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Effect of Concentration of NaOH and H2SO4 Catalysts on Hydrogen Gas Production Efficiency Diah Iswandari; Idham Mahenri; Yohandri Bow; Adi Syakdani; Robert Junaidi
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): IJRVOCAS - Special Issues
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.462 KB) | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v1i4.73


Indonesia has an ocean area of ​​5.8 million km2, water is the event of the decomposition of water compounds (H2O) into hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen (O2) by using an electric current through water. In this study, the electrolysis of water at an electrolytic concentration containing NaCl can take place quickly with various catalysts of NaOH, and H2SO4 with concentrations of 0.1M, 0.25M, 0.5M, 0.75M, and currents of 15A, 25A and 35A. From the results of the study, it was found that the greater the current and the concentration of the catalyst, the greater the volume of gas produced and the efficiency of the flow, and a significant effect. The highest hydrogen gas produced was 0.4745 L at a concentration of 0.75M with a current of 35A for a NaOH catalyst and with a H2SO4 catalyst, gas with a volume of 0.48823L was produced at a current of 35A and a concentration of 0.75M and the highest current efficiency at a current of 35A the highest efficiency at a concentration of 0.75M was 89.354% for the NaOH catalyst, and the H2SO4 catalyst obtained the highest current efficiency at a concentration of 0.75M, which was 43.325%.
Pemanfaatan Karet Alam Untuk Produk Barang Jadi Di Desa Suban Jeriji Kecamatan Rambang Dangku Kabupaten Muara Enim Abu Hasan; Robert Junaidi; KA Ridwan
Aptekmas Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 2, No.2 (2019) : APTEKMAS Volume 2 Nomor 2 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (597.706 KB) | DOI: 10.36257/apts.v2i2.1604


Besides the domestic consumption of natural rubber into rubber goods is still very small, Indonesia is also still dependent on the export of these commodities abroad. The new natural rubber producing countries which are quite troubling the world natural rubber market including Indonesia are also China, Vietnam and Cambodia. One of the main weaknesses of Indonesian farmers' natural rubber is dirty. This is a cause of low prices. The cost of cleaning the rubber is too high. Therefore it is indeed necessary to have a way to diversify rubber products or increase the consumption of natural rubber in the country is very important. In order for many people to produce rubber goods, this means that many people know that cleaning rubber is necessary and does not need to be polluted. In Palembang itself, there was PT. Sri Bina Havea and Intirub Tire Factory, but both are gone. Thus, the way to produce rubber goods of natural rubber needs to be socialized to the Indonesian people, especially in South Sumatetra. This certainly greatly influences the development of the local economy given that South Sumatetra is the largest producer of natural rubber in Indonesia and this result is mostly produced by farmers rather than large companies. For this reason, this service aims to provide information about the technology of processing natural rubber into rubber goods to the public. This service was carried out on the people of Suban Jeriji village, Rambang Dangku Sub-District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra. The method used in this activity is a lecture and interactive discussion about the manufacture of natural rubber finished goods with the help of LCD and accompanied by providing samples of finished goods products from semi-finished natural rubber. The target to be achieved in this activity is the formation of insights into thinking that natural rubber goods are a way to overcome the ever-uncertain prices of natural rubber on the market. The long-term target of this activity is perhaps one day there are students or students who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs of natural rubber goods.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Selulosa Asetat dari A-Selulosa Fiber Cake Kelapa Sawit Indarianti Utami; Abu Hasan; Robert Junaidi
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi Indonesia Vol 1 No 9 (2021): JPTI - September 2021
Publisher : CV Infinite Corporation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52436/1.jpti.86


