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Telaah Prinsip Good-Relationship di Dalam Kepemimpinan dan Organisasi Zaluchu, Sonny Eli; Waruwu, Mesirawati
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Pendidikan Kristen dan Kepemimpinan
Publisher : Sekolah Agama Kristen Terpadu Pesat Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47530/edulead.v1i2.36


AbstractThis research was conducted with a literature study that utilizes concepts, theories, and explanations from primary sources in books, journal papers, and other academic sources. The analysis presented descriptively to explore the principle of "good-relationship," a pattern of relationships created in leadership. The deepening of guides focuses on the efforts that need to be developed by a leader in influencing and functioning optimally for his followers to move together to achieve organizational goals. It can be concluded that transformative leadership is leadership that develops aspects of good-relationship through four main components, namely: leaders who get rid of the practice of fear, leaders who communicate effectively, leaders who are open or transparent, and leaders who are empathetic and listening. All of these components provide strong support for the formation of good-relationship patterns in any organization. Even though it can get affective commitment among followers, it was also found that these four components are an essential part of Christian leadership practice.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi literatur yang memanfaatkan konsep, teori dan penjelasan dari sumber-sumber primer berupa buku, paper jurnal dan sumber akademik lainnya. Analisis disajikan secara secara deskriptif untuk mendalami prinsip ‘good-relationship’ sebuah pola hubungan yang tercipta di dalam kepemimpinan. Pendalaman prinsip difokuskan pada usaha yang perlu dikembangkan oleh seorang pemimpin dalam memengaruhi dan berfungsi maksimal terhadap para pengikutnya untuk bergerak bersama-sama mewujudkan tujuan organisasi. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kepemimpinan transformatif adalah kepemimpinan yang mengembangkan aspek good-relationship melalui empat komponen utama yakni: pemimpin yang menyingkirkan psikologi ketakutan, pemimpin yang berkomunikasi efektif, pemimpin yang bersifat terbuka atau transparan dan pemimpin yang bersifat empati dan mendengarkan. Seluruh komponen tersebut ternyata memberikan dukungan kuat bagi terbentuknya pola good-relationship di dalam organisasi manapun. Bahkan melaluinya dapat diperoleh komitmen afektif di kalangan pengikut. Juga ditemukan bahwa keempat komponen ini merupakan bagian penting di dalam praktik kepemimpinan Kristen.
Parents' perceptions of distance learning during COVID-19 in rural Indonesia Delipiter Lase; Trisa Genia Chrisantiana Zega; Dorkas Orienti Daeli; Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol 16, No 1: February 2022
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v16i1.20122


This study was developed to investigate parents' perceptions and attitudes towards distance learning in response to many schools' closures due to the COVID-19. This research employed a qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of parents of elementary school students in the City of Gunungsitoli, Indonesia determined by purposive sampling technique, totaling twenty-four people. The data were collected using semi-structured interview techniques and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. This study shows that distance learning or learning from home in a research context takes the form of online and offline learning. The learning approach implemented during the COVID-19 emergency must be lived and supported without other options for parents. Although parents do not have negative perceptions, distance learning has increased the economic, psychological, and social burden on parents or families. The lack of parental involvement and support in children's learning process at home is generally due to the lack of time and parents' inability to become teachers for their children. Actions to accompany and support children's learning process at home are carried out to provide internet packages, help children master the material, and participate in completing assignments or tests given by the teacher. The surprising finding from this study is the decline in children's learning motivation and cognitive abilities. Parents hope that distance learning is not extended.  
Analisis Konflik dalam Narasi Pertikaian Sara dan Hagar dalam Kejadian 16:1-16 Sonny Eli Zaluchu; Ayu Aditiarani Seniwati
KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi Vol 6, No 2 (2020): KENOSIS: JURNAL KAJIAN TEOLOGI
Publisher : IAKN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37196/kenosis.v6i2.190


