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Mechanical Properties of Particle board from Empty Palm Fruit with Polyester Resin Adhesive Istianto Budhi Rahardja; Hayya Afifah; Yudi Dermawan; Ery Diniardi; Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan; Januar Parlaungan Siregar
Journal of Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Journal of Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jasat.4.1.35-42


The need for particleboard in Indonesia is increasing every year. Particleboard is usually made of wood that comes from the forest so it has a bad effect and forest products will decrease over time. To overcome this problem, new knowledge is created that can be done. The new knowledge is like utilizing empty palm oil bunches for particle board material to replace wood raw materials. Particleboard is usually made of wood or other lignocellulosic materials such as oil palm empty bunches. The empty fruit bunches that have been made will be mixed with polyester resin as an adhesive. This study examines the effect of the percentage of polyester resin adhesive used, namely 90%, 75% and 60%. The process of making particle board starts with the preparation of raw materials such as palm empty fruit bunches and polyester resin. For empty bunches fiber used is 1 cm long. After the particle board is made, a hardness test is carried out using a durometer with the ASTM D2240 standard.
The Development of Exhaust Fan Housing With Ceiling Mounting For High Rise Buildings by Using DFMA Agri Suwandi; Muhammad Pillar Rachmawanto; Wina Libyawati; Januar Parlaungan Siregar
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS)
Publisher : Yayasan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/jaets.v4i2.1675


Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) is widely applied in many industries to optimize the manufacturing and assembly process at the early stage of design, with the aides of the CAD model. Many researchers apply the DFMA to increase assembly efficiency, by decreasing the number of parts from a product, decreasing the manufacturing cost, and reducing assembly time. Therefore, this research applies DFMA to develop exhaust fan housing with ceiling mounting for high rise building type with the same purpose, and at the same time to justify that the method can overcome the problem of assembly time in a production line. Both designs from before and after the application of DFMA, are being compared by using finite element simulation and experimental. The simulation employs stress analysis, to predict the strength of those designs. While the experimental uses a manufacturing cost survey, real assembly time survey and failure test to show the advantages of DFMA design results. The research result shows that the DFMA method can decrease the manufacturing cost by 0.44%, and the assembly time by up to 2%, and able to withstand the entire mass of the ceiling mounting fan.
Efek Sandblasting Terhadap Karakterisasi Pelapisan Coating 95MXC Pada Stainless Steel 304 Menggunakan Metode TWAS (Twin Wire Arc Spray) Windy Desti Puspitasari; Deni Fajar Fitriyana; Samsudin Anis; Aldias Bahatmaka; Agustinus Purna Irawan; Januar Parlaungan Siregar; Tezara Cionita; Janviter Manalu
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 19, No 1 (2024): Volume 19, Nomor 1, April 2024
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department - Semarang State Polytechnic

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/jrm.v19i1.5392


Impeller adalah komponen utama pompa sentrifugal yang sering mengalami kegagalan seperti erosi, korosi dan kavitasi. Untuk mencegah kegagalan tersebut, salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah memberikan pelapis dengan metode TWAS. Pada penelitian yang telah ada, coating dengan metode TWAS menjadi salah satu pilihan yang banyak digunakan, namun belum banyak penelitian yang membahas mengenai pengaruh pengulangan sandblasting pada coating metode TWAS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengulangan sandblasting pada impeller pompa berbahan baku stainless steel 304 dengan metode Twin Wire Arc Spray Coating dengan NiAl sebagai bond coat dan FeCrBSiMn sebagai top coat. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesimen tanpa diberikan pelapisan dan spesimen tebaik yakni yang diberi pelapisan dengan satu pengulangan sandblasting. Karakterisasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekasaran permukaan (ISO 8503), kekerasan lapisan (ASTM E384), coating (ASTM D4541), dan laju korosi (ASTM G102). Pengujian SEM dan analisis ImageJ dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur lapisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sandblasting dengan satu pengulangan memiliki hasil kekasaran permukaan dan ketebalan lapisan terendah. Namun, memiliki hasil karakterisasi lapisan paling optimal dengan porositas dan unmelt terendah, kekerasan tertinggi dengan 1081.6 HV dengan coating yang sudah sesuai dengan standar yakni 14.5 MPa dan semakin banyak pengulangan sandblasting, semakin tinggi laju korosinya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah satu pengulangan sandblasting dalam metode TWAS sudah memberikan kualitas terbaik yang dapat meningkatkan performa dan penggunaan impeller pompa.