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MIIPS Vol 8, No 2 (2008): Jurnal MIIPS
Publisher : MIIPS

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The purpose of this research is to know: (1) The hospital service standard of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta, (2) The patient’s perception to the service quality given by the hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta, (3) The harmonistic between the hospital service standard of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta with the service quality that has been given to the patient, (4) The obstacles faced by the hospital of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta in evaluating the service quality, (5) The solutions for the obstacles in evaluating the service quality. According to the objectives of this study, this research applies qualitative descriptive method. This research uses purposive sampling technique, where the samples taken are not decided by the number of the samples but it is emphasized on the samples understanding quality to the case observed. The samples of the research are the number that represents the information in taking the conclusion. The technique used in collecting data is interview, observation and documentation. The technique of data validity used is source triangulation and method triangulation. Technique of analyzing data used is the interactive data analysis technique. Derived from the analysis, it can conclude that, (1) The hospital service standard of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta refers to the accreditation of five service, (2) The patient’s perception to the service quality, (3) The harmonistic between the hospital service standard of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta refers to five accreditations of hospital services of PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta and the service quality dimension. (4) Obstacles faced by the hospital. (5) The solutions for the obstacles.
MIIPS Vol 7, No 2 (2008): Jurnal MIIPS
Publisher : MIIPS

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Target of modernization and reform of taxation service is to apply the " good governance" and " prime service" to Taxpayer. Target and target of modernization and reform of taxation service concerning aspect of compliance of Taxpayer and taxation administration.Concept and target of taxation modernization have altered the taxation paradigm in so many aspect related to taxation, that is: organizational, system and activity process, aspect of service to Taxpayer, help desk and AR, professionality SDM, and code of etik officer. As dynamic organization and in order to make-up of the quality of service, DJP have several times perform the survey of cutomer satisfaction (Taxpayer).Existence of Big forming KPP Taxpayer, KPP Madya, and KPP Pratama created by efficiency in management and service to Taxpayer. Efficiency of Management and service to Taxpayer will affect at awareness and Taxpayer compliance in executing taxation obligation. Awareness And Taxpayer compliance in executing taxation obligation represent one of the role form and also Taxpayer society by cooperate and together defray the national development.
Amelioration of Salt Tolerance in Soybean (Glycine Max. L) by Plant-Growth Promoting Endophytic Bacteria Produce 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylase Deaminase Simarmata, Rumella; Ngadiman, Ngadiman; Rohman, Saifur; Simanjuntak, Partomuan
ANNALES BOGORIENSES Vol 22, No 2 (2018): Annales Bogorienses
Publisher : Research Center for Biotechnology - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/ann.bogor.2018.v22.n2.81-93


     Salinity is a major abiotic stress that can induce ethylene synthesis beyond the normal limits as plants response to stress and hence reduces crop productivity. The 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylase deaminase (ACCD)-producing bacteria can reduce excessive ethylene synthesis by taking ACC (ethylene precursor) as a nitrogen source. This study showed the possibility of using endophytic bacteria in order to reduce the undesirable effects of salinity. Strain Pseudomonas putida PIR3C and Roultella terrigena PCM8 exhibited promising performance for promoting the growth of plant under salinity stress conditions. The results showed that bacterial inoculation was effective even in the presence of higher salinity levels. Strain P. putida PIR3C was the most efficient strain compared to the other strains and significantly increased shoot length, root length, dry weight, germination percentage, and reduced stem diameter. The role of ACCD in reducing ethylene production under salinity stress conditions was also studied by measuring the evolution of ethylene in vitro by soybean seeds treated with some ACCD bacterial strain. The maximum ethylene lowering capacity was observed in R. terrigena PCM8, the strain reduced ethylene production from 622.81 nmol.g-1(control) to 352.78 nmol.g-1 (43% reduction). The production of α-ketobutyrate, chlorophyll content and germination percentage from P. putida PIR3C was higher than other strains. The results suggested that strain P. putida PIR3C and R. terrigena PCM8 can be employed for salinity tolerance in soybean seedlings and may have better prospects for an amelioration of stress condition.
KONTRIBUSI KOMIK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN AKUNTANSI Wardah, Fariida; Siswandari, Siswandari; Ngadiman, Ngadiman
Surya Edunomics Vol 2, No 1 (2019): SURYA EDUNOMICS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi

