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JISIP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 8, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.663 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/jisip.v8i4.1955


Abstrak: Pariwisata dapat dikatakan sebagai industri yang semakin berkembang pesat. Penelitin ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Strategi Public Relation dalam Membentu Village Branding wisata Kungkuk serta mengetahui Hambatan yang di hadapi Public Relation dalam Membentuk Village Branding wisata Kungkuk Kota Batu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitain diskriptif kualitatfi. Dalam pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasrkan hasil dari penelitin bahwa strategi yang dilakukan sebagai peran   Public Relation dalam membentuk Village Branding adalah dengan memaksimalkan kerjasama dengan pihak eksternal untuk membuat konten informasi dengan media baru, serta melibatkan penduduk lokal dalam mengelola wisata Kungkuk. Strategi yang dilakukan yaitu wisata Kungkuk juga memiliki hambatan dalam membentuk Village Branding adalah, minimnya pemahaman/pemanfaatan media baru untuk wisata Kungkuk Kota Batu dan minimnya pengelolaan (manajeman) wisata Kungkuk Kota Batu. Kata Kunci : Public Relation; Branding; Village; Wisata Kungkuk. Abstract:Tourism can be said as a rapidly growing industry. This research aims to find out the Public Relations Strategy in Forming a Village Branding of Kungkuk tourism and to know the Obstacles faced by Public Relations in Forming a Village Branding in the City of Kungkuk Batu. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data this study used interview, observation and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the study that the strategy undertaken as the role of Public Relations in forming Village Branding is to maximize cooperation with external parties to create information content with new media, as well as involving local residents in managing Kungkuk tourism. The strategy undertaken is that the tour of the Humpback also has obstacles in forming the Village Branding is, the lack of understanding / utilization of new media for the tour of the Kungkuk Stone City and the lack of management (management of the Humpback Stone City tour). Keywords : Public Relations; Branding; Village; Humpback Tours
UNSUR EROTISME DALAM VIDEO KLIP DESPACITO Maya Gustiani Putri; Amanah Rakhim Syahida
JISIP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (333.495 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/jisip.v8i1.1552


Abstract: In this globalization era, conversation about the element of eroticism is becoming increasingly interesting.  We can find this in various media, especially New Media (online). Youtube as one of the most popular new media sites, presenting audio visual format entertainment that can be accessed by various groups freely. Erotismepun-themed videos can be easily watched, like the video clip Despacito. Even this controversial video, has set a record as the first video to reach This Research uses qualitative research methods with semiotic approaches. The purposes of this research is to know how any signs of erotic constructed in a video clip, and also to know what the meaning of erotic signs in the video clip of Despacito. The data analysis used is Roland Barthes's analysis technique, in which there are 2 levels of marking, namely the level of denotation and connotation. In this Research found various signs of eroticism, both in verbal and visual forms. In the verbal form, signs of eroticism are found in the lyrics of the reff section sung by Fonsi. While in the visual form, this eroticism is constructed through appearance, protruding body parts, movements, dances to expressions. Through this sign, a meaning is found, an effort to stimulate imagination and sexual desire from the audience and there is a lot of exploitation of the female body in an effort to increase that sexual desire. Keywords: Despacito, Erotic, Video Clip, Semiotic. Abstrak: Pada era globalisasi ini, perbincangan mengenai unsur erotisme menjadi kian menarik. Hal ini dapat kita jumpai di berbagai media, terutama media baru (online). Youtube sebagai salah satu satu situs terpopuler media baru, menyuguhkan hiburan berformat audio visual yang dapat diakses berbagai kalangan dengan bebas. Video bertemakan erotisme dapat dengan mudah ditonton, seperti contohnya video klip Despacito. Bahkan video yang kontroversial ini, telah mencetak rekor sebagai video pertama yang mencapai Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotika Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanda-tanda unsur erotisme dikonstruksi dalam sebuah video klip, dan untuk mengetahui makna dari tanda erotisme dalam video klip Despacito. Analisa data yang digunakan berupa teknik analisa Roland Barthes, yang mana terdapat 2 tingkat penandaan yaitu tingkat denotasi dan konotasi. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan berbagai tanda erotisme, baik dalam bentuk verbal maupun visual. Pada bentuk verbal, tanda erotisme terdapat pada lirik bagian reff yang dinyanyikan oleh Fonsi. Sedangkan pada bentuk visual, erotisme ini dikonstruksi melalui penampilan, penonjolan bagian tubuh, gerakan, tarian hingga ekspresi. Melalui tanda ini maka ditemukanlah makna berupa, usaha untuk merangsang imajinasi dan hasrat seksual dari khlalayaknya dan terjadi banyak eksploitasi tubuh perempuan dalam upaya meningkatkan hasrat seksual tersebut. Kata Kunci: Despacito, Erotis, Video Klip, Semiotika.
Decreasing Popularity Of Ceramic Tourism Village Of Dinoyo Malang In New Media Age Fathul Qorib; Amanah Rakhim Syahida
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Media and The Millenials
Publisher : Progdi Ilmu Komunikasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33005/jkom.v0i2.21


Cyber media and social media applications become the key of many tourist attractions in Indonesia. In Malang city, East Java, the local government strengthens the tourism sector by building its tourism village. Utilizing the new media network, Malang is now known as the pioneer of Tourism Village. Unfortunately, as the number of tourism villages becomes famous, there is one famous tourism village that was previously famous, even falling in popularity, namely ‘Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo’. This study aimed to determine the causes of decreasing popularity of the village using public relations theory and descriptive qualitative research methods. In-depth interview were administered to the Chairman of Paguyuban Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo, government, and shop owners in Dinoyo Village. The results showed that Kampung Keramik Dinoyo removed many sectors in the field of public relations, especially the use of new media. It was suggested to tourism village to fully use the new media access in order to improve its image so its popularity also increased.
Pola Komunikasi Keluarga Antara Menantu dan Mertua yang Tinggal dalam Satu Rumah Elisabeth Saro; M. Abdul Ghofur; Amanah Rakhim Syahida
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara Vol 1 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Unitri Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jkn.v1i2.29


The study used qualitative research methods. The research is intended to know and understand in more detail related to the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject to be investigated, through various data collection techniques conducted by researchers to obtain data on "Family Communication Patterns between Daughter-in-law and In-laws who live in one house in Bendrong Village Jabung District”. The problem is analyzed using the Rogers and Kincaid paradigms. The research method used was descriptive qualitative and the sampling technique used was puposive sampling by interviewing 6 informants in Bendrong village. Data collection taken using interview guides, observations and documentation. While data analysis is collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and drawing and conclusions. The results of the study revealed that where the pattern of communication between in-laws and in-laws often exchanges information, as shown in the chart above, where in-laws are usually the speakers or can be referred to as communicators, while the sons-in-law as recipients of messages or communicants, but usually often exchange positions within the period specific time and situation. Messages or information conveyed both by in-laws and in-laws are usually spoken directly or face to face or indirectly such as through social media mobile phones. In this case there is a reciprocal relationship between the two. Thus, the relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law who tends to conflict will get worse if the two of them live together, because the high intensity of confusion results in a higher chance of friction.