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Kelimpahan Plankton di Perairan Pantai Kampung Enggros, Kota Jayapura Albida Rante Tasak; Popi Ida Laila Ayer
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (777.695 KB) | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v2i1.991


The aim of this research is to determine the abundance of plankton. This abundance has a tendency to explain the level of fertility in the sea waters of Enggros Village. The study was undertaken in April 2018.  The method of this study is using random sampling in four stations and these samples were analyzed in the Laboratory of Management of Coastal Resources, Ottow Geisler University, Jayapura.  The data from samples were analyzed by using excel software to describe the result from each station. The result showed that 7 genera of plankton consisting of 5 genera phytoplankton, namely Thalassionema, Pleurosigma, Skeletonema, Ceratium and 3 genera zooplankton they are Calanus sp, Clausocalanus sp, Acatia sp. The abundance of Thalassionema (177 sel/L) has significant at station I, while the abundance of Ceratium (22 sel/L) has lowest values at station III.  The total abundance of the plankton has fluctuated in each station. It was found that the total abundance of plankton was linear with the availability of nutrients and vice versa in the waters of Enggros villages.Keywords: Plankton abundance; Random sampling; Enggros Villages
Nilai Ekologis dan Ekonomi Kawasan Sisen Ekosistem Lamun Kampung Syoribo dan Dafi di Pulau Numfor, Papua Lisiard Dimara; Popi Ida Laila Ayer
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.575 KB) | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v4i2.1903


Sisen or Sasisen is a tradition of closing the sea by indigenous Biak tribes in Biak Numfor and Raja Ampat. The purpose of this study is: (1) assessing the chemical chemical quality of the waters of the seagrass ecosystem sisen region, (2) reviewing the ecological index of the sisen area of seagrass ecosystems; a) diversity of seagrass species, b) the structure of seagrass fish communities, (3) examine the role of sisen in the management of seagrass ecosystems, and (4) analysis of the economic value of seagrass sisen areas. The research methods used are surveying and data collection through interview techniques (questionnaires and FGD), direct analysis, line transect, quadrat plot and VES. The results of the research obtained are: (1) the chemical chemical quality of the waters of the seagrass ecosystem sisen area in Kampung Syoribo and Dafi, Numfor Island is in good condition and suitable for marine life; (2) the diversity of seagrass species is classified as moderate with a value of H' = 1.44; (3) the structure of the seagrass fish community consists of a) diversity of 2.62, b) density of 14.89 individuals/m2, c) uniformity of 0.81, and d) dominance of 0.02; (3) the role of sisen systems in the management of seagrass ecosystems is: a) excellent understanding of sisen (93%), b) awareness of the benefits of sisen is very good (100%), c) knowledge of the sisen area is very good (100%), d) very good in the application of sisen (97%), e) very good in complying with sisen regulations (90%), and f) participation rates keep the sisen area very good (93%); (4) the economic value of sisen seagrass area for: a) fishing activities IDR 116,192,104, b) Siganus spp fish farming IDR 103,185,055, c) seaweed cultivation IDR 17,152,021, d) beach tourism IDR 13,562,671, and e) snorkeling tourism to IDR 10,356,852. The application of sisen in seagrass ecosystem areas provides excellent ecological and economic benefits.Key Words: Ecology's Value; Economics Value; Sisen Areas; Numfor Island
Uji Efektifitas Antijamur Ekstrak Bintang Laut Linckia laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Trichophyton sp. Shanti Rosdianti; Lisiard Dimara; Popi Ida Laila Ayer
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (699.966 KB) | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v2i2.1066


Penelitian uji efektivitas antijamur ekstrak bintang laut Linckia laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758) terhadap jamur Trichophyton sp. bertujuan untuk mengetahui senyawa metabolit sekunder dan aktivitas antijamur dari ekstrak bintang laut L. laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758) terhadap jamur Trichophyton sp. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Desember 2018 sampai Februari 2019 di Laboratorium POLTEKES (Politeknik Kesehatan) Jayapura dan Laboratorium Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan (Universitas Cenderawasih). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif kuantitatif, yakni penggambaran secara akurat pemeriksaan atau skrining senyawa-senyawa bioaktif dan pengujian aktivitas antijamur dari objek kajian. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ektrak bintang laut L. laevigata memiliki kandungan senyawa fitokimia berupa flavonoid, steroid dan saponin. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak bintang laut L. laevigata memiliki potensi antijamur dengan zona hambat terbesar berkisar antara 4,89 mm yang dimiliki pada ekstrak metanol bintang laut L. laevigata dengan konsentrasi 9,0 mg/ml, sedangkan untuk zona hambat terkecil berkisar antara 1,11 mm yang dimiliki pada ekstrak etil asetat bintang laut dengan konsentrasi 3,0 mg/ml.Kata Kunci: Linckia laevigata; Trichophyton sp.; Flavonoid; Steroid; Saponin
Pengolahan tradisonal buah Bruguiera gymnorryzha L. sebagai bahan pangan di Kampung Ramardori, Kabupaten Supiori Popi Ida Laila Ayer; Iriani Ira Bukorpiper
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.337 KB) | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v1i2.933


