Jerry Dounald Rahajaan
Universitas Kuningan

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PERANCANGAN KONSEP IDEAL DESA WISATA DI DESA CIBINUANG KABUPATEN KUNINGAN Rahajaan, Jerry Dounald; Kurniadi, Erik; Yusuf, Fahmi; Darmawan, Erlan; Herawati, Resma Mega
Empowerment : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3, No 02 (2020): Empowerment
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/empowerment.v3i02.3033


Cibinuang Village is an area located in Kuningan District, Kuningan Regency. Cibinuang Village has many and varied natural resources. In the process of development activities Cibinuang tourism village has not fully used the detailed concept of tourism. The development of the concept of tourism in the Village of Cibinuang did not escape the existence of adequate natural resources and quality human resources. The availability of natural resources and their use in Cibinuang Village, even if simple and limited, will be able to improve the quality of the village and be a source of increased human resources for the community. In terms of improving the economy, knowledge and attractiveness of tourism. Efforts to design the concept of a tourist village, in improving the ability of rural communities in the field of tourism required a whole design concept to make it happen. It is understood together that one of the concrete manifestations of Higher Education gait besides education and research is Community Service and Service activities, this is in accordance with what is mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System article 24 (2) which states; "Universities have the autonomy to manage their own institutions as centers for the administration of higher education, scientific research, and community service." As a concrete step Faculty of Computer Science, Kuningan University with the core of Visual Communication Design, trying to respond to the needs of the community (Cibinuang Village) of the importance of developing Tourism Villages by doing Community Service with the title of the activity "The Concept of Designing Tourism Villages in Cibinuang Area Kuningan District of West Java Province" . Referring to the background of existing problems, problem solving is needed for the purpose of this activity are: Designing the concept of village tourism design for the people of Cibinuang Village, Kuningan Regency, to utilize natural resources in the area, which include: Hot Springs, Campgrounds, Sacred / Ancient Tombs. Creating a Tourism Village Study Plan for Cibinuang Village Community, Kuningan District to realize the Village program.Desa Cibinuang merupakan salah satu daerah yang terletak di Kecamatan Kuningan Kabupaten Kuningan. Desa Cibinuang memiliki sumberdaya alam yang banyak dan berfariasi. Dalam proses kegiatan pengembangan Desa wisata Cibinuang belum sepenuhnya menggunakan konsep wisata yang terinci. Perkembangan konsep pariwisata di Desa Cibinuang tidak luput dari adanya sumberdaya alam yang memadai dan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Ketersediaan sumber alam dan pemanfaatannya di Desa Cibinuang, sekalipun sederhana dan terbatas, akan dapat meningkatkan kualitas desa serta menjadi sumber peningkatan SDM bagi masyarakat. Dalam hal peningkatan ekonomi, pengetahuan, dan daya tarik pariwisata. Upaya perancangan konsep desa wisata, dalam peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat desa dalam bidang pariwisata diperlukan suatu konsep desain yang utuh untuk mewujudkannya. Dipahami bersama bahwa salah satu wujud nyata kiprah Perguruan Tinggi selain pendidikan dan penelitian adalah kegiatan Pengabdian dan Pelayanan kepada Masyarakat, hal ini sesuai dengan apa yang diamanatkan dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional pasal 24 (2)  yang menyatakan ; “Perguruan tinggi memiliki otonomi untuk mengelola sendiri lembaganya sebagai pusat penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi, penelitian ilmiah, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat”. Sebagai langkah kongkrit Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Kuningan dengan core Desain Komunikasi Visual, mencoba untuk merespon kebutuhan masyarakat (Desa Cibinuang) akan pentingnya pengembangan Desa Wisata dengan melakukan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dengan judul kegiatan “Konsep Perancangan Desa Wisata Di Daerah Cibinuang Kabupaten Kuningan Provinsi Jawa Barat”. Mengacu pada latar belakang permasalahan yang ada maka dibutuhkan pemecahan masalah untuk tujuan kegiatan ini adalah:  Merancang konsep Desain desa wisata bagi Masyarakat Desa Cibinuang, Kabupaten Kuningan, untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang ada di daerahnya, yaitu meliputi: Sumber Air Panas, Bumi Perkemahan, Makam Keramat/Kuno. Membuat StudyPlan Desa Wisata bagi Masyarakat Desa Cibinuang, Kabupaten Kuningan untuk mewujudkan program Desa.
JURNAL PAKARENA Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/p.v6i1.21224


