descriptive statistical analysis with percentages and logical analysis. The research findings included: 1) the student's assessment of the learning materials (especially the handout and student worksheet) were categorized as good, 2) the feasibility of the learning materials during the real teaching activities obtained: the implementation of history of physics learning at S1 and S2 for each item was a quite good category, and 3) assessment of critical thinking students who are oriented Socratic dialogue showed that over 60% and 70% of S1 and S2 student answers lead to Socratic thinking, respectively. The implication of the study is the availability of physics history learning materials that are ready to be used in conducting lectures in the following semester.
Do We Experience Misconceptions?: An Ontological Review of Misconceptions in Science Nadi Suprapto
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): August
Publisher : Indonesia Approach Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.948 KB) | DOI: 10.46627/sipose.v1i2.24


A misconception is a misunderstanding in connecting a concept with other concepts, between new concepts and old concepts that are already in the minds of students, so that the wrong concepts are formed. Students' conceptions are different or contrary to the conceptions of the scientists. There are five kinds of misconceptions, namely: (a) preconceived notions; (b) non-scientific beliefs; (c) conceptual misunderstandings; (d) misconceptions of local languages (vernacular misconceptions); and (e) factual misconceptions. The causes of misconceptions are four parts: students, teachers, teaching materials or literature, context and teaching methods. It is expected that by knowing the types and causes of students' misconceptions in understanding science, it will be easier for teachers to find solutions in teaching science concepts. Examples of data related to misconceptions in physics are illustrated to reinforce explanations.
Performance of History of Physics Course Through a Local Wisdom: “Wayang” Saidatul Khoiriyah; FX Krisna Kurniawan; Faradila Aulia' Alifteria; Angki Yustito Dulim; Nadi Suprapto
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Indonesia Approach Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46627/sipose.v2i1.29


This article about scientific puppets aims to explain or describe the concept of a scientific puppet, how to make a scientific puppet, as well as the implementation and implications of puppet art as a medium of learning physics. In this case, the scientific puppet can be a learning medium for the knowledge of the history of physics scientists to students and students. The preparation of this article uses the type of descriptive qualitative research because as an interpretation and description of the concept of cultural acculturation used for learning physics, the implementation of scientific puppets as a method of learning physics. In this article produces a discussion of the concept of a scientific puppet, a puppet that presents a scientist with an actual picture of the scientist but is shaped in such a way that it is shaped like a puppet. The wayang scientist procedure starts by designing the drawings of the characters in the story to be displayed. The figures that will be used in the puppets are edited to use clothing that suits the setting of the place and atmosphere. After that, cut and placed on used cardboard so that it can be erect and given wood as a mastermind handle. The implementation of the story used is the story of a physicist J Black and JP Joule. In this case, the teacher acts as a puppeteer. The teacher uses the scientific puppet as a visual aid to present physics material through a pre-packed story. The implications of this puppet are interesting and impressive because the material of physics history is easier to understand.
Study of Relativity Theory of Einstein: The Story of Ashabul Kahf and Isra’ Mi’raj Fitria Mercyta Celina; Nadi Suprapto
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2020): December
Publisher : Indonesia Approach Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46627/sipose.v1i3.48


