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Correlation Between Emotional intelligence and Learning Achievement in Tarikh Islam lesson Student of Kulliyatu-l Mu’alimat Al-Islamiyah Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution Second Campus Zuhrotul Mufidah; Noor Syahid; Samsirin Samsirin
At-Ta'dib Vol 15, No 1 (2020): Pembelajaran Islam dalam Konteks Pesantren Masa Kini
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v15i1.4888


Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to recognize self emotions, manage self emotions, motivate oneself, rocognize other people’s emotions (empathy) and the ability to foster relationships (cooperation) with others. While learning achievement is the result of learning from a learning activity carried out based on measurements and assessments of the results of learning activities in the academic field which are realized in the form of numbers in the report card. According to the results of recent research in the field of psychology prove that IQ is not the only factor that affects one's learning achievement, but there are many other factors that influence one of them is emotional intelligence. If students have high emotional intelligence, it will improve learning achievement.   As is well known that learning achievement on Tarikh Islam, especially in class 4th grade KMI in Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Putri Campus 2 is still relatively low. From these studies researchers have new ideas to improve learning achievement by studying and increasing emotional intelligence.
The Evaluation Of Pesantren Mu'adalah Program By Using The Responsive Model In Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) Tremas Pacitan Mohammad Muslih; Ihwan Mahmudi; Samsirin Samsirin
At-Ta'dib Vol 15, No 2 (2020): Pembelajaran Model Islami dan Efektifitasnya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v15i2.5225


The conferment of Mu'adalah Islamic boarding school status with Madrasah Aliyah in 2002 which was later strengthened by Law number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, had a direct impact on pesantren which officially succeeded in becoming the National Education sub-system. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the mu'adalah program at Madrasah Aliyah Salafiyah Mu'adalah Tremas. In particular, it determines the program from the aspects of input (antecedents), processes (transactions), and program outcomes (outcomes). The evaluation used a responsive model with five stages,formulating : problem issues, identifying the data, making observation designs on inputs, activitiy process as well as results or outputs from programs, analyzing information and compiling reports. Observation design to observe antecedent, transaction and outcome, using countanance paper developed by Stake. The results of the evaluation showed that in general the success rate of the mu'adalah program at Madrasah Aliyah Salafiyah Mu'adalah Tremas is in the very good category (95.32%), with the details of the success rate on antecedent component (91.51%), transaction (94, 45%), and outcomes (100%).
Titik Temu Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dan Indonesia Samsirin Samsirin; Siti Hardiyanti
At-Ta'dib Vol 13, No 1 (2018): Education System and Education Method in Pesantren
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v13i1.2188


One of the most important aspects in a nation is the aspect of education that had been applied. The progress of a nation's resignation is largely determined by the advance of education in that country. Therefore, education must be managed properly to achieve the goal of education that have been aspired. As a country with a predominantly Muslim population, Indonesia should pay special attention to the Islamic educational system as the needs of its community. The purpose of this paper is to discuss about the purpose of education in Indonesia in the perspective of Islam. This paper is written using the literature review method by analyzing a problem based on the relevant literature. After examining several things, such as educational objectives in general, the purpose of education in Islam and the objectives of Islamic education in Indonesia, then obtained the formulation of Islamic education objectives in Indonesia. The research analysis shows that the purpose of education in Indonesia in the Islamic perspective can be seen from several aspects, namely first, making the element of Tawheed as the main goal. Second, make noble character as the fruit of faith and taqwa to God Almighty. And thirdly, it has an element of balance between the purpose of life in the world and in the Hereafter and not only attaches importance to one element.
At-Ta'dib Vol 5, No 1 (2010): Prinsip Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v5i1.584