Conflict is the central theme in this paper by raising the narrative of the dispute between Sara and Hagar in Genesis 16: 1-16 about the birth of Isaac and Ishmael. This paper aims to discuss the dynamics of the ongoing conflict between Sara and Hagar by relying on narrative and using several contexts close to the central theme. The author uses a narrative approach to discuss and analyze. The dispute between Sara and Hagar was a narrative in the style of the Yahwista writers of Genesis. It can see in the analysis that the narrative writer of the Book of Genesis 16: 1-16 uses conflict as a drive for the plot in composing themes. Abraham did not resolve the dispute. Sara and Hagar could not be reconciled and coexist comfortably. In the end, Hagar expelled by Abraham and went on his way of life. The impact of Abraham's failure to reconcile his two wives led to disharmony of relations between his descendants today in the Middle East. The findings also show that conflict management in this narrative is not visible. Abraham, as the head of the family, could be said to have failed to manage the dynamics of his marriage. But on the other hand, the analysis also concludes that the conflict shows God's intervention to bring about the results of His covenant to Abraham regarding the offspring born from the womb of Sarah, his wife.Abstrak Konflik adalah tema sentral di dalam paper ini dengan mengangkat narasi pertikaian antara Sara dan Hagar di dalam Kejadian 16:1-16 di seputar kelahiran Ishak dan Ismael. Paper ini bertujuan membahas dinamika konflik yang berlangsung antara Sara dan Hagar dengan mengandalkan narasi dan menggunakan beberapa konteks yang dekat dengan tema pokok. Penulis menggunakan metode pendekatan naratif untuk melakukan pembahasan dan analisis. Hal ini dilakukan karena pertikaian Sara dan Hagar adalah sebuah narasi yang menjadi gaya para penulis kitab Kejadian dari kelompok Yahwista. Di dalam analisis, penulis narasi Kitab Kejadian 16:1-16 menggunakan konflik sebagai drive bagi plot di dalam merangkai tema. Bahkan ditemukan fakta bahwa konflik tersebut tidak diselesaikan oleh Abraham. Sara dan Hagar tidak dapat hidup berdampingan dengan nyaman dan damai. Pada akhirnya Hagar diusir oleh Abraham dan menempuh jalan hidupnya sendiri. Dampak dari kegagalan Abraham memperdamaikan kedua istrinya berujung pada ketidakharmonisan hubungan di antara keturunannya hari ini di Timur Tengah. Temuan juga memperlihatkan bahwa manajemen konflik di dalam narasi ini tidak terlihat. Abraham, yang memiliki banyak perempuan dalam statusnya sebagai kepala keluarga, gagal mengelola dinamika di dalam pernikahan yang dijalaninya. Akan tetapi di sisi lain, analisis juga menyimpulkan bahwa konflik tersebut memperlihatkan campur tangan Tuhan untuk mewujudkan hasil perjanjian-Nya kepada Abraham tentang keturunan yang lahir dari rahim Sara. 
Dinamika Hoax, Post-Truth dan Response Reader Criticism di Dalam Rekonstruksi Kehidupan Beragama Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/religio.v10i1.1310


This research is conducted through literature review to expose and analyze hoax phenomenon, post-truth paradigm, and reader-response criticism. This paper aims to elucidate the social extent to which hoaxes are formed as a result of the presence of post-truth paradigm in the mind of information waves as well as the impact of the digital revolution. The phenomenon will be described through hermeneutical method using reader-response criticism approach in the context of religious life. The research found that spiritual life can be developed in the right way through media-literacy, besides the spread of hoaxes, disinformation, and truth-oriented personal beliefs rather than facts.
Penebusan Rut Oleh Boas Sebagai Tipologi Penebusan Kristus Dan Refleksi Bagi Teologi Misi Masa Kini Ruat Diana; Sonny Eli Zaluchu; Deni Triastanti
KAPATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bethel Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.926 KB) | DOI: 10.55798/kapata.v1i2.10