The concept of Fala Raha that exists in Ternate society (North Maluku), has a high understanding of meaning in their cultural life. This philosophical meaning can be interpreted scientifically and conceptually into the meaning of MIM in the understanding of Islamic religion.The concept of Fala Raha which is interpreted in the understanding of MIM in Islamic religion, is embodied in the self concept (Fangare). The embodiment of MIM in the self-concept (Fangare) for Ternate society, is an acknowledgment of the kinship that exists in their cultural structure, so that it becomes an essential life concept for Ternate society (North Maluku).
JURNAL PAKARENA Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/p.v6i2.23539


The PlaAstro method applied at K - PAS Indonesia as one of the teaching methods for special children emphasizes closeness in the arts. With suppressed visuals from gestures and expressions, the PlaAstro method can be read theoretically from the perspective of Roland Barthes Semiotics.The PlaAstro method, which is embodied in Roland Barthes' Semiotics perspective, has become an aesthetic journey of Fahdi Hasan, Str.Sn in responding to his critical thinking on discrimination and community idealism for people with disabilities (special individuals) through the Special Child Care Community (K - PAS Indonesia).
The Meaning Of Nutmeg And Clove North Maluku In Popular Culture Jerry Dounald Rahajaan
Balong International Journal of Design Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/balong.v1i1.1198


AbstractPhilosophical meaning contained in nutmeg and clove is an interpretation of inter-relationships between language, culture and cognition with the theory of Cognitive Anthropology which is analyzed by visual structure in the culture of Ternate’s People (North Maluku). In Cognitive Anthropology Perspective of North Maluku people (Ternate), there are studies of Interpretation of Nutmeg and Clove which departs from the backgrounds of the people of North Maluku (Ternate), as well as the philosophy associated with the ecological community of Ternate (North Maluku). In this study there are some components examined including: Nutmeg and Clove treatment period, the period before harvesting the Nutmag, nutmeg and clove harvest time, the drying and sale time, this is an interpretation of the nutmeg and cloves into Jujaro and Ngungare philosophy of Ternate (North Maluku). The purpose of this journal is to convey the meaning of Nutmeg and Clove in philosophy of North Maluku people (Ternate) which is understood by generations and becomes verbal tradition in its delivery in the form of immortal truth meaning. This paper is more focused on visual analysis of nutmeg and clove concept with reference to the interpretation theory of Cognitive Anthropology approach from the native society. As a result, this Journal discusses the visual analysis focused on the philosophical meaning in the concept of Nutmeg and Clove associated with the Jujaro and Ngungare meaning, so that it is synergy with the ecological community which is viewed nutmeg and cloves as society commodity, and its contribution as a model for studies in theory of Interpretation and Cognitive Anthropology in a social order.Keywords— Nutmeg and Clove, Ternate (North Maluku), Theory of Interpretation.
KalaTanda Vol 1 No 1 (2016): Kalatanda
Publisher : Universitas Telkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/kalatanda.v1i1.1369


Makna Fala Raha Sebagai konsep dasar pada budaya Masyarakat Maluku Utara, dalam Perspektif Pola-4 adalah kajian Transformasi budaya, yang berangkat dari latarbelakang mengenai masyarakat Maluku Utara (Ternate), serta falsafah yang ada pada konsep Fala Raha. Dalam pengkajian initer dapat beberapa komponen yang dikaji diantaranya; struktur empat keturunan, struktur empat warisan simbolik, struktur empat kekuasaan politik, struktur empat komunitas awal Ternate, struktur empat kesatuan geopolitik, struktur empat klan utama, dan struktur empat lembaga pemerintahan, itulah yang disebut konsep Fala Raha. Bagaimana elemen–elemen Fala Raha dapat membentuk makna di masyarakat Maluku Utara, dan Apa makna filosofis yang terkandung didalam-nya. Tujuan dari Jurnal ini; Penyampaian makna Fala Raha (Empat Rumah) sebagai makna yang bernilai filosofi dari masyarakat Maluku Utara (Ternate), yang diturunkan secara turun-temurun berupa tradisi lisan dan Visual (gambar) yang dalam penyampaiannya secara simbolik. Tulisan ini lebih terfokus pada analisis symbol pada konsep Fala Raha dengan mengacu pada teori Transformasi dengan pendekatan Estetika Paradoks di masyarakat penggunanya. Hasilnya; Dalam Jurnal ini dibahas tentang tinjauan semiotik yang lebih terfokus mengenai makna filosofis dalam konsep Fala Raha, sinergi dengan pembahasan Fala Raha yang lebih membahas tentang tinjauan semiotik dalam makna visual. Kontribusinya sebagai model kajian secara ilmu semiotik dan transformasi budaya.