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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen (Journal of Management Dynamics) Proceeding Madic 2015
Publisher : Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jdm.v0i0.4755


KOMPARASI PEMIKIRAN IBNU SINA DAN SUHRAWARDI: (Telaah terhadap Teori Emanasi dan Teori Jiwa) Natsir, Muhammad
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Wahana Akademika
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v1i2.812


AbstractPhilosophy is an intellectual exercise that allows humans to determine the form as it is in itself. It is the duty of man to do this through the intellectual exercise of his soul so that he is glorified and perfect. It could also be a rational scientist and obtain eternal happiness in the next capacity. Islamic philosophy has an important theme of the study, it includes God, man and nature. The post-modern era, that demands rationality, causes a sharp shift in the human orientation, knowledge and understanding of the ideas of Muslim philosophers becomes a necessity for Muslims to offset the secular world view that can be destructive to the faith, tradition, and the moral nation. The research aims to explain some of the thinking of experts once famous Muslim philosopher in the east, namely Avicenna and Suhrawardi. This research is to explore and describe a second thought to this and subsequent figures and compromise by describing the differences, similarities and simultaneously find the mindset of both. The result of the discussion explains the suitability of the substance and essence of thought these two characters, and different things are in the use of terms and patterns or ways of thought.Keywords: Comparison, Emanation Theory, The Theory of the Soul, Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi.
ممارسات استخدام "جوجل ترانسليت" لمدرسى اللغة العربية في تدريس الترجمة من العربية الى الإندونيسية Natsir, Muhammad
Arabia Vol 9, No 1 (2017): JURNAL ARABIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/arabia.v9i1.2352


   AbstrakKajian ini membutuhkan perkembangan teknologi internet dan respon positif terhadap guru bahasa asing serta layanan Software Google Translate melalui proses pengajaran bahasa. Ini merupakan panggilan bagi guru bahasa asing, termasuk bahasa Arab yang menggunakan layanan ini dalam pengajaran keterampilan penerjemahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran Google Translate dan penerapan metode pengajaran yang digunakan dalam mengajar keterampilan terjemahan dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan menjawab penting: 1) pertanyaan bagaimana peran guru bahasa Arab dalam penggunaan Google Translate dalam mengajar? 2) Bagaimana langkah-langkah dalam penggunaan Google Translate dalam mengajar? 3) Bagaimana peran Google Translate dalam pengajaran keterampilan terjemahan .Menggunakan metode pencarian ini dengan desain eksperimental sebelum sidang adalah eksperimental. Hasil pencarian bahwa guru bahasa Arab peran penting dalam menanggapi evolusi teknologi dan internet serta penggunaan dan praktik dalam pengajaran keterampilan proses penerjemahan. Google Translate peran penting dalam mengajarkan keterampilan terjemahan dari bahasa Arab ke proses Indonesia, seperti layanan untuk memfasilitasi siswa dalam terjemahan kosakata dan kalimat dan paragraf bahkan dengan editing.Kata kunci: praktik, guru bahasa Arab, Google Translate, terjemahan keterampilan تجريد        يتطلب تطور التكنولوجيا والإنترنيت إستجابة ايجابية لدى مدرسى اللغة الأجنبية، ومن ثم برامج جوجل بخدمة جوجل ترانسليت خلال عملية تدريس اللغة. يطالب مدرسو اللغة الاجنبية ومن ضمنها اللغة العربية ان يتمارسوا استخدام هذه الخدمة في تدريس مهارة الترجمة.        يهدف هذا البحث ان يشرح دور جوجل ترانسليت وتطبيق أساليب التدريس باستخدامها في تدريس مهارة الترجمة من العربية الى الإندونيسية. هذا البحث سيجيب أسئلة  مهمة :  1)  كيف دور مدرس اللغة العربية في استخدام جوجل ترانسليت في التدريس ؟. 2) كيف الخطوات في استخدام جوجل ترانسليت في التدريس ؟. 3) كيف دور جوجل ترانسليت في تدريس مهارة الترجمة ؟.استخدم هذا البحث أسلوبا تجريبيا مع التصميم التجريبة قبل التجربية. اما نتيجة البحث ان لمدرسى اللغة العربية ادوارا مهمة في استجابة تطور التكنولوجيا والإنترنيت وكذلك استخدامها وممارستها في عملية تدريس مهارة الترجمة. وكانت لجوجل ترانسليت ادوار مهمة في عملية تدريس مهارة الترجمة من العربية الى الإندونيسية، ومنها كخدمة لتسهيل الطلبة في ترجمة المفردات والجمل والفقرات ولو كانت مع التحرير والتصحيح.
Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dan Stres Kerja Dengan Burnout Pada Perawat Dalam Melakukan Asuhan Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dan Stres Kerja Dengan Burnout Pada Perawat Dalam Melakukan Asuhan Natsir, Muhammad; Hartiti, Tri; Sulisno, Madya
Jurnal Manajemen Keperawatan Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Manajemen Keperawatan
Publisher : Jurnal Manajemen Keperawatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Profesi kesehatan pemberi pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit yang paling rentan mengalami burnout adalah perawat. Faktor individu dan faktor lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya Burnout. Faktor individu salah satunya adalah self efficacy sedang faktor lingkungan disebabkan stres kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara self efficacy dan stres kerja dengan burnout pada perawat dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan di RS Pemerintah di Kabupaten Semarang. Jenis penelitian observasional pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi perawat di RS Pemerintah di Kabupaten Semarang dengan sampel sebanyak 111 responden. Teknik sampling dengan stratified random sampling. Instrumen berupa kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Analisis bivariat yang digunakan chi square. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan55% responden memiliki self efficacy tinggi, 64,9% responden mengalami stres kerja sedang, 89,2% responden mengalami burnout rendah. Tidak ada hubungan antara self efficacy dengan burnout, ada hubungan antara stres kerja dengan burnout. Implikasi utuk peneliti selanjutnya dapatmengembangkan penelitian dengan mempertimbangkan faktor individu, faktor lingkungan, faktor organisasi yang dapatmempengaruhi burnout. Rumah sakit dapatmelakukan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan self efficacy perawat melalui pelatihan kompetensi, menurunkan stres kerja dan burnoutmelaluikegiatan refresing, rotasi kerja. Perawat dapat meningkatkan self efficacy melalui peningkatan kompetensi, melakukan koping yang konstruktif untuk mencegah stres kerja dan burnout.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Pendekatan Analisis Morfologi Natsir, Muhammad
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Jurnal Al Bayan Vol.9 No.1 Th.2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.072 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1110


