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CITY BRANDING VS. CULTURAL BRANDING: TOWARDS A THEORITICAL FOR DEVELOPING BANDUNG IDENTITY Aldianto, Leo; Budi, Adi Asmariadi; Anggadwita, Grisna; Novani, Santi; Wirawan, Christina
KINERJA Vol 23, No 1 (2019): KINERJA
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (617.53 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/kinerja.v23i1.2125


City branding is not just an image of the city but also an identity which shows the origin and character of the city. When branding is associated to marketing and advertisement of the city, image/identity shows sovereignty and pride of the city. The transformation of Indonesian government mechanism from centralization to decentralization has brought new sight of government leadership and management. Regional government like city, district, or province has almost full authority on conducting their own government. Bandung city as one of cities in Indonesia has showed its ability on conducting city branding. “Bandung Juara” as Bandung city branding could give positive impact on regional economic development through city advertisement. In the other side, the cultural identity of Bandung city does not arise along with those city branding. This study aims to identify the identity of Bandung through city branding compared with cultural branding. This research uses descriptive analysis method by analyzing synthesis literature from some previous researches and related information of Bandung city which collected and summarized to get conclusion about Bandung as branding city vs. culture branding. The finding shows that creativity and modernity are very dominant on Bandung city branding strategy. It gives positive impact on economic development, but in the other side it covers  their original culture. Sundanese culture as original culture of Bandung city did not totally supported on city branding strategy. This problem could make Sundanese culture extinct because it will be leaft behind  and replaced with modern- culture.Keywords: Bandung, city branding, cultural branding, city image, creative city, Sundanese culture
The Role of Emotion in Elimination of Contribution and Collaboration Dilemma in Citarum River Basin Problem Putro, Utomo Sarjono; Siallagan, Manahan; Novani, Santi; Utomo, Dhanan Sarwo
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 8, No 2 2009
Publisher : SBM ITB

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The purposes of the current research are to identify, analyze and simulate the dynamics of interaction and conflicts among agents using drama theory in Citarum river basin problem. To accomplish these purposes, we crate a simulation model that combine drama theory and emotional state model (PAD model). Drama theory was adopted because it able to describe dilemmas and paradox arising from rational goal seeking behavior. It also provides us with rigorous analytical and computational tools for conflict analysis. Our previous model was able to recognize and solve confrontation dilemmas, i.e., persuasion and rejection dilemma among the agents. In this paper, we propose an enhanced simulation model that is able to recognize and solve collaboration dilemmas (trust dilemma) among the agents. In order to obtain some fruitful suggestions for encouraging agent’s collaboration, we product agent-based simulation using SOARS (Spot Oriented Agent Role Simulator).Keywords: Agent based Simulation, Negotiation, Dilemma, Drama Theory, Emotion
How Consumer's Demographics and Characteristics Influence Lunchtime Eating Behavior? (Case of Undergraduate Students in Bandung City) Tsuruya, Yuki; Arai, Takeshi; Putro, Utomo Sarjono; Novani, Santi; Morimoto, Hidetsugu
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 14, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2015.14.2.7


Abstract.  The current paper examined the level of food or store priorities of undergraduate students in Bandung City to promote better understanding of young generation in Bandung City. Based on two authors' theoretical foundation and Health Promotion Model, student's demographics, characteristics, food choice determinants, and store choice determinants are used as dimension that may consist of eating behavior. The questionnaire's survey of lunchtime eating behavior to the two universities, i.e., Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) and Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) in Bandung City. The Selection of respondents took simple random sampling. Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA were used to examine the effect of consumer demographics and consumer characteristics for food and store choice determinants. A total of 251 undergraduate students participated; 54.6% were Males (n=137) and 45.4% were Females (n=114). Most of respondents were Moslem (48.4%) or Christian (40.6%). “Calorie”, “Degree of Congestion”, and Atmosphere (interior and exterior) were less important when they choose food or store. Moslem respondents tend to care food nutrient compared to the other religions. The result of this study is the priority of choosing food and store by respondents and showed national difference by using previous related research. Keywords: Eating Behavior, Food Choice Determinants, Store Choice Determinants, Bandung City, Undergraduate Students.Abstrak. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis perilaku konsumsi makanan khususnya generasi muda di Kota Bandung secara komprehensif. Melalui penelitian ini dihitung prioritas pilihan makanan dan tempat berbelanja makanan bagi mahasiswa. Demografi mahasiswa, karakteristik, determinan pilihan makanan, dan pilihan tempat berbelanja makanan menjadi dimensi yang akan menjelaskan tingkah laku untuk mengkonsumsi makanan pada para mahasiswa ini. Perilaku konsumsi makanan pada saat makan siang dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner  melalui survei ke dua kampus di Bandung, yaitu Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR). Sedangkan untuk Statistika yang digunakan adalah Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, dan ANOVA untuk menganalisis efek demografis konsumen dan karakteristik makanan yang dibeli, serta tempat berbelanja makanan yang dipilih. Survey dilakukan kepada 251 responden dengan proporsi 54.6% (n=137) laki-laki dan 45.4% (n=114) perempuan. Mayoritas responden adalah muslim (48.4%) dan Kristen (40.6%). Jumlah kalori, tingkat keramaian, dan suasana (interior dan eksterior) tidak terlalu diperhitungkan dalam memilih tempat berbelanja makanan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah prioritas memilih makanan dan tempat belanja oleh responden serta perbedaan secara nasionalis dengan menggunakan penelitian terdahulu yang berkaitan.Kata kunci: Perilaku konsumsi makanan, Determinan pilihan makanan, Determinan tempat berbelanja makanan, Indonesia, Mahasiswa
Journal of Business and Management Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. One of the products that Indonesians typically use to reward certain moments is a flowered board. The flower giving of the board itself, is actually has a meaning as a symbol of appreciation of an achievement (Twsflorist, 2016). Berkah Jaya is one of the flower board company located in Bandung that was established in August 2017. According to Berkah Jaya owner, Mochamad Ramdhani (2017), Berkah Jaya implements several strategies in dealing with the tight flower market competition. One way is to modify the display of flower board products. Since its establishment, the demand for Berkah Jaya order has continued to increase. High demand orders are a promising business opportunity. But every month, Berkah Jaya on average is only able to do half of the number of incoming orders, because the conditions experienced Berkah. Therefore Berkah Jaya has not gained maximum profit. Based on the results of the Cost Benefit Analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that there are several possible alternatives to be applied by the company to achieve company objectives. Once we know some possible alternatives to apply, then we create a timeline of alternative implementation.Keywords: Cost-Benefit Analysis, Florist, Flowered Board, SWOT, Value-Focused Thinkin,
Choosing the Best Alternative to Run a Culinary Business Using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique: The Case of Demi Kamu Cafe Aziziah, Syarifah Rena Iftitan; Novani, Santi
Journal of Business and Management Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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AbstractThe growing trend of culinary business in Kediri area triggered one of its youth, Della, to create one, named Demi Kamu. In spite of the type of food sold, the price, the decoration, the location is an important aspect that can affect sales of a restaurant. According to Forbes, if someone’s thinking about opening a coffee shop or bistro, location is everything. This research was performed using qualitative method. According the in-depth interview by using root cause analysis with the owner, she already had three alternatives to establish the cafe, which are Ruko Mojoroto, Ruko Kawi, and Old House. This research evaluates all alternatives based on pre-determined attributes by using Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART). If the decision maker’s extra value point < Rp41.906.846 then the decision maker should choose Ruko Mojoroto and if not then the decision maker should choose Old House. After some calculation, the result is Rp6.161.971/point. The owner then should choose Ruko Mojoroto as the best alternative. Lesson learned from this study was that it was true location is the most important thing to establish a restaurant. The use of SMART analysis was really effective in choosing on of some alternatives given. Keywords: SMART, Root cause analysis, Fishbone diagram, Decision analysis, Culinary business 
Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision Making in Asset Integrity Program: Route for Pipeline Corridor Mairudi, Mairudi; Novani, Santi
