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Pemberdayaan Pelaku Usaha Melalui Pengelolaan Usaha Wisata Di Desa Warnasari Kecamatan Pangalengan Kabupaten Bandung Patimah, Siti; Kania, Trisa Nur; Adnani, Latifah; Jamaludin, Maun
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.908 KB) | DOI: 10.30656/ka.v2i1.1690


Warnasari Village is one of the villages that has a lot of potential including tourist attractions namely Situ Cileunca. Some complaints were obtained by the local community that tourism development was more managed by outside investors or what they called city people. They complained about the condition, where Situ Cileunca was part of their lives but they never felt they owned it. The purpose of activities is to increase understanding related to tourism potential and business management. The method of the activity carried out is training. As a result of the training activities, most of them did not understand how business management, especially marketing and HR management. Participants who participated in the Activity were 20 participants with different types of businesses. But they were very enthusiastic about participating in the training activities.Suggestions, people should be able to increase the desire to try. Besides that there is also a need for motivation so that it can increase business for the surrounding community.
Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit Vol 6, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/j.reksa.v6i1.1460


Most of the Cimincrang people originally came from their own fields. In connection with the development of areas that make Cimincrang residents their land must be sold to the government and housing developers because the Cimincrang area will be the center of the administration of the City of Bandung 2 primary and commercial area, so residents can no longer run the agricultural sector. Many residents who turn jobs become traders, motorcycle taxis driver, factory workers, casual daily workers. Due to the increasing needs of the community while the ability of citizens is limited, so to meet their daily needs and to increase business capital, many of them use the services of loan sharks whose loan repayments are considered burdensome. This condition prompted several community leaders in the Cimincrang region to hold a meeting to establish Baitul Mal wat Tamwil Insan Madani (Iman), a microfinance institution helping the people in the economic sector. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (BMT), the welfare of the community in Cimincrang Village, Bandung, and the role of BMT in improving the welfare of the community in Cimincrang Village, Bandung. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Based on the research results, the residents of Cimincrang Urban Village were greatly helped by the presence of the BMT Faith, because they have not been in debt with loan sharks anymore, and funds from BMT are not difficult to obtain, basically trust.
Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit Vol 6, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/j.reksa.v6i2.1456


Law Number 20 of 2016 in Indonesia regulates brands and geographical indications (hereinafter referred to as Trademark Law). For businesses, making an effort to legalize the brand of the products/services they sell is important, even though in reality, many business actors do not understand this. This study aims to find out, analyze and provide insight into knowledge and understanding of businesses about the importance of a product being given a trademark and legally legalized through trademark registration to the state. Other than that, the other purpose of this research is to provide business partners with an understanding of business partnerships. The research method uses case studies with the consideration that the focus of the research is on contemporary (present) phenomena in the context of real life. The results showed that the business actors did not understand the rules relating to trademark design and procedures for trademark registration and did not understand the business contract with business partners. Therefore, in order to help solve the problems faced by business actors, the community service activities are carried out in stages, namely: provide counseling on regulations and laws related to trademark and assistance in the procedure for trademark registration, as well as assistance in making business contracts with business partners.
IMPROVING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF BUSINESS MICRO MICROBES IN WARNASARI VILLAGE Trisa Nur Kania; Dindin Abdurohim; Latifah Adnani; Atin Hafidiah hafidiah
Pasundan International of Community Services Journal (PICS-J) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Volume 02 Number 2 December 2020
Publisher : LPM Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/pics.v2i2.2971


The problems faced by PKM Partners are on a number of factors that are difficult to be resolved by Partners, namely relating to production equipment that is worn, does not have a production permit, does not have a brand, has not been tested for product nutrition, has not been packaged with attractive performance. Therefore this activity aims to provide assistance so that the micro-businesses occupied by Partners can be further increased in the number and quality of products they produce. Service activities are carried out in the form of facilitation of production equipment, facilitation of product nutrition testing, financial management training and facilitation of product brand design. The results of the activity can be described that currently Partners: 1. already has the following new equipment Spinner to squeeze oil from freshly fried potato chips, 2. The oil content in the product has been reduced enough to be safe for consumption, 3. The nutritional content of the product is already known because it has been tested in the TP Lab the nutritional content contained in potato chips, 4. Already able to understand about the character of a superior entrepreneur and and will try to become a formidable business actor at the micro business level, 5. Partners are helped to design product brands, namely "Kripang"
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2018: 4. Penguatan Inovasi Ekonomi dan UMKM Bagi Pemerintah Daerah
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.465 KB)


