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Adangiyah Konsep Gendhing-Gendhing Tradisi Gaya Surakarta Suraji Suraji
Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi Vol 8, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3960.182 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/keteg.v8i1.623


In the Javanesse karawitan ~ society, the term of adangiyah, more perceivable as a lagu ‘s sentence of rebab and bonang barung, it ‘s performed before buka and after adalaras (rebab) or grambyangan (bonang barung) in partly pelog’s gendhings. This comprehension related with the definition ofadangiyahfrom Bau Sastra Jawa and used in the writing ofaksara Jawa have the similar meaning, because the adangiyah in the Javanesse gendhings always posted in the beginning before a buka gendhing.Keyword : adangiyah, buka, angsara jawa
MELACAK GELAR KARAWITAN PUJANGGA LARAS TAHUN 2001-2009 (Upaya Pendokumentasian Ragam Gending) Suraji Suraji
Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi Vol 17, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (487.817 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/keteg.v17i2.2391


AbstractThis research entitled Tracing the Performance of Karawitan Pujangga Laras from 2001 - 2009 is concerned with both textual and contextual issues. One issue that continues to appear up to the present time is that whenever the same gending is played by different musicians, the result will also be different. In the Surakarta karaton, the existence of Javanese karawitan in Surakarta style has undergone significant developments from one era to another. The increasing number of gending klenèngan in the repertoire has led to a variety of different treatment or interpretational style (garap). Treatment that had not previously been used has been reinterpreted and subsequently influenced the development of interpretational style in the present day.This research aims to document the repertoire of gending klenèngan performed by the karawitan group Pujangga Laras. In the performance of these gending, the Pujangga Laras group is not restricted to classical gending from the karaton. Instead, musicians are given the opportunity to perform other works, including new works composed by musicians or pesindhèn (female vocalists) who are active in the group, or gending composed by Ki Nartosabda. The results of this research show that during an 8 year period, Pujangga Laras performed over 400 gending in various forms. Although there is frequent repetition of certain gending, the outcome or result is always different. These differences are caused by a number of factors, including the venue, the musicians’ ability to interpret the gending, and so on.  Keywords: Pujangga Laras, Repertoire, Gendhing. AbstrakPenelitian Melacak Gelar Karawitan Pujangga Laras Tahun 2001 - 2009 menyangkut persoalan tekstual dan kontekstual. Permasalahan yang muncul hingga kini adalah setiap gending yang sama bila disajikan oleh penggarap yang berbeda hasilnya juga berbeda. Di karaton Surakarta dari masa ke masa, keberadaan karawitan Jawa gaya Surakarta secara bertahap telah mengalami perkembangngan yang cukup signifikan. Makin banyaknya repertoar gending-gending klenèngan berdampak terhadap keragaman garap. Garap yang belum muncul sebelumnya, kemudian ditafsir kembali dan selanjutnya mempengaruhi perkembangan garap saat ini.Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendokumentasi repertoar gending-gending klenèngan yang disajikan oleh kelompok karawitan Pujangga Laras. Dalam menyajikan gending-gending, kelompok karawitan Pujangga Laras tidak dibatasi pada gending klasik karaton, melainkan para pengrawit diberi kesempatan untuk menyajikan karya lain, baik karya baru hasil susunan pengrawit dan atau pesindhèn yang aktif dalam pergelaran tersebut, atau gending karya Ki Nartosabda. Hasil penelitian ini, dalam kurun waktu 8 tahun, ditemukan bahwa karawitan Pujangga laras telah menyajikan lebih dari 400 gending dalam berbagai bentuk.Kendatipun setiap pergelaran sering terjadi pengulangan gending yang sama, akan tetapi hasilnya tetap beerbeda. Perbedaan ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, antara lain: tempat penyelenggaraan, kemampuan pengrawit dalam tafsir garap dan lain lain. Kata Kunci: Pujangga Laras, Repertoar, Gendhing.
Keteg: Jurnal Pengetahuan, Pemikiran dan Kajian Tentang Bunyi Vol 13, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.092 KB) | DOI: 10.33153/keteg.v13i1.649


The background to this paper was the information that many Javanese musical compositions or gending in Surakarta style are formed from ‘sekar’ or tembang (a vocal melody or form of sung poetry). The main focus of this paper is the connections between Sendhon Tlutur, Ketawang Gendhing Tlutur, Ayakayakan Tlutur, Srepeg Tlutur, Sampak Tlutur, Ketawang Dhandhanggula Tlutur, and Sekar Macapat Dhandhanggula Tlutur, which were observed by comparing the vocal melody of Sendhon Tlutur with the musical phrases of the skeleton melody, or balungan, in Ayak-ayakan, Ketawang Gendhing, Srepeg, and Sampak, and the vocal melody of Ketawang Dhandhanggula with Sekar Macapat Dhandhanggula Tlutur. The theoretical basis that was used for analyzing the gending in question is Mantle Hood’s ‘evolution’ theory which states that culture (including the arts) is not static in nature but rather develops according to its needs. In addition to this evolution theory, the gending were analyzed using Mas Ngabehi Warsapradangga’s premise which states that the original source or foundation for composing a gending is a vocal melody or tembang. The results of the analysis of this study show that there are similarities between the melodic line of Sendhon Tlutur and Ayak-ayakan, Srepeg, Sampak, and Ketawang Gendhing Tlutur, while Ketawang Dhandhanggula Tlutur is a development of Sekar Macapat Dhandhanggula Tlutur.Keywords: various forms and correlation of gendhing tlutur 
Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman Vol 1 No 1 (2012): Islamic Review
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) IPMAFA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6.712 KB) | DOI: 10.35878/islamicreview.v1i1.6