This article deals with Boaz's redemption of Ruth as an Old Testament typology in explaining Christ's redemption in the New Testament. The formulation of the research problem is how is the relationship between the redemption of Ruth in the Old Testament and the redemption of Christ and the reflection of today's mission theology? The author uses historical methods (Historical Research) and descriptive methods (Descriptive Research), namely literature studies through supporting books and journals, regarding the redemption of Ruth by Boaz in the Old Testament and explaining Christ's redemption in the New Testament. From the context of redemption (go'el) in the Old Testament, the redeemer must have more ability or strength than someone who is redeemed. Because people who are redeemed are often described as weak or slave. Meanwhile, the context of redemption in the New Testament was immediately carried out by the Lord Jesus Christ through Christ's death on the cross and His resurrection to reveal redemption to all tribes, nations, who exist on earth as weak and sinful creatures, which is also the basis of mission theology for the message. The gospel for all sinners. The redemption made by Christ is not only for one tribe of Israel, but all people have the same right to salvation and redemption to live in union with Christ. Artikel ini membahas tentang penebusan Rut oleh Boas sebagai tipologi Perjanjian Lama dalam menjelaskan penebusan Kristus dalam PerjanjianBaru. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kaitan penebusan Rut dalam Perjanjian Lama dan penebusan Kristus dan refleksi teologi misi masa kini? Penulis menggunakan metode historis (Historical Research) dan metode deskriptif (Descriptive Research) yaitu studi pustaka melalui buku-buku dan jurnal yang mendukung, tentang penebusan Rut oleh Boas dalam Perjanjian Lama dan menjelaskan penebusan Kristus dalam Perjanjian Baru. Dari konteks penebusan (go’el) di dalam Perjanjian Lama,penebusharus memiliki kemampuan atau kekuatan lebih dari seseorang yang ditebus. Karenaorang yang ditebussering digambarkan sebagai orang yang lemah atau budak. Sedangkan konteks penebusan di dalam Perjanjian Baru langsung dilakukan Tuhan Yesus Kristus melalui kematian Kristus di kayu salib dan kebangkitan-Nya untuk menyatakan penebusan kepada semua suku, bangsa, yang ada di bumi sebagai mahkluk yang lemah dan berdosa, yang sekaligus sebagai dasar teologi misi bagi pekabaran Injil bagi semua manusia berdosa. Penebusan yang dilakukan oleh Kristus bukan hanya kepada satu suku Israel saja, tetapi semua orang memiliki hak yang sama untuk mendapatkan keselamatan dan penebusan untuk hidup bersatu dengan Kristus.
Pendekatan Reader Response Criticism terhadap Narasi Tulah di Mesir dalam Peristiwa Keluaran Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 4, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.226 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v4i4.9206


Reader Response Criticism (RRC) is a postmodern hermeneutic approach that emphasizes meaning lies not in the hands of the writer or text but the reader's hands. With this method, the approach to obtaining meaning depends very much on the reader's experience and the extent to which he places himself in the text. The problem is when this approach used for hermeneutical scriptures, and some new meanings emerge that even outperform mainstream textual meanings. This paper contains a discussion of the RRC approach and its use in analyzing the scriptures. The narrative used is the portion of the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt, where Elohim dropped ten plagues upon Egypt. New meaning instruments produced with this approach, such as plagues, are not merely miracle stories but products of natural phenomena. Likewise, the act of God in the plagues can be understood as an act of anger and discrimination. It can conclude that as a critical approach, the RRC method could not be entirely applied to hermeneutical scriptures because there are parts of the scriptures that must be preserved literally as part of the truth of the faith of believers. While on the other hand, the RRC is open to multiple meanings, which contradict the literal meaning in the text and context.
Sejarah dan Budaya: Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 14, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um020v14i22020p108-119