Usaha kecil anyaman lidi ini berada di kabupaten Ciamis, tepatnya di desa Cibadak, kecamatan Banjarsari. Usaha kecil ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1996, dan sampai saat ini masih ditekuni oleh 9 orang pelaku usaha serta sejumlah ibu-ibu dan anak-anak usia remaja yang turut berkiprah di dalam proses pembuatan anyaman lidi. Bentuk produk anyaman lidi yang dominan diproduksi adalah piring. Biasanya digunakan sebagai alas makan, alas kue atau alas buah-buahan. Pada saat observasi lapangan dilakukan, diketahui bahwa para pelaku usaha anyaman lidi telah lama menghadapi masalah yang berkaitan dengan permodalan dan pemasaran, yang selama ini sulit untuk diperoleh jalan keluarnya karena posisi para pelaku usaha hanya memfokuskan pada bidang produksi. Kondisi tersebut semakin disadari sebagai keadaan yang menyudutkan para pelaku usaha, khususnya dalam hal pemasaran produk, karena harga jual produk ditentukan oleh pihak bandar yang selama ini menjadi pembeli produk mereka. Bandar dalam hal ini dapat mempermainkan harga dengan semau mereka, sehingga para pelaku usaha tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa menghadapi sikap bandar yang sekaligus menjadi pihak pemberi modal untuk usaha mereka. Berdasarkan kondisi yang terjadi di lapangan, maka penulis sebagai pelaksana kegiatan PPM, mencoba menawarkan bantuan untuk memberi masukan kepada para pelaku usaha dalam rangka memperbaiki pola usaha yang selama ini mereka jalankan, khususnya untuk dapat lebih memberdayakan kegiatan usaha anyaman lidi ini. Setelah disepakati, akhirnya digelar temu wicara dengan pelaku usaha, berupa penyuluhan dan diskusi mengenai hal-hal berikut: diperlukan adanya sebuah koperasi atau lembaga pembiayaan yang dapat membantu permodalan, diperlukan sebuah asosiasi yang dapat mengkordinir kegiatan usaha para pelaku usaha anyaman lidi dengan pola usaha yang profesional, pemberian materi HAKI sebagai upaya untuk menggugah kesadaran pelaku usaha tentang perlunya merek dari produk yang sudah diproduksi selama ini serta pemberian materi tentang manajemen usaha kecil yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu membenahi pola manajemen usaha pelaku usaha.
Journal of Economic Empowerment Strategy (JEES) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Volume III Nomor 1, February 2020
Publisher : Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.26 KB) | DOI: 10.30740/jees.v3i1.69


BUMDes Cibadak village, Banjarsari sub-district Ciamis district is one of the BUMdes that runs businesses in the sheep farming sector. This business began in 2018. The types of sheep managed in this business include breeding sheep, fattening sheep and contest sheep. Sheep are made clean and attractive cages. Like a series of villages that are bounded by a partition for each sheep, one barrier is called the Lamb Hotel. The managers are around six residents. His job is to feed, keep the cage clean, bathe and keep sheep safe from being stolen. The sheep that are kept there are sheep belonging to BUMDes, and there are sheep deposited by investors. Sheep nurse receives her profit-sharing wage after being treated 4 months later and the sale proceeds from the distribution, namely for sheep owned by BUMDes, each party receives 50%. While the sheep from investors for the results of 40% for investors, 40% for caregivers and 20% paid to BUMDes as BUMDes cash input. The problem faced in caring for sheep is sheep feed in the form of grass during the dry season to get it experiencing difficulties because they have to find grass in distant regions which is considered inconvenient for sheep caregivers, besides the cost is also relatively expensive because they have to pay for gasoline and motorcycle maintenance. While giving food 3 times a day ie. 09.00 hours, hours. 14.00 and hour. 17:00. In addition, because those who care for sheep are not breeders or farmers, so there are those who are not careful in caring for their sheep, so they must be completed by other sheep nurses. The research objectives are 1) Knowing the role of the Cibadak BUMDes in the management of sheep businesses 2) Analyzing the development of sheep management businesses. The research method is qualitative with a descriptive approach, resource persons from the Head of the Cibadak village and the head of the sheep manager. Research site in Cibadak village, Banjarsari, Ciamis Regency. Research results, that in the management of these sheep require careful planning, because it involves living things, BUMDes as the party responsible for sheep management needs to work together with other villages, especially related to the problems of those caring for sheep, security against theft of sheep and the problem of supplying feed, In addition, the plan for the Cibadak BUMDes to develop contest sheep needs to be considered again because the maintenance costs are high and more complicated and prone to theft of these animals due to the relatively high prices. In this regard, supervision (Controlling) needs to be done intensively and involves the village security (Linmas)
Journal of Economic Empowerment Strategy (JEES) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): VOLUME 4 NUMBER 2, AUGUST 2021
Publisher : Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30740/jees.v4i2.140