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Abstrak: Pada abad 21 sekarang ini, pendidikan tidak lagi menjadi hal yang dikesampingkan oleh warga negara Indonesia. Pendidikan bahkan menjadi salah satu prioritas utama warga negara Indonesia untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kemajuan suatu bangsa tercemin dari kualitas pendidikan bangsa itu sendiri. Generasi muda dianggap dapat menjadi ujung tombak, dikarenakan mereka dapat menjadi sosok yang kreatif, inovatif, dan bertanggung jawab yang mampu bersaing di abad 21 ini yang siap menyongsong masa depan cerah melalui pendidikan. Akhir-akhir ini, inovasi dalam dunia pendidikan sedang gencar dilakukan. Salah satunya adalah melalui inovasi pengembangan dalam media pembelajaran. Inovasi pengembangan media pembelajaran dilakukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, selain itu dapat tercipta iklim pembelajaran yang menyenangkan sehingga meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa, terutama dalam pembelajaran akuntansi yang membutuhkan tingkat pemahaman dan analisa yang tajam. Komik merupakan salah satu inovasi atau pembaharuan media pembelajaran. Kini komik tidak lagi hanya sebagai bacaan tetapi juga mulai merambah menjadi komik pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kontribusi penggunaan komik terhadap pembelajaran akuntansi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur, dan menggunakan data sekunder dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komik memiliki kontribusi dan dapat diaplikasikan dalam proses pembelajaran akuntansi yang memerlukan penalaran dan analisis tinggi.   Kata Kunci:inovasi, komik, pembelajaran akuntansi
Implementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 70 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pengadaan Barang / Layanan Oleh Unit Elektronik (E-Pengadaan) Pada Layanan Pengadaan (ULP) Universitas Lampung Ngadiman, Ngadiman
Wacana Publik Vol 12, No 01 (2018): Jurnal Wacana Publik, Juni 2018
Publisher : STISIPOL Dharma Wacana