Penelitian tentang sintesis dan karakterisasi selulosa asetat dari ?-selulosa fiber cake kelapa sawit ini telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan anhidrida asetat sebagai acetylating agent. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan selulosa asetat dengan klasifikasi selulosa diasetat yang memiliki yield produk yang tinggi, mempelajari pengaruh variasi rasio selulosa:anhidrida asetat, waktu asetilasi, dan suhu asetilasi untuk mendapatkan selulosa asetat dengan kondisi yang optimal dari ?-selulosa fiber cake kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi rasio selulosa:anhidrida asetat (1:5; 1:10; 1:15), waktu asetilasi (0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5)jam, dan suhu asetilasi (25 dan 40) oC menghasilkan 30 sampel produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selulosa asetat yang didapatkan berupa selulosa diasetat dengan bentuk padatan berupa serbuk, berwarna putih gading, dan tidak berbau serta memiliki kadar ?-selulosa sebesar 84,29 % dengan kadar air 9,16 % pada rasio selulosa:anhidrida asetat (1:10), waktu asetilasi 1,5 jam, dan suhu asetilasi 40oC dengan nilai yield produk, kadar asetil, dan derajat substitusi berturut-turut 49 %, 39,97 %, dan 2,5. Research on the synthesis and characterization of cellulose acetate from palm oil ?-cellulose fiber cake has been carried out using acetic anhydride as an acetylating agent. This study aims to obtain cellulose acetate with cellulose diacetate classification which has a high product yield, study the effect of variations in the ratio of cellulose:acetic anhydride, acetylation time, and acetylation temperature to obtain cellulose acetate with optimal conditions from palm oil ?-cellulose fiber cake. This study used variations in the ratio of cellulose:acetic anhydride (1:5; 1:10; 1:15), acetylation time (0.5; 1; 1.5; 2; 2.5) hours, and acetylation temperature (25 and 40) oC produces 30 product samples. The results showed that the cellulose acetate obtained was in the form of cellulose diacetate with a solid form in the form of powder, ivory white, and odorless and had 84.29% of a-cellulose content with 9.16% of a moisture content at the ratio of cellulose:acetic anhydride (1 :10), acetylation time 1.5 hours, and acetylation temperature 40oC with product yield, acetyl content, and degree of substitution 84.6%, 39.97%, and 2.5, respectively.
KINETIKA Vol. 13 No. 03 (2022): KINETIKA 01112022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya

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Coal fly ash waste is a mineral residue in fine grains produced from the coal burning process from the coal-fired power plant. Coal fly ash contains chemical elements including silica (SiO2) which reaches 40%. Silica has many benefits in the industrial world, one of which can be used as a material for making silicone (Si). The purpose of this study is to make silicon and purify the resulting silicon with variations in the amount of reducers, and the application of silicon to make hydrogen with NaOH variations. In this study silicon insulation used silica:magnesium variations in a ratio of 1:0.5; 1:0,8 and 1:1. Furthermore, the variation of NaOH in the manufacture of hydrogen with concentrations of 2 M, 2.5 and 3 M. The methodology used is silica extraction by precipitation method, silicon isolation by metallothermal method, silicon purification with HCl and hydrogen manufacturing with NaOH. Silicone making is carried out by reducing silica with magnesium which is then in a furnace for 3 hours with a temperature of 650°C. The best result obtained at silicone manufacturing is a ratio of 1:1 with an intensity of 1905 cps and the yield obtained reaches 92%. Si 1:1 was then used for the manufacture of hydrogen and obtained the largest volume of 0.97 liters with a gas content of 2.647 ppm. Keywords: Silicon, Silica, Coal Fly Ash, Hydrogen, Metalothermal Method
Pembuatan Gas Metana Dari Gas Karbon Dioksida (CO2) Menggunakan Katalis Ni/Al2O3 Dengan Promotor Logam Fe Tiara Manda Putri; Robert Junaidi; Anerasari Meidinariasty
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v%vi%i.6782