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. pt chevron pacific indonesia (cpi) operates 90 fields in sumatra with two main squares, duri and minas. most of oil pipelines from minas to duri have being services more than 50 years and have severe external corrosion. in addition, community encroachment directly on top of the pipelines has escalated over the last decade. the pipeline has inadequate physical protection and a high risk of damage and or failure from public interaction, such as traffic crossing or collision as well as the risk of oil theft. project team has initiated a pipeline integrity project to replace the aging pipe and relocate the pipeline to avoid populated area. the purpose of this final assignment is to select the best route alternative for pipeline corridor from minas to duri in chevron sumatra operation. the end objective of this route selection is to minimize chevron facilities impacts to community and also to protect chevron facilities from community. the decision making process is to select the best route use value-focused thinking (vft) and analytic hierarchy process (ahp) that involving multiple objectives. vft method is applied to generate alternatives and criteria, while the ahp method will determine the best alternative. decision-making is done through small focus group discussion by five multi discipline engineers who have knowledgeable and experience related with the project. the selected route for new pipeline corridor is thru the power line route. the selection process has considered cost (piping and civil) and non cost (technical, environmental and social). sensitivity analyses were conduct on this route alternatives and obtained consistent result. the powerline route (score 0.415) is as the first route priority, the highway route (score 0.167) in the second and the cpp line route (0.166) in the third route priority. the selected route will align with the company objective to protect the pipeline facilities from the community and also protect the community from the pipeline facilities along the new corridor.keywords: pipeline integrity project,best route alternative, decision making process, ahp, vft
The Best Solutions to Overcome the Lack of Scada Using Analytical Hirarchy Process (AHP): Case Study of SLN - Chevron Harmen, Feri; Novani, Santi
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 5, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. Sumatra Light North is a portion of the operating area of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) which is located on the island of Sumatra, consisting of Bekasap area, Bangko area, Balam area, and Libo area, as well his production that far apart from each other then in need of an equipment for monitoring, controlling, analyzing the production in real time to maintain, improve and reduce the loss of production would require an technology SCADA (Supervisory control and Data Acquisition) which to date only 47% the number of wells already installed SCADA. The impact of the world oil price is getting down to $ 30 per barrel. SCADA development project then stopped. So there is a shortage of equipment SCADA. This study aims to select the best solution to overcome the shortcomings of the SCADA equipment. There are 4 ways to override it, i.e., new install, relocate, splitter and rental. The decision making process in this study is using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) to select the best solution to overcome the shortage of equipment SCADA. Based on the analysis calculations using AHP four criteria and interviews of experts, the best solution to overcome the problem of shortage of SCADA equipment is to perform SCADA equipment rental. Keywords: SLN Chevron, Oil Well, SCADA Equipment, Value focused thinking, Analytic hierarchy process Abstract. Sumatra Light North is a portion of the operating area of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) which is located on the island of Sumatra, consisting of Bekasap area, Bangko area, Balam area, and Libo area, as well his production that far apart from each other then in need of an equipment for monitoring, controlling, analyzing the production in real time to maintain, improve and reduce the loss of production would require an technology SCADA (Supervisory control and Data Acquisition) which to date only 47% the number of wells already installed SCADA.The impact of the world oil price is getting down to $ 30 per barrel. SCADA development project then stopped. So there is a shortage of equipment SCADA. This study aims to select the best solution to overcome the shortcomings of the SCADA equipment. There are 4 ways to override it, i.e., new install, relocate, splitter and rental.The decision making process in this study is using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) to select the best solution to overcome the shortage of equipment SCADA.Based on the analysis calculations using AHP four criteria and interviews of experts, the best solution to overcome the problem of shortage of SCADA equipment is to perform SCADA equipment rental. Keywords: SLN Chevron, Oil Well, SCADA Equipment, Value focused thinking, Analytic hierarchy process
Evaluating Solutions on Congeal Oil Problem Using Analytical Hirarchy Process (AHP): Case Study of Chevron Sapoetra, Tri Djaka; Novani, Santi
