Rizki Perdana
Department Of Anatomy, Faculty Of Medicine, Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung

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Profile of Late Adolescent Performance of Papua in Persipura U-21 Athlete Selection Leonardo Lubis; Rizki Perdana; Ambrosius Purba; Daniel Womsiwor
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.316 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v6i2.2956


The enthusiasm of the people of Papua for football is in harmony with the emerging numbers of talented football athletes from Papua. It reflected in the selection of athletes football Persipura U-21 (aged 21 years and under) for the late adolescent. This study aims to determine the performance profile of late adolescents of Papua at the selection of Persipura U-21 football athletes. The result can be a material of strategic evaluation for improving the achievements of football sport in Papua. A descriptive study with the cross-sectional design conducted on total samples of 97 late adolescents (ages 16–21 years) of men from all provinces of Papua on Persipura U-21 January 2016 selection. Performance data consisted of body mass index (BMI), subcutaneous fat, cardiorespiratory fitness, anaerobic capacity, muscle endurance, flexibility, power, strength, balance, reaction time, and concentration levels. The results showed that all subjects were in healthy condition and most subjects (85%) had normal BMI. Physical characteristics of subcutaneous fat showed most of the subjects were lacking in the triceps (83%) and supraciliary (58%) fat. The basic physical ability for soccer is in good category whereas cognitive ability is in the less category. The research conclusions indicate the urgency to improve basic physical components of the athlete through a well-scaled and well-programmed exercise plan, as well as mental and cognitive development to improve athlete performance. PROFIL PERFORMA REMAJA AKHIR PAPUA PADA SELEKSI ATLET SEPAK BOLA PERSIPURA U-21Antusiasme masyarakat Papua terhadap olahraga sepak bola selaras dengan munculnya banyak atlet sepak bola bertalenta dari Papua. Hal tersebut terlihat pada seleksi atlet sepak bola Persipura U-21 (usia 21 tahun ke bawah) kategori remaja akhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil performa remaja akhir Papua pada seleksi atlet sepak bola Persipura U-21 sehingga dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi yang strategis dalam meningkatkan prestasi cabang olahraga sepak bola di Papua. Penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang dilakukan terhadap seluruh sampel berjumlah 97 remaja akhir (usia 16–21 tahun) laki-laki dari seluruh provinsi Papua pada seleksi Persipura U-21 Januari 2016. Data performa terdiri atas indeks massa tubuh (IMT), lemak bawah kulit, ketahanan jantung paru, kapasitas anaerobik, daya tahan otot, kelentukan, daya ledak, kekuatan, keseimbangan, kecepatan reaksi, serta tingkat konsentrasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh subjek berada dalam kondisi sehat dan sebagian besar subjek (85%) memiliki IMT yang normal. Karakteristik fisik lemak bawah kulit menunjukkan sebagian besar subjek adalah kurang pada bagian trisep (83%) dan suprailiaka (58%). Kemampuan fisik dasar untuk sepak bola berada pada kategori baik, sedangkan kemampuan kognitif dalam kategori kurang. Simpulan penelitian menunjukkan perlu perbaikan komponen fisik dasar atlet melalui perencanaan latihan yang terukur dan terprogram dengan baik, serta pembinaan mental dan kognitif untuk peningkatan performa atlet.
Stakeholder Perception towards the Implementation of National Health Insurance Program Yuli Susanti; Tita Barriah Siddiq; Siska Nia Irasanti; Rizki Perdana; Yusuf Heriady
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.776 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v9i2.8022