The concept of community development can be viewed as a process because the involved activities moves from one stage to another or from a specific situation to the next one. The relevant study in it is the study of Islamic Community Development which is in line with the role of Higher Education College. That is to functioning Tri Darma consisting of education, research and community services. Such view certaintly becomes real hope if it can implemented seriously. Another factor is that the specialization of knowledge as the basis of intellectual and expertise specially the study of community development have an important and strategic place in the globalization era in terms of political, economic, social and cultural rights.
MENETAS JALAN BARU PENGEMBANGAN MASYARAKAT: Sebuah Jawaban di Era Milenium Suraji Suraji; Muhammad Ali Embi
Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif Vol 12, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jsr.v12i2.1376


Community development is a process of directing people toward a stage or condition which society becomes more competent to ptroblems and conditions of the community and environment. The increasing competence of community members is expected to generate development activities based on their own initiative. In the current context, community development are most in based on religious and cultural values, including local wisdome, in order to ovver come various problems within society. Relevant studies of community development should in line with higher educatin institutions throght the implementation of “Tridharma PT”, which consist of : education, research and service. Moreever, within this milleneal era, community development has significant influence on education, politics, economics, social, as well as on culturePengembangan masyarakat proses bergerak ke arah suatu tahap atau kondisi di mana masyarakat menjadi semakin kompeten terhadap permasalahan dan kondisi komunitas maupun lingkungannya. Kompetensi masyarakat yang semakin meningkat ini diharapkan dapat menimbulkan aktivitas pembangunan atas prakarsa masyarakat (komunitas) sendiri. Pengembangan masyarakat juga sebagai gerakan, yang berusaha melakukan reformasi terhadap kondisi yang dianggap kurang menguntungkan. Dalam konteks saat ini tentu pengembangan masyarakat (community development) didasarkan pada nilai-nilai agama, budaya dan kearifan masyarakat lokal menuju kemajuan dan kesempurnaan dalam menjawab permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul di era globalisasi. Kajian yang relevan dalam community development adalah kajian pengembangan masyarakat yang sejalan dengan peran lembaga Perguruan Tinggi yaitu memfungsikan Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi yang terdiri pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Orientasi tersebut tentu menjadi harapan apabila dilaksanakan secara sungguh-sungguh. Faktor lain, spesifikasi keilmuan sebagai besis intelektual dan keahlihan pengembangan masyarakat mendapat tempat penting dan strategis di era mellineum saat ini baik dari segi pendidikan, politik, ekonomi, sosial maupun budaya.
Fundraising Strategies for Dompet Ummat Institute of Pontianak City suraji suraji; Santa Rusmalita
J-MD: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah Vol 1 No 2 (2020): jmd
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah (MD) Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah (FUAD) IAIN Pontianak

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The Dompet Umat Institution is a non-profit organization, researchers asking for help to find out more about raising funds conducted by the social organization Dompet Ummat in Pontianak. Therefore, researchers want to discuss more deeply about how the strategy of the Dompet Ummat Institute in raising funds in the city of Pontianak. With the formulation of the problem (1) What is the fundraising strategy of the Dompet Ummat Institution in looking at opportunities in the field? (2) How does the Dompet Ummat Institute in Formulating fundraising strategies for proposing existing benefits? (3) How does the Dompetku Institution implement the fundraising strategy? (4) How does the Dompet Ummat Institute conduct monitoring and evaluation after conducting a fundraising strategy? In conducting this research the writer will use a descriptive method, which this study will discuss, describe and describe the investment strategy of fundraising for the Dompet Ummat Institution. It can be concluded that (1) the Dompet Institute looks at the opportunities that exist in the field by using various media tools both from online and online media that support to search for any type of opportunity in the field. (2) The Dompet Institute in formulating fundraising strategies by making programs and then designing from the program as interesting as possible can awaken potential donors. (3) Dompet Ummat Institution in implementing the fundraising strategy by providing donation shuttle services. The Dompet Ummat Institution in monitoring and evaluating ongoing programs follows these programs, those who participate in controlling all parties of the Fundraising team itself. Keywords: Fundraising Strategies, Zakat Management, Dompet Ummat Institute of Pontianak City