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Journal : Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI)

Measuring Structured Design Quality Didi Rosiyadi; Nana Suryana
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2006
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Structured Design is the development of a blueprint of a computer system solution to a problem that has the same components and interrelationships among the components as the original problem. Structured Design offers a set of strategies for developing a design solution from a well-defined statement of a problem and offers a set of objective and empirically justified criteria for evaluating the quality of a given design solution with respect to the problem to be solved. Structured design is not the structure chart any more than good sculpture is a chisel. The chisel is a tool for chipping that must be used with dexterity to achieve a good result. Similarly, a structure chart is simply a tool for showing a picture of the modules in a system and their relationships to one another. One of the fundamental principles of structured design is that a large system should be partitioned into manageable modules. However, it is vital that this partitioning should be carried out in such a way that the modules are as independent as possible, this is the criterion of coupling.Keywords: Design, Structured Design, Coupling
E-Government Dimension Didi Rosiyadi; Nana Suryana; Ade Cahyana; Nuryani Nuryani
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2007
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Makalah ini mengemukakan E-Government Dimension yang merupakan salah satu hasil TahapanPengumpulan Data, dimana tahapan ini adalah bagian dari penelitian kompetitif di Lembaga Ilmu PengetahuanIndonesia 2007 yang sekarang sedang dilakukan. Data E-Government Dimension ini didapatkan dari berbagaisumber yang meliputi E-Government beberapa Negara di dunia, E-Government yang dibangun oleh beberapapenyedia aplikasi E-Government. E-Government Dimension terdiri dari tiga dimensi yaitu DemocraticDimension, Service Dimension dan Administrative Dimension. Democratic Dimension difokuskan pada prosesprosespolitik dan interaksi diantara konstituante dengan pemerintah ataupun sebaliknya, Service Dimensionmeliputi seluruh jenis layanan secara elektronik dan Administrative Dimension terdiri dari seluruh jenismanajemen dan lingkungan internal organisasi serta kegiatan operasional yang dilakukan sehari-hari.Selanjutnya E-Government Dimension ini dapat dijadikan panduan awal dalam pembangunan kerangka kerjaE-Government di Indonesia (E-Government Framework).Kata kunci: E-Government, E-Government Dimension, Democratic, Administrative, Service