Indonesian National Health Insurance (NHI) is a social protection program that ensures the fulfillment of basic needs for proper health by implementing a quality and cost control system. There are still differences in perceptions and complaints felt by patients regarding the implementation of the NHI program. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the NHI program based on the perception of all stakeholders in the aspect of health equity, quality of service, and health financing. Quantitative research methods with survey techniques on 204 respondents were selected by stratified random sampling in Al-Ihsan Regional General Hospital West Java Province from January to May 2021. The data were analyzed by using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test on the perception of the stakeholder groups. The results showed that the aspects of health equity, service quality, and health financing on the implementation of the NHI program were in a good category. The increase in Healthcare and Social Security Agency (HSSA) insurance premium was considered the lowest aspect. There were significant differences in the perception of stakeholder groups on the aspects of health equity, service quality, and health financing. There were significant differences in perceptions of health equity based on the ages groups and in perceptions of health financing based on income. This indicates that stakeholders' perceptions of the NHI program affected some conditions, including roles in services, ages, and income. PERSEPSI STAKEHOLDER TERHADAP IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM JAMINAN KESEHATAN NASIONALJaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) merupakan program perlindungan sosial yang menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar kesehatan yang layak melalui penerapan sistem kendali mutu dan biaya. Masih terdapat perbedaan persepsi dan keluhan yang dirasakan pasien terhadap pelaksanaan program JKN. Tujuan penelitian ini mengevaluasi pelaksanaan program JKN berdasar atas persepsi seluruh stakeholder pada aspek health equity (pemerataan), mutu layanan, dan pembiayaan kesehatan. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik survei pada 204 responden yang dipilih secara stratified random sampling di RSUD Al-Ihsan Provinsi Jawa Barat periode Januari−Mei 2021. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann-Whitney U terhadap persepsi kelompok stakeholder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek health equity, mutu layanan, dan pembiayaan kesehatan pada implementasi program JKN berada dalam kategori baik. Kenaikan premi asuransi BPJS Kesehatan dinilai paling rendah. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan persepsi antara kelompok stakeholder pada aspek health equity, mutu layanan, dan pembiayaan kesehatan. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan persepsi terhadap health equity berdasar atas kelompok usia dan persepsi pada aspek pembiayaan kesehatan berdasar atas pendapatan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi stakeholder terhadap program JKN dipengaruhi beberapa kondisi, antara lain peran dalam layanan, usia, dan pendapatan.
An Overview of Knowledge Levels about Organ Topography and Structure among Grade IV Medical Students Yuniarti Yuniarti; Rizki Perdana; Ariko Rahmat Putra; Fajar Awalia Yulianto; Muhammad Agie Najibullah Wijaya; Wendy Darmawan
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.243 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v9i1.4440


One of the competencies the students of the graduate medical education is to apply the basic principles of the science of biomedicine, epidemiology, clinical, and behavior in the practice of medicine. Anatomy is one of the biomedicine sciences learned in medical education, including learning about the body's structure and organ topography. This research aims to describe the organ's structure and topography knowledge among the faculty of medicine students. This survey with 88 students was conducted in a faculty of medicine in Bandung city from October to December 2018 using a random sampling method. Statistical analysis using frequency distribution, percentage proportions, and Wald's statistics in the 95% confidence interval. The instrument for validity analysis is Pearsons's correlation, and the instrument for reliability analysis is Kappa's percent agreement. The results showed the average level of knowledge on organ structure and topography. It shows anatomical teaching and learning about the organ's structure, and the topography still needs to be optimized. GAMBARAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TENTANG STRUKTUR DAN TOPOGRAFI ORGAN PADA MAHASISWA TINGKAT IV KEDOKTERANSalah satu kompetensi lulusan mahasiswa pendidikan kedokteran adalah mampu mengaplikasikan prinsip ilmu dasar biomedik, epidemiologi, klinis, dan perilaku dalam praktik profesi kedokteran. Anatomi merupakan salah satu ilmu biomedik dalam pendidikan kedokteran yang mempelajari struktur dan topografi organ. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa tingkat IV fakultas kedokteran mengenai struktur dan topografi organ. Survei terhadap 88 mahasiswa ini dilaksanakan di sebuah fakultas kedokteran di Kota Bandung dari bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2018 menggunakan metode random sampling. Analisis statistik menggunakan distribusi frekuensi, persentase proporsi, dan Wald’s statistic dalam 95% interval kepercayaan. Analisis validitas menggunakan Pearson’s correlation, sedangkan analisis reliabilitas menggunakan Kappa’s percent agreement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan rerata tentang struktur organ dan topografi dalam kategori cukup. Hal ini menunjukkan pembelajaran anatomi tentang struktur organ dan topografi masih perlu dioptimalkan.
Religiosity and Stress on Nurses during COVID-19 Pandemic at a Hospital in Bandung Siska Nia Irasanti; Rizki Perdana; Dhian Indriasari; Yuniarti Yuniarti; Ahmad Kamil; Wellisna Merduani
Global Medical & Health Communication (GMHC) Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.524 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/gmhc.v10i1.8573