Sejalan dengan pesatnya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuandan teknologi, diperlukan pengembangan pendidikan yang“sesuai” dengan tuntutan perkembangan zaman, dengan mempertimbangkanaspek-aspek pengaruh positif dan negatif. Halini karena pendidikan sebagai bagian dari peradaban manusia,mau tidak mau pasti akan mengalami perubahan dan perkembangan.Tetapi realita pendidikan akhir-akhir ini menunjukkanperubahan dan pemandangan yang kontras di mana guruhanya sebagai “pentransfer ilmu” layaknya robot, dan siswasebagai “penerima” layaknya robot. Interaksi guru dan siswamenjadi “mekanistik” bagai mesin.Kondisi pendidikan yang seperti ini perlu untuk dicarikansolusi yang tepat dengan segera agar pendidikan tidak hanyaterpaku kepada orientasi keilmuan (knowledge oriented) danketerampilan (skill oriented) saja, namun juga berorientasi padanilai (values oriented). Konsep value inilah yang nantinya akanmemberikan aspek sinergis dalam pendidikan di mana segalaaspek baik lahiriyah maupun bathiniyah dalam diri anak didikmendapat pendidikan secara utuh. Tulisan ini berusaha memaparkankonsep etika sebagai bentuk value dalam pendidikan berdasarkanpada pemikiran Zarnuji dalam bukunya ta’limulmuta’alim.
Konsep Mutu dan Kepuasan Pelanggan dalam Pendidikan Islam Samsirin .
At-Ta'dib Vol 10, No 1 (2015): Pendidikan Akhlak
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v10i1.336


Perkembangan dunia di era globalisasi ini memang banyak menuntut perubahan ke sistem pendidikan nasional yang lebih baik serta mampu bersaing secara sehat dalam segala bidang. Salah satu cara yang harus dilakukan bangsa Indonesia agar tidak semakin ketinggalan dengan negaranegara lain adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya terlebih dahulu. Dan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan adalah dengan cara memperhatikan Total Quality Management (TQM) . Sistem Total Quality Management merupakan strategi manajemen yang ditujukan untuk menanamkan kesadaran kualitas pada semua proses dalam organisasi. Maka diharapkan pendidikan Islam mengimplementasikan konsep TQM yang sesuai dan cocok dengan tujuan dan filosofi pendidikan Islam untuk meningkatan kualitas layanan pendidikan yang berwawasan bermutu sehingga akan mampu bertahan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat tanpa menghilangkan tujuan utama pendidikan Islam.
CMS (Centre for Mawarith Studies): A New Pattern of Islamic Mawarith Education in Indonesia Saiful Anwar; Samsirin Samsirin
At-Ta'dib Vol 15, No 2 (2020): Pembelajaran Model Islami dan Efektifitasnya
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v15i2.4845


In the recent decades, the implementation of “faraidh” in Indonesia is not as extensive as the study, the many cases of inheritance disputes that occur indicate that Islamic inheritance has not shown the life of the Muslim community in Indonesia. During such conditions, CMS (Center for Mawarith Studies) moved with new ideas in educating the science of faraidh. Its educational movement is not limited to schools but it is able to enter community institutions at the national and even international levels. This study aims to find out more about the CMS (Center for Mawarith Studies) thoughts and movements in educating Islamic inheritance in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach with a case study method at the Center for Mawarith Studies at Darussalam Gontor University. The results of the study concluded that the idea of CMS (Center for Mawarith Studies) education in Unida Gontor 1. The objective of Mawarits Learning was to build Mawarits Mind in families. 2. Determination before the distribution (PSP) is the basis for Mawarits educational viewpoint. 3. CMS (Center for Mawarith Studies) Where to Print Teachers, not Consultants. The CMS Unida Gontor educational movement includes 3 service programs 1. Mawarits School (SM) 2. Mawarits Call Center (MCC) 3. Mawarits Science Clinic (KIM). the textbook "Mawarits = PSP" (Determination Before the Distribution) series 1, 2 and 3. The learning method is the 3T "Tamtsili, Tashwiri, Tikrari". the teacher categories are mudarris, muallim and mudarrib. With this educational pattern, it is not an exaggeration if this educational movement is called a large movement in Islamic preaching as a struggle to strengthen and prosper Muslims.
Konsep Motivasi Personalia Dalam Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Samsirin Samsirin
At-Ta'dib Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Manajemen Penddiikan Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v11i1.637