Kekayaan sumber daya pangan di Indonesia beraneka ragam sehingga dapat dijadikan sumber pangan karbohidrat, protein maupun lemak. Salah satu sumber daya alam yang potensial untuk dieksplorasi sebagai bahan pangan adalah hutan mangrove. Papua memiliki luas hutan mangrove terbesar di Indonesia yaitu 2, 49 juta ha. Masyarakat kampung Ramardori, Kabupaten Supiori telah memanfaatkan Buah mangrove jenis Bruguierra gymnorrhiza L. sebagai bahan pangan alternatif. Penelitian ini membahas proses pengolahan tradisional buah Bruguierra gymnorrhiza L. menjadi tepung yang dikonsumsi masyarakat setempat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 di Kampung Ramardori Distrik Supiori Selatan Kabupaten Supiori. Metode yang digunakan pada saat penelitian adalah metode observasi dan wawancara. Proses pengolahan tradisional buah Bruguierra gymnorrhiza L. menjadi pangan alternatif terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu, tahap pemilihan buah, perebusan buah, pengirisan dan perendaman daging buah serta perebusan dan penggilingan daging buah menjadi tepung.Kata Kunci: Pengolahan tradisional; Pangan; Bruguierra gymnorrhiza L; Kampung Ramardori
Strategi Penanggulangan Pencemaran Sampah Plastik di Perairan Teluk Youtefa Kota Jayapura Papua John Dominggus Kalor; Efray Wanimbo; Poppy Ida Ayer
JPKMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia) Vol 2, No 3: Agustus (2021)
Publisher : ICSE (Institute of Computer Science and Engineering)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jpkmi.v2i3.182


Abstrak: Perairan Teluk Youtefa telah mengalami pencemaran limbah cair maupun limbah padat. Salah satu limbah padat yang mengganggu estetika perairan dan fungsi ekologis adalah sampah berbahan plastik. Pencemaran oleh sampah plastik ini harus dikendalikan agar tidak menjadi toksik di perairan Teluk Youtefa. Penanggulangan pencemaran, harus dimulai oleh penduduk yang mendiami kawasan pesisir laut Teluk ini. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan kesadaran  kepada masyarakat dan membentuk kelompok yang aktif memonitoring laut. Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan yaitu tahapan Sosialisasi, Fokus Grup Diskusi (FGD) dan Tindak Lanjut (bersih pantai). Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini berhasil membentuk dan menetapkan kelompok jaga laut, dan ditetapkan menjadi program kerja tahunan Kampung (desa) Enggros yang berfungsi monitoring perairan Teluk Youtefa. Selain itu masyarakat sangat puas dengan kegiatan pengabdian ini dan menginginkan kegiatan serupa dilakukan untuk lebih meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat yang hidup di wilayah pesisir perairan Teluk Youtefa.Abstract: Youtefa Bay waters have been polluted by liquid waste and solid waste. One solid waste that interferes with aesthetics and ecological functions is plastic waste. This pollution by plastic waste must be controlled so that it does not become toxic in the waters of Youtefa Bay. Therefore, tackling pollution must be started by the people who live in this coastal area of the Gulf. This service activity aims to increase awareness in the community and form an active group in monitoring the sea. Community Service Activities are divided into three stages: socialization, focus group discussion (FGD), and follow-up (clean beaches). The results of this service activity succeeded in forming and establishing a marine guard group. It was determined to be the annual work program of the Enggros Village, which functions to monitor the waters of Youtefa Bay. Also, the community is delighted with this service activity and wants similar activities to be carried out to increase the awareness of people who live in the coastal areas of Youtefa Bay waters.
Analisis Kepadatan bakteri Coliform serta hubungannya dengan konsentrasi Nitrat dan Fosfat di Pantai wisata Hamadi, Kota Jayapura. Popi Ida Laila Ayer; Vera Kosntansie Mandey
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 5, No 2 (2022): ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v5i2.2517