Marriage in Nias included in a traditional marriage model heavily influenced by the Nias people's pre-Christian culture and the customary law called Fondrako. That is why the color of local wisdom in its implementation is evident, but it also becomes a syncretism whenever it intersects with religious teachings. The Nias marriage scheme is, and what kind of Fondrako customary law influences its implementation, and the theological reposition of religion in the traditional marriage system is the discussion and objectives of this paper.  The method used is a literature study with qualitative analysis, which utilizes primary sources about Nias from books and research results. Conclusion: the practice of marriage in Nias took place in three stages, namely the search for the bride and groom (famaigi ono alawe), engagement (fanunu manu), and the implementation of the marriage itself (falöwa). Cultural values in Nias weddings are still solid and practiced today. The church in Nias has succeeded in carrying out the spiritual inclusion of tribal religions into Christianity in marriage procedures. One of this research's contributions is the need for awareness for the new generation of Nias to realize the Nias marriage scheme in its philosophical values rather than rejecting it for complicated and burdensome procedural reasons. The Nias generation itself must defend this cultural wealth.Pernikahan di Nias termasuk dalam sebuah model perikahan adat yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan pra Kristen dan hukum adat yang disebut Fondrako. Itu sebabnya warna kearifan lokal di dalam penyelenggaraannya sangat kentara, tetapi juga menjadi sebuah sinkretisme manakala beririsan dengan ajaran agama. Bagaimana skema pernikahan Nias, dan seperti apa hukum adat Fondrako membawa pengaruh di dalam pelaksanaannya, serta reposisi teologis agama di dalam sistem adat pernikahan adalah pembahasan dan tujuan yang ingin dikemukakan di dalam paper ini. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah studi pustaka dengan analisis kualitatif, yang memanfaatkan sumber-sumber primer tentang Nias dari buku-buku dan hasil penelitian. Disimpulkan bahwa praktik pernikahan di Nias berlangsung di dalam tiga tahap yakni pencarian calon mempelai (famaigi ono alawe), pertunangan (fanunu manu) dan pelaksanaan pernikahan itu sendiri (falöwa). Nilai-nilai budaya di dalam pernikahan Nias masih sangat kental dan dipraktekkan hingga dewasa ini. Gereja di Nias berhasil pada batas-batas tertentu melakukan inklusi rohani dari agama suku kepada agama Kristen di dalam tata cara pernikahan. Salah satu kontribusi penelitian ini adalah, perlu kesadaran bagi generasi baru Nias untuk menyadari skema perkawinan Nias di dalam nilai filosofisnya daripada menolaknya karena alasan prosedural yang ribet dan membebani. Kekayaan budaya ini harus dipertahkan oleh generasi Nias sendiri.
Respons Tests of Leadership Menurut Teori Frank Damazio Pada Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jurusan Kepemimpinan Kristen STT Harvest Semarang Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Jurnal Jaffray Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25278/jj71.v16i2.289


Seorang pemimpin tidak dilahirkan tetapi dibentuk. Tuhan menggunakan sejumlah ujian untuk pembentukan para pemimpin. Tujuannya, selain membekali, ujian dapat memurnikan panggilan, melatih keterampilan dan membuat para pemimpin bergantung pada Tuhan. Dengan demikian, kepemimpinan tersebut dijalankan tidak dengan caranya sendiri tetapi dengan cara dan agenda Tuhan. Sejumlah ujian itu adalah Ujian Waktu, Ujian Firman, Ujian Karakter, Ujian Motivasi, Ujian Kehambaan, Ujian Padang Gurun, Ujian Kesalahpahaman, Ujian Kesabaran, Ujian Kehendak Pribadi, Ujian Integritas, dan Ujian Pemberontakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana tanggapan pemimpin dalam menghadapi ujian kepemimpinan. Populasinya adalah para pemimpin gereja yang menjadi mahasiswa pascasarjana (S2) Kepemimpinan Kristen di STT Harvest Semarang. Analisis menggunakan nilai μ dari Confidence Interval menggunakan model eksogenous-endogenous variabel. Hasilnya, level respons pemimpin terhadap ujian kepemimpinan berada di dalam kategori sedang dan ujian padang gurun adalah faktor dominan yang memengaruhi kepemimpinan responden.A leader is not born but formed. God uses tests for the formation of leaders. The goal, in addition to equipping, analyses can refine purity, train skills and make leaders dependent on God. That leadership is exercised not in its way but in God's way and His agenda. Some of the tests are Time Tests, Word Test, Character Test, Motivation Test, Servant Test, Wilderness Test, Misunderstanding Test, Patience Test, Self-Will Test, Integrity Test, and Rebellion Test. This study aims to measure how leaders respond in the face of Leadership Tests. The population is church leaders, who are students of Christian Leadership Postgraduate (S2) in Christian Leadership Program at STT Harvest Semarang. The analysis uses μ values of Confidence Interval using an exogenous-endogenous variable model. As a result, the level of leader's response to the leadership tests is in the medium category, and the wilderness test is the dominant factor affecting their leadership.
Janji Pemulihan Israel dalam Kitab Zefanya: Refleksi Teologi Kovenan Daniel Pesah Purwonugroho; Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 2, No 1 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v2i1.21