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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Abstract. Steam flood serves to reduce the viscosity of which is contained in the oil, so oil has dropped its viscosity will be easily lifted to the surface using a pump. In reality, not all the oil will go down viscosity. There are some who still viscous oil where oil has a pour point that is high enough, so that the oil needs treated specifically to be lifted to the surface. This is what is referred to as congeal Oil. There are several ways to resolve this matter, i.e, Steam Injection through production line, chemical Continues injection through production line, solvent treatment through wellbore and down hole equipment installation through tubing. The decision-making process uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) to select the best solutions for Congeal Oil Problem in Heavy Oil Characteristic. Based on the AHP methods and the result interview from experts and calculations analysis, the best solution in “Decision Analysis on Congeal Oil Problem in Heavy Oil Characteristic” is “Chemical continues injection through production line” Keywords: congeal oil, decision analysis, heavy oil Abstract. Steam flood serves to reduce the viscosity of which is contained in the oil, so oil has dropped its viscosity will be easily lifted to the surface using a pump. In reality, not all the oil will go down viscosity. There are some who still viscous oil where oil has a pour point that is high enough, so that the oil needs treated specifically to be lifted to the surface. This is what is referred to as congeal Oil.There are several ways to resolve this matter, i.e, Steam Injection through production line, chemical Continues injection through production line, solvent treatment through wellbore and down hole equipment installation through tubing.The decision-making process uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) to select the best solutions for Congeal Oil Problem in Heavy Oil Characteristic. Based on the AHP methods and the result interview from experts and calculations analysis, the best solution in “Decision Analysis on Congeal Oil Problem in Heavy Oil Characteristic” is “Chemical continues injection through production line” Keywords: congeal oil, decision analysis, heavy oil
The Effect of Product Innovation, Value Co-Creation on Marketing Performance of a SMEs in Covid-19 Pandemic Era Rahmawati, Fauziyah; Novani, Santi
Jurnal Sains Pemasaran Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Marketing Science) Vol 20, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Master of Management Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jspi.v20i2.110-124


This study aims to analyze product innovation and value co-creation on marketing performance in this pandemic covid-19. SMEs of food and beverage used as a sample. Sampling was done using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. This study uses 34 data from MSMEs in the food and beverage sector affected by COVID-19. Partial Least Square (PLS) on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was chosen as the research method in this study. The results show that value co-creation have a significant effect on marketing performance. Product innovation negatively and not significant effects on marketing performance, and value co-creation significantly affect product innovation. The novelty in this study is a phenomenon that occurs; that is when the Covid-19 pandemic spreads in Indonesia. This study's limitation is needed to add other variables beyond the variables already in the model. This study only focused on SMEs for the food and beverage sector
CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF STUDENTS ABROAD’S BEHAVIOUR: AGENT-BASED MODELING APPROACH Inayati, Tutik; Putro, Utomo Sarjono; Novani, Santi; Nurdayat, Ilham Fadhil
ASEAN Marketing Journal Vol. 11, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Manuscript type: Original Papers Research Aims: To explore the behavioral process of international students on how they can change their decision to remain or return home based on their interactions with other agents during their studies. Design/methodology/approach: This paper uses an agent-based methodology approach to simulate the behavior of students based on their interactions while studying abroad. A combination of four parameters with three different scenarios and 40 repetitions in every scenario are conducted to verify the model; 81 simulations are determined to simulate this model. Research Findings: The number of natives interacting with students is proven as one single important parameter that influences the number of remaining students and their probability density. Theoretical Contribution/Originality: Utilisation of agent-based simulation to predict behavior of students Practitioner/Policy Implication: Supporting good quality of life condition for students environmentally and socially Research limitation/Implications: Interaction with fellow students, natives, recruiters abroad and in home country are the only interactions considered in this model. More elaborate and complicated model is needed.