Arabic is a series of operations and processes train students to familiarize themselves to acquire skills / ability to understand everything that is heard, speaking, reading and writing in Arabic. One of proficiency is the skill to read and understand Arabic texts properly. However, in the practical realm is still encountered some problems and issues in this maharoh learning, students are still difficult to read or pronounce the word / phrase and find its meaning. This is because many students do not recognize and pronounce unfamiliar words based wazan (pronunciation rules) and sighot (type of word based dilalahnya). Of this problem researchers provide an alternative solution by presenting a pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer. The objectives of this study were: 1) describe the procedures / technical-based learning Arabic morphology. 2) measure the effectiveness of pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer in increasing reading competence. This study using a pre experimental design with a form of one-shot case Study. And the results of this study concluded that the pattern of learning is quite effective with indicators: 1) students are familiar and easy to pronounce and utter words corresponding wazan / shighot. 2) student easily to memory on vocabulary acquisition; origin of word and its meaning changes. 3) the students more easily and quickly understand a text with the stock of the results of the acquisition of vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary.Keywords: Learning Arabic, Morphology, Reading skill.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Pendekatan Analisis Morfologi Natsir, Muhammad
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Al Bayan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.072 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1110


Arabic is a series of operations and processes train students to familiarize themselves to acquire skills / ability to understand everything that is heard, speaking, reading and writing in Arabic. One of proficiency is the skill to read and understand Arabic texts properly. However, in the practical realm is still encountered some problems and issues in this maharoh learning, students are still difficult to read or pronounce the word / phrase and find its meaning. This is because many students do not recognize and pronounce unfamiliar words based wazan (pronunciation rules) and sighot (type of word based dilalahnya). Of this problem researchers provide an alternative solution by presenting a pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer. The objectives of this study were: 1) describe the procedures / technical-based learning Arabic morphology. 2) measure the effectiveness of pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer in increasing reading competence. This study using a pre experimental design with a form of one-shot case Study. And the results of this study concluded that the pattern of learning is quite effective with indicators: 1) students are familiar and easy to pronounce and utter words corresponding wazan / shighot. 2) student easily to memory on vocabulary acquisition; origin of word and its meaning changes. 3) the students more easily and quickly understand a text with the stock of the results of the acquisition of vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary.Keywords: Learning Arabic, Morphology, Reading skill.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan Pendekatan Analisis Morfologi Natsir, Muhammad
Jurnal Al Bayan : Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Vol 9, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.072 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/albayan.v9i1.1110