The God of the Israelites is a God of covenants that bind covenants with humanity. Agreement between them has a binding nature to one another. Throughout the history of the Israelites recorded in the Old Testament, God often spoke through His prophets. God delivered a special message about the lives of the Israelites and also what He promised them through these prophets. All messages in the Old Testament and the prophetic books refer to a conditional Covenant. On the one hand, God pursues and punishes, but on the other hand, He restores. The Covenant theology reveals God's intention to punish and repair that is manifested in Christ's mission. This paper analyzes the implementation of the covenant theology in the ministry of the Prophet Zephaniah through the study of literature and sees its implementation for the presence of Christ in the world.Abstrak: Allah adalah Allah perjanjian yang mengikat perjanjian kepada umat manusia. Perjanjian yang terjalin antara Allah dengan manusia memiliki sifat yang sangat mengikat. Di dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel yang terekam sepanjang kitab Perjanjian Lama, Allah bersabda melalui nabi nabiNya. Allah memberikan pesan secara spesifik perihal kehidupan bangsa Israel dan juga apa yang menjadi janjiNya kepada mereka. Seluruh pesan Perjanjian Lama dan khususnya kitab Nabi-nabi mengarah pada satu perjanjian atau kovenan bersyarat. Pada satu sisi, Allah menuntut dan menghukum tetapi pada sisi lain, Allah memulihkan. Teologi kovenan menampilkan maksud Allah untuk menghukum dan memulihkan yang tergambar di dalam misi Kristus. Tulisan ini menganalisis implementasi Teologi kovenan di dalam pelayanan Nabi Zefanya melalui studi literatur dan  melihat implementaisnya bagi kehadiran Kristus di dunia. 
Metode Penelitian di dalam Manuskrip Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan Sonny Eli Zaluchu
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v3i2.93


A common problem regarding the method section in the structure of scientific journals is that they are written in general and not typical. A research method must report the procedures the researcher takes to carry out his research. The contents are not the same as the method descriptions in other studies. Therefore, this paper aims to explain the importance of methods in the structure of writing scientific journal articles. In particular, several methods commonly referred to in theological research are presented descriptively and topically. The conclusion obtained is, with the correct understanding of the research method, lecturers or researchers can produce theological research work that can be accounted for its academic validity. Research contribution: This paper provides insights to lecturers and researchers in writing and formulating methods in scientific journal papers and contributing material in writing scientific papers.Permasalahan umum mengenai bagian metode di dalam struktur jurnal ilmiah adalah ditulis secara umum dan tidak khas. Padahal, sebuah metode penelitian harus melaporkan prosedur yang ditempuh peneliti untuk menjalankan penelitiannya. Isinya tidak sama dengan penjelasan metode pada penelitian lain. Oleh karena itu paper ini bertujuan menjelaskan tentang pentingnya metode di dalam struktur penulisan artikel jurnal ilmiah. Secara khusus dipaparkan secara deskriptif dan topikal beberapa metode yang umum dirujuk dalam penelitian teologis. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah, dengan pemahaman yang benar tentang metode penelitian, dosen atau peneliti dapat menghasilkan karya penelitian teologis yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan validitasnya secara akademik. Kontribusi penelitian: Paper ini memberikan wawasan kepada dosen dan peneliti di dalam menulis dan merumuskan metode dalam paper jurnal ilmiah dan menyumbang materi dalam penulisan karya ilmiah.