Eni Syafitri
Universitas Negeri Surabaya

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Equilibrium: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Ekonomi Vol 18, No 01 (2021): Equilibrium: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/equi.v18i1.3667


The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of education through the zoning system in Labang Bangkalan district. The zoning system as a form of government policy has the aim of equalizing education in Indonesia, including eliminating forms of discrimination in helping the needs and distribution of teachers, this policy is in accordance with Permendikbud Number 17 of 2017. Based on the reality in the field it is not yet appropriate, because there are still gaps such as obstruction of new students. to be able to enter the school they dream of because the quality of education in the Labang Bangkalan sub-district itself is not yet of good quality. Moreover, only by relying on the path of achievement where the opportunity is only 10% of the total applicants so that to make it happen requires collaboration with structures and communities such as educators, students, and the role of parents. This study uses qualitative methods because it is relevant to the research theme. The theory used as an analytical tool in this research is Structural Functional by Robert K Merton, which states that society as a system consists of various interrelated components. The reason the researchers took this theory was because it was related to the phenomenon of the application of the zoning system in which the system was viewed positively and negatively by the community. The results of the study show that there are still gaps in the implementation of zoning policies so that there is not yet equal distribution of education.Keyword: zoning system; education; discrimination.
A The Dilemmatization of Women's Roles in a Time of Pandemic (Study on Female Teachers at West Sukolilo Elementary School, Labang Bangkalan Madura) Eni Syafitri; Fitria Dayanti; Fenda Nuradifa C. P.; Diyah Utami
Metafora: Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Journal Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Hukum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/metafora.v6n1.p11-23


AbstractThe pandemic creates various pressures and problems in all aspects. Education is the most interesting issue to be described and analyzed. Changes in learning locations can reduce the intensity of student enthusiasm, network barriers, and the slow adaptation process. It can also cause the quality of education to decline, especially at the elementary school level. Students are required to understand learning and are expected to be able to understand all methods that lack support. In addition to teachers as educators, parents also have the same burden as teachers, namely guiding children when learning is carried out. The role of women during the pandemic is experiencing a dilemma, including teachers. Female teachers in addition to having an obligation to their status as a teacher also have a domestic burden that must be done at home. Female teachers have multiple roles and the workload increases while at home. The roles of wives, mothers, and educators are not easy to harmonize. This problem can interfere learning process because it results in lessoptimal implementation as evidenced by students who have difficulty understanding. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of teachers as educators and domestic duties and to guide their children for online learning. The theory used is liberal feminism which focuses on women and the world of work. This theory is considered very suitable because the theme in this study discusses the position of women and their roles. The method used is descriptive qualitative. So, the results in this study reveal female teachers have more than two roles (i.e. dualism). Apart from being an educator, she also doubles as a mother and wife who takes care of homework during working hours. It has a major impact on her professionalism as an educator.Keywords: Dual role, female teacher, Pandemic, Feminism.