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the most critical greenhouse effect causes. One method that can reduce the problem of global warming is by converting CO2 and utilizing it into a CO2 hydrogenation reaction into methane. This research aims to obtain methane gas from CO2 gas using a Fixed Bed Reactor for the CO2 methanation process. This research uses Ni/Al2O3 catalyst as support and Fe metal as a promoter with in situ method by varying the amount of Fe metal promoter up to 1gr - 5gr and time variation of 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes. The highest methane gas yield was obtained in sample 15 with more Fe metal promoter 5 gr (variation 1-5 gr) for 60 minutes (variation 30, 45, and 60 minutes), which amounted to 12.54%. The amount of Fe metal promoter and the length of time used is directly proportional to the methane gas (CH4) produced. This is because the addition of Fe as a promoter can increase catalyst activity and catalyst stability, so that the catalyst can work well in converting CO2 into methane thermal gas.Keywords: Carbon Dioxide, CO2 Methanation, Catalyst Ni/Al2O3, Promoter Fe, Methane (CH4).
Membran Selulosa Asetat Berbasis Nata De Coco Ditinjau Dari Pengaruh Penambahan Zat Aditif Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Terhadap Permeabilitas (Fluks) deswi fransiska; Selastia Yuliati; Robert Junaidi
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i4.6739


Teknologi membran digunakan dalam industri untuk proses pemisahan maupun pemurnian.  Salah satu jenis polimer yang sering digunakan untuk membuat membran adalah selulosa asetat yang diperoleh dari Nata de coco. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan zat aditif polyethylene glycol terhadap karakterisasi dan kinerja membran selulosa asetat. Penambahan zat aditif polyethylene glycol, 10%, 17%, dan 28% dengan pelarut diklorometana 50% dan selulosa asetat 18%. Membran yang didapatkan dilakukan pengujian morfologi  dan uji fluks membran. Hasil morfologi membran yang memenuhi syarat ultrafiltrasi adalah membran A didapatkan ukuran pori 0,618 µm, dan membran B sebesar 0,972 µm. hasil uji fluks rata-rata didapatkan 15,494 L/m2.jam  untuk penambahan zat aditif 10%, 17,764 L/m2.jam  untuk penambahan zat aditif 17% dan 19,455 L/m2.jam untuk penambahan zat aditif 28%. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh zat aditif  pada membran selulosa asetat yaitu semakin banyak komposisi zat aditif maka semakin besar nilai fluks dan ukuran pori membran.
Pembuatan Grease Dari Palm Fatty Acid Distillte (PFAD) dengan Variasi Komposis Base Oil, Thickening Agent dan Asam Asetat Sebagai Zat Aditif Ryu Indah Pratiwi; Robert Junaidi; Anerasari Meidinariasty
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i4.6767


Substitusi minyak bumi dengan nabati sebagai bahan pelumas dilakukan untuk menghasilkan minyak pelumas yang ramah lingkungan. Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) menjadi salah satu produk turunan minyak kelapa sawit yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pembuatan grease. Grease adalah bahan semi padatan campuran antara minyak base oil dengan bahan pengentalnya (Thickening Agent) yang berfungsi mengurangi gesekan dan keausan antara dua bidang yang saling bergesekan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik grease menurut SNI dan mendapatkan tingkat NLGI terbaik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan komposisi antara base oil dan thickening agent dan zat aditif. Grease terbaik yang diperoleh termasuk dalam spesifikasi grease dan parameter kinerja untuk tingkat kualitas NLGI grade A dengan formulasi base oil : thickening agent 80:20 dengan penambahan zat aditif 3,5 ml, densitas 0,9057 gr/ml dan dropping point 98°C yang telah sesuai dengan SNI dengan penetrasi 241 mm yang mengindikasikan grease ke dalam kelas NLGI 3 
Pembuatan Nanosilikon dari Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Katalis untuk Proses Hidrogenasi Air Riki Wahyudi; Robert Junaidi; Erwana Dewi
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i5.4938