Dampak dari globalisasi dan perdagangan bebas semakin meningkatnya peredaran produk makanan dan minuman baik produk lokal maupun impor. Makanan yang beredar perlu memberikan perlindungan keamanan bagi masyarakat. Terutama umat muslim, karena bagi masyarakat muslim makanan dan minuman tidak sekedar enak tetapi harus memenuhi unsur syariat yaitu segi kehalalannya. Sebagaimana diuraikan dalam Al qur an surat An Nahl ayat 114 yang memerintahkan pada manusia (muslim) untuk memakan makanan yang halal dan baik, dua hal yang merupakan kesatuan dimana halal berdasarkan syariat dan baik dari aspek kesehatan, gizi, estetika, keamanan, kenyamanan.Negara wajib memberikan perlindungan kepada penduduk dalam menjalankan ibadah sesuai agama dan keyakinan masing-masing sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pasal 29 ayat (2). Umat muslim membutuhkan perlindungan kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen Nomor 8 Tahun 1999, menyebutkan bahwa setiap produsen harus secara transparan mencantumkan unsur-unsur makanan yang diproduksi untuk melindungi konsumen.
Journal of Economic Empowerment Strategy (JEES) Vol 4, No 1 (2021): VOLUME 4 NUMBER 1, FEBRUARY 2021
Publisher : Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Wilayah IV

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30740/jees.v4i1.86


Sari Luyu Village Owned Enterprise is a business entity owned by Warnasari village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This BUMDes has been running for 5 years, but all business units that it works on are carried out through business partnerships with villagers who already had a business before BUMDes was established. Its business activities include: selling melon gas cylinders, beef cattle farms, renting 2 units of rafting boats, renting of marriage / circumcision equipment and small molen rentals. In the early 2020, BUMDes management Sari Luyu and Warnasari Village Head had thought about the need to start a business that would be managed directly by the BUMDes management, which would establish a BUMDes stall which would take place next to the Warnasari village office building. The main factor that caused the emergence of the business idea is the presence of a group of community members who seek treatment at the puskesmas every working day. In addition, a number of village office employees and community members who have an interest in the village office, also every working day always come to the village office. Another supporting factor is Warnasari public elementary school students whose school building is right in front of the village office. Based on these considerations, the idea to establish a BUMDes stall came up because it was believed that community members who came to the puskesmas and to the school were ensured to always be available on weekdays so that the chances of the BUMDes stall to be visited by the community were also large. The plan to open a BUMDes stall is expected to further strengthen the position of the BUMDes as a reliable business unit in gaining profits for BUMDes because it is relatively far from other stalls owned by villagers.Sari Luyu Village Owned Enterprise is a business entity owned by Warnasari village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency. This BUMDes has been running for 5 years, but all business units that it works on are carried out through business partnerships with villagers who already had a business before BUMDes was established. Its business activities include: selling melon gas cylinders, beef cattle farms, renting 2 units of rafting boats, renting of marriage / circumcision equipment and small molen rentals. In the early 2020, BUMDes management Sari Luyu and Warnasari Village Head had thought about the need to start a business that would be managed directly by the BUMDes management, which would establish a BUMDes stall which would take place next to the Warnasari village office building. The main factor that caused the emergence of the business idea is the presence of a group of community members who seek treatment at the puskesmas every working day. In addition, a number of village office employees and community members who have an interest in the village office, also every working day always come to the village office. Another supporting factor is Warnasari public elementary school students whose school building is right in front of the village office. Based on these considerations, the idea to establish a BUMDes stall came up because it was believed that community members who came to the puskesmas and to the school were ensured to always be available on weekdays so that the chances of the BUMDes stall to be visited by the community were also large. The plan to open a BUMDes stall is expected to further strengthen the position of the BUMDes as a reliable business unit in gaining profits for BUMDes because it is relatively far from other stalls owned by villagers.
Business Preneur: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Volume 1, No. 1 Maret 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis FISIP UNPAS

