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Pasundan International of Community Services Journal (PICS-J) Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Volume 03 Number 1 June 2021
Publisher : LPM Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/pics-j.v3i1.4195


This study aims to determine how the role of village officials in Cintamluya Village, Jatinangor District in the accountability of village fund management. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study amounted to 7 people who are village officials in Cintmulya Village, namely the Village Head, Village Secretary, Village Treasurer, Head of Development, Head of General Affairs, Head of Government and Head of Dusun. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the research conducted indicate that village officials in Cintamulya Village have played a role in the accountability of village fund management by carrying out their duties starting from the planning, implementation, administration, reporting, accountability,
Kebijakan : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Vol.12 No.2 Juni 2021
Publisher : Program Magister Ilmu Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik, Pascasarjana, Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/kebijakan.v12i2.3756


Kota Bandung memulai penerapan inisiatif open data pada 11 Desember 2015. Open data bagi Kota Bandung adalah sebuah prinsip keterbukaan sebagai bagian dari perbaikan proses manajerial pemerintahan agar pengambilan keputusan berjalan efektif dan efisien. Sejak diterapkan, Pemkot Bandung telah memanfaatkan open data secara konkret, salah satunya untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat secara real-time (waktu nyata secara kuantitas) khususnya dalam bidang keuangan, perdagangan dan kesehatan. Penerapannya di sektor UMKM , ada banyak masalah yang dihadapi: keberlangsungan komitmen kepemimpinan, budaya birokrasi yang sebagian besar masih tertutup, kapabilitas yang rendah, kebijakan yang belum mendukung, standar dan kualitas data, kurangnya kegunaan, aksesibilitas data, dan juga kemampuan publik dari pengguna data untuk memahami dan memanfaatkan big data. Karenanya, penelitian ini secara teknis, ingin memahami tata kelola dalam penerapan open data di Kota Bandung dan proyeksi kedepan bagi UMKM dalam memanfaatkan open data untuk meningkatkan layanan dan produk melalui pemahaman big data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasilnya, dalam kasus Kota Bandung tata kelola open data banyak dipengaruhi oleh komitmen kepemimpinan politik yang akan menentukan tindakan dari komitmen tersebut: kerangka kebijakan / hukum, struktur kelembagaan dan kapabilitas pemerintah, pasokan data dan permintaan data, keterlibatan dan kemampuan komunitas untuk membuka dan memanfaatkan data, dana untuk program open data, infrastruktur dan pemanfaatan teknologi, cerita-cerita sukses dan pelibatan perguruan tinggi. Secara umum open data di Kota Bandung telah mencapai aspek transparansi, tetapi belum mencapai akuntabilitas dalam konsep pemerintahan terbuka. Disisi lain, sampai saat ini belum ada bukti yang cukup pemanfaatan open data bagi UMKM. Disarankan, dalam kasus sektor UMKM yang baru mengadopsi big data, memahami bahwa pelibatan seluruh pemangku kepentingan dalam ekosistem tata kelola open data: Pemerintah, komunitas, NGO, media, perguruan tinggi, swasta dan publik sangat penting untuk mencapai nilai-nilai yang dijanjikan open data.
Pengembangan Kapasitas Sistem Inovasi Daerah (SIDa) Di Desa Mekarsari Kecamatan Cibalong Kabupaten Garut Thomas Bustomi; Soleh Suryadi; Achdiat Achdiat
Community Engagement and Emergence Journal (CEEJ) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Community Engagement & Emergence Journal (CEEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/ceej.v4i1.1912


Pengembangan inovasi di daerah sering tidak ditata dengan baik bahkan sering diabaikan. Menguatnya peran Information Communication Technology yan menyebabkan perlunya integrasi pelayanan pemerintah sampai ke tingkat desa sehingga dipandang perlu adanya pengembangan model jejaring inovasi dalam rangka penguatan Sistem Inovasi Daerah (SIDa) di tingkat desa. Berdasarkanpengukuran Indeks Daya Saing Daerah (IDSD) Tahun 2020 Kabupaten Garut   memperoleh nilah sebesar 2,0966 dengan kategori sedang. Pengukuran IDSD ini terdiri dari 4 aspek yaitu factor penguat/enabling environment, sumber daya manusia/human capital, faktor pasar/market, dan ekosistem inovasi, dari 4 aspek diatas, aspek ekosistem inovasi memperoleh nilai paling kecil yaitu 0,81. Berkaca pada kenyataan itu maka diperlukan sebuah desain bagi pengembangan sistem inovasi daerah ditingkat pemerintah desa, dengan adanya desain ini diharapkan mampu mengarahkan sekaligus juga mendorong agar perkembangan inovasi berjaan secara cepat dan efektif. Sistem Inovasi Daerah (SIDa) pemerintahan desa dapat mendukung pengembangan wilayah perdesaan di daerah berdasarkan pada keunggulan dan potensi daerah. Hal ini merupakan salah satu cara dalam rangka memberi kontribusai pelaksanaan otonomi daerah tersebut. Pengembangan Sistem Inovasi Daerah (SIDa) memerlukan penataan secara sistemik dan hubungan antar perangkat desa  dan kerjasama berbagai pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pembangunan desa. Pengembangan SIDa menjadi agenda prioritas dan merupakan bagian integral dari strategi pembangunan desa dan memberi penguatan sistem inovasi nasional pelaksanaan SIDa.
Policy Implementation on Employee Effectiveness and Implications on Society Satisfaction in Regional General Hospital Type C at Tasikmalaya District and Ciamis District Aceng Solahudin Ahmad; Kamal Alamsyah; Achdiat Achdiat
Pasundan Social Science Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Pasundan Social Science Development (PASCIDEV) - October 2020
Publisher : Doctoral Program of Social Science Pasundan University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.368 KB) | DOI: 10.56457/pascidev.v1i1.6