The existence of a motivation is very important for an organizationto maximize the effectiveness and productivity levels. Therefore, many ofthe figures that explain the concept of motivation, including McClelland,Tery, Abraham Sperling and Robert A Baron. In an effort to improve theefficiency and effectiveness of institutions, personnel productivity get themost attention from several parties. Personnel could process the brainactively and be agile, have advanced desire, high curiosity, energetic,systematic analysis, open to receive opinions, high initiative, and the broadmind focused. Motivation is a condition that drives self-directed of personnelto achieve the objectives of the institution. it is a main state in a person thatencourage, activate and move the behavior on goal. Therefore Motivationhas a very close relationship with intention. Intention in Islam has twofunctions, authorize the acts of worship. And differ a worship activitiesand which doesn’t. This Papers discuss the concepts of personnal motivationand associat it with the Islamic Education, this paper concluded thatpersonal motivation is the process of influencing and encouraging a personto complete the desired goals and to create the passion of one’s work to getthem to cooperate. and in Islamic education, personal motivation in doingof duty is an act of worship.
At-Ta'dib Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Integrasi Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v10i2.461


Sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang baik harus dikelola dengan manajemen yang baik pula. Salah satu bentuk manajemen yang harus dimiliki sebuah lembaga pendidikan yaitu manajemen pengawasan. Hal ini berfungsi untuk mengontrol kinerja tenaga yang berada dalam suatu lembaga tersebut. Akan tetapi mayoritas lembaga pendidikan, khususnya pendidikan Islam, belum menganggap manajemen pengawasan sebagai suatu hal yang penting sehingga banyak dari lembaga pendidikan Islam kurang teratur administrasinya. Padahal untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang dikonsep di awal pembentukan suatu lembaga pendidikan banyak hal yang harus dikerjakan secara profesional. Di antara manfaat manajemen pengawasan ini ialah mengurangi tingkat kesalahan, terjadinya penyimpangan, serta memperkecil hambatan yang justru akan menghalangi proses lembaga mencapai tujuan yang dicanangkan.
Tinjauan FilosofisTantangan Pendidikan Islam Pada Era Globalisasi Syamsirin -
At-Ta'dib Vol 7, No 2 (2012): Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/at-tadib.v7i2.75


Era globalisasi adalah sebuah era di mana setiap informasi dapat diterima dan diserap oleh seluruh penduduk bumi, tanpa batas penghalang yang dapat menghalanginya. Luasnya dunia sudah tidak lagi menjadi penghalang untuk penyebaran berita dan isu apapun yang up todate. Hal ini tentunya menjadi hal yang baru bagi beberapa orang yang belum memiliki pemikiran yang maju, dan bahkan akan menjadikannya hanya akan terlindas oleh cepatnya pertumbuhan teknologi dan kemajuan zaman, karena tidak sanggup menghadapi perubahan yang demikian cepat.Melihat fenomena tersebut, pendidikan adalah faktor yang dapat dijadikan sebagai jaminan bagi pengembangan sumber daya manusia, sehingga dapat menghadapi tantangan globalisasi dengan era digital informasinya. Demikian pula pendidikan Islam, yang lebih cenderung membawa misi religiusitas pun juga harus ikut berperan di dalamnya. Dengan membekali para peserta didiknya dengan kekuatan keimanan, ketakwaan, ilmu pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan yang berimbang sehingga dapat membawa para peserta didik tersebut pada kondisi yang siap menghadapi segala tantangan era informasi.
Analysis of Distance Learning Implementation at Elementary School Sengon 2 Trenggalek Samsirin Samsirin; Arya Fredo Ramadhani; Agung Purnomo Djati
Educan : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Media Pembelajaran PAI
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/educan.v5i1.6489


This study aims to analyze and describe the implementation of distance learning, as well as determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of distance learning at SDN Sengon 2 Trenggalek. This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Participants in this study were the principal, teachers, and parents or guardians of students. Data were collected by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are described as follows: 1) Distance learning at SDN Sengon 2 Trenggalek is carried out using online and offline methods, the strategy adopted by the teacher is to use technology with PJJ media via Study group. 2) Supporting factors for the implementation of distance learning, namely teachers prepare careful planning in implementing PJJ, the support of internet facilities from schools, and teachers and parents can use technology for communication without any time constraints. The inhibiting factor for the implementation of distance learning is that most parents cannot always assist students in learning because they have jobs that cannot be left behind, assignments given by the teacher require more explanation, and students' learning motivation decreases.