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Usaha piring lidi merupakan produk yang berada dalam sentra kawasan didesa Cibadak Kabupaten Ciamis. Saat ini dengan masuknya investor (pemberi modal ), berdampak pada harga piring lidi mengalami fluktuatif dan pelaku usaha tidak bisa menetapkan harga secara mandiri , karena harga sudah ditetapkan investor ( Bandar ), selain itu pemasaran produk terbatas. Juga di klaimnya produk piring lidi sebagai produk daerah lain sehingga merugikan pelaku usaha di sentra usaha piring lidi . Tujuan dari penelitian : 1) Untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting usaha piring lidi didesa Cibadak 2) Untuk mengetahui hambatan dalam pengembangan usaha 3) Untuk Menetapkan strategi pengembangan usaha piring Lidi di Desa Cibadak, Kecamatan Banjarsari Kabupaten Ciamis.Urgensi penelitian adalah Strategi pengembangan usaha piring lidi di desa Cibadak , Kabupaten Ciamis. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif, Data yang diolah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Data Primer yaitu data yang diperoleh di lapangan serta wawancara mendalam dengan pelaku usaha piring lidi dan Kepala Desa Cibadak. 2) Data sekunder yaitu data yang diperoleh dari kepustakaan dan dokumen terkait. Analisis data yang dilakukan : a) Melakukan pengkajian data sekunder tentang strategi pengembangan usaha b) Menuangkan dalam deskripsi penelitian.c) Data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara lalu diklarifikasikan , diinterpretasikan dalam kerangka teori dan pandangan konseptual 4) Dianalisis sehingga bermakna dan 5) Dibuatlah kesimpulan. Pembahasan dalam penelitian adalah 1) Faktor Konsentrasi usaha, pelaku usaha piring lidi ada sekitar 65% selain menjalankan usaha piring lidi mereka juga melakukan pekerjaan lainnya seperti buruh tani, dagang di pasar , dagang buka warung dirumah, karena usaha piring lidi belum dapat diandalkan sebagai sumber pokok perekonomian para pelaku usaha 2) Keterbatasan pemasaran produk. Pada saat ini pemasaran produk piring lidi baru bisa dilakukan melalui para investor atau Bandar yang berperan meminjamkan modal. Sehingga pelaku usaha tidak bisa menetapkan harga berdasarkan standar ketetapan harga, karena harga di tetapkan oleh Bandar. 3)Pengembangan Produk, walaupun sudah dilakukan seperti membuat tempat buah, pigura poto, kap lampu tetapi pemasarannya kurang memuaskan. Hambatan yang dihadapi 1) Pelaku usaha belum ada alternative lain dalam permodalan 2) Keterbatasan armada sehingga pemasarannya diserahkan ke Bandar . Strategi yang diterapkan bermitra dengan pihak yang bisa membantu pengembangan usaha dalam hal pengembangan usaha piring lidi maka pelaku usaha piring lidi bermitra dengan aparat desa dalam hal ini Kepala desa Cibadak, melalui program yang telah di jalankan di Bumdes.
Jurnal REKSA: Rekayasa Keuangan, Syariah dan Audit Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/j.reksa.v6i2.1456


Law Number 20 of 2016 in Indonesia regulates brands and geographical indications (hereinafter referred to as Trademark Law). For businesses, making an effort to legalize the brand of the products/services they sell is important, even though in reality, many business actors do not understand this. This study aims to find out, analyze and provide insight into knowledge and understanding of businesses about the importance of a product being given a trademark and legally legalized through trademark registration to the state. Other than that, the other purpose of this research is to provide business partners with an understanding of business partnerships. The research method uses case studies with the consideration that the focus of the research is on contemporary (present) phenomena in the context of real life. The results showed that the business actors did not understand the rules relating to trademark design and procedures for trademark registration and did not understand the business contract with business partners. Therefore, in order to help solve the problems faced by business actors, the community service activities are carried out in stages, namely: provide counseling on regulations and laws related to trademark and assistance in the procedure for trademark registration, as well as assistance in making business contracts with business partners.