This research's problem is related to employees' work effectiveness, which is still low and has implications for the low level of community satisfaction at RSUD type C in Tasikmalaya Regency and Ciamis Regency for both out and inpatients. It is thought to be related to implementing the Minimum Service Standards policy that has not been running optimally. Minimum Service Standards (SPM) are provisions regarding the type and quality of essential services mandatory regional affairs to which every citizen is entitled to a minimum. This study uses a descriptive analysis method; While the approach used in this research is quantitative. The research conducted found that the impact of policy implementation on the work effectiveness of employees was quite significant and had implications for community satisfaction at Type C Regional General Hospitals in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Regencies (54.3%). It implies that implementing the Minimum Service Standards policy is quite dominant and determines the increase in employee work effectiveness and impacts on community satisfaction. This study also found that the increase in work effectiveness and its implications for community satisfaction were determined by the implementation of the MSS policy and other variables not studied (45.7%). Therefore, the implementation of the policy has a positive impact on the work effectiveness of employees at Type C Regional General Hospitals in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Regencies (31.95). Therefore, it can be interpreted that the implementation of the Minimum Service Standards policy has contributed quite dominantly to the improvement of employee work effectiveness. The dimensions of policy implementation that have the most significant impact on employee work effectiveness are the dimensions of the disposition or attitude of the implementers (6.1%). The dimensions of little influence are the social, economic, and political environment (4.1%). The study results also found that the implementation of the policy indirectly had a positive impact on community satisfaction at the Type C Regional General Hospital in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Regencies (44.7%). It can be interpreted that the implementation of the Minimum Service Standards policy provides a very dominant contribution to the level of community satisfaction. The dimensions of policy implementation that have the most significant impact on community satisfaction are the dimensions of the disposition or attitude of the implementers (6.1%). At the same time, the dimensions with little influence are the dimensions of the social, economic, and political environment (4.1%). Employee work effectiveness positively impacts community satisfaction at Type C Regional General Hospitals in Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Regencies (35.4%). It can be interpreted that the effectiveness of employees' work provides a very decisive contribution to community satisfaction. The dimensions of employee work effectiveness that have the most significant impact on community satisfaction are punctuality at work (14.4%), while the dimension with little influence is the dimension of quality accuracy at work (9.6%).
Analysis of Food Security in Regional Context: West Java Provincial Government as a Case Study Rudi Martiawan; Achdiat Achdiat; NR Ruyani; Ediyanto Ediyanto; Maun Jamaludin
Research Horizon Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : LifeSciFi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.783 KB) | DOI: 10.54518/rh.3.1.2023.613-620


Food security in Indonesia is still experiencing problems, especially in the West Java region, starting from the problem of food availability and the ability of the community to meet food needs. The goal of food security is access for every household or individual to obtain food for the purposes of a healthy life with requirements for receiving food in accordance with prevailing values or culture by taking into account socio-economic conditions, access and availability of food. This study describes the condition of food security in the West Java Region as an implementation of food security policies issued by the Regional Government of West Java. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collected is sourced from primary and secondary data. The primary data comes from interviews with informants, including the heads of farmer groups, millers, rice and grain marketers and related agencies at the provincial level of West Java. Secondary data is sourced from the West Java Province Agriculture and Food Crops Office, the West Java Provincial Food Security Agency, and the West Java Regional Division of Bulog (Divre). The results of the study show that the food security policy of the West Java regional government in realizing food security has not made any significant changes to the yields of food crops obtained in West Java, even though the Regional Regulation of West Java Province No.  4 of 2012 concerning Regional Food Independence and other policies has been enacted in terms of food policy.