There are several kinds of tourist objects in Jayapura City, one of which is the Hamadi beach tourist attraction. Tourists on Hamadi beach increases anthropogenic activities which can cause the aesthetics of the waters to decrease. Physical and chemical pollution can increase biological pollution, namely the presence of pathogenic bacteria such as coliform bacteria. Tourist beach waters that have been contaminated with Coliform bacteria will have an impact on tourists. The conducted of this study was to determine the density of Coliform bacteria, Nitrate and Phosphate concentrations and the relationship between Coliform bacteria density and Nitrate and Phosphate concentrations. The method used in this study was a survey method with a quantitative descriptive approach, while the data collection technique used a purposive random sampling technique at 3 stations with 3 points at each station. Data analysis used includes analysis of Coliform bacteria density, analysis of water quality based on the quality standard of the relationship between coliform bacteria density and concentrations of nitrate and phosphate using Pearson correlation analysis. The results showed that the average density of bacteria at station I was found to be 494 colonies/100mL, station II was found to be 58 colonies/100mL and station III was found to be 35 colonies/100mL. Nitrate and Phosphate concentrations in the coastal waters of Hamadi tourism were at station I the concentration of nitrate 1.90 mg/L and phosphate 0.045/mg/L. The concentration of nitrate at Station II was 2.4 mg/L and phosphate, which was 0.41, exceeded the water quality standard (0.015). Nitrate and phosphate concentrations at Station III were 4.40 mg/L nitrate and 0.060/mg/L phosphate. Based on the Pearson correlation test, the relationship between the density of Coliform bacteria and the concentration of Nitrate and Phosphate in the waters of the Hamadi tourism beach was found to have an opposite or weak and moderate relationship.
Analisis Kualitas Air dan Status Ekosistem Terumbu Karang (Coral Reef) di Perairan Pesisir Kampung Holtekam Distrik MuaraTami Kota Jayapura Vera Kosntansie Mandey; Efray Wanimbo; Popi Ida Laila Ayer
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 5, No 2 (2022): ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v5i2.2716


Holtekam village has potential resources in coastal waters. Potential coastal resources in the waters of Kampung Holtekam include coral reefs and fish. The waters of Kampung Holtekam become a source of livelihood for fishermen to find fish and become a tourist destination for various communities. Population growth and development continues to grow and develop in the coastal area of Kampung Holtekam. This has a negative impact on the waters of Kampung Holtekam. Based on the above, it is suspected that the water quality of Holtekam Village has decreased and the health of the coral reef ecosystem is also disturbed. This study aims to determine the condition of the waters based on physical and chemical factors and to determine the health status and condition of coral reefs in the waters of Holtekam Village, Muara District. Water quality data collection techniques are carried out in situ at 5 data collection points which are considered representative of the area around coral reefs and to obtain data and information on coral reef ecosystems using the Point Intercept Transec (PIT) method (Manuputty and Djuwariah. (2009). Analysis of the data in this study, the water condition data obtained were analyzed descriptively and compared with the Decree of the Minister of the Environment No. 51 of 2004 concerning Water Quality Standards for Marine Biota. Coral reef data obtained, analyzed the percentage of coral reef cover following the Manuputty and Djuwariah formula (2009). From the research that has been done it can be concluded that the water quality of Kampung Holtekam is based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment ganHidup Number 51 (2004) concerning water quality standards for marine biota, water quality parameters for temperature, DO and pH are still suitable for coral reef growth. Unless brightness, current speed and salinity do not match accordingly. The percentage of coral reef cover at point 1 is 22%, point 2 is 14%, point 3 is 26%, point 4 is 26% and point 5 is 40%.Shows the condition of the coral reefs in the waters of Kampung Holtekam in a damaged to moderate condition.
SKRINING POTENSI ANTIJAMUR DARI JAMUR SIMBION SPONS TERHADAP JAMUR Trichophyton Sp. Popi Ida Laila Ayer; Korinus Rejauw; Ervina Indrayani
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v4i2.2816