Al Qur’an is the greatest miracle that used as a guide for Muslims in the world. In it contains several verses that are relevant to physics. The study aims to examine Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in the story of Ashabul Kahf and Isra’ Mi’raj of Prophet Muhammad SAW. A qualitative approach is used with the library research method by analyzing related books and journals. The result show that the relativity time of angles and humans can be explained by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has nothing to do with the Ashabul Kahf event. However, for the events of Isra’ Mi’raj of prophet Muhammad SAW, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is not sufficient to prove it.
Co-Authors Abdul Rochman Amrullah Aditya Prapanca Afaurina Indriana Safitri Ahmad Qosyim Akhmad Zamroni Ali Hasbi Ramadani Ali Hasbi Ramadani, Ali Hasbi Alif Syaiful Adam Alisa Arrizkiyah Anggi Aulidhia Rohmah Angki Yustito Dulim Aretha Patricia Andriani Arika Arika Arika Arika Arika Hary Cahyono Arum, Anjar Desynta Asnawi AVRIYANTI, IIS Azmil Abidah Azmil Abidah Binar Kurnia Prahani Bonda Sisephaputra Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Budi Jatmiko Chih-Hsiung Ku Chih-Hsiung Ku Daliana Fehabutar Deda, Yohanis Ndapa Della Shinta Bestiantono Desi Wulandari Desi Wulandari Desi Wulandari Dhila Linggar Lentika Diah Hari Kusumawati Diah Hari Kusumawati Diah Rahmawati Dian Savitri Diego Pradana Dwikoranto Eka Putri Dian Nata Sari EKA YUNIAR, RISA Elok Halimah Sa'diyah Erina Krisnaningsih Erman Erman Ermia Fadilata Khoir Eva Ayu Yanuarti Fajriyatul Mukhlishina Fanani Riski Dwi Faradila Aulia Alifteria Faradila Aulia' Alifteria Fatihatun Nikmah Fida Rachmadiarti Fitria Mercyta Celina FX Krisna Kurniawan GARINA DEWAYANI, ASTRID HALIMAH SADIYAH, ELOK Hariyono, Eko Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidaayatullaah Hasan Nuurul Hidayaatullaah Hermin Budiningarti Hermin Budiningarti Hermina Disnawati, Hermina Hidaayatullaah, Hasan Nuurul Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Husni Mubarok Imam Sya'roni Imam Sya'roni Indah Putri Maulidya Sari Intan Ika Ashhabul Maimanah Iqbal Ainur Rizki Iqbal Ainur Rizki Irgy Redityo Dawana Khoirun Nisa' Khoirun Nisa' Kiki Lutfiah Arizah Lailatul Yusro Lely Mutakinati M Munasir Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Madlazim Maharani Ayu Nurdiana Putri Margaretha Aurelia Pasaribu Moch Yusuf Efendi Mohamad Nur Mohammad Budiyanto Mohammad Walid Rasuliy Mohd Nor Syahrir Abdullah Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin Muchamad Arif Al Ardha Muhimmatul Khoiro MUNASIR MUSLIMIN IBRAHIM MUSYAFFA YAZID, MOKHAMMAT NANDYANSAH, WISNU Nina Fajriyah Citra Novie Amalia Izza Iksani Nur Azizah NUR CAHYANI, DIDIN Nur Chasanah Prabowo Prabowo Pratiwi, Taufanny Putri Puspa Wulan Aprilia Putri Nanda Agustin Putri Zulaiha Ria Agustina RACHMATYA, RENNY Randy Bambang Nugraha Reza Stefani Carlesia Rinie Pratiwi Puspitawati Riski Dwi Fanani Rizki Fitri Rahima Uulaa Rooselyna Ekawati Roy Martin Simamora Safitri, Shabrina Saidatul Khoiriyah Saidatul Khoiriyah Sayyidah Annimatus Sa’diyah Al Lathifah Sefia Anggi Lestari Selsy Florensia Alfany Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Setyo Admoko Shabrina Safitri Sifak Indana Sri Kantina Sukarmin Sukarmin Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah SULIYANAH SULIYANAH Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Suliyanah Sunu Kuntjoro Suryanti Syafri Milanto SYUKRON AMRULLOH, MOHAMMAD Taufanny Putri Pratiwi Titin Sunarti TITIN SUNARTI Tjipto Prastowo Tjipto Prastowo Tsabitamia Irba Tsung-Hui Cheng Tsung-Hui Cheng Utama Alan Deta Utama Alan Deta Uzlifatul Rusydiana Valensa Yossyana Vivi Yulia Nur Laili Wahono Widodo Wahono Widodo Wahono Widodo wahyu sabtiawan Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Woro Setyarsih Yuli Sutoto Nugroho Yulisara Yulisara ZAHRA, YUANITA ZAHRATUL HIKMAH, NAILA Zainal Arifin Imam Supardi ZAINUL ARIFIN IMAM SUPARDI