Arabic is a series of operations and processes train students to familiarize themselves to acquire skills / ability to understand everything that is heard, speaking, reading and writing in Arabic. One of proficiency is the skill to read and understand Arabic texts properly. However, in the practical realm is still encountered some problems and issues in this maharoh learning, students are still difficult to read or pronounce the word / phrase and find its meaning. This is because many students do not recognize and pronounce unfamiliar words based wazan (pronunciation rules) and sighot (type of word based dilalahnya). Of this problem researchers provide an alternative solution by presenting a pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer. The objectives of this study were: 1) describe the procedures / technical-based learning Arabic morphology. 2) measure the effectiveness of pattern-based learning Arabic morphological analyzer in increasing reading competence. This study using a pre experimental design with a form of one-shot case Study. And the results of this study concluded that the pattern of learning is quite effective with indicators: 1) students are familiar and easy to pronounce and utter words corresponding wazan / shighot. 2) student easily to memory on vocabulary acquisition; origin of word and its meaning changes. 3) the students more easily and quickly understand a text with the stock of the results of the acquisition of vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of the vocabulary.Keywords: Learning Arabic, Morphology, Reading skill.
The Implementation of Social Media to Develop Students’ Writing Skill on Digital Marketing Natsir, Muhammad; Suswati, Rita; Damanik, Sisila Fitriany; Pane, Isli Iriani Indiah; Lubis, Fauziah Khairani
SALTeL Journal (Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning) Vol 2, No 1: January 2019
Publisher : Association of Language Teachers in Southeast Asia (ALTSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (573.34 KB) | DOI: 10.35307/saltel.v2i1.13


Digital marketing has become a new way to exchange things, starting from information to selling things. UniversitasNegeri Medan (UNIMED) as one of the educational university tries to engage to this digital world. Since the currentfacility of multimedia laboratorybased on Computer Assisted Language learning (CALL), the implementation of e-learning has been developed. Through English for Spesific Purposes (ESP), the students learn further on e-world. The aim of this research is to find out the students’ ability in writing an advertisement using social media.  This research used a development research approach (R & D) that adopts a model developed by Borg & Gall and the questionnares were analyzed by Linkert Scale formula. The research activities wasin the second semester consist of 30 english literature students carried out pre- and post-test, expert validation, and final product. The result shown: 1) social media like Instagram can be developed as the writing material; 2) students’ ability in writing using social media can be implemented in e-marketing to design an advertisement. Furthermore, it’s suggested to do more research on digital marketing to offer a wider opportunies to students in deciding the best job in the future.
PENGARUH KUALITAS TERHADAP KEPUASAN KONSUMEN (Studi Kasus Rumah Potong Ayam PT. Ciomas Adisatwa, Tbk.) Natsir, Muhammad

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Influence on the quality of Customer Satisfaction (Case Study at Chicken slaughter house PT. Ciomas Adisatwa, Limited.) This study aims to determine is there any influence on the quality of customer satisfaction slaughter house PT. Ciomas, limited. The research was conducted on customers of Chicken slaughter house Ciomas, limited that have been transacting over one year. This research is a qualitative research design methods and eksplanatif (explanatory research). The amount of sample 37 customers slaughterhouse PT. Ciomas. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analyzes. The results showed there was a significant relationship between the variables of the quality of customer satisfaction (p <0.01).
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol 4, No 5 (2019): JURNAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (798.859 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jstp.v4i5.9417


ABSTRACT Incorporation of the extracts of Moringa and Katuk leaves in the production of sago based liquid sugar was one way to diversify and improved its added value. The liquid sugar produced had a better anti-oxidant activity, but had a lower sensory properties. A pilot plant scale production of this liquid sugar was attempted in collaboration with a small scale enterprise in Moramo,Southeast Sulawesi. This study was aimed to determine the fortification effect of Moringa and Katuk leaf extract on the properties of sensory, and anti-oxidant activity of the sago liquid sugar. The sugar was produced enzymatically through liquefaction and saccharification processes employing commercial alfa-amylase and amyloglucosidase. The sugar was then fortified with the extract of Moringa and Katuk leaves, with various concentrations, i.e. G0 (100 % liquid sugar as a control); G1 (95% liquid sugar + 5% Katuk extract), G2 (95% liquid sugar + 5% Moringa extract), G3 (90% liquid sugar + 5% Moringa extract + 5% Katuk extract), G4 (85% liquid sugar + 5% Moringa extract + 10% Katuk extract), and G5 (85% liquid sugar + 10% Moringa extract + 5% Katuk extract). The results showed that fortification of Moringa and Katuk leaf extract had a significant effect on the sensory properties, and anti-oxidant activity. The G1 treatment produced better sensory properties. Increasing the content of leaves extracts had also increased the anti-oxidant activity. There was no significant differences in the glucose content of the sugar. Considering various aspects of the results obtained, the G3 formula was then scaled up for pilot plant production by a small scale enterprise. This study had indicated that a nutritional food ingredients and added value may be made through a diversified process of sago flour. Keywords: Moringa, katuk, sago liquid sugar, anti-oxidant, sensory properties INTRODUCTION The use of sago as a food has long been recognized and has even become