The Book of Exodus ( שְׁמוֹת ) chapter 18 is present as a discourse with a narrative content of the process of reforming the leadership-management system on a national scale. Moses' position as the singular-central figure of leadership for the Israelites brought problematic consequences in the form of inefficiency in the governance of holistic consulting services. The presence of Jethro as an external figure is seen as the basis of a revolution in the field of leadership-management of the nation. A qualitative research method based on a critical literature review that is integrated with a triad of approaches is used in this research. The findings include managerial advice, recommendations for entities to reconstruct the leadership system in the form of a tetra-strata pyramid, a positive response to Moses' openness and transformational reform. In the framework of the novelty, the legacy of the leadership-management system is modified into a Sustainable Leadership Model (SLB/MKB) which is open with customization after the contemporary context. Keywords: Musa, managerial, Model, Sustainable Leadership ABSTRAKKitab Keluaran ( שְׁמוֹת ) pasal 18 hadir sebagai wacana dengan muatan naratif proses pembaharuan sistem kepemimpinan-manajemen skala nasional. Kedudukan Musa sebagai figur singular-sentral kepemimpinan bagi bangsa Israel membawa konsekuensi problematik berupa inefisiensi tata kelola layanan konsultasi holistik. Kehadiran Yitro sebagai sosok eksternal dipandang sebagai pangkal revolusi pada bidang kepemimpinan-manajemen bangsa. Metode penelitian kualitatif berbasis kajian kritis kepustakaan yang diintegrasikan dengan triad ancangan dipakai dalam riset ini. Temuan berupa advis manajerial, rekomendasi entitas rekonstruksi sistem kepemimpinan berbentuk piramida tetra-strata, respons positif keterbukaan Musa dan reformasi transformasional. Dalam kerangka kebaruan, warisan sistem kepemimpinan-manajeman tersebut dimodifikasi menjadi Model Kepemimipinan Berkelanjutan (MKB) yang terbuka dengan kustomisasi seusai konteks zaman kiwari. Kata Kunci : Musa, manajerial, Model, Kepemimpinan Berkelanjutan