Hidrogen memberikan kontribusi penting dalam menyediakan energi untuk masa depan. Hidrogen adalah pasokan bahan baku yang melimpah, memiliki tingkat energi H2 286 kJ / mol, dan juga bermanfaat bagi lingkungan. Dengan komposisi SiO2 60%, abu cangkang sawit diketahui mengandung sejumlah besar silika. Penciptaan nanosilikon adalah salah satu kegunaan potensialnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis nanosilikon, memurnikannya menggunakan berbagai konsentrasi zat pereduksi, kemudian menggunakan nanosilikon murni untuk menghasilkan hidrogen menggunakan berbagai konsentrasi NaOH. Variasi dalam rasio silika-aluminium pada 1: 0,25, 1: 0,5, 1: 0,8, dan 1: 1 diperlukan untuk isolasi nanosilikon. Konsentrasi NaOH dalam proses produksi hidrogen juga disesuaikan menjadi 2 M, 2,5 M, 3 M, dan 3,5 M. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi metode presipitasi untuk ekstraksi silika, metode metalotermal untuk isolasi nanosilikon, pemurnian HCl nanosilikon, dan hidrogenasi NaOH. Aluminium dan silika direduksi dalam tungku selama tiga jam pada suhu 850°C untuk menghasilkan nanosilikon. Dengan intensitas 5517 cps dan hasil 93%, rasio silika terhadap aluminium 1: 1 menghasilkan hasil terbaik dalam sintesis nanosilikon. Dengan bantuan nanosilikon yang diperoleh, hidrogen dapat diproduksi dengan kandungan gas hidrogen 421 ppm pada rasio nanoSi: NaOH 3,5 M. Mengingat sifat hidrogen yang menguntungkan secara ekologis dan potensi untuk menggunakan bahan yang tersedia seperti abu cangkang sawit untuk pembuatan nanosilikon, penelitian ini dapat memiliki konsekuensi untuk penyediaan energi di masa depan.
Processing Rumbia Starch Into Glucose Powder by Enzymatic Hydrolysis with Optimum Saccharification Temperature Joan Nasya Alzena; Erwana Dewi; Robert Junaidi
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 23, No 2 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/teknologi.v23i2.4269


Glucose powder is glucose in solid form which has the main component of glucose syrup obtained from starch hydrolysis, including sago from rumbia starch. As the population increases, it increases consumption of sugar as a sweetener for basic necessities such as food and drinks, the purposes of this research is identifying the optimum temperature for saccharification of the glucose powder produced from the enzyme hydrolysis process. This research used an enzyme hydrolysis process with the stages of gelatinization, liquification and saccharification for 72 hours with variations in temperature of 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C and obtained the optimum temperature results from these four temperatures. The optimal saccharification temperature is achieved by incubating at 50°C and 60°C with an incubation time of 72 hours or 3 days
Pemanfaatan Zeolite Alam Sebagai Katalis Untuk Sintesis Biodiesel Azzahrah Putri Darmawan; Mustain Zamhari; Robert Junaidi
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v3i5.5074


Biodiesel adalah sumber bahan bakar alternatif yang dapat dihasilkan dari minyak jelantah melalui proses transesterifikasi merupakan salah satu potensi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan dasar produksi biodiesel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu dan waktu katalis zeolite terhadap biodiesel yang dihasilkan. Sintesis biodiesel diawali dengan pembuatan katalis Zeolit melalui proses kalsinasi Zeolit pada suhu 800 oC, 900 oC, 950 oC kemudian dilakukan perendaman dengan larutan KOH 1 : 1 dalam 100 ml pelarut air. Kemudian dilanjutkan proses pengeringan selama ± 1 jam pada suhu 110 oC dan kalsinasi pada suhu 800 oC, 900 oC, dan 950 oC. Perbandingan volume minyak dan methanol sebesar 1:19 dengan katalis 2% dari berat minyak. Hasil analisa XRD katalis zeolite dengan kristalinitas 1500 cps, untuk standar kualitas biodiesel parameter yang diuji yaitu densitas 0,86gr/cm2 ,viskositas 1,45mm2/s dan %yield 72,5%.