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat implementasi kebijakan dan kendala pada proses komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan barang / jasa berbasis elektronik (eprocurement). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan observasi, sedangkan teknik validitas data dilakukan melalui triangulasi, termasuk metode triangulasi, sumber data dan data itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa e-procurement telah menunjukkan keberhasilan mereka, meskipun belum optimal, yang memperoleh efisiensi dan efektifitas pada sejumlah indikator. Dari aspek waktu, proses pengadaan dengan sistem e-procurement terbukti lebih cepat karena hanya membutuhkan waktu 14-18 hari kerja, sistem konvensional yang membutuhkan lebih dari 30 hari kerja melalui e-procurement dapat mengurangi potensi praktik korupsi, untuk pertemuan antara panitia lelang dan peserta lelang tidak terbatas. Pada saat pelelangan masih dipraktekkan secara luas dalam pertemuan langsung konvensional antara peserta lelang dan panitia lelang yang telah membuka peluang terjadinya "transaksi negatif". Dengan sistem e-procurement dokumen penawaran disampaikan dalam bentuk soft melalui internet dan hanya bisa dibuka sesuai jadwal. Faktor pembatas e-procurement dalam hal kegiatan perencanaan dan rencana anggaran PSU tidak termasuk oleh departemen perencanaan, munculnya rasa ketidakpuasan karyawan staf PSU karena tidak cocok dengan beban kerja yang diangkut oleh tambahan jumlah pendapatan yang diperoleh , ketidaktepatan dalam mentransfer karyawan staf PSU. Pelajaran yang dapat kita peroleh dari upaya ini bahwa ada komitmen yang kuat dari tingkat kepemimpinan puncak hingga tingkat staf mereka sebagai pelaksana dalam kegiatan nyata yang merupakan faktor penting dari kunci keberhasilan sistem implementasi e-procurement di Universitas Lampung.
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 6 No 1 (2013): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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ABSTRACT   One aspect that should be a concern for employers is the comfort of working labor when carrying out their work. Convenience is meant here is comfort working position, temperature comfort, visual comfort, and convenience of audio. If the comfort of the visual can be obtained on a building, then the object to be viewed or in the field of lighting is known as a visual task, you will see clearly without eye has to work hard, so that workers can carry out visual tasks well during their work time (Atmodipoero, 2000). The general objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between age, nutritional status with visual acuity. The results showed that the age had relationship with visual aquity and no relationship between nutritional status with visual aquity. Suggestion for the company is necessary to add lighting to meet minimum standards in the workplace section Knitting, necessity of providing health insurance for health care of eyes, especially the elderly for the efficiency of his eyesight did not continue to decline should be occur rotation system of labor have which has been decreased visual  acuity of the knitting to another section. Key words: acuity of vision, labor, knitting   Kesmasindo, Volume 6, Nomor 1 Januari 2013, Hal. 75-84
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2011): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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ABSTRACT Employment in the informal sector has a major role in the developing countries including Indonesia. One group of informal workers in Banyumas is a community producer of palm sugar or brown sugar in Cilongok. In the process of making brown sugar, the furnace is one of the main facilities. Based on field observations used furnace is still a simple form and have not considered the aspect of ergonomics. The purpose of this research is to redesign the furnace to cook brown sugar-anthropometry ergonomics approach. Research using observational approaches. Anthropometric data obtained by direct measurement, while the interviews conducted to determine musculoskeletal complaints with a structured questionnaire from the Nordic Body Map. The results showed that 1) all respondents (100%) felt pains in the lower back and waist, 2) anthropometric measures of workers who made ??reference to the determination of height is a measure of furnace design standing elbow height of 95.03 cm with a value of 90.97 percentil 5th cm, and 3) recommendations for an ergonomic cooking furnace size is the height of the furnace 80 cm, 60 cm diameter furnace, the fire hole diameter of 20 cm. Kata kunci : ergonomic, red sugar cookingKesmasindo. Volume 4(2) Juli 2011, hlm. 94-104
SURVEY ALUMNI JURUSAN KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT UNSOED Ngadiman, Ngadiman; Fitria, Agnes; Gamelia, Elviera; Ulfah, Nur
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2010): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Departement of Public Health since 2001 until 2008 has graduated about 265 people. However, during this period has never been treasure study activities and stakeholder satisfaction. Treasure was necessary for study and satisfication of stakeholders in order to improve the quality the graduateds and the public trust. This study used quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Samples was taken with a total population approach with consideration to avoid at least the data collected. Treasure results indicate that the Departement of Public Health curriculum can be used in the world of work but still need to increase competence as field work alumni. The average waiting period for alumni to get a job is 7 month. Alumni earned income : <1 million per month of 27,8%, between 1-2 million per month amounting to 36,1% and >2 million per month sebesar 19,4% and are not income of 16,7%. The main competence of graduatesof the alumni needed by users is the ability to identify health problems, plan, implement and evaluate health programs ontheir respective specialization.
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2009): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Decreasing of global economy affected the whole industrial sector, specially exporting industries. Employers (corporation) with those condition, will make efficiency and focusing to the efforts to handle capital, management and marketing. Occupational Health and Safety is a high cost effort for corporations with capital problem. Out sourcing workers employees is on alternative choosen by a corporation for more flexible, well know working environment and cheaper less cost. PT. Hyup Sung is corporation working on eye lash. The aim of this research was to find the relationship between work fatigue, working duration, light intensity with sight-sharpness among the out sourcing workers. The research was using cross sectional survey with 65 respondent. Bivareat analysis shown that the work fatigue significantly related with right sight-sharpness (p= 0,007; r= 0,332), but doesn?t related with the left (p= 0,825; r= 0,628). Working duration doesn?t related with the right sight-sharpness (p= 0,614; r= 0,064) nor the left (p= 0,186; r= 0,136). The light intensity doesn?t related with sight-sharpness (p= 0,972; r= 0,004) nor the left (p= 0,833; r= 0,027). Based on the results, work fatigue significantly related with right sight-sharpness for that, suggested to do the continous preventif and promotif effort in order a prevent decreasing of sight-sharpness, it could be done by providing the standard working facilities, education about the importance of health for workers , also periodic health monitoring.
Kesmas Indonesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2008): Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Works as stone breaker is more work worked in posture of body that is not experienced causing can generate un-comfort to work and the end generates fatigue and sigh of feeling pain. The sigh indicates that the workers to experince damage symptom cumulative trauma (Cumulative Trauma Disorder/CTD), as recuring trauma effect during old causing feeling pain. The symptoms usually emerges at kind of work which monotone, position of job that is not natural, usage or conscription of muscle exceeding is ability. Effort for best prevention must be based on result of identification of posture of work and symptoms incidence experienced. Therefore, research need to be done to identify posture of job and case of CTD at stone crusher worker in subdistrict of Patikraja Banyumas regency. This kind of research is descriptive research with approach of observasional and sampletaken 60 respondens. The result of research is known by posture of job, the stone crusher workers works by using pallet to sit which is not ergonomic (100%), position sits not natural (85%), knee dint bends (85%), without synchronized of self protective decive (95%), and work environment that is not balmy (90%). While specific symptom of  Cummulative Trauma Disorder (CTD) at stone crusher worker subdistrict of Patikraja Banyumas regency is feel back ache sigh (95%), ill at leg (91%), and sigh of symptomp Carpal Tunnel Sindrome/CTS (90%). Therefor required levying of supporting facilities for job which ergonomic to prevent incidence the symptom.