The problem of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in changes in various aspects of life, primarily related to health services. All health workers involved in handling COVID-19 are likely to experience psychological pressure in treating COVID-19 patients with an increasing number of patients. The correlation between religiosity is expected to guide an individual in interacting in the work environment, including in health services and managing stress on nurses. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between religiosity and stress at work during the COVID-19 pandemic in nurses. This research is an observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. Primary data was obtained from a questionnaire to 78 nurses in the COVID-19 ward at a hospital in Bandung in August 2021. The Pearson correlation test analysis results showed a significant correlation between religiosity and stress. Religious maturity can influence a person's level of mental maturity. It can give a feeling of peace in the heart so that a person can avoid feeling restless and anxious about the problems faced without stress.
Journal of Health and Dental Sciences Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Health and Dental Sciences
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Unjani

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Shift work is a rotating work time outside regular working hours, either rotating with the shift work method. Shift work can cause changes in metabolism, immunological status, and oxidative status that cause inflammation due to changes in circadian rhythm. Nurses, primarily female, in provide 24-hour services also have to do shift work. This study aimed to see the relationship between blood pressure and blood glucose to vascular function and aerobic capacity in female nurses working in hospitals. The research method was descriptive-analytic to know the relationship between blood pressure and glucose to blood vessel function as measured by cGMP and aerobic capacity. Through VO2max, the research sample was selected purposively with inclusion criteria of having worked as female nurses who had worked for at least six months and were aged 20-40 years. The results show that the fasting blood glucose value had more influence on the cGMP value than the MABP value (r= 0.204 vs. 0.034), although the relationship was weak and very weak. The correlation analysis between fasting Blood Glucose and VO2max and Blood Pressure with VO2max shows blood pressure is more significant than fasting Blood Glucose on VO2max (0.105 vs. 0.083) even though the correlation between the two is very weak. It may be because many other factors can influence blood vascular function and aerobic functional capacity. DOI : 10.54052/jhds.v2n1.p1-14
Tanda Pedikulosis Kapitis pada Santriwati Sulthon Aulia Boarding School Angga Saputra Jaya; Eka Hendyranny; Rizki Perdana
Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/bcsms.v3i1.6946


Abstract. Pediculosis capitis is a disease caused by infection with Pediculus humanus var. capitis which is a blood-eating ectoparasites and grows on human head hair. Many factors encourage the occurrence of pediculosis capitis, including the level of knowledge about pediculosis capitis, personal hygiene, gender, socioeconomic conditions, the habit of borrowing personal items, and the density of occupants in a room. The purpose of this study was to find the signs of pediculosis capitis in female students from Sulthon Aulia Boarding School. This research method is observational with a cross-sectional design. The number of samples in this study were 120 female students. Data were taken through examination of signs of pediculosis capitis. Signs of pediculosis capitis were found in 79.2% female students. . Improper personal hygiene can increase the risk of developing pediculosis capitis. Abstrak. Pedikulosis kapitis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Pediculus humanus var. capitis yang merupakan ektoparasit pemakan darah dan tumbuh pada rambut kepala manusia. Banyak faktor yang mendorong terjadinya pedikulosis kapitis, diantaranya tingkat pengetahuan tentang pedikulosis kapitis, personal hygiene, jenis kelamin, keadaan sosial ekonomi, kebiasaan meminjam barang pribadi, dan kepadatan hunian dalam suatu ruangan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menilai tanda pedikulosis kapitis pada santriwati Sulthon Aulia Boarding School. Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan desain cross-sectional. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 120 santriwati. Data diambil dengan dilakukannya pemeriksaan tanda pedikulosis kapitis. Ditemukan tanda pedikulosis kapitis pada 79,2% santriwati. Personal hygiene yang tidak baik dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya pedikulosis kapitis.