Sponges are marine organisms that are filter feeders so that they become a habitat for microorganisms. Microorganisms symbiont and sponge produce secondary metabolites as self-protection mechanisms which are then used to find active compounds that are useful for medicine (pharmacology). The aim of this study was to isolate the active fraction of the fungal symbiont sponge and Characterization mikroskopiks of fungal symbionts sponge which has bioactivity as antifungals against Trichophyton sp. Sponge was taken from Opiaref Sea, Biak Numfor, Papua. Fungal symbiont of sponges was isolated by direct plate method. Purification of fungal symbiont was conducted by streak-plate method. Bioactivity assay of fungal symbiont sponges against Trichophyton sp. was conducted by agar diffusion method. Purification of bioactive compound was conducted by separatory funnel, TLC and OCC. Characterization of fungal symbionts sponge by mikroskopiks. Fungal symbiont from sponge C1K1 has best bioactivity as antifungal against Trichophyton sp. are fungi with the isolates MT.C12 and MT.C14. Isolation of bioactive compound obtained 2 fractions that best in inhabiting fungi Trichophyton sp. Diameter of inhibition zone of MT.C12-1-6 (13,44 mm) and MT.C14-1-4 (7,43 mm). TLC visualization with vanilin sulfuric acid indicated that MT.C12-1-6 and MT.C14-1-4 fraction form pink spots. Based on the color formed on both fractions containing alkaloids. Alkaloids are compounds that have biological activity of and provide certain physiological effects on organism.
Identifikasi Jenis Teripang (Holothuridea) di Pantai Vietnam sekitar Perairan Kayu Pulau Distrik Jayapura Selatan, Kota Jayapura Albida Rante Tasak; Popi Ida Ayer; Riska Riska; Tien Nova I. Yenusi; Marten I. Sembai
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 6 No 1 (2023): ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v6i1.2907


The aim of this research is to identify the types of sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) on the Vietnam Coast of Kayu Pulau Waters, Jayapura City. The study consists of three stages, namely the preparation, the sampling, and the identification stages. This research is undertaken by using the line transect method and the observation is carried out by a descriptive qualitative approach. The sampling is conducted randomly in two different stations along the Vietnam coast.  According to this research, it is found total that there are 5 species of Holothuroidea, in which at Station I, there are four species are identified, namely Bohadschia marmorata, Bohadschia vitiensis, Holothuria atra and Holothuria scabra. Moreover, in station II, there are four species are identified such as Actinopyga miliaris, Bohadschia vitiensis, Holothuria atra and Holothuria scabra.  
Pemetaan Zona Penangkapan Nelayan Pancing Ulur (Hand Line) dan Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan di Perairan Pesisir Kota Jayapura Kalvin Paiki; Efray Wanimbo; Korinus Rejauw; Popi Ida Laila Ayer; Maklon Warpur
ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua Vol 6 No 1 (2023): ACROPORA: Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Papua
Publisher : Cenderawasih University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31957/acr.v6i1.3033


Small-scale fisheries are fishermen who catch fish to meet their daily needs and use fishing vessels of less than 5 gross tons (GT). Indonesia is a maritime country which is still dominated by actors in fisheries small scale, including in Jayapura City, with the main fishing gear being hand lines. Hand line fishing is one of the backbones of the people of Jayapura City with boats and fishing gear accounting for more than 50% of all fishing gear. This study aims to 1) Know the zoning of the fishing line operation area based on the waters of Jayapura City; 2) Knowing the composition of the catch (type and amount) and 3) knowing the abundance, diversity and uniformity of fish caught by hand line fishermen. This research was conducted in April-June 2023 in the waters of Jayapura City, data collection used the observation method; Interview and Documentation. Data analysis uses formulas, geostatistics, relative abundance, diversity and uniformity. The results of the study found that the distribution of fishing areas in Jayapura city waters was divided into three zones, namely the western zone from Tanjung Kayu Batu to Kampung Ormu, the eastern zone from Tanjung Skouw to Muara Tami and the middle zone from Tanjung Kayu Batu to Tanjung Skouw. In the western and eastern zones there are more fishing activities by local fishermen who use motor boats and katintin, while in the middle zone fishing activities are carried out by mixed fishermen, both using non-motorized boats (rowing boats) and motorized boats and katintin. Composition of fish species consisting of 21 species, total number of individuals 271, relative abundance ranged from 5.62% - 25.00, diversity ranged from 1.34-2.67, uniformity ranged from 0.74-0.91. Conclusion; the fishing zone consists of three zones namely west, east and central, the highest composition of fish species is found in natural fishing ground and the lowest is found in FADs, the highest abundance of fish is found in pelagic fish and the lowest is in demersal fish, diversity is classified as moderate and uniformity indicates no there is environmental disturbance to the distribution